strategic plan introduction

307 Fourth Avenue, Suite 310
Pittsburgh, PA 15210
Phone: (412) 471-8722 Fax: (412) 471-4861
Board of Directors
Rufus Barnes, President
Denise O’Connor, Vice President
Michala Smith, Treasurer
Robin Beckham
Bob Cenk
Elizabeth Hayes, SPHR
Dr. Kathy Humphrey
Cheryl Morris (Mt. Ararat Baptist Church)
Darcy Livingston Rhoades, Esq.
Ryan Sciullo
Chief Executive Officer
Jacqueline D. Wilson; Ph.D., LSW
Since 1979, TRAC has worked so that no child will have to face a life without permanency. The
organization was founded by adoptive parents and professionals and established as a volunteer
staffed project of the Junior League of Pittsburgh. Today TRAC enjoys a strong statewide reputation
as the valuable resource for adoption information, referral services, support, and education and is
nationally recognized for its special needs services.
TRAC is a multi-service agency for children who cannot remain with their birth families and for the
resource families who provide these children permanence, as well as with birth parents working
towards reunification. TRAC provides recruitment counseling, family preparation, post adoption
services, and parent and professional education services to achieve and maintain maximum
permanency opportunities for children and their families. More than half of the children served are
African American, older children and those who are part of a sibling group who need to stay together,
as well as those who have emotional, physical, or mental challenges.
TRAC’s operating budget is$2 million and it is overseen by a 10 member Board of Directors. Annually
over 1,600 children and families are served by TRAC’s 21 dedicated full-time staff.
Executive Team
Catherine Bogats, Director of Finance
Ann Mayhew, Director of Development and Communications
As Three Rivers Adoption Council celebrates its 34th anniversary in 2013, it continues to be a vital and
growing organization with a strong reputation for creating permanency for children and families. Our
services are continually expanding with the implementation of credentialed therapeutic services
including the Therapeutic Supervised Visitation Program (TSV). The commitment of TRAC’s board and
staff to maintaining its high-quality of services while reaching more families has informed the
development of a strategic plan to guide the agency from 2013 – 2016.
Three Rivers Adoption Council
Strategic Plan 2013-2016
Mission: TRAC’s mission is to create and provide adoption opportunities and a range of services for all children growing up without permanent, caring families.
Vision: By 2014, TRAC is viewed statewide as the highest quality provider of innovative family-focused adoption services with an emphasis on African-American and
special needs children as measured by our key stakeholders: children and families, employees, funders, member and peer agencies and all levels of government.
Overarching Strategies:
 Statewide Growth: Meet the statewide need for high-quality and specialized adoption services through expansion of agency’s services geographically.
 Specialized Supports: Address the need for services across the continuum for children and families by expanding permanency supports that emphasize trauma
informed care for adoptive, foster and birth families and children.
 Quality of Service: Measure and maintain high-quality of services through the applications of benchmarks and service improvement.
 Staff: Hire and invest in strong staff and strengthen supports for retention.
 Engaged Leadership: Board leadership is actively engaged in governance, strategy and fundraising.
 Donors: Build and cultivate the base of funders and individual donors.
 Technology: Increase use of technology to evaluate quality, track outcomes, connect with families, offer training and explore social ventures.
2016 GOALS
2016 GOALS
2016 GOALS
2016 GOALS
2016 GOALS
High–quality, sustainable services are
offered in Allegheny County and its
contiguous counties.
Lifebooks are generating revenue and
marketed online.
Online services provide adoptive, foster
and birth families with ready access to
training certification and support.
Outpatient therapeutic program fully
operational and self-sustaining.
Full utilization of Foster Care license.
TSV program implemented for family
reunification and placement
Re-do Lifebook with licensed &
authorized artwork and text.
Develop & implement feasibility study
of on-line training.
Determine service needs for
Westmoreland & Washington counties.
10-year tracking of consumers served
Detailed metrics outlining factors of
success and quality throughout
Outcome measures meet or exceed
local, state and federal standards.
2014 Targets
New donors & unrestricted dollars
Number of counties served
Financial sustainability of programs
Proportion of government support
Staff Turnover
Staff satisfaction
Adoption/special needs indicators
Agency reputation among stakeholders
Use of online services
Expansion of therapeutic services
2014 Targets
Development of agency-wide Quality
Review Committee.
Develop process of internal referrals for
service that assist and encourage
families to remain connected to agency
Implement data-driven process of
capturing program/staff approval
ratings from families and other
2014 GOALS
Public/government support is
decreased to 80% of agency’s revenue.
100 new individual donors cultivated.
Revenue received from foundations &
corporations reaches $100,000.
Revenue received from 3rd party
insurance payments is $200,000.
Additional fundraisers fully
implemented and generating revenue
Develop process of expediting and
streamlining therapist credentialing
Obtain $125,000 in foundation &
corporate funding for program support
Increase revenue from Cook-off by 25%
over 2012 level.
Implementation of 2new fundraisers
generating a total of $10,000
2014 Targets
2014 Targets
Improve staff turnover by 25% and be
identified as ‘the place to work’.
Staff salaries meet or exceed industry
Leadership structure supports delivery
of high-quality services.
Staff structure maximizes personal
skills and professional growth.
Implement merit based scale of pay
Identify 3 staff for salary adjustment.
Assess current staff structure and
identify possible upgrades/promotion
in staff positions.
Assess current BAS staff structure and
put effective leadership in place.
2014 Targets
$150,000 (staffing, consultants, etc.)
$5,000 (technology upgrades)
$5,000 (advertising, supplies, etc.)
$20,000 (salary adjustments)
Board membership increased to 18
Board is fully engaged with 80%
Board has developed as a fundraising
arm of the agency.
Board committees are fully functioning
and include individuals from the
Strengthen Board Development
committee with a minimum of 3
additional members.
Actively recruit 7 possible Board
5 new Board members voted in at 2013
& 2014 Annual meetings.
Implement 2 Board face-to-face gettogethers to increase relationships.
Board training on fundraising.
$5,000 (consultants, etc.)