Name: _______________________________________Age: ___________ Date of Birth: _____________________ Referred By: Dr. ___________________________________ Patient Name: ________________________________ Primary Care Physician: Dr.______________________________Phone: ___________________________________ Reason for Visit: _______________________________________________________________________________ Duration of Problem: _________________________ Treatment: ________________________________________ Aggravating factors: ____________________________________________________________________________ Current Medications (please include OTC, herbs, vitamins, supplements): ________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Allergies: None Penicillin Sulfa Tetracycline Doxycycline Codeine Latex Other ________________ Have you ever had any bad reaction to local anesthesia? No Yes Never had anesthesia SKIN CONDITIONS: When you are exposed to the sun, do you: Tan Burn Tan & Burn Have you ever had skin cancer? No Yes If Yes, Basal Cell Cancer Squamous Cell Cancer Melanoma Where? _______________________When? _________________________ Treatment? ________________ Has anyone if your family ever had skin cancer? No Yes If Yes, Basal Cell Cancer Squamous Cell Cancer Melanoma Who? ______________________ Do you have a history of any skin problems or diseases? No Yes If Yes, Psoriasis Eczema Keloid Other______________________________ Past Cosmetic Treatments: Botox Restylane Juvederm Radiesse Sculptra Collagen Facelift Chemical Peel Laser, type_______________________Other _______________________ PAST SURGERIES (Type and Date):____________________________________________ PAST MEDICAL HISTORY AND REVIEW OF SYSTEMS: Constitutional: Cardiovascular: Ears/Eyes/Nose: Endocrine: Gastrointestinal: Hematologic: Infections: Musculoskeletal: Neurological: Respiratory: Psychiatric: Others: Normal Normal Weight loss/weight gain Fever/Nightsweats Fainting Artifical Heart Valve Pacemaker Chest Pain/Heart attack Mitral Valve Prolapse Irregular Heartbeat Other _____________ Normal Glaucoma Glasses/Contacts Other ________________ Normal Diabetes Thyroid Disease Other ________________ Normal Reflux Liver Problem Other ________________ Normal Anemia Bleeding Problems Other ________________ Normal HIV Hepatitis Other ________________ Normal Arthritis Artificial Joint Other ________________ Normal Stroke Seizures/Epilepsy Other ________________ Normal Asthma Emphysema Other ________________ Normal Depression Anxiety Attacks Other ________________ Kidney Problems Cold Sores Varicose Veins Eczema Psoriasis Other _________________________ Marital Status S M D W Occupation __________________________________ Smoking? No Former Yes, packs/day _________________ FOR WOMEN ONLY: Are you currently pregnant, trying to become pregnant, or are you nursing?_____ Completed by: FAMILY HISTORY: SOCIAL HISTORY: Patient ___________________________________ Date _________________ Patient Signature By signing, I am acknowledging that I have disclosed all of my health information known to me at this time, and all of my other personal information is adequate. I understand that it is my obligation and responsibility to notify Integrated Dermatology of 19th St. of any changes in my medical during the course of my medical treatment. SIGNATURE______________________________________Date ___________________ General Office Information, Financial Policy, Insurance Affidavit, Cancellation Policy, Telephone Policy, After-hours Policy, Signature on File WELCOME TO INTEGRATED DERMATOLOGY OF 19TH ST. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to take care of your dermatologic needs. We strive to provide you with elite dermatologic care to meet all your skin needs and welcome any suggestions to enhance your experience with us. OUR POLICY REQUIRES PAYMENT AT THE TIME OF SERVICE. It is your responsibility to: Pay your co-pay at the time of service. Pay for services not covered by your insurance carrier. All HMO patients are responsible for obtaining and presenting their referrals at the date of service. You may have to reschedule your appointment if referrals are not presented. After your insurance has paid their portion, you will be billed for any co-insurance, which is due upon receipt. Personal checks are accepted with proper identification (driver’s license or photo ID). A $50 overdraft charge will be added to returned checks. In the event that Integrated Dermatology of 19th Street, LLC has any portion of the fee deducted as a result of my insurance not paying, I agree to pay that amount. If your bill is unpaid, your account will be sent to a collection agency or an attorney to obtain payment. You will be charged a fee of either $100 or 25% of the unpaid balance, whichever amount is greater, to cover our costs for this action. SIGNATURE: _____________________________________ Date: _________________ CANCELLATION POLICY • We require a 24 hour and one full business day cancellation notice for a scheduled appointment. • We require a 48 hour and two full business days cancellation notice for all surgical and cosmetic appointments. o PATIENTS WHO FAIL TO SHOW FOR THE SCHEDULED APPOINTMENTS WITHOUT ADEQUATE NOTICE WILL BE CHARGE A $50 FEE FOR AN OFFICE VISIT AND $100 FOR A SURGICAL AND COSMETIC APPOINTMENTS. THIS IS NOT PAYABLE BY YOUR INSURANCE AND WILL BE CHARGED TO YOUR ACCOUNT. I have read and fully understand my financial responsibilities under this policy. SIGNATURE: _________________________________Date________________________ General Office Information, Financial Policy, Insurance Affidavit, Cancellation Policy, Telephone Policy, After-hours Policy, Signature on File (Continued) TELEPHONE/AFTER-HOUR POLICY Telephone conversations with Dr. Chang under 15 minutes are complimentary. Anything over 15 minutes will be charged at $50. This is not payable by your insurance. After hour conversations with Dr. Chang are complimentary for URGENT dermatologic concerns. Non-urgent calls will be charged $50. This is not payable by your insurance. BEST WAY TO CONTACT YOU: I hereby authorize the physician or their representative to leave laboratory, pathology results, and confirmation of office appointments with: Home answering machine Work Voicemail Email _____________________________ Mobile Phone Spoken with directly AUTHORIZATION OF MEDICAL INFORMATION RELEASE Do you give our office permission to discuss your medical information with other health care providers and/or family members? No Yes, If Yes, please provide information below. 1. Name of person: ________________________________ Relationship: _________________ Phone (Day) ________________________ Phone (Evening) __________________________ Email _________________________________ 2. Name of person/doctor: _________________________ Specialty: ____________________ Phone (Day) ___________________________ Email ______________________________ I have read and fully understand my responsibilities under this policy. SIGNATURE: ______________________________Date_______________ HIPAA PATIENT CONSENT FORM Our Notice of Privacy Practices provides information about how we may use and disclose protected health information about you. The Notice contains a Patient Rights section describing your rights under the law. You have the right to review our Notice before signing this Consent. The terms of our Notice may change. If we change our Notice, you may obtain a revised copy by contacting our office. You have the right to request that we restrict how protected health information about you is used or disclosed for treatment, payment, or health care operations. We are not required to agree to this restriction, but if we do, we shall honor that agreement. By signing this form, you consent to our use and disclosure of protected health information about you for treatment, payment, and health care operations. You have the right to revoke this Consent, in writing, signed by you. However, such a revocation shall not affect any disclosures we have already made in reliance on your prior consent. The Practice provides this form to comply with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). The patient understands that: Protected health information may be disclosed or used for treatment, payment, or health care operations The Practice has a Notice of privacy Practice and that the patient has the opportunity to review this Notice The Practice reserves the right to change the Notice of Privacy Practices The patient has the right to restrict the uses of their information but the Practice does not have to agree to those restrictions The patient may revoke this Consent in writing at any time and all future disclosures will then cease The Practice may condition receipt of treatment upon the execution of this Consent. This Consent was signed by: ____________________________________________ Printed Name – Patient or Representative X ____________________________________ __/__/__ Signature Relationship to Patient (if other than patient): Date ____________________________________________ Witness: ____________________________________________ Printed Name – Practice Representative X ____________________________________ __/__/__ Signature Date To all patients, We ask that you provide us with your pharmacy information so that we may have it in our system in order to benefit each patient's pharmacy prescription needs. Providing us with your pharmacy information will expedite our communication and improve the efficiency with the respective pharmacy carriers. This will ultimately help our patients get their prescriptions on time. Thank you for your cooperation. DATE: PATIENT NAME: PHARMACY INFORMATION Pharmacy Name *: State: City*: Zip: Address*: Phone Number: * MUST PROVIDE complete address information to ensure your prescriptions are sent to the correct pharmacy.