Quick Guide to IEP MEETINGS

Special Education Department
Quick Guide to IEP MEETINGS
For guidance on writing IEPs you may access the following:
1. http://state.tn.us/education/speced/
3. Guidebooks and TA Manuals – IEP Procedural Manual – give step-by-step explanations for each
section of the IEP.
4. You may also refer to the EASY IEP manual.
BEFORE the meeting:
Discuss possible meeting times with the parent and the general education teacher. If this is also
a re-evaluation meeting, be sure to consult with the school psychologist as well. Remember to
schedule the re-evaluation meetings and your IEP meetings together. Any change in a student’s
disability must be reflected on the IEP. Parents MUST be given at least 10 calendar days’
notice. The “Invitation to a Meeting” must show 10 days’ notice between the day you send it
and the date of the meeting. DO not procrastinate scheduling meetings! IF the parent wants to
meet earlier than 10 days, he/she must sign the bottom of the “Invitation” waiving his/her rights
to 10 days’ notice. It is always a good idea to ask the parent if they want a particular general
education teacher at the meeting. Also, ask the parents if they have any particular concerns
they wish to address. You can then document this ahead of time on EASY IEP under “Parent
Send home an Invitation to Meeting – (completed on EASY IEP) and a copy of the Parents
Rights. (You may also give at the meeting) You are only required to give this 1 time/year. All
attempts should be documented on EASY under the “Contacts” tab the date/method you sent
or gave to the parent.
If an outside agency, such as Vocational Rehabilitation, needs to attend, parent must sign the
Consent to Invite Outside Agency form before you can notify them.
Notify the general education teacher/s and principal of the meeting time. (This can also be
documented on the EASY IEP “Contacts” tab.)
Document EVERY attempt to obtain parental participation in the meeting. EASY IEP provides
the “Contact” tab for you to document these attempts. Be sure to file a copy of any other
written communication (emails/handwritten letter, etc.) in the student file.
Obtain Present Levels of Performance (PLOP). Data examples include the following:
o Pre-Vocational or Secondary Vocational Checklist – Vocational skills must be addressed
in every IEP under PLOP. Use the forms provided. (If age-appropriate, you still must
document this in the PLOP section.)
Use the KTEA for academic areas. The point is to establish a starting point for each
area of need so you can measure/identify progress at the end of the IEP year.
o REMEMBER: Every exceptional area noted in the PLOP MUST have a corresponding
goal sheet!
Enter as much data as possible on EASY IEP, create a draft and print a copy to take to the
meeting. (You should also always have a Prior Written Notice (PWN) and a copy of the Parents
Rights Booklet at the meeting)
If the student receives Speech, OT, PT, or other related services, you need to contact the
therapist regarding the meeting date. The therapist should submit to you goals/objectives for
your draft prior to the meeting. (Therapists are not required to attend the meeting, but may if
you feel it is necessary.) They should provide you with updated information for you to share at
the meeting.
REMINDER: Be sure to include an annual goal that addresses TRUANCY if the student has an
attendance problem!
Prior to the meeting, the special education teacher should collect as much information on the
student’s progress as possible. If there are red flags indicating changes will be made to the IEP –
be prepared to address those changes. You may need to complete and PWN.
o PRE-VOCATIONAL skills must be addressed on PLOP. If it is exceptional, there must be
an annual goal and objectives for Pre-vocational skills
o Every assessed area that is determined exceptional must have a corresponding annual
o IF the student is turning 14 within the year of the IEP, you must check TRANSITION box
on Invitation to the meeting, and show the student is invited, to address transition
during the meeting.
DURING the meeting:
The Form, Agenda for the IEP Chairperson has been created to assist you as you enter into the
IEP meeting. This meeting is not required, but will guide you through the process and ensure
that all areas have been covered.
IEP Team must include the following:
o Parent (if the parent indicated they cannot attend, be sure you have thoroughly
documented ALL attempts for participation)
o LEA (can be the principal or designee, school psychologist)
o Special Education teacher
o General Education teacher ( if the student does not attend a general education class, a
teacher who works with students in that grade level may attend)
o Student (if he/she is going to turn 14 within the IEP year)
Go over every aspect of the IEP. Solicit input from the parents and write any changes on the
DRAFT copy. You should make a copy for the parent to take with them, or you should send
them a copy after you have made the changes and finalized the IEP. Document on the IEP when
you send/give them a final copy.
If this is a meeting that requires in-depth discussion/explanation, you should complete Meeting
Notes that will document what was discussed.
AFTER the meeting:
Make corrections on EASY IEP and create a FINAL. (This is critical for our census information.)
A stop sign with show up if you do not create a final! You should print a copy and place in the
student’s special education notebook/file.
Send a copy of the final IEP to the parent. Create an IEP At-a-glance and give to each of the
student’s general education teachers. Be sure to have them sign the IEP on the signature
page under the section “Documentation of the IEP review by Other teachers not in
For Students under the supervision of DCS (Department of Children’s Services):
Biological parents of foster children must also be invited to the IEP meetings. You must document you
have invited the biological parent – if the Case manager indicates they will invite them – document
when you sent the invitation to the Case Manager and indicate they will forward to the biological
Foster parents should attend the IEP meetings. They may sign as the parent if :::::::::::::::
You will need to assign a Surrogate parent if:::::::::::::
DCS Case Managers also need to attend the IEP meetings. The Case Manager should sign the IEP, BUT
CANNOT sign as the parent.
Agenda for the IEP Chairperson