Sept. 2014-2015 Syllabus for ELA

Sept. 2014 6th English Language Arts Syllabus
1. Sept 2-5: Introduction to Writer’s Workshop; focus on personal writing on
pp. 4-15 in Writer Choice (W.C.) grammar emphasis on subjects, predicates,
and sentences in pp. 297-300 in W.C.; Vocabulary quiz #1-Vocabulary
Workshop (V.W.)
a. Sept 5: Vocab Quiz on Unit 1 words 1-10
i. Sept 2: Study guide will be provided
b. Writer’s Workshop will be a part of the curriculum 4-5 times a week
for 50-60 min at the same time everyday (K-8 have adopted this
program to ensure fluency and consistency across grade levels).
2. Sept 8-12: Continuing w/ personal writing and Responding to a poem on pp.
16-23 in W.C.; Subjects and predicates cont. pp. 301-304 in W.C.; Vocab quiz
a. Sept. 12 Vocab. Quiz on Unit 1 words 11-20
i. Sept. 8 Study guide will be provided
3. Sept 15-19: First formal essay introduced, grammar emphasis on compound,
subjects, compound predicates, and simple/compound sentences, Vocab Quiz
a. Sept 16: Class will receive instructions for 1st formal essay (see Social
Studies syllabus)
b. Sept 19: Vocabulary Quiz: Unit 2 words 1-10
4. Sept 22-26: Studying the differences between compound and proper nouns;
differences between singular and plural nouns in pp. 319-322, Vocab Quiz #4
a. Sept. 22 and 25: In-Class work on formal essay in tech lab
b. Sept 25: Vocab Quiz: Unit 2 words 11-20
c. Sept 26: Formal Essay Due
5. Sept 29-Oct 3: Grammar focus on Possessive Nouns, Action Verbs, Direct and
indirect objects on pp. 323-324 & 333-336; Vocab Quiz #5
a. Oct 3: Vocab Quiz: Unit 3 words 1-10