Canterbury Public Library Mission Statement

Canterbury Public Library Website Policy
Canterbury Public Library Mission Statement
The Canterbury Public Library is dedicated to providing Canterbury residents with a
comfortable space from which they can freely access ideas and information in a variety of
formats to: educate our youth; create young readers; assure an informed citizenry; encourage
the free flow of ideas and diverse viewpoints; promote lifelong learning; nurture a love of
literature; and to spark the imagination and creativity of all so that future opportunities and
problems can be met with confidence and optimism.
Therefore, the Canterbury Public Library is committed to providing and promoting access to
materials and services that support the community's need for self-education, information, culture
and recreation. One of the ways we provide this access is to maintain an Internet website.
1. Website URL Address
The URL for the Canterbury Public Library website is The library
maintains this website and the domain name.
2. Webmaster
The Library Director will appoint a Webmaster to develop the look of the website, make changes
to the site, and create and maintain web pages, content and links with the approval of the
Director. The Webmaster will be a member of the library staff or a library volunteer. The
Webmaster creates content and links to other websites based on the selection criteria for
electronic resources outlined in the Library's Materials Selection Policy. With the approval of the
Library Director, the Webmaster may appoint a backup web technician from the Library staff to
assist in maintaining the library website. Only the Library Webmaster and his/her backup is
authorized to make changes to the Library website. Contact the Webmaster.
3. Website Scope
The Library website is intended to provide public and staff access to a variety of educational and
informational resources in electronic format. The Library website will provide a dynamic
collection of links and content on a variety of subjects for users of all ages and levels of
experience. The information will complement and supplement the print and multimedia
collections of the Library. The information includes, but is not limited to, a web-based catalog
CHANGE WEBLINK HERE TO VERSO of print and multimedia materials owned by
members of the Connecticut State Library System, online databases, electronic books,
information on Library programs and services, and links to other selected Internet websites.
DRAFT—Not yet approved by the Canterbury Public Library Board of Trustees
4. Website Content and Access
The Webmaster will develop the Library website to accommodate a broad range of computer
capacities and to serve patrons of varying abilities. The Webmaster will evaluate all potential
website content for appropriateness in accordance with the Library's mission and website scope.
Access to some library web resources may be restricted to Canterbury Public Library patrons
because of license agreement limitations. Others may be restricted to State of Connecticut
cardholders for the same reason.
5. Website Links
The Canterbury Public Library will provide links from its website to other websites to support
the library's goal of providing a wide range of information to the public. Staff librarians will
recommend websites to the library Webmaster for their informational and/or educational value.
Government, non-profit, and commercial websites free from excessive marketing may be
included. To be selected, websites must meet the following criteria:
The primary intent of the website is to educate or inform.
The site's owner or sponsor is easily identifiable, and contact information is provided.
The site does not charge for access.
The site does not promote a specific religious, political, or social agenda.
Since website content may change or disappear entirely without notice, the library cannot be held
responsible for the content or accuracy of websites not maintained by the Canterbury Public
Library staff. Library staff will make every effort to keep links current, but will encourage
website visitors to inform the webmaster at if they find a link that
no longer functions or that is inconsistent with the above stated criteria.
6. Hyperlink Policy
Some pages provide external website links to various community, government, commercial, and
educational organizations that may be of interest to users of this website. These links are
provided as part of the library's mission to provide up-to-date and accurate information to library
users. The library does not necessarily endorse these organizations, nor does it control the
content of the linked websites. The library reserves the right to deny any and all requests for
links, and to sever existing links at anytime.
Questions and requests for links should be addressed to the webmaster.
7. Website Maintenance
The Canterbury Public Library Webmaster and his/her backup will maintain the Library's
website. The website will be updated on a bi-monthly schedule.
DRAFT—Not yet approved by the Canterbury Public Library Board of Trustees
8. Privacy Policy
The Canterbury Public Library will collect and store only the information necessary to measure
the number and timing of visitors to different areas of the Canterbury Public Library website to
assist in making these sites more useful. The information may include:
The address (IP) of the visitor's computer or internet provider
The date and time the visitor accesses either website
The internet address of the web site that refers a visitor to either website
The Canterbury Public Library may request personal information such as name, email address,
postal address, telephone number, and library card number of a library website visitor only if
needed to allow access to a subscription service or to complete a request submitted from either
website. These requests can be found on the library card application form, e-mail notification
request form, e-mail reference form and other forms and are necessary to provide the related
The Library will not sell, lease or otherwise distribute or disclose a library patron's name, e-mail
address, postal address, telephone number, borrower records or other personal information for
non-library purposes or to outside parties unless required by law.
9. Disclaimer/Limitations
The Canterbury Public Library makes every attempt to provide information that is accurate,
complete, timely, and relevant to the Library mission, but the library does not warranty or pledge
the site will be free from errors. The Canterbury Public Library makes no pledge to suitability,
timeliness, or accuracy of the links. The information contained within our Web pages is provided
as a service on an "as is" basis with the understanding the user will access the information
10. Linking to the Canterbury Public Library Web Site
(a) Guidelines
In view of the ever changing nature of the Internet, the Canterbury Public Library requests that
you comply with the following guidelines when linking to our Web site.
1. Please link to our Canterbury Public Library home page at
2. Please contact our Webmaster at to advise us that you are
linking to our site. Also indicate the URL on your site that links to our site. The
Canterbury Public Library reserves the right to revoke our consent to the link to our site
at any time and without specific reason being stated.
3. Do not incorporate any of our content into your site with the use of framing or in-lining.
Do not misrepresent our site with association to your site.
DRAFT—Not yet approved by the Canterbury Public Library Board of Trustees
4. If you republish any portion of our site's content, please contact our Webmaster at to request a written release prior to publication. This does
not insure permission will be granted.
5. Images from our pages including, but not limited to, the Town Seal, photos, etc. may not
be duplicated or downloaded. Misrepresenting the Town or the Library will be deemed
(b) Proprietary Rights
You acknowledge that content contained within this Web site may be protected by copyrights,
trademarks, service marks, patents or other proprietary rights and laws. A copy can be made for
your personal, non-commercial use only, as long as copyright or other notices are kept intact.
You may not modify, copy, reproduce, republish, upload, post, or transmit for distribution in any
way the content found on this Web site unless it is public domain or public documents, i.e.
agendas, etc.
Resources used:
Daly City Library Website Policy. 14 October 2008.
Memorial Hall Library Website Policy. 14 October
Peninsula Library System. 14 October 2008.
DRAFT—Not yet approved by the Canterbury Public Library Board of Trustees