Massage Therapy, Chiropractic & Acupuncture Carolyn Anthony, RMT, Tammy Townsend, RMT & Amy Breese, RMT 235 Starwood Dr. Unit 3 Guelph, ON, N1E 7M5 (519) 763-8855 Fax (519) 763-8388 Please be advised the following information is required to ensure the most effective care and treatment plan can be created for you. The information on this form will be held in the strictest of confidence and used only for treatment purposes. In accordance with provincial privacy legislation your consent must be obtained regarding the collection, use and disclosure of personal information (including health information). The purpose for collecting, using and disclosing this information is set out in the “Consent for Assessment and Treatment” form and in the CMTO Privacy Code (8 pg. Doc. Available for viewing upon request). Name: _________________________________________ Email: _________________________________ Address: ____________________________________ City: ______________ Postal Code: ____________ Home Phone: _________________ Cell Phone/Provider (i.e. Rogers etc.):__________________________ Appointment Reminders: (Please circle which you prefer) Home Phone / Cell Phone / Text / Email Date of Birth (DD/MM/YY): ___________________ Occupation: _____________________ Employer: ______________________ Phone: _________________ How did you hear of the clinic? ____________________________________________________________ Name and Address of Primary Care Physician: ________________________________________________ Did a health care practitioner refer you for massage therapy? Yes No If yes, please provide their name. ___________________________________________________________ Please list your current involvement with other health care practitioners. ____________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Please list the current medications you are taking and the conditions they are treating. _________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Please list the timing and nature of any injuries or accidents. _____________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Please list the timing and nature of any surgical procedures. ______________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Do you have any internal pins, wires, artificial joints or special equipment? Yes No If yes, what is it and where is it in your body? _________________________________________________ Overall, how is your general health? ________________________________________________________ What is your primary complaint? ___________________________________________________________ What is the location and nature of your soft tissue and / or joint discomfort? ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Do you have any loss of vision? Yes No If yes, to what degree? ______________________________________________________________________________________ Do you have any loss of hearing? Yes No If yes, to what degree? ______________________________________________________________________________________ Do you have any loss of sensation? Yes No If yes, to what degree? Do you have any cardiovascular insufficiencies including (please check any that apply): High blood pressure Heart disease Low blood pressure Phlebitis Pacemaker or similar device Chronic congestive heart failure History of myocardial infarction History of cerebrovascular accident Other, please describe_________________________________________________________________ Do you have any respiratory insufficiencies including (please check any that apply): Chronic cough Bronchitis Shortness of breath Asthma Emphysema Other, please describe_________________________________________________________________ Do you have any allergies or hypersensitivities? Yes No If yes, what are they and is the response anaphylaxis or skin irritation? ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Do you have diabetes? Do you have arthritis? Do you have cancer? Do you have epilepsy? Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No Do you have any infectious conditions such as tuberculosis, AIDS/HIV, hepatitis, influenza, SARS? Yes No If yes, what? ______________________________________________________________________________________ Do you have any skin conditions? Yes No If yes, what is it and is it infectious? ______________________________________________________________________________________ Do you have any digestive conditions? Yes No If yes, what? ______________________________________________________________________________________ Do you have any blood conditions? Yes No If yes, what? ______________________________________________________________________________________ Do you have any other medical conditions? Yes No If yes, what ______________________________________________________________________________________ Do you have any family history of a disease or condition? Yes No If yes, what ______________________________________________________________________________________ If you are female, please answer the following questions: Are you pregnant? Yes No If yes, how far along are you? _____________________________________________________________ Do you have any gynecological conditions? Yes No If yes, what ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ The information I’ve given is correct and I will inform the therapist of any changes. _____________________________________ Name of Client or Guardian ___________________________________ Date Massage Therapy, Chiropractic & Acupuncture Carolyn Anthony, RMT & Tammy Townsend, RMT & Amy Breese,RMT 235 Starwood Dr. Unit 3 Guelph, ON, N1E 7M5 (519) 763-8855 Fax (519) 763-8388 FEE SCHEDULE & OFFICE POLICY It is the policy of this clinic that payment is required at the time that services are rendered. No credit or accumulation of fees is permitted. Cash, Cheque, Debit or Credit Card is accepted. IMPORTANT Reminder calls/emails are a courtesy provided by the clinic. However, remembering your appointment is your responsibility. Twenty four (24) hours notice of cancellation is required. Without 24 hours prior notification, you will be billed a fee of $40.00. All NSF cheques will be charged a $30.00 fee. Massage Therapy Fees including HST 90 minutes 60 minutes 45 minutes 30 minutes $120.00 $82.00 $65.00 $50.00 Hot Stone Massage 60 minute $105.00 45 minute back, neck & face $80.00 Extended Health Coverage Many extended health care insurance plans cover Massage Therapy. Check with your employer for details. Fees to be recovered from extended health insurance plans are the patient’s responsibility. If other financial arrangements are required, please discuss them with your individual therapist prior to your treatment. I clearly understand and agree that ALL services rendered to me are charged directly to me and that I am personally responsible for payment. I have read and acknowledged all the above information. SIGNATURE: _____________________________ DATE: _________________ If patient is a minor, signature of Parent/Guardian. Massage Therapy, Chiropractic & Acupuncture Carolyn Anthony, RMT & Tammy Townsend, RMT & Amy Breese, RMT 235 Starwood Dr. Unit 3 Guelph, ON, N1E 7M5 (519) 763-8855 Fax (519) 763-8388 INFORMATION CONSENT & ACCURACY APPROVAL FORM I am aware that this office is keeping personal information as outlined in the PRIVACY POLICY for the reasons disclosed. I am aware that the members of the staff of this office may access this information. I give my consent for this information to be collected and disclosed as outlined to me. yes___ no_____ My file may be used for Quality Audit purposes. yes___ no_____ You may consult another health practitioner about my case. DATE: __________________ SIGNATURE: ____________________________ If Parent or Guardian is signing: Signature: _________________________________________ NAME (Please Print):________________________________ Relationship: _______________________________________ PERSONAL INFORMATION ACCURACY I have reviewed my information with the office and accept that it is substantially accurate. DATE: ______________ SIGNATURE:________________________________ DATE: ______________ SIGNATURE:________________________________ DATE: ______________ SIGNATURE:________________________________ DATE: ______________ SIGNATURE:________________________________ DATE: ______________ SIGNATURE:________________________________ DATE: ______________ SIGNATURE:________________________________ Massage Therapy, Chiropractic & Acupuncture Carolyn Anthony, RMT, Tammy Townsend, RMT & Amy Breese, RMT 235 Starwood Dr. Unit 3 Guelph, ON, N1E 7M5 (519) 763-8855 Fax (519) 763-8388 Consent for Assessment and Treatment I understand the purpose of an assessment is to determine if massage therapy is indicated for me. The nature and purpose of the assessment will be discussed and I will be given the opportunity to ask questions. I will be informed of the proposed treatment plan and will be given the opportunity to ask questions. Prior to the treatment I will be informed of the areas which will be treated, the proper positioning, and draping on the table. I understand I have the ability to refuse, alter or rescind consent at any time throughout the treatment. I have honestly answered the health history questions, and understand the importance of informing you of any change. I understand the nature and purpose of the Massage Therapy treatment and therefore give my consent to start treatment. __________________________________ ________________________ Signature of Client Date __________________________________ ________________________ Signature of Guardian Date