ICT-SUPPORTED LEARNING: LESSON EXEMPLARS from the NWT (Infused Curriculum: Literacy with Information and Communication Technology—“LwICT”) SUBJECT/COURSE: CREATOR SCHOOL BACKGROUND to the LESSON: We have been studying children books and Identifying the major parts of a story. DATE CURRICULUM OUTCOMES (general/specific learning outcomes...) Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print, and other media texts, through a process. ICT ROLE IN ASSESSMENT WHICH INQUIRY STAGE(S) 1. planning + questioning 2. gathering + making sense 3. producing to show understanding 4. communicating + reflecting Planning + questioning Producing to show PRIMARY DATA THAT WAS CREATED + LICENSED + SHARED Shared by “ToonTube” ICT USED and HOW USED (pedagogical techniques, logistics, responsibilities, technical preparations groupings, troubleshooting...) Using the ipad, you open the app called Toontastic. It is an app where you can create your own story. It breaks up the story into 1. Setup 2. Conflict 3. Challenge 4. Climax 5. Resolution. The students have to pick their own characters and the app records their voice for dialogue. Students will have a partner for this exercise as they will have a different voice for each character. REFLECTIONS ON ICT AS A FUTURE LEARNING TOOL This app has good use for the beginning of a writing unit. While teaching students about the “Story arc” this app will simplify their story ideas so that after they are done, they will be able to brainstorm their ideas into more detail for their good copy. SCIENCE INQUIRY RUBRIC Name: VISUAL MEDIA VOKI INFO. Unit: Date: 1 2 3 4 5 1 picture provided, no primary data pictures provided. 2 pictures provided, with no primary data pictures provided. 2 pictures provided (accurate to content), with 1 primary data pictures provided. 3 pictures provided (accurate to content), with 1-2 primary data picture provided. 4-5 pictures provided (very accurate to content) with 1-2 primary data pictures provided. Very little to no accurate info.provided. Some accurate info. provided. 3 sentences or phrases showing accurate information 3-4 sentences or phrases showing very accurate information. 4 or more sentences or phrases with excellent, accurate information. 1 sentence or phrase 2 sentences or phrases. PPT INFO ONE title slide, picture and very little other information. 1-2 slides, title slide, 1-2 pictures but no bibliography. 2-3 slides, title slide, picture slides, bibliography, and some creative aspects 2-4 slides, title slide, picture slides, bibliography, and many creative aspects. 3-5 slides, title slide, picture slides, bibliography, and excellent creative elements LINKS No links One links 1-2 links Link for 2-3 slides Links on 3-4 slides