Igor Appel, Ph - Maritime Jobs

Igor Appel, Ph.D. (US citizen)
320 N street SW
Washington DC 20024
Contact Phone (202) 607-4915
E-mail Address: iappel@earthlink.net
Scientific management; Develop a system of monitoring environmental conditions,
combining information of remote sensing and numerical modeling
 Studied features of natural processes and media evolution, developed their
theoretical and statistical descriptions for various scales including interannual
and climate
- Assessed the impact of a new generation of spaceborne instruments and new
environmental data products upon numerical weather forecasts: work on improvement of
3D-VAR analysis and data assimilation from hyperspectral infrared sounders (AIRS,
IASI) and atmospheric motion vectors from satellite observations using optimization of
data subsetting and modification of assimilation algorithms
- Developed techniques to study climatology, long-term changes in atmosphere
circulation, and tele-connections between high and lower latitudes to analyze reasons of
interannual changes and develop forecasts tailored for specific location and individual
user needs. Distilled informative parameters from data sets to get knowledge valuable for
improving capabilities to support practical industry activities by long-term predictions
- Investigated the influence of river discharge upon ocean temperature, salinity, and ice
distribution in marginal arctic seas. Studied heat fluxes, seasonal and climatic changes in
the salinity of the upper ocean layer. Analyzed buoys' drift to describe ice rheology,
studied ice divergence, structure of boundary layers, ocean currents, and ice mass
- Studied and applied geometric-optics methodology analytically describing snow
directional reflectivity to improve optical sensor calibration and remote sensing products
Created new original algorithms to enhance processing and validating
remote sensing data (AVHRR, SSM/I, MODIS, Landsat, NPOESS, SAR,
AIRS, IASI) to identify, map, and monitor ocean, land surface state, sea
ice, snow, and clouds. Approved by NASA as a user of RADARSAT
information for application demonstrations
- Originated scene-specific approach to remote sensing based on the hypothesis that the
best quality of data retrieval is obtained when the assumption about variation of
endmembers and algorithm parameters from pixel to pixel is taken into consideration
- Created numerous algorithms synthesizing theoretical descriptions of dynamic and
thermodynamic processes, various forms of spectral mixture analysis, surface
temperature, and energy balance for NPOESS/JPSS to retrieve ocean, atmospheric, all
cryospheric Environmental Data Records (EDRs) on the basis of VIIRS observations
- Designed original approach to retrieve ocean surface currents from geostationary data
- Implemented jointly with Dr. Salomonson the algorithm to derive fractional snow
cover, used in operational environment of processing MODIS data (Collection 5 and 6)
Developed new approach to numerical modeling of environmental
changes, based on combination of analytical description of physical
processes and empirical data. Transitioned created numerical methods to
operational systems to simulate and forecast environmental conditions
- Created the first model of anisotropic sea ice cover, simulating main characteristics of
ice dynamics including compacting, ridging, typical system of leads in pack ice
- Formulated new methodology suppressing numerical viscosity in solutions of the finitedifference equations of advective changes. Efficiently supported navigation and offshore
energy resources explorations in an operational context by calculations and forecasting.
Reliably simulated interannual variability and climate change in ice distributiones
- Researched mesoscale irregularities in ocean and atmospheric circulations, ice thickness
and snow depth, their influence on dynamic and thermodynamic of ocean 
Supervised and directed two dozen scientists and technicians. Had
experience of technical management, leadership, contract monitoring
within cost constrains. Led international cooperation and managed private
business. Was as a mentor for the DOD program training companies
- Created comprehensive database of ice drift velocities and weather observations from
drifting ice in the Arctic Ocean, built by joint effort of Arctic and Antarctic Research
Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia and Applied Physics Laboratory, Seattle
- Participated in many field campaigns in both Russia and the United States: on research
vessels, icebreakers, sea ice, airplanes, and helicopters
- Created and used systems collecting, processing, and distributing environmental data to
support clients with operational information and forecasts
Worked with computer operational systems - UNIX, DOS, Windows;
programmrd in IDL, ENVI, FORTRAN, UNIX shell script, GRADS, etc.
Used GIS (including AML, Avenue, MapObject programming) and
several major image-processing systems for a wide range of applications
* Doctor's Degree (top in Russian classification) in Physical Oceanography. Thesis
"Numerical Modeling of Sea Ice Cover Evolution", 1989. Arctic and Antarctic Research
Institute, Leningrad, Russia.
* Ph.D. in Physical Oceanography. Thesis "Numerical Method of Sea Ice Cover
Redistribution Calculations", 1978. Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, Leningrad,
* Study of supplementary sections of mathematics. Leningrad State University, Russia.
* Bachelor of Physical Oceanography Degree with Honors. Leningrad
Hydrometeorological Institute, Leningrad, USSR. 4.0 grade average.
* Monograph "Numerical Analysis and Forecasts of Ice Cover Evolution during Melting
Period." More than 100 papers and scientific works. Entries for the Arctic Encyclopedia.
October, 2015 to Present
TAG LLC, Washington, DC
Principal Scientist
* Extend the application of scene-specific algorithm determining fractional snow cover
from polar areas to High Mountain Asia to estimate snow variability and climate trends
* Enhance the approach using analytical solution of radiative transfer model describing
snow bidirectional reflectance to calibrate optical sensors and retrieve snow properties
* Combine thermodynamic models of thin ice growth with remote sensing data and ice
drift analysis to estimate sea ice mass balance and surface heat fluxes in polar oceans
October, 2006 to December, 2015
IMSG/NESDIS/NOAA, College Park, Maryland
Senior Scientist, Program Analyst IV
* Developed, implemented, tested and validated enhanced VIIRS cryosphere algorithms
* Created and realized approach to retrieve ocean surface currents using GOES-R data
* Developed and tested bio-optical product algorithms that utilize in situ observations and
satellite imagery
* Used asymptotic analytical description of bi-directional snow reflectance for sensors
calibration and algorithm improvements
* Assessed the impact of a new generation of spaceborne instruments and new
environmental data products upon weather forecast; extensive validated and verified the
modified enhanced performance using post-processing software visualizing results
* Studied and estimated potential ways and technical solutions to improve assimilation of
atmospheric motion vectors and data from hyperspectral infrared sounder IASI
* Improved 3D-VAR analysis using optimization of data subsetting and modification of
assimilation algorithms, qualitative and quantitative comparison to relevant observations
April, 2006 to September, 2006
Fairweather, Inc., Anchorage, Alaska
Principal Consultant
* Studied and modeled ice and ocean dynamic in a marginal ice zone
* Retrieved meteorological and oceanographic information from numerical weather and
ocean models and several satellites including RADARSAT for operative support of
offshore activities
* Used event-driven programming combining ENVI and IDL for near real time
automated data processing
May, 2003 to March, 2006
Raytheon, Landover, Maryland
Principal Physics Engineer
* Developed original approach to remote sensing, based on scene-specific algorithms
applicable to global research and numerical modeling, obtaining climate quality data
* Modified and improved satellite sensor data processing, calibration, validation, and
analysis developing science algorithms and transitioning them to operational-ready codes
following principles of Quality Assurance and Quality Control from design, through
development, product assessment, preparing deliverables and technical documentation
* Developed the calibration and validation plans spanning the entire lifetime of the
including instrument characterization, sensor calibration, calibration verification, data
quality assessment, data product validation, long-term monitoring
* Worked with MODIS Sensor Data Record calibration trending tool to derive reliable
* Combined MODIS and hyperspectral AIRS radiances for cloud clearing, validated
snow and surface temperature products on the basis of VIIRS/MODIS/CrIS/AIRS data
* Developed and validated algorithms retrieving Environmental Data Records from
radiances received by the National Polar-orbiting Operational Environment Satellite
System (NPOESS) Visible/Infrared Imager/Radiometer Suite (VIIRS)
* Coordinated own studies with similar works in operational and research centers
* Fulfilled analytical studies of error balance, and analysis of systematic and random
errors of various algorithms
* Applied radiative transfer models (DISORT and 6S) to study surface BRDF, albedo,
the influence of the atmosphere and to develop look up tables
* Developed fractional snow cover algorithm to Aqua MODIS with missing band
* Actively participated in personally directed and group research, monitored contractors
April, 2001 to April, 2003
SSAI/GSFC/NASA, Greenbelt, Maryland
* Developed, modified and validated algorithms to derive state of land, snow, glacier ice,
sea ice, and ocean on the basis of analyzing Landsat, MODIS information, and in situ
* Hosted, tested and assessed different candidate science algorithms to determine the best
performance based on accuracy and latency requirements
* Demonstrated that global snow fraction retrieval could be realized. The ways to
develop the algorithm of global retrieval are outlined. Potential approaches to their
solutions are chosen
* Developed and applied specialized analysis of pixels clusters in space of reflectances
along with probability densities of the reflectances for a pixel classification
* Considered full atmospheric correction effects on surface reflectance and parameters
* On the basis of remote sensing, analyzed changes in Earth's surface state for different
scales from day-to-day changes to interannual variability, considered snow and ice
processes and application of snow and ice information for land surface hydrology, global
water cycle modeling, global measurement of precipitation and surface water
* Developed numerous applications of proposed algorithms from catchments
hydrological models to climate change models
November, 2000 to April, 2001
USGS Wildlife Research Center, Laurel, Maryland
Senior GIS Specialist
* Proposed, developed, and validated original approaches and algorithms to analyze
spatial distributions of different parameters including parameters determined with
significant uncertainty
* Fulfilled research, algorithm development, and all stage of GIS projects
* Used ArcInfo, ArcView, MapObject, and Spatial Analyst for study
* Gained expertise in using cartographic principles, GIS database design and structure
November, 1998 to May, 2000
Raytheon Systems Company, Lanham, Maryland
Principal Scientist
* Developed algorithms and software design using the hypothesis that the best quality of
environmental data records is obtained on the assumption about variation of endmembers
and algorithm parameters on a pixel-by-pixel basis
* Developed new approaches and original algorithms to retrieve snow and ice
Environmental Data Records from radiances received by the Visible/Infrared
Imager/Radiometer of the National Polar-Orbiting Operational Environment Satellite
System (NPOESS)
* Developed algorithms synthesizing various forms of spectral mixture analysis, surface
temperature, energy balance, and dynamic models using quality assurance and control
* Supported close relationship with NPOESS IPO, other groups of users and researchers
involved in development of VIIRS and CIMIS instruments and algorithms. Studied user
and operational requirements including accuracy, uncertainty, and latency
August, 1993 to November, 1998,
and summer, 2000
Fairweather Forecasting, Inc., Anchorage, Alaska
Vice-President / Senior Scientist
* Developed polar ice research techniques for measuring, modeling, and predicting
processes in oceans and ice redistribution, estimating their tactical consequences
* Combined data of active and passive microwave sensing with visible and infrared
information to derive ocean and land surface state, including ice characteristics, surface
topography and temperature
* Implemented, upgraded, maintained, evaluated and tested methodologies, models,
algorithms, transitioned them into operational systems
* Provided clients working in Alaska, Arctic, and Russian Far East with analyses of
current environmental conditions and forecasts (up to several months in advance) tailored
for the exact location and specific needs of clients
* Created system collecting, processing, and distributing environmental data
* Operated NOAA satellite downlink, collected and used SSM/I data from Defense
Meteorological Satellite Program, SAR information (X-SAR, ERS, JERS, RADARSAT),
worked with different GIS and image processing systems
Prior to August, 1993
Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
Head of the Numerical Methods Laboratory
* Studied physical processes governing evolution of environmental conditions, changes
in ice state, ocean salinity and temperature to understand the Earth's climate components
including ocean circulation and global ice processes
* Developed and used mathematical and numerical modeling to study natural and
anthropogenic environmental changes, monitor and forecast offshore conditions
* Led successful implementation of research results with operational units
* Created innovative data processing techniques, developed new measurement
technologies in Earth science, supported testing of space mission data, participated in
field campaigns, airborne, ground based, ice and ocean surface observations
* Planned, developed, and coordinated research studies of the Earth's hydrosphere using
observations on hydrosphere processes