Suggested PDP goals that address World Language Department, Building, and/or SPF District Initiatives Communities – Global Connections To develop and implement a global project that will connect my students to an authentic, target culture audience, and provide students with the opportunity to collaborate on a final product, or to engage in ongoing communication on a specific topic for the purpose of analyzing and synthesizing authentic information and making cultural comparisons, and to assess this project regarding its impact on student learning and engagement. (This can be done individually or collaboratively with a colleague who teaches the same level) Technology To develop either my Teacher Web Page on the SPF District Website, or create a Wiki or a Blog that is linked to my Teacher Web Page, for the purpose of engaging students in ongoing collaboration and discussion, for a specific project in which students make cultural comparisons and analyze, synthesize and evaluate information from a variety of authentic sources, and to assess the impact of the project on student learning and engagement. To develop and implement a technology-based digital project that focuses on students synthesizing and analyzing cultural perspectives and making cultural comparisons, and which includes a pre-planning template, and a post-self assessment component. Unit Planning Work individually (or collaborate with a colleague) to develop a unit plan and an authentic performance-based culminating assessment on the Atlas Curriculum Mapping site for (language & level) using backwards design, and assess its impact on student interest, engagement and learning by getting feedback from students. Instruction: Pre-AP Strategies To implement strategies in all levels of my accelerated classes that will develop my students’ language proficiency and their ability to engage in and maintain spontaneous interpersonal conversations and interpersonal written exchanges on a variety of topics, and compare/contrast, analyze and synthesize information from various authentic print, audio, and video sources in a formal written or oral presentation, and assess the impact of these strategies on student learning and increased language proficiency. Assessment To create and implement culminating integrated performance assessments for at least one unit for each course level I teach, which reference an authentic, real-life scenario, and include an interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational segment, and to assess the effectiveness of the assessments on measuring students’ language skills and proficiency. Additional areas of focus: To learn about instructional strategies designed to develop and enhance students’ communicative proficiency in the target language in a student-centered learning environment, to implement such strategies in all classes, and to assess their impact on student speaking proficiency. To research and implement strategies to maximize opportunities for all students to actively apply language skills during each class period through a student-centered instructional approach that minimizes teacher-student interactions and increases studentstudent paired and collaborative communicative tasks in the target language. To enhance students’ ability to accurately interpret authentic text from a variety of resources including cultural Internet sites, online newspapers, ads, songs, and books, through the research and implementation of appropriate pre-reading and reading strategies that focus on the higher-level skills of synthesis, analysis, and comparisons. To learn about, create, and implement instructional opportunities that are adapted to diverse learners in a world language classroom by developing a differentiated lesson and a differentiated assessment for each unit of my (Lang/lev) curriculum, and assess the impact on student learning via student feedback. To learn about and use technology to enhance students’ authentic language experiences and help them to apply language skills, by having students communicate with students in a target-language country (or with another in-district or out-of-district class) using such technology as Skype or podcasts, and then create an end-product making cultural comparisons learned through this communication, and assess the impact on student learning and engagement. To learn about and use technology to enhance students’ authentic language experiences and help them to develop interpersonal and/or interpretive language skills by having students in (Lang/lev) create a Blog and Communicate/collaborate on a variety of topics and make cultural comparisons OR analyze/synthesize various authentic materials from a variety of sources (text, illustrations, audio), and make cultural comparisons Develop and present a workshop on Making Global Connections and present at a Department Meeting, Professional Development Day, or after-school workshop or Roundtable. **Many other goals are appropriate – this is only a sample of possible goals Sample Activities to Achieve Goals Read professional articles or publications Attend professional development workshops In-district Related Department Meetings Related Roundtables Present a workshop In-district Out-of-District Develop new methodologies Collaborate with colleagues to develop or create…. Participate in professional discussion groups (i.e. Book clubs, professional learning communities) Create a Blog and lead a professional discussion Complete peer Observations Chair a professional learning community Take related graduate or other college-level classes Create applicable lesson or unit plans Create applicable assessments Participate on applicable departmental committee(s) Develop and administer a student self-assessment rubric, survey, questionnaire Analyze results of self-assessment rubric, survey, questionnaire Develop a Portfolio of… **Many other activities in addition to those on this list may be appropriate. This is only a list of possible activities