How to register and see the doctor

135 High Street Lakenheath Suffolk IP27 9EP
Tel: (01842) 860400 Fax: (01842) 862078
Dr Timothy Daley MBCHB 1975 (Liverpool) DTM & H
Dr Lee Bower MB BS 1994 (London)
Dr Sarah Hutchinson MBCHB 1993 (Leicester)
We have a well equipped purpose built surgery in
Lakenheath, which has dedicated parking and full disabled
access. We also have a smaller branch surgery in Hockwold
at 120 Main Street Hockwold IP26 4NB.
How to register and make an appointment
To register with the practice, please contact reception.
We operate an appointment system. Everyday we have a
mix of routine and urgent appointments available. You can
book a routine appointment up to two weeks in advance to
see a doctor or nurse. If you need to see a doctor quickly,
we will do our best to offer an urgent appointment within one
working day. Unfortunately, for urgent problems we cannot
offer a choice of which doctor you will see, or at what time of
the day the appointment will be. In order to make an
appointment at Lakenheath or at Hockwold, please telephone
(01842) 860400.
Home visits
The main surgery is open daily (Monday-Friday) between
8.30 am and 6.30 pm. The premises are closed for lunch
between 12.30 and 1.30 pm.
Consulting hours at Lakenheath Surgery
Monday – Friday
8.30 am – 11.00
4.00 – 6.30 pm
Saturday/Sunday – Closed
Consulting hours at Hockwold Surgery
11.30 am – 12.30
Thursday 11.30 am – 12.30
If you are too ill to come to the surgery, we will visit you in
your home. Please remember that we cannot offer the same
level of service in your home because we do not have access
to full records and equipment. Home visits also take much
longer and reduce the number of people whom we can see
during the day, so whenever possible, we will arrange to see
you at the surgery. If you do need a home visit, please
contact us on (01842) 860400, preferably before 11.00 am.
Very often the doctor will telephone you back to get further
details about your problem in order to decide on the best
course of action.
Patient rights and responsibilities
We aim to offer our patients the best possible medical care.
If you are unable to attend your appointment, we would ask
that you cancel your appointment as soon as possible as
another patient may need the appointment.
Please try to order your repeat medication in good time before it runs out.
As with all NHS organisations, abusive, aggressive or
threatening behaviour towards the doctors and practice staff is
not acceptable and may result in removal from the practice
Your medical records
You have a right to confidentiality under the Data Protection
Act 1998.
We deliver medicines to Hockwold on Tuesdays and
Thursdays at 11.30 am. If we do dispense to you, you will
have to pay the current prescription charge, unless you can
prove that you are exempt from paying. If you have more
than two items per month, it may be worth buying a prepayment certificate. Please ask the dispenser for details.
Dispensary opening times:
Monday – Friday
9.00 am – 12.00
2.00 – 6.30 pm
Practice staff
We have two practice nurses, two dispensers, four
receptionists, a secretary and a practice manager. We work
closely with the district nursing team, the health visitors and
midwives. They may all be contacted through reception.
Services offered
Your records will be accessed only by the doctors and staff
involved in your care, and shared only with people that are
providing your healthcare and who need to know (ie district
nurse, hospital consultant, midwife, health visitor). Your
records may also be used to check the quality of your care
(clinical audit).
Family planning is provided by all the doctors. We prescribe
the pill, mini-pill and injections, and also fit coils. We also
provide emergency “morning after” contraception.
Outside working hours, an answerphone will give you the
number of the emergency doctor (normally 0300 130 3066)
Please have a pen and paper ready.
NHS Direct is a 24 hour confidential telephone service for
advice, or information regarding a particular condition.
To contact NHS Direct telephone 0845 46 47or
on-line at
We dispense medicines to patients who live more than a mile
from the pharmacy. If you live in the village of Lakenheath we
will provide you with a prescription, which you can then take to
a chemist of your choice. You can request your medicines,
or a prescription, as follows but please remember to
allow up to 2 working days notice for repeat
1. Tick the box next to the items you require on your
repeat request slip and place it in the Repeat
Prescription Box located at the front of the surgery or
post it through the front letterbox when the surgery is
2. Fax your request to 01842 862078
3. Email your request to
You may access your medical records. You may also ask for
a copy of all your medical records (a fee will be payable for
providing these). Please ask the doctor or practice manager.
If a third party needs to access your records (eg a solicitor or
insurance company), your written consent is required. A fee
is usually payable for third party access.
Complaints and comments
We are well aware that we do not always get it right, and we
welcome comments from our patients on how to improve our
service. If you wish to make comment or have a complaint,
please contact our practice manager.
Government Patient Survey
If you receive a copy of the Government’s Patient Survey in
the post, please take time to fill it in – the results of this
directly affects the funding your surgery receives:
Q1. Can I obtain an appointment with a GP (this means any
GP) within 2 working days? Yes. Anyone who needs to be
seen on the day will be offered an appointment
Q2. Can I obtain a consultation with a GP more than 2 days
in advance? Yes. Appointments can be booked up to 2
weeks in advance
Q3. Can I see my own GP? Yes. But please remember
that doctors will have holidays, training and occasionally
Our practice area covers
Sedge Fen
Holywell Row
Our telephone number is:
(01842) 860400
Emergency telephone number Out of Hours
0300 130 3066
West Suffolk Hospital telephone number
(01284) 713000
Suffolk PCT telephone number - (01473) 770000
Dental Helpline - 0800 389 6819
(Review date: 19.10.12.)