2. Variables and of formulas

Recommendations for presentation of papers
1. Contents of the paper.
1.1. The maximum paper size is 8 pages. Font is Times New Roman, font size
is 12 pt, line spacing is1, top margins are 20 mm, and the others are 25 mm.
Indention is10 mm.
The paper includes the title, text, make-up figures, tables and a list of citing
references. Size excess is possible only in consultation with the deputy editor-inchief.
1.2. The arrangement of the paper structural components:
Names of authors
Sections of the main body with meaningful names
1.2.1. The paper should have UDC.
1.2.2. The paper title should be as concise as possible and reflect its contents.
Abbreviations in the title are undesirable.
1.2.3. Following the title the authors' initials and last names are given.
Sequence of authors is to their discretion. Other information about the authors is
formed by the editor in the make-up process.
1.2.4. Summary is the content of the article in brief (abstract). The size of the
summary is 150-250 words. The summary should contain: subject, aim, method or
methodology of the work, a brief description of the experimental procedure,
obtained results (specifically), recommendations for their usage. Summary should
not substitute an introduction to the paper for itself.
Abbreviations and acronyms are undesirable to be used in the summary.
1.2.5. Keywords - 5-10 words. Words and groups of words marked as
keywords should be present in the text.
1.2.6. Introduction should present a meaningful statement of the issue in
question, a brief analysis of the known solutions from the literature (with
references to sources), criticism of their shortcomings and advantages (features) of
the proposed approach. A clear statement of the work purpose is required
1.2.7. The main (substantial) part of the work should be structured into
sections. They should have titles rich in content. The title "Main part" is not
allowed. Introduction, sections and Conclusion are not numbered.
1.2.8. Conclusion. The main resume on the substantial part of the paper is
done. One should avoid simple enumeration of the material represented in the
paper. It is desirable to provide a reference to available grants on the subject of the
paper (specify by whom it is issued, the number, grant name), R & D (only names
are given without official numbers), target/special-purpose programs.
1.2.9. Literature, references, footnotes. Bibliographic references are marked
under GOST 7.0.5-2008. In the presence of the printed version of the monograph
or paper it is undesirable to make a reference to an online version. Numbering of
positions is done according to the sequence of their appearance in the text. The text
of the paper should contain references to all positions from the list of references.
Marking bibliographic references as footnotes are not allowed. Footnotes are
usually not used in the text. The list of citing references should contain periodicals
along with monographs. One should avoid references with more than ten years'
prescription. It is desirable to give references to papers published in the "Scientific
and Technical Journal of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics".
Names of the literature sources are given in their original language.
1.3. Abbreviations. Only standard abbreviations are allowed: etc., i.e.
Abbreviations introduced by the authors, should be defined at first mention. It is
undesirable to use abbreviations in the Conclusion and Summary. It is not
permitted to replace words with mathematical signs in the text: one should write
" equal ", "it is equal ", not "= "; " some, about, on the order of ", instead of " ~ ";
" less" instead of " < " ; " more " rather than" > "," not less than "rather than " ≥ ";
"no more ", not " ≤ ". The term "on the order of" should be used with caution - only
if it is on the order of magnitude of the decimal (right - "on the order of 108",
wrong - "on the order of 1.4").
2. Variables and of formulas
2.1. Font for variables and numbers - Times New Roman, font for Greek
letters - Symbol. Marking of matrices and vectors is done with direct, bold font,
vector sign (arrow) is not assigned. For letters - italic font (except sin, cos, tg, ctg,
min, max, extr). For Greek letters, Russian letters, numbers, brackets - Roman font.
The same writing is also applied to the upper and lower indices.
2.2. Size of variables in formulas - in accordance with the size of the main
text in the following proportions (for example - for the font # 12) : if the formula is
typed in Eqn3.0, the inlay settings are: Size 12, 9, 8 , 18, 12, if the formula is typed
in MathType, the inlay settings are: Size 12 , 58 % , 42 %, 150 %. 100 %. Scale for
variables and formulas when writing them in the MathType editor - 100%. (pt. 2.2.
is convenient to check in print and electronic copy simultaneously).
2.3. A decimal point - a comma (in Russian), "minus" sign - short dash, the
multiplication sign - × ( not x) , the sign of degrees - ° ( not O) arrow sign - → (
not -> ) .
2.4. Formulas are numbered only in case they are referenced in the text, for
example ... (3). There should be references in the text to numbered formulas.
2.5. All variables in the text should have decryption.
3. Figures and graphics
3.1. Requirements for variables on figures and graphics – see pt.2.1-2.3
3.2. Coordinate axes should be marked according to the following pattern:
< variable name > < units >. Scale should be marked out on the coordinate axes.
Graphs are allowed to be viewed on a linear scale, logarithmic and semilogarithmic scale. At least three points should be shown on the coordinate axis for
scale indication. Points corresponding with measurements should be necessarily
indicated on experimental dependences. The calculation curves are shown, as a
rule, without calculated points. Meanwhile, in the "legend" or captions it should be
explained what curves were obtained experimentally, and which - by calculation.
Coordinate scale or plotting scale should be shown in the photographs (similar to
the scale of the map).
3.3. Figures should have captions not inserted into the body (object) of the
figure. Availability of captions is mandatory, even if the figure follows the mention
of it in the text. Avoid titles like "Current-voltage dependence" instead of
"Current-voltage characteristic". All figures should be referenced in the text
(design pattern is <( Fig. 5 )>). Do not write (see Fig. 5). Numbering of figures is
through the text of the paper. If the figure (graph) presents several dependencies,
footnotes should be done on the figure itself and decryption is given as either "a
legend" on the figure or in the caption. Avoid color images; their usage is possible
only if the color has certain numerical information. Color is not allowed for
“marking” dependencies. "Screenshots" are not allowed to be used as graphics. An
exception is the usage of screenshots to illustrate the operation of software
products. In this case, the quality of the screenshots should allow size reduction at
printing. Algorithms should be represented neatly (usually using graphical editors
like Word or Visio) and in accordance with state standard specification.
4. Tables
4.1. Requirements for variables in the tables see pt. 2.1-2.3
4.2. Names for tables are necessary. Numbering is done through the text of
the paper. Availability of table references in the text is mandatory, even if the table
is in the text immediately after the mention of it (design pattern is < (Table 4). >).
4.3. Availability of units is mandatory (for example: V, Wt). If all the
variables in the table are measured in the same units, they may be indicated in the
title of the table or in the caption.
5. The measurement system
5.1. For the representation of physical units only basic SI units or multiples
are applied. Other units can be only tabular (permitted along with major SI units).
5.2. Physical quantities and multiple prefixes are written only in Russian
letters (including graphs). If the value is denoted by a fraction, its denominator is
taken in brackets, for example, Wt / (m • K).
5.3. The temperature may be measured in degrees Celsius (° C), or in Kelvin
(K), only one temperature scale should be used within the paper. Overheating (i.e.
"temperature difference") is measured in Kelvin (K).
5.4. Specification of measurement units for variables, if they comply with the
SI, for the formulas is not necessary (only in the case of substitution of specific
values in the formula as an example, or if the formula contains a numerical
conversion factor). For example, Ohm's law: I = U / R; but: λ = 300 /f, where f is
frequency, MHz. λ is wavelength, m.
6. Object structure of files
6.1. All objects to be layout (including formulas, tables and figures) should
be submitted in addition as a separate files and can be edited right up to the
terminal elements.
6.2. Figures, included into dummy layout of the paper, should be scaled as a
single object (an option "Grouping" should be used).
6.3. Automatic arrangement of references and automatic numbering of
formulas is not allowed.
Presentation requirements for full-text papers are retained with the following
1. Size is 1-3 pages. Font is 12 pt.
2. Availability of UDC is necessarily.
3. Summary size is 50-80 words.
4. Keywords - 1 line.
5. The text should be based on the same principles as the full-text paper
(formulation of the issue, problem statement, content part - obtained results,
conclusion - the main results). The words "Introduction", "Conclusion",
"References", and section titles are not written.
6. Literature contains recommended amount of 7-8 items. If the item is the
only one, it is not numbered and instead [L.] is written.
7. The usage of formulas and one (rarely - two) figures is allowed.