Current seminars December 30, 2012 – January3rd, 2013 Colloquium Time and Place: Thursday January 3rd, 14:30-15:30, Mathematics Building, Lecture Hall 2 Speaker: Dror Bar Natan (Toronto) Title: Meta-Groups, Meta-Bicrossed-Products, and the Alexander Polynomial Abstract: The a priori expectation of first year elementary school students who were just introduced to the natural numbers, if they would be ready to verbalize it, must be that soon, perhaps by second grade, they'd master the theory and know all there is to know about those numbers. But they would be wrong, for number theory remains a thriving subject, well-connected to practically anything there is out there in mathematics. I was a bit more sophisticated when I first heard of knot theory. My first thought was that it was either trivial or intractable, and most definitely, I wasn't going to learn it is interesting. But it is, and I was wrong, for the reader of knot theory is often lead to the most interesting and beautiful structures in topology, geometry, quantum field theory, and algebra. Today I will talk about just one minor example, mostly having to do with the link to algebra: A straightforward proposal for a group-theoretic invariant of knots fails if one really means groups, but works once generalized to metagroups (to be defined). We will construct one complicated but elementary meta-group as a meta-bicrossed-product (to be defined), and explain how the resulting invariant is a not-yet-understood yet potentially significant generalization of the Alexander polynomial, while at the same time being a specialization of a somewhat-understood "universal finite type invariant of wknots" and of an elusive "universal finite type invariant of v-knots".; Light refreshments will be served after the colloquium in the faculty lounge at 15:30. YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED GAME THEORY AND MATHEMATICAL ECONOMICS RESEARCH SEMINAR Speaker: Yuval Peres, Microsoft Research Topic: Random turn games and their connections to percolation, optimal Lipschitz extensions and bargaining in networks Place: Elath Hall, 2nd floor, Feldman Building, Givat-Ram Campus Time: Sunday, December 30, 2012 at 4:00 p.m. Refreshments available at 3:45 p.m. YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED Abstract: In a random-turn game, the right to move in each step is decided by a coin toss. We will describe some random turn games and their applications: 1. "Hex" has two players who take turns placing stones hexagons of a hexagonal grid. Black wins by completing a horizontal crossing, while White wins by completing a vertical crossing. Although ordinary Hex is famously difficult to analyze, Random-Turn Hex--in which players toss a coin before each turn to decide who gets to place the next stone--has a simple optimal strategy, closely related to percolation. Determining the expected duration of these games is an open problem; the best lower bound is related to influence of Boolean functions. 2. "Tug of war" is a zero-sum random turn game played in a graph, where in each turn the player who won the coin toss gets to move the game token from its current node to a neighboring node of his/her choice. A payoff function F is given on a set of terminal nodes. The value of the game yields the unique optimal Lipschitz extension of F to the rest of the graph, and the scaling limit of this process yields solutions of the Infinity-Laplacian PDE. 3. Bargaining games on exchange networks have been studied extensively. A balanced outcome for such a game is an equilibrium concept that combines notions of stability and fairness. We obtain a tight polynomial bound on the rate of convergence of local balancing dynamics on certain graphs by relating these dynamics to a tug-of-war game via time reversal. This lecture is based on the following joint papers: [1] Y. Peres, O. Schramm, S. Sheffield and D. B. Wilson, Random-turn hex and other selection games. Amer. Math. Monthly 114 (2007), no. 5, 373387. http:// [2] Y. Peres, O. Schramm, S. Sheffield and D. B. Wilson, Tug-of-war and the infinity Laplacian. J. Amer. Math. Soc. 22 (2009), no. 1, 167-210. [3] E. Celis, N. Devanur and Y. Peres, Local Dynamics in Bargaining Networks via Random-Turn Games, In Proc. Workshop on Internet Economics (WINE) 2010, David Kazhdan’s Sunday seminars: A Topic Course on Algebraic Geometry Time and Place: Sunday, June 2nd, 9:00-12:00, Math 110 Speaker: Michael Temkin (HUJI) Abstract: This course assumes a basic knowledge of algebraic geometry on the level of a one year introductory course (e.g. chapters II-IV in Hartshorne's book). The main theme we will study are moduli spaces of smooth curves and their compactifications. This involves studying various important topics and techniques, such as stable curves, Hilbert schemes, Grothendieck topologies, stacks, moduli spaces of stable n-pointed curves, and stable reduction theorem. As the main application of the developed theory we will prove in the end of the course de Jong?s theorems on semi-stable families and desingularization of varieties by alterations. Seminar: Introduction to Infinity Categories (co-organizer Emmanuel Farjoun) General Abstract: Infinity categories naturally appear in many different fields of mathematics. The goal of the seminar will be to give an introduction to infinity categories, using language of complete Segal spaces, introduced by Rezk. During the first part of the seminar we will follow a beautiful of paper of Rezk "A model for the homotopy theory of homotopy theory" We will start almost from the scratch, assuming only very basic knowledge of simplicial sets and model categories. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- Lecture 11 Time and Place: Sunday, June 2nd, 12:00-13:30, Math 110, Speaker: Yakov Varshavsky (HUJI) Title: Introduction to (infinity,2)-categories -Continuation Abstract: We will follow another beautiful paper of Rezk "A cartesian presentation of weak n-categories", Seminar on "Mirror symmetry for K3 surfaces” Time and Place: Sunday, June 2nd, 14:00-16:00, Math 110 Speaker: Michael Temkin (HUJI) Abstract: continuation In this talk we will start to discuss the non-archimedean part of the story. I will review some basic facts about Berkovich analytic spaces. In particular, I will discuss the structure of analytic curves and, if time permits, abelian varieties. Combinatorics seminar Time and Place: Monday December 31, 11:00-13:00, Math 209 Speaker: Yuval Peres, Microsoft Research Title: Hunter, Cauchy Rabbit, and Optimal Kakeya Sets Abstract: A planar set that contains a unit segment in every direction is called a Kakeya set. These sets have been studied intensively in geometric measure theory and harmonic analysis since the work of Besicovich (1928); we find a new connection to game theory and probability. A hunter and a rabbit move on a connected n-vertex graph without seeing each other. At each step, the hunter moves to a neighboring vertex or stays in place, while the rabbit is free to jump to any node. Thus they are engaged in a zero sum game, where the payoff is the capture time. On any n-vertex graph, the expected capture time is between order n and order n log(n), see [1] and [2] . We show that on the cycle, every rabbit strategy yields a Kakeya set; the optimal rabbit strategy is based on a discretized Cauchy random walk, and it yields a Kakeya set K consisting of 4n triangles, that has minimal area among such sets (the area of K is of order 1/log(n)). (Joint work with Y. Babichenko, R. Peretz, P. Sousi and P. Winkler). In the remaining time, I will discuss some open problems and surprising facts about search games and random walks on finite graphs: 1) If the rabbit and hunter must both respect the edges of the graph, is the mean capture time always linear? 2) On which sequences of graphs can lazy simple random walks have cutoff (a sharp transition in mixing)? 3) Specifically, is cutoff possible on trees? On transitive expanders of bounded degree? 4) How much can the mixing time of lazy walk on a graph vary when the edge conductances are changed by a bounded factor? [1] M. Adler, H. Racke, N. Sivadasan, C. Sohler, and B. Vocking. Randomized pursuit-evasion in graphs. Combinatorics, probability and computing 12(3):225--244, 2003. [2] Y. Babichenko, Y. Peres, R. Peretz, P. Sousi, and P. Winkler. Hunter, Cauchy Rabbit, and Optimal Kakeya Sets. Available at arXiv:1207.6389. Jerusalem Number Theory Seminar Time and Place: Monday, 31 December 2012, 16:00, Room 209. Speaker: Dmitry Trushin (HUJI) Title: Algebraization of a Cartier divisor. Abstract: I will talk about my recent results extending to pairs classical theorems of R. Elkik on lifting of homomorphisms and algebraization. This solves affirmatively a problem raised by M. Temkin and has applications to desingularization theory. Dynamics Seminar -no seminar this week Time and Place: Tuesday, , 14:00, Mathematics Building, Room 209 Speaker: Title: Abstract: The Topology and Geometry Seminar Time and Place: Wednesday, January 2nd, 11:00, Room TBA Speaker: Dror Bar Natan (Toronto) Title: Balloons and hoops and their universal finite type invariant Abstract: Balloons are two-dimensional spheres. Hoops are one dimensional loops. Knotted Balloons and Hoops (KBH) in 4-space behave much like the first and second fundamental groups of a topological space - hoops can be composed like in \pi_1, balloons like in \pi_2, and hoops "act" on balloons as \pi_1 acts on \pi_2. We will observe that ordinary knots and tangles in 3space map into KBH in 4-space and become amalgams of both balloons and hoops. We give an ansatz for a tree and wheel (that is, free-Lie and cyclic word) -valued invariant \zeta of KBHs in terms of the said compositions and action and we explain its relationship with finite type invariants. We speculate that \zeta is a complete evaluation of the BF topological quantum field theory in 4D, though we are not sure what that means. We show that a certain "reduction and repackaging" of \zeta is an "ultimate Alexander invariant" that contains the Alexander polynomial (multivariable, if you wish), has extremely good composition properties, is evaluated in a topologically meaningful way, and is least-wasteful in a computational sense. If you believe in categorification, that's a wonderful playground. Mathematical Logic seminar Time and Place: Wednesday, January 2nd, 15:00, Mathematics Building, Room 209 Speaker: Salma Kuhlmann Title: The valuation difference rank of a difference field Abstract: The theory of real places and convex valuations is a special chapter in valuation theory. An important invariant is the rank of a valuation, which has several equivalent characterizations: via the chain of ideals of the valuation ring, the chain of convex subgroups of the value group, or the chain of final segments of the value set of the value group. In this talk, we explain how to extend these notions to valued fields with extra structure, giving a characterization completely analogous to the above, but taking into account the corresponding induced structure on the ideals, convex subgroups and final segments. For the case of an (ordered) difference field, we develop the notion of difference compatible valuations, introduce the difference rank, naturally relating it to the growth rate of the automorphism. We analyze the difference rank in particular for isometries and $\omega$-increasing automorphisms. Joint work with M. Matusinski and F. Point. Group Dynamics seminar Time and Place: Thursday, January 3rd, 10:00, Math. 209 Speaker: Amir Yehudayoff (Technion) Title: Rounding group actions: an example Abstract: We shall discuss (numerical) rounding of group actions by following an example: Consider the group G(F) of one-dimensional affine transformations over a field F. When F is say the rationals, G(F) is solvable and amenable. When F = Z/pZ is finite, analogously, G(F) does not yield Cayley graphs that are expanders [Lubotzky and Weiss]. What happens if we consider the rounding of the action of G(Q) on G(Z/pZ)? Standard arguments for solvable groups basically imply that the rounding of the rational action does not yield expanders (Klawe proved that the rounding of the action of G(Q) on the line Z/pZ can not yield expanders, by explicitly constructing a set violating expansion). What happens if we consider the rounding of the action of G(R) on G(Z/pZ) or Z/pZ? This is unknown but we shall discuss some connections to Diaphontine approximations. Special Jerusalem Analysis and PDEs seminar Speaker: Sylvia Serfaty (Paris 6) Title: Coulomb gas, Renormalized energy and Abrikosov lattice Date: Wednesday, January 2nd. Time: 12:00 Place: TBA Abstract: We are interested in the statistical mechanics of (classical) two-dimensional Coulomb gases and one-dimensional log gases in a confining potential. We connect the Hamiltonian to the normalized energy", a way to compute the total Coulomb interaction of an infinite jellium, and whose minimum is expected to be achieved by the "Abrikosov" triangular lattice in 2D, and is achieved by the lattice in 1D. We apply this to the study of the finite temperature situation. Results include computations of the next order term in the partition function, equidistribution of charges, and concentration to the minimizers of the renormalized energy as the temperature tends to zero. This is based on joint works, mostly with Etienne Sandier. Jerusalem Analysis and PDEs seminar Speaker: Reuven Segev (BGU) Title: Some Mathematical Aspects of Stress Theory Time and Place: Thursday, January 3rd, 13:00, Manchester 110. Abstract: Stress tensors are used in strength analysis of structures, fluid dynamics, electromagnetism, and general relativity. Yet, from the theoretical point of view, the stress tensor object is not a primitive one. It is derived on the basis of some physically motivated mathematical assumptions. Following a short introduction to the fundamentals of the classical theory, we will consider the following applications of mathematical notions---primarily, those related to duality---to the theoretical aspects of the mechanics of continuous media. 1. A formulation of stress theory on differentiable manifolds, devoid of any particular Riemannian metric, in which properties of stresses emerge naturally from the structure of the configuration space, a manifold of mappings, of a material body in the physical space. 2. Optimal stress distributions that equilibrate given external loadings and the related notion of load capacity ratio--- a purely geometric property of bodies that indicates their capacity to sustain a-priori unknown external loading distributions. The load capacity ratio is related to the norm of the trace mapping of Sobolev spaces. 3. A formulation of flux theory for irregular bodies, including some fractal sets, based on Whitney’s geometric integration theory. Basic Notions Seminar Time and Place: Thursday, January 3rd, 16:00, Math., Lecture Hall 2 Speaker: Guy Kindler (CS- Hebrew University) Title: Continuation: Probabilistically Checkable Proofs. Abstract: The PCP theorem is one of the most important and profound achievements of theoretical computer science in the past two decades. It roughly states that the proof of any mathematical statement, once properly formatted, can be verified to a high degree of certainty by reading only a constant number of letters from it. The proof of the theorem relies on many preceding results methods and ideas, however by now the proof has been greatly simplified. In the talk I will explain the formal statement of the theorem and demonstrate some of the ideas used in the proof, many of which are interesting in their own right.