Biology I Pacing Guide 09-10

2009-2010 Biology I/Biology I Honors Pacing Guide
1. Students will gather data (make
observations) in investigations, using
appropriate tools and proper measuring
techniques in the metric system.
2. Students will organize data in the form
of graphs and tables, where appropriate.
3. Students will generate inferences and
explanations based on logical
interpretation of their data.
4. Students will communicate findings
both orally and in writing.
5. Identify reliable sources of information
while conducting research into a scientific
problem, phenomenon or concept.
6. Students will understand the nature of
scientific theory as opposed to lay
perception of the term “theory”.
1. Students will identify parts of a
compound light microscope and their
2. Students will produce wet mount
preparations of various specimens.
3. Students will demonstrate proper
focusing methods to view specimens under
the compound microscope.
4. Students will distinguish between light
and electron microscopes.
5. Students will identify advantages and
disadvantages in the use of both light and
N.1.1; N.1.3; N.1.4;
N.1.6; N.2.1; N.2.2;
N.3.1; N.3.4
Suggested Labs/Activities
1.3 and 1.4
1.2 and 1.3
Inquiry Lab that investigates
Scientific Method steps
1.4, pp. 1070,
7.1, pp. 138
Microscope Techniques
1st Semester
1st Quarter
Scientific Method
Tools and
(Integrated into
topics throughout
the year)
(5 days)
(Honors only -N.1.7 --has to do
with role of
creativity in
L.14.4; N.1.1
and Properties of
(10 days)
Characteristics of
Levels of
(5 days)
electron microscopes.
1. Students will relate classes of
biocompounds to their functions.
2. Students will identify generalized
structures of biocompounds to their
classes – simple sugars, polysaccharides,
amino acids, fats.
3. Students will describe the importance
of certain properties of water as they
relate to living systems – moderation of
temperature, cohesion, dissolving ability of
ionic and polar substances, expansion on
4. Students will explain the role of
enzymes as catalysts that lower the
activation energy of metabolic reactions in
terms of the lock-and-key model.
5. Students will identify factors such as pH
and temperature that influence the
behavior of enzymes.
6. Students will interpret an energy
diagram illustrating the energy changes
that occur in a reaction with, and in the
absence of, an enzyme/catalyst.
1. Students will describe characteristics
that all organisms have in common—cells,
metabolism, irritability, homeostasis,
reproduction, and that species are not
static through time.
2. Students will identify, describe, or draw
diagrams for examples of homeostasis.
3. Students will relate terms such as cell,
tissue, organ, system, etc. to the
hierarchical organization of the living
4. Students will distinguish between
L.18.1; L.18.11;
L.18.12; (Honors
Only--L.18.2; L.18.3;
L.18.4; P.8.7; P.8.12.
These are more
detailed versions of
2.2, 2.3, 3.1,
3.2, 10.2, 10.4
6.1, 6.2, 6.3,
Model Labs, pH Labs, Catalyst
labs, Food Lab
L.14.1; L.18.9;
(Honors OnlyP.10.1—Various
forms of energy can
be transformed
from one to the
1.1 and 1.2,
4.2, and 18.1
1.1 and 2.1,
p 210
Observation and Inference -Plant and Animal Traits
Cell Overview
(10 days)
2nd Quarter
Membranes and
(7 days)
populations, communities, and
5. Given a food web, students will identify
producers, consumers and decomposers.
6. Students will justify the reason for
exponential energy loss from one trophic
level to the next.
(7. Honors only -- Students will identify
examples of energy conversion within
ecosystems – i.e. radiant to chemical
(potential), chemical to radiant, chemical
to kinetic, etc.)
1. Students will relate the contributions of
Hooke, Schleiden, Schwann, and Virchow
to the development of cell theory and to
scientific methods of inquiry.
2. Students will identify cell structures in
cell diagrams and relate them to their
3. Students will compare and contrast
animal and plant cell structure.
4. Students will compare and contrast
prokaryotic and eukaryotic cell structure.
(5. Honors only - Students will describe the
endosymbiont theory for the origin of
eukaryotic cells and list at least three
examples of evidence that support it.)
1. Students will describe the overall
structure of a biological membrane
according to the fluid-mosaic model—a
bilayer of phospholipids with embedded
2. Students will demonstrate that
membranes are semipermeable and
explain how this provides a barrier
L.14.1; L.14.2;
(Honors Only-L.14.5
– Endosymbiotic
Cell Types Lab (Animal vs.
Plant, Eukaryotic vs.
L.14.2 (Honors onlyL.18.3; L.18.4)
5 and 4.3
7.2 and 8.1
Osmosis/Diffusion Lab
between the cell and its environment.
3. Students will distinguish between
passive and active forms of transport,
given examples of each.
(4. Honors only-- Students will explain the
role that proteins embedded in
membranes play in transport, cell-to-cell
recognition and reception.)
(5. Honors only - Students will recognize
the structure of phospholipid molecules
and identify hydrophilic and hydrophobic
regions of the molecule.)
Cell Reproduction
1. Students will identify or describe the
various events occurring within a cell in the
process of mitosis.
2. In a lab practical or through diagrams or
drawings, students will identify stages of
3. Students will explain how crossing over
and reduction division associated with
meiosis I are related to increased variation
in sexual reproduction.
4. Students will compare and contrast
mitosis and meiosis with respect to
number of divisions to complete the
process, the total number of cells
produced the chromosome number of
resultant cells, the genetic makeup of
these cells compared to the parent cell and
their respective roles in sexual and asexual
5. Students will explain that the cause of
cancer is ultimately mutation in genes
controlling cell division.
6. Students will identify structures
L.16.8; L.16.13;
L.16.14; L.16.16;
(Honors onlyL.16.15)
8, 11.2, 51
8.2, 8.3, 10.2,
38.1, 38.2
Onion Root Tip or Whitefish
Mitosis Lab
(General Bio ONLY)
(3 days)
2nd Semester
3rd Quarter
Molecular Genetics
(10 days)
associated with human male and female
reproductive systems and relate them to
their functions.
7. Students will describe the major events
of human development that occur in each
trimester of pregnancy.
(Honors only - Students will explain how
mitotic cell division is related to binary
fission and how it is not.)
1. Students will identify functions of the
various leucocytes involved in immunity.
2. Students will distinguish between
specific and nonspecific immune response.
3. Students will describe how vaccines and
antibiotics are used to treat/prevent
4. Using specific diseases as examples,
students describe various ways that
disease is transmitted.
5. Students explore the impact of
sanitation measures, public health
services, etc. on the control of disease.
1. Students will compare and contrast the
structures and functions of DNA and RNA.
2. Students will explain how the
semiconservative nature of replication
relates to conservation of genetic
3. Students will apply base-pairing rules
correctly to predict the complement of a
DNA sequence, its RNA transcript and a
corresponding tRNA sequence.
4. Students will use a genetic code table
to determine the amino acid sequence
HE.912.C.1.4; C.1.8;
L.14.52; L.14.6
L.14.6; L.15.15;
L.16.3; L.16.4;
L.16.5; L.16.8;
L.16.9; L.16.10
10, 11, and 12
11.2, 11.3
DNA Models
DNA Extraction Lab
Mendelian Genetics
(12 days)
from a given DNA or mRNA sequence.
5. Using examples, students will justify
how mutation may or MAY NOT produce
changes in phenotype. (Substitution vs.
addition/deletion point mutations) and
that in order for effects to be felt, they
must occur in germline cells.
6. Students will compare and contrast
transcription and replication and interpret
a diagram of protein synthesis.
7. Students will complete a poster,
project, or some other student-driven
product that illustrates or explores the use
of biotechnology on the treatment of
disease (genetic or otherwise), in
agriculture or some other aspect of human
1. Students will relate Mendel’s principles
of segregation and independent
assortment to events occurring in meiosis.
2. Students will construct Punnett squares
for monohybrid crosses and predict
genotypic and phenotypic ratios.
3. Students will predict the outcome of
crosses involving traits inherited through
simple dominance, codominance, sexlinkage, multiple alleles, and polygenic
4. Given outcomes, i.e. genotypic and
phenotypic ratios, students will determine
the type of inheritance and the genotypes
of parents.
5. Students will explain how gender in
determined in humans.
6. Predict the possible ABO blood types of
children, given their parental types.
L.16.1; L.16.2
9 and 12.2
10.1 and 12
Probability Lab
Punnett Squares
Introduction of
of Life
(10 days)
7. Students will explain the effect of
nondisjunction on chromosome number,
and relate it to the occurrence of disorders
such as Down and Klinefelter syndromes.
8. Students will research and produce a
product, such as a poster, presentation or
paper, on a genetic disorder of their choice
to include effects, mode of inheritance and
current research into treatment, etc.
1. Given the appropriate dichotomous
keys, students will determine the identity
of biological specimens.
2. Given a set of objects, or biological
specimens, students will construct a
dichotomous key that can be effectively
used to identify them.
3. Students will identify properly written
scientific names.
4. Students will apply the hierarchical
system of classification to one or more
organisms. (humans, for example)
5. Students will justify the reasons for
classification systems being based on
genetic/evolutionary commonalities.
6. Students will distinguish the three
domains and six kingdoms of the living
world according to their characteristics,
providing examples of members of each.
(Study of a particular group or organism
would fit here—classification of plants, or
a specific species – maybe tie botany unit
here, or use the leopard frog, with
dissection, to exemplify classification,
vertebrate characteristics, and specific
features of Class Amphibia, Order Anura.)
L.15.4; L.15.5;
Dichotomous Keys
4th Quarter
(10 days)
1. Students will describe or illustrate
scientific views regarding the origin of life
on Earth – Oparin’s hypothesis, Miller’s
experiment, RNA World, etc.
2. Students will apply Darwin’s reasoning
(Reproduction exceeds available food and
space, struggle for existence, inherited
variation, differential reproductive
success) to describe an example of natural
3. Students will distinguish between
Darwinian and Lamarckian theories, and
how they relate, or do not relate to
findings of modern genetics.
4. Students will identify examples of
homologous and analogous structures and
distinguish between them.
5. Students will describe examples of
evidence from the fossil record,
comparative anatomy and embryology,
biogeography, molecular biology and
observed evolutionary change that support
evolutionary theory.
6. Students will describe examples of
evolutionary change through isolation,
genetic drift and gene flow.
7. Students will distinguish divergent and
convergent evolution, providing examples
of each.
8. Students will identify trends in human
evolution from early ancestors 6 mya – to
include brain size, jaw size, language and
manufacture of tools.
(9. Honors only – Hardy-Weinberg
Principle - Students will predict the
frequency of genotypes in a population
L.15.1; L.15.8;
L.15.10; L.15.13;
(Honors only-L.15.2;
L.15.3; L.15.12)
14-16, 43.4
Comparison of Hominid, Ape
and modern Human Skull
Features, Peppered Moth
Simulation, Natural Selection
(15 days)
using observed phenotypes. Students will
explain why conditions necessary for
genetic equilibrium to occur in a
population are not likely to occur in
nature. )
(10. Honors only – Students will explain
how molecular clocks are used to
determine dates for divergence of groups.
An associated timeline could be used
(11. Honors only – Students will discuss the
opposing effects of speciation and
extinction on biodiversity.)
(Other possible topics to incorporate –
coevolution, types of selection -including
disruptive, directional, stabilizing and
sexual - and, pre and post-zygotic
1. Students will construct a food web for a
biological community with at least 10
organisms occupying different niches in
the community-producers, consumers and
2. Students analyze the effects of biotic
and abiotic limiting factors on population
3. Students use physical characteristics of
an ecosystem, i.e. available light,
temperature, etc., to predict the
distribution of species within it. The
benchmark addresses aquatic systems with
parameters being water chemistry,
salinity, depth and temperature.
4. Students will describe succession in a
freshwater or forest ecosystem, and after
a natural catastrophe, such as a volcanic
E.7.1; L.17.2; L.17.4;
L.17.5; L.17.8;
L.17.9; L.17.11;
L.17.13; L.17.20
(Honors onlyL.17.10 this is a
more explicit and
detailed version of
E.7.1 found in the
Bio I description—
nitrogen cycle
instead of just
carbon and water.)
Population Simulations
(Classification of
Plants – Honors
(5 days)
Photosynthesis and
(10 days)
5. Students will interpret and draw
diagrams of carbon and water cycles that
illustrate the flow of matter and energy
through an ecosystem.
6. Students will investigate specific
examples of the effects on biodiversity due
to invasion of nonnative species,
catastrophic events, or human activity.
1. Students will identify basic functions of
plant organs and tissues, such as roots,
stems, leaves, etc.
2. Students will dissect flowers (one type
or several) and identify and key out the
3. Students will relate flower parts to their
4. Students will explain how materials are
transferred through the vascular systems
of plants.
5. Students will relate leaf structure to
adaptation to various habitats.
(6. Honors only -- Students will collect
angiosperms, gymnosperms, pteridophytes
and bryophytes and identify their
distinguishing characteristics.)
1. Students will identify the basic
reactions, products and function of
2. Students will distinguish between the
events of the light and dark reactions of
3. Students will identify the basic
reactions, products and function of aerobic
and anaerobic respiration.
4. Students will connect the role of ATP to
(Honors only L.14.53)
28 and 29
Tree Rings, Leaf Classification,
Flower Dissection
L.18.7; L.18.8;
6 and 7
Rate of Oxygen Production
Bromthymol Blue Lab,
Chromatography Lab,
Fermentation Lab
(Honors onlyL.18.6; L.18.9; P.8.7;
the energy transfer within a cell.
(Honors only – Students will explain how
“energy conversion” relates to
photosynthesis, respiration and ATP.)
(Honors only – Students will explain the
role that carrier molecules play in
energy/matter transfer – ATP, NAD+, FAD+,
NADP+. Students will explain the role of
electron transport in the production of ATP
in both aerobic respiration and the light
reactions of photosynthesis.)
(Honors only - Students will explain the
interrelated nature of photosynthesis and
(Honors only – Students will provide
examples of the role of anaerobic
respiration in human society.)
(Honors only – Students will recognize
structural formulas of glucose and ATP and
relate them to their respective organic
All Bio I benchmarks are included except:
1. L.14.26 Major Parts of the Brain
2. L.14.36 Blood Flow in Cardiovascular System