THE VICIOUS CYCLE OF OBESITY: DO EPIGENETICS PLAY A ROLE? Epigenetics as a new mechanism to explain why obesity is transgenerational.. AIMS This website will focus on The novel idea of epigenetics in obesity The role of altered epigenetic mechanisms in developmental induction of obesity, and how these processes may make a significant contribution to the obesity epidemic To assess the effect of maternal and paternal obesity on the health of the future offspring Complications of pregnancy associated diseases in obesity and how epigenetics have a role in these This site was made by a group of University of Edinburgh Biomedical Sciences Honours Students who studied this subject over 8 weeks as part of the Reproductive Systems course. This website has not been peer reviewed. We certify that this website is our own work and that we have authorisation to use all the content (e.g. figures) used in website. We would like to thank Dr Marian Aldhous for her help and guidance throughout this project. Word Count: 5948 INTRODUCTION While the effects of smoking and alcohol on the developing foetus are well established, the role of parental obesity is sometimes overlooked.[1,2] As obesity affects 15-20% of pregnant women in the UK, its impact on pregnancy and the offspring is important to understand.[3] Obesity is Hereditary Both maternal and paternal obesity have been linked to an increased risk of obesity and obesity related health problems (Fig.1) in the offspring through epigenetic changes.[4,5,6] Maternal obesity increases the risk of almost all pregnancy complications, such as premature labour, gestational diabetes and pre-eclampsia, which in turn increase the offspring’s risk of developing obesity.[7] Obesity seems to be a vicious cycle, often transmitted from generation to generation. However, the underlying mechanism remains elusive and is an area of much research, with proposed epigenetic mechanisms at the forefront. Understanding the role of epigenetics in obesity could allow us to treat and prevent obesity at the foetal stage, thus offering a possible solution for the worldwide epidemic of obesity. The Effect of Parental Nutrition On Offspring According to Barker’s hypothesis, exposure to an adverse intrauterine environment predisposes to developing disease later in life. [8] Studies on the Dutch Famine of 1944 show this. Children whose mothers suffered from under-nutrition during the last trimester of pregnancy were born smaller than average and had lower rates of obesity later in life, while children whose mothers were malnourished only in early pregnancy were born normal-sized but had high rates of later life obesity. This indicates that an adverse intrauterine environment causes metabolic adaptations that have long-term health impacts.[9,10] Furthermore maternal over-nutrition, and recently also paternal obesity, have been shown to affect the long-term health of offspring.[10] Epigenetics And Its Mechanisms Epigenetics, meaning “on top of genetics,” refers to changes in gene expression that are not related to changes of the DNA sequence.[11] It is a naturally occurring process but can be influenced by the environment, resulting in epigenetic modifications. These modifications are mediated by three potential mechanisms (Fig.3): 1. DNA Methylation A methyl-group is added to the carbon-5 of a cytosine base by a methyltransferase enzyme, turning it into a 5-methylcytosine (Fig.2). This occurs at CpG sites throughout the genome, where a cytosine is located next to a guanine – promoter regions of genes are especially rich in these sites. Methylation prevents transcription factors from binding to the gene and therefore silences it.[12] 2. Histone Modification Histones can be modified by methylation, acetylation, phosphorylation and ubiquination of their tails. These modifications control how condensed the chromatin around the histones is, which controls whether transcription machinery can bind to the DNA and allow gene expression.[13] Histone modifications and DNA methylation often act together.[12] 3. Non-coding MicroRNA’s Small, single-stranded, non-coding pieces of microRNA may control the structure and expression of mRNAs and therefore be able to silence genes. However, this is poorly understood.[12] Genomic Imprinting Genomic imprinting is a subset of epigenetics that is controlled by the epigenetic mechanisms described above. Usually every gene is functionally diploid, with one allele inherited from each parent and their transcription is controlled together. However, a small proportion of genes (~100 in humans) are imprinted.[14] This means that either the maternal or paternal allele is silenced, and only one allele is expressed. Imprinting may have evolved in response to parental conflict; the paternally imprinted genes tend to be growth promoting and encourage distribution of resources to the foetus, whereas maternally imprinted genes tend to limit growth to conserve the mother’s own resources.[15] Emerging evidence suggests that imprinting may be altered by parental obesity and this could explain the trans-generational effect of obesity – a concept that will be explored in this website. IMPRINTING IN OBESITY The Role of Obese Parents It is becoming increasingly apparent that whilst pre-determined genetics and post-natal environment play a role in determining an offspring’s risk of obesity, epigenetic reprogramming taking place during foetal development, also has a role. [5,16,17] The ill-effects of in utero undernourishment on foetal development and life-long health has been well studied. [18,19] It has brought to light the notion that nutritional availability in utero influences foetal programming. [19] Maternal obesity increases the availability of nutrients for developing foetuses, thus they take up more nutrients.[20]Underlying mechanisms affecting foetal growth during pregnancy as a result of maternal obesity are likely to involve the dysregulation of glucose, insulin and lipid transfer to the foetus. [21] Animal studies have shown that foetuses over-nourished in utero display altered glucose-stimulated-insulin secretion in pancreatic islet cells and altered orexigenic peptides in the hypothalamus. [22,23] This suggests that prenatal nutrition, particularly glucose, is sufficient to programme epigenetic alterations in the foetus, with regard to glucose tolerance and appetite control. Though the effects of maternal nutrition on foetal development is better documented, evidence is emerging that suggests there is a paternal contribution to heritable epigenetics. This is mediated through exposure of developing sperm to environmental insults at timewindows of particular vulnerability. [24] This theory supports a recent mouse experiment whereby obesity related phenotypes were worse in mice born to two obese parents compared to one. [25] Imprinting and the Developing Baby The phenomenon of imprinting, creating functionally haploid genes, is thought to have a strong role in the growth-determinence of offspring both pre- and post-natally. [26] An innate problem of being functionally haploid is an increased vulnerability of imprinted genes to epigenetic dysregulation in response to alternate exposures, such as parental obesity. [27] The imprinting marks on the parental chromosomes forming a foetus are removed and remarked at fertilisation. [28] However, there is a build up of evidence suggesting not all of these parental marks are erased, thus some imprinting marks may be trans-generational. This provides a mechanism by which the epigenetic methylations contributing to parental obesity phenotypes may be passed on from parent to child. [24,25] The maternal and paternal genomes have differing but balancing drives for allocating maternal resources to the developing foetus in utero. These drives are mediated through differentially imprinted genes affecting placental development and nutrient transport capacity. The paternal genome maximises allocation of maternal-foetal resources and the maternal genome conserves. This balance is facilitated through regulation of differing imprinting centres controlling different imprinting genes, coding for placental and foetal growth factors (Table 1). [22] Other Epigenetically Modifiable Genes Whilst Imprinted genes are at the forefront of research into the transgenerational phenotype of obesity, other non-imprinted genes have been shown to undergo differential methylation in response to parental obesity (Table 2). However, as these genes are functionally diploid, they are less vulnerable to adverse environments and so perhaps less intrinsic to the recent increase in the prevalence of obesity. Balancing Imprinting An imprinted balance of particular consequence is the Insulin Growth Factor 2 (IGF2)/H19 gene and the IGF2 Receptor gene. [27] The expression of these genes is controlled by imprinting centres on Chromosome 11 and 6 respectively. [29,30] IGF2 is maternally imprinted and stimulates placental and foetal growth. The IGFR and H19 genes are paternally imprinted and restrict maternal resources and foetal growth. A mismatch in the balance of these genes, especially as IGF2 and H19 share a common Imprinting Centre, is proposed to have a role in the deregulation of foetal metabolic programming that contributes to the transgenerational obesity phenotype. [27] The importance of this imprinting regulation is demonstrated in extreme medical conditions, such as Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome, caused by perturbations in the control of imprinted genes (Fig.7). These conditions have devastating effects on growth and development. [31] The concept that parents may capture messages from their external environment as epigenetic modifications combined with emerging notions that imprinting marks are not as “wiped clean” as originally thought, provides a mechanism by which imprinting may contribute to the trans-generational phenotype of obesity. The epigenetic imprinting perturbations have a lifelong effect in the programming of body-weight and manifestation of metabolic diseases. [20,24] MATERNAL OBESITY The effect of maternal obesity on pregnancy outcomes is well documented. However, understanding the exact mechanism by which obesity affects the offspring presents challenges. One theory considers that epigenetic modifications in obese mothers that may cause permanent changes in foetal programming of adult disease. This could be a mechanism possibly linking maternal obesity to childhood obesity, pre-eclampsia and gestational diabetes (GDM). Studies have shown alterations in DNA methylation and histone modifications dependent on maternal diet. This suggests that epigenetic analysis may be useful to identify individual vulnerability to later obesity and metabolic disease. One of the biggest challenges will be to discover ways that maternal metabolism alters chromatin structure in the foetus through epigenetic events. Determining this could lead to a revolutionary way to tackle obesity from inside the womb. POTENTIAL EPIGENETIC MECHANISMS Obese mothers mean obese children… So Where do Epigenetics Fit In? Epigenetic mechanisms might mediate some associations of maternal obesity with offspring outcomes (Fig.9). DNA methylation in response to over-nutrition may affect metabolic imprinting of genes that control energy homeostasis. DNA methylation is environmentally responsive and could provide a viable explanation for the developmental origins of disease. DNA methylation is proposed as a mechanism in relation to developmental obesity. A study (Fig.10) generated an example of methyl-dependent epigenetic modification, where two sets of genetically identical pregnant mice were given Bisphenol A (BPA). [32] BPA is proposed to disrupt epigenetic reprogramming of the mice-specific Agouti gene. One set of mice received BPA plus a normal mouse diet and the other set received BPA plus a methyl-rich diet. The mouse with the BPA plus a normal mouse diet had its agouti gene completely unmethylated and its phenotype was obese, prone to cancer, diabetes and a yellow coat. The mice with the BPA and supplemented diet had its agouti gene methylated, was normal weight and had a brown coat. This is a prime example of epigenetics working via DNA methylation changes. What Evidence is there for Epigenetic Modification occurring in Obese Mothers? Leptin Several energy homeostasis genes such as those for Leptin, SOCS3 and Glucose Transporters are regulated by DNA methylation and histone modifications. Leptin is a strong candidate for DNA methylation studies to verify whether epigenetic mechanisms are affected by glucose metabolism dysregulation during pregnancy. The study by Bouchard et al has shown that placental Leptin gene DNA methylation levels were correlated with glucose levels in women with impaired glucose tolerance. One hypothesis is that maternal hyperglycaemia leads to foetal Leptin gene DNA demethylation which leads to higher mRNA levels and higher leptin levels, possibly promoting leptin resistance and obesity development. [33] This is largely speculative but does provide a potential epigenetic mechanism to explain the detrimental health effects associated with maternal obesity in pregnancy. IGF2 The IGF2 gene (maternally imprinted) plays an important role in the regulation of growth during gestation and is highly regulated by its methylation status. The Dutch Famine is probably the best human example of the differences in IFG2 DNA methylation. [34] An increased level of IGF2 protein in cord blood is associated with low levels of IGF2 methylation, which is a stronger association in children of obese women. [35] This was shown in a study when infants in the heaviest weight category at 1 years old had higher percentages of methylation of IGF2 regulator H19 in cord blood. [36] Higher circulating IGF2 protein levels have been associated with obesity in adults. RXRA Epigenetic DNA methylation, specifically CpG methylation, of specific gene promoters in neonates has been linked to child obesity; a study found that greater methylation of retinoid X receptor-α gene (RXRA) in children at birth was associated with higher adiposity in later childhood. [37] In addition to RXRA, eNOS, SOD1, IL8 and PI3KCD in umbilical cord tissue have all been positively correlated to DXA-determined fat mass. Histone Modification Foetal histone H3 serves as an epigenetic mark for active or inactive chromatin. A study has shown that a significant in utero exposure of a caloric-dense high-fat maternal diet in primates induces site-specific alterations in foetal hepatic H3 acetylation. [38] The results obtained suggest that a caloric-dense maternal diet leading to obesity epigenetically alters foetal chromatin structure in primates via histone modifications. This lends a molecular basis to the foetal origins of adult disease hypothesis as proposed in Barker’s Hypothesis. [9,39] Obesity in the mother can lead to gene-specific alterations in the histones of her baby, which may explain the vulnerability of the offspring to later obesity and metabolic disease. Bariatric Surgery Further evidence of potentially modifiable epigenetic factors in obesity mothers came from a study where 113 obese mothers were given biliopancreatic bypass surgery and their offspring were observed up to 18 years of age. The outcome demonstrated that pre-pregnancy bariatric surgery lowered the risks of obesity related diseases in offspring. [40] Targeting the obesity epidemic could begin in the womb If obesity in the mother does influence the methylation process this could predispose offspring to many health problems. In conclusion, increased adiposity in pregnancy leads to many complications. We still do not know if DNA methylation status is an important mediator between maternal obesity and pregnancy. Further research is needed to show that these epigenetic modifications influence protein expression and if they occur at conception or postconception. GESTATIONAL DIABETES GDM is defined as glucose intolerance which begins or is first detected in pregnancy. [41] As high pregravid BMI is a major risk factor for developing GDM, it is becoming a more common problem with rising obesity rates. It has many well understood complications for both mother and baby such as macrosomia, shoulder dystocia and pre-eclampsia. [42] These complications are suggested to be directly related to the hyperglycaemia experienced in GDM. As well as negatively affecting foetal growth and parturition, in utero hyperglycaemia has long-term consequences on the offspring’s anthropometric and metabolic development. A longitudinal study found that at eight years old, the children of GDM mothers were 30% heavier than expected for their height, suggesting that exposure to GDM may predispose them to obesity later in life. [43] Other studies show that such offspring are also at increased risk of developing diabetes; resulting therefore in a vicious cycle. [44] Maternal obesity is a risk factor for pregnancy complications regardless of diabetes status, and is thought to affect the epigenome of the offspring. It remains unclear whether GDM has an impact independent to obesity. The majority of studies tend to look at the effects of maternal obesity and gestational diabetes in conjunction, and therefore few papers directly addressing the impact of GDM on imprinting and the offspring’s epigenome exist. It is hypothesised that exposure to GDM can affect the offspring’s epigenome, leading to abnormal development. GDM may lead to disruption of glucose transport through alterations in DNA methylation levels. One study found reduced mRNA and protein expression of GLUT1,-2 and -3 in pre-implantation mouse embryos from GDM mothers. It is thought that the hyperglycaemic environment downregulates glucose transport causing a fall in free intracellular glucose, which may lead to glucose deprivation in critical times of foetal development. [45] Imprinted Genes in the Offspring Evidence of GDM affecting the expression of imprinted genes exists. A study investigated the effect of GDM on the epigenome by collecting cord blood and chorionic villi (placental) tissue from newborns of insulin dependent GDM mothers, dietetically treated GDM mothers and non-GDM mothers. [46] This tissue was then used to study the methylation levels at the DMRs of various genes. Multivariate ANOVA models were used to control for confounding factors and therefore the observed effects are unlikely to be caused by the higher maternal BMI in the GDM group. The only significant difference between GDM and non-GDM offspring was the hypomethylation of the maternally imprinted MEST gene, showing relaxed imprinting at the maternal allele. Overexpression of MEST has been shown to lead to adipocyte hypertrophy and an increase in fat mass. [47] This hypomethylation of MEST was also found in the blood of obese adults, supporting the idea that GDM may program an increased risk of adult obesity in utero. [46] Imprinted Genes in the Placenta Abnormal methylation of imprinted genes was also observed in another study. [45] The methylation of H19 was decreased and PEG3 increased in the placenta of diabetic mice at mid gestation. The expression of the paternally imprinted H19 was increased, which could lead to decreased birth weight in the offspring. In this study, these abnormal methylation and expression patterns were seen only in the placenta and not the foetus. This dysregulation of the H19/IGF2 imprinting region has links to obesity which are explored in the paternal obesity section of website. The non-imprinted LEP gene and its receptor were also abnormally expressed by the GDM placenta. The evidence suggests that these are also important factors in the foetal programming of obesity. As there is a lack of research it can be difficult to draw conclusions, but the current evidence suggests that maternal GDM affects the epigenome of the offspring, including altering the methylation and expression of the imprinted genes H19 and MEST. It also appears that GDM can have effects independent to maternal obesity and confers additional risks. GDM is therefore an important complication of maternal obesity, which may through altered gene expression cause an increased risk of metabolic disorders to the offspring in adulthood (Fig.11). PRE-ECLAMPSIA What is Pre-eclampsia? Pre-eclampsia is a pregnancy-associated disease characterized clinically by onset of hypertension and proteinuria after 18 weeks gestation. During decidualisation, extravillous trophoblast cells invade into the tunica media of spiral arteries and remodel them. This creates a low resistance, high flow system for nutrient transport to the growing foetus (Fig.12). However in pre-eclampsia, this process is inadequate which leads to vasoconstriction and subsequently to the clinical picture seen. [48] Links between Pre-eclampsia and Obesity Obesity is a strong risk factor for pre-eclampsia and obese women have a 2-3 times increased risk of developing it. This measure is based on pre-pregnancy weight, highlighting that obesity can affect the foetus and placenta at all stages of their development. [49] This concept is supported by the fact that obesity increases the risk of both early onset pre-eclampsia (EOPE), starting before 34 weeks, and late onset pre-eclampsia (LOPE), starting after 34 weeks. [50] Despite these links, the mechanism triggering pre-eclampsia remains elusive. [51] As discussed in earlier sections, there is strong evidence that epigenetics may mediate the changes seen in offspring of obese women and therefore, the same may be true of obesity and pre-eclampsia. What Impact May Epigenetics Have On Pre-eclampsia? The placenta has been shown to contain the highest levels of imprinted genes during development and therefore it is possible that dysfunction of these genes could result in preeclampsia. Since it has been shown that not all epigenetic marks are removed during gametogenesis, it is possible that epigenetic variations could be passed from one generation to the next. [52] This is important, since the placenta derives from embryonic tissue as opposed to maternal tissue and therefore underlying placental insufficiency in pre-eclampsia may be due to the trans-generational inheritance of imprints. [50] To assess whether a link exists between epigenetics and pre-eclampsia, studies of placental biopsies at delivery have been compared to assess methylation levels. The study found a >5% difference in the methylation levels between preterm and term patients with pre-eclampsia and controls, which related to 229 gene loci. As this number of genetic variations is beyond the scope of this website, we focus on a smaller set of maternally expressed genes with links to pre-eclampsia. [53] CDKN1C CDKN1C is a maternally expressed gene in mice and humans that has been linked to preeclampsia. [50] In mice models when CDKN1C heterozygous females mated with wild type or CDKN1C heterozygous males, they developed proteinuria and hypertension, suggestive of pre-eclampsia. Furthermore, the pups without CDKN1C had poor trophoblast invasion and intermediate trophoblast hyperplasia, reflective of the clinical picture of pre-eclampsia. [54] Moreover, studies in children up to age nine have identified the impact of this. For every 1% increase in the methylation of CDKN1C, there was a 2.08% increase in BMI, which was found statistically significant. [55] This increased methylation can be shown to reflect the mouse model, since methylation inactivates gene expression, giving them a phenotype similar to the pups without CDKN1C. [54] Furthermore, obese adults have been shown to have downregulated expression of CDKN1C in their adipose fat tissue, highlighting that the early changes seen may carry on into adulthood and alter the genes expression during pregnancy. [56]However, mice studies have been unsuccessful, as when obese mice were given either a controlled fat diet or a high fat diet, the high fat diet group failed to conceive. Therefore, the relationship between obesity and CDKN1C imprinting is difficult to determine. [57] 11B HSD2 11B HSD2-gene is altered by epigenetic mechanisms in obese mothers. [58] Its main function is to convert active cortisol into inactive cortisone in the placenta (Fig.13), which is critical since the circulating volume of active glucocorticoids in the maternal blood is 1000x higher than in the foetus. [59] The placentas of pre-eclampsia patients have been assessed and shown to possess lower levels of this enzyme compared to controls. [60] This means that more maternal cortisol is able to cross the placenta, which has been postulated to cause many long-term foetal problems. [59] In sheep models, transient exposure to exogenous steroid reduced nephron numbers in the foetus and predisposed to kidney disorders and hypertension in later life. [61] This may explain the epidemiological finding that the offspring of pre-eclampsia patients have a higher risk of developing hypertension and pre-eclampsia. [62] Obesity in these children is also more common which may reflect animal studies showing that rats exposed in utero to high corticosteroid levels had an increased body weight and a 30-40% increase in adipose tissue size, supporting the idea that 11B HSD2 changes may lead to alteration in the foetus. [63,64] PATERNAL OBESITY The in utero environment impacts and infant’s life and can predispose them to disease. For a long time it was thought that this was solely due to maternal factors with the male only supplying a set of chromosomes. However, a relatively new concept surrounding paternal obesity and epigenetics has emerged. In Drosophila it was found that dietary interventions in males could change the body composition of the offspring. High levels of dietary sugar lead to obese offspring and also alterations in gene expression, suggesting epigenetic modifications occurred. [10] This captivating new concept of paternal obesity affecting the offspring and the maternal environment that the offspring is exposed to is explored here. WHY DO FATHERS MATTER? Paternal Obesity Effect on Offspring Health Recent research has shown that fathers contribute more than just genetic information to their offspring. The health of the father at the time of conception impacts a set of genes termed imprinted genes. Due to the growing prevalence of obesity a lot of work has gone into observing the effects of paternal obesity on general offspring health. Adipocytes are lipid-storing fat cells that can be affected by changes in metabolism and hormones in early infancy, acquiring excess fat leading to childhood obesity. At this time period insulin is an important regulator of fat accumulation. Variations in the Insulin gene (INS) have been shown to affect insulin secretion. During foetal development INS expression is controlled by the paternal allele. This indicates a link between paternal gene expression and insulin secretion which in turn controls weight. It has been shown that with a class III INS gene the infant has lower insulin production and a higher risk of DMII. The most common class of the INS gene in the population is class I which predisposes the offspring to obesity. A variable number tandem repeat in the 5’ region of the INS gene alters not only the INS gene, but also IGF2 which is a well researched paternally expressed gene. [65] Investigations into the IGF2 signalling pathway have brought to light roles of IGF2 in glucoseregulated metabolism and energy expenditure. These roles have effects on foetal growth and size. [66] Paternal obesity has been suggested to significantly reduce DNA methylation at three points: Mesoderm-Specific Transcript (MEST), Neuronatin (NNAT) and Paternal Expressed Gene 3 (PEG3). It is important to note that in this experiment the researchers controlled for maternal age, smoking, education, newborn’s gender and race. [4] Looking into offspring from a cross of male B6 mice (susceptible to high fat diet induced obesity) and female PWK mice (resistant to high fat diet induced obesity) gave insight into the role of PEG3 and IGF2. These offspring (Offspring set 1) were compared to F1 generation of female B6 mice and male PWK mice (Offspring set 2), shown in table 3. Not only were set 1 offspring more sensitive to high-fat diet-induced obesity, they also had a down regulation of PEG3 and IGF2. This implicates that IGF2 and PEG3 genes have a function in the paternal transmission of high-fat diet-induced obesity. [67] An environment where there is abundant or insufficient food available during a male’s slow growing phase (a period of time before puberty were environmental factors have a greater impact on the body) affects offspring health. If there is insufficient food offspring have a lower risk of cardiovascular mortality. If there is abundant food the risk of diabetes is increased. [68] Paternal obesity has also been implicated in disorders previously thought to be solely maternally controlled, such as autism and Asperger’s syndrome. A study found that paternal obesity increased the risk of offspring being on the Autistic Spectrum by 73%, and doubled the risk of offspring having Asperger’s syndrome. This study took into account maternal obesity, sociodemographic and lifestyle factors and found that paternal obesity was a larger risk factor for Autism and Asperger’s than maternal obesity. [69] Paternal obesity could impact multiple generations. A study in mice in which the fathers were on a high fat diet and their female offspring were on a control diet (limiting environmental effects on the results) showed negative outcomes in blastocyst development, cumulus cells, oocytes and ovaries. Female offspring had significantly higher trophoectoderm cell number and a lower proportion of the blastocyst was inner cell mass compared to females whose fathers were fed a control diet. Cumulus cells and the ovary had increased expression of glucose transporters. Females showed a subfertility phenotype with impaired embryo development and quality along with raised lipid content seen in cumulus-oocyte complexes. This study also showed that male mice on a high fat diet had reduced sperm motility themselves. [70] The detrimental effect on offspring germ cells could further add to the transgenerational phenotype of obesity. POTENTIAL EPIGENETIC MECHANISMS Obesity in men is associated with elevated levels of oestrogen, inflammation and increased oxidative stress, all of which can alter DNA methylation profiles. Furthermore, a wide variety of environmental exposures modify DNA methylation patterns in sperm and therefore influence the offspring. It has been suggested that the re-establishment of DNA methylation occurs in male spermatogenesis from primordial germ cell stage to fertilisation via epigenetic modifications. This leads to altered gene expression in the offspring and therefore could indicate a transgenerational epigenetic mechanism for obesity. Soubry et al have proposed a ‘Four Windows of Susceptibility’ hypothesis. These are four stages of vulnerability that male germ cells are exposed to throughout the reproductive cycle (Fig.17). [6] IGF2 The most well-established imprinted gene that is influenced by paternal obesity is IGF2, which as mentioned previously, affects foetal size and growth. IGF2 is a maternally imprinted, 67 amino acid chain plasma protein with a similar primary and tertiary structure to insulin. It promotes placental nutrient transport and foetal growth and its expression is closely balanced with another imprinted gene, H19. [71] On the paternal chromosome the H19 promoter region is hypermethylated and inactive (Fig.18). In balance, although the IGF2 region is not hypermethylated on the maternal chromosome, it is silenced by the CTCF binding protein. [72] Both the foetus and the labyrinth trophoblasts of the placenta produce IGF2 and in utero this binds to both IGF type1 (IGF1R) and type2 (IGF2R) receptors. [73] IGF1R exerts the biological effect of IGF2 for foetal growth and development while IGF2R binds and degrades IGF2. The high prevalence of both receptors on the placenta implies paracrine release of IGF2 influences placental growth and function. [71] The NEST birth cohort brought to light an inverse association between paternal BMI and IGF2 methylation in umbilical cords, independent of maternal BMI. Low levels of IGF2 methylation in offspring correlate with an increase in circulating IGF2 level, demonstrating how reprogramming of paternal methylation profiles during paternal spermatogenesis can impact offspring growth. Oestrogen’s Role Animal studies have shown IGF2/H19 methylation is controlled by oestrogen, which is produced by adipocytes. This may expose the mechanism by which paternal obesity causes hypomethylation of IGF2, though more research to fully establish this is necessary. [6] IGF2 promotes development of foetal pancreatic cells, thus this is thought to be the connection to offspring’s predisposition to diabetes mellitus. [74] The erasure and re-establishment of imprinting marks, such as the IGF2 and H19 locus, during spermatogenesis is emerging as an area vulnerable to disruption, for example due to paternal obesity. Alterations of IGF2 transcription as a consequence of this could be responsible for the increased risk for obesity and adult-onset diseases such as DM2 and hypertension that children of obese parents are exposed to. [72] Whilst the IGF2 gene is likely to have a role in the trans-generation phenotype of obesity, it is likely that other paternally expressed genes are involved. This presents an area for new research to enable further clarity into this complex mechanism. DISCUSSION & CONCLUSION Since DNA was identified as a vehicle of trans-generational genetic transfer, DNA alterations have been central to parental and child inheritance. However the rise of epigenetics has added a new dimension to our understanding of DNA mechanisms, with environmental exposure now being implicated. Epigenetics denotes molecular mechanisms independent of the DNA sequence that refer to heritable but also reversible regulation of gene transcription. Epigenetic modification of imprinted genes, a small subset of the genome, is thought to affect offspring growth and development, since only one active copy can be carried to the next generation, thus making it vulnerable to change. Previous beliefs that complete erasure of epigenetic marks occurs have been shown to be false, and it is now apparent that some marks remain and can therefore be inherited. Obesity during pregnancy therefore exposes offspring to an abnormal environment, altering the epigenome, and consequently influencing their phenotypic characteristics. Epigenetic changes are just one possible mechanism for why children of obese parents have an increased predisposition to obesity and related diseases. Other mechanisms may include the in utero and postnatal environment, pre-determined genetics and dysregulated nutrient transfer. However the role of epigenetics, highlighted by ongoing research, appears to be significant in programming future offspring health. The most established evidence of this comes from studies of maternal obesity in pregnancy. The Dutch Famine in 1944 showcased that the offspring of malnourished parents had differences in IGF2 methylation. [8] Animal models further indicate that epigenetic windows exist where altered methylation can occur, particularly in IGF2 and RXRA expression. Strong links also exist between maternal obesity and the epigenetic mediation of pregnancy-associated disorders, such as GDM and preeclampsia. GDM alters methylation and expression of placental and foetal imprinted genes, particularly H19 in the placenta and MEST in the foetus. This confers an additional risk, on top of maternal obesity, for the offspring to develop obesity and/or type II diabetes in later life. The high levels of imprinted genes in the placenta have also suggested an epigenetic role in pre-eclampsia. Whilst a link between obesity and pre-eclampsia has been established, the mechanisms behind this require further research to assess how gene expression differences in the two groups. Current research has focused on the maternal regulation of the in utero environment and methylation changes that occur during pregnancy. However, new evidence supporting the existence of oogonial stem cells may expose a new area of maternal epigenetic reprogramming; whereby changes in gene expression could occur from the primordial germ cell stage in development. [75] The paternal influence on offspring is another emerging field in epigenetics. Compelling evidence indicates that fathers could contribute to epigenetic phenotypic changes in offspring and the placenta, therefore playing a role in diseases such as pre-eclampsia. The ‘paternal environment legacy,’ coined by Soubry et al, offers feasible explanations for the epigenetic inheritance of obesity through the male germ line. [28] Several studies demonstrate this since significant hypomethylation of IGF2 is seen in newborns with obese fathers, even when several maternal contributions were accounted for. [6] Males continuously produce germ cells throughout their reproductive life, thus they are vulnerable to epigenetic modifications at any post-pubertal point, which can be passed to their offspring. Consequently, more research is required to understand the potential underlying mechanisms. Limitations Since epigenetics is a novel concept, more work is required to grasp its full potential in genetic and disease programming. This is complicated by the fact that controlling exposures, such as nutrition, in the postnatal environment is hard. This therefore makes long-term assessment of specific gene alterations difficult. Currently, heavy reliance on animal models also means that identified epigenetic alterations may not reflect human findings. Furthermore, since our understanding is limited, it may be the case that exploring CpG sites only represents a fraction of the changes occurring in the genome. Future Research Epigenetic research could also have implications for new therapeutic targets. Identifying markers of adverse pregnancy outcomes, such as GDM and pre-eclampsia, would allow earlier detect and intervention. Furthermore, the reversibility of epigenetic mechanisms could provide a starting point for breaking the vicious cycle of obesity. By reducing maternal obesity, potentially through bariatric surgery, we could reduce offspring obesity, thus fighting the obesity epidemic from the womb. A recent study of metformin use in pregnant, obese women showed no difference in the birthweight of their offspring compared to controls. However, since long-term follow-up has not occurred, metformin may improve outcomes for the offspring in later life. In males it is hypothesised that epigenetic modifications occurs from the primordial stage of spermatogenesis. Therefore if oogonial stem cells are proven to regenerate oocytes, research into potential epigenetic modifications of these cells could alter our understanding of transgenerational obesity. Conclusion Obesity and associated diseases are global issues. As it is becoming more and more apparent that obesity traits may be foetally programmed, it raises concerns that future generations will be unavoidably obese, thus the obesity burden will continue to rise. Substantial evidence now demonstrates that gamete development and the foetal environment strongly influence an individual’s obesity risk and that altered epigenetic regulation of specific genes is central to this. Both parents contribute to permanent epigenetic marks, and so even if only one parent is obese, the offspring’s epigenome is altered and the vicious cycle of obesity is continued.