Additional file 2: Table S2: CBA-dependent alterations in mRNA expression at endstage SIV infection Downregulated genes Fold Change Enzymes/Enzymatic Activity Amino acid synthesis/degradation: AASS Promotes lysine degradation AMT Catalyzes the degradation of glycine APIP Functions in the methionine salvage pathway GLS Involved in the catabolism of glutamine GNMT Methylates glycine during the metabolism of Methionine GPT2 Transamination to provide pyruvate and glutamate ILVBL First step in branched chain amino acid synthesis Small molecule modifiers: CA2 Carbonic anhydrase - hydrates CO2 PDE4A Cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase - hydrolyzes cAMP PLCD4 Phospholipase - hydrolyzes PIP2 to DAG and IP3 PTGIS Catalyzes the isomerization of prostaglandin SULT1A2 Sulfate conjugation of hormones, neurotransmitters, and drugs TPMT S-methylation of thiopurine drugs Lipid enzymology: AGPAT5 Involved in de novo phospholipid synthesis ST8SIA5 Golgi protein - synthesis of gangliosides CHPT1 Catalyzes phosphatidyl choline biosynthesis PIGZ Mannosyltransferase – glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchor biosynthesis THRSP Regulates lipogenesis Protein modifications/proteases: ADAMTS8 A disintigrin and metalloproteinase B3GALTL Glucosyltransferase enzyme ECE1 Processing of endothelin precursors FICD Adenylyltransferase - regulates proteins by transferring AMP PSMD10 Chaperone for the assembly of the 26S proteasome SCPEP1 Serine carboxypeptidase Ligand biosynthesis: ALDH1A2 Aldehyde dehydrogenase - synthesis of retinoic acid CYP26B1 Cytochrome P450 family member - metabolism of retinoic acid HSD3B7 Biosynthesis of hormonal steroids Miscellaneous: ALAS2 Mitochondrial - catalyzes first step in heme biosynthesis MSRB3 Reduces methionine sulfoxide to methionine UROS Porphyryn and heme biosynthesis Saccharide/sugar enzymology: EXTL2 Glycosyltransferase - biosynthesis of heparin sulfate HS6ST1 Heparin sulfate biosynthetic enzyme - neuronal development XYLT2 xylosyltransferase - first step in biosynthesis of glycosaminoglycans Fatty acid enzymology: ACOT11 Acyl-CoA thioesterase - converts fatty acids to non-fatty acid CoA form General Cellular Functioning -1.80 -2.09 -1.81 -1.67 -1.66 -1.63 -1.62 -1.67 -2.59 -2.43 -2.14 -1.67 -3.39 -1.55 -1.73 -1.63 -1.60 -2.01 -2.38 -2.06 -1.54 -1.59 1.57 1.59 -1.71 -1.58 -1.57 -2.26 -2.00 -1.62 -2.06 -1.57 -1.58 -1.53 Nucleotide biogenesis/regulation-related enzymes: AARS2 Alanyl-tRNA synthetase ADSSL1 Regulates nucleotide levels (converts IMP to AMP) ALKBH8 tRNA modification of Wobble position of anticodon loop APOBEC2 C to U editing enzyme ENDOD1 Possible DNase or RNase KRR1 40S ribosome biogenesis POLQ Nicked double strand DNA polymerase - DNA repair Cellular organelles/cellular trafficking: BICD1 Involved in transport from Golgi to ER PLCL2 May regulate Ins(1,4,5)P3 around endoplasmic reticulum REEP1 ER network formation and remodeling SYPL2 Communication between sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes TRAK1 Involved in endosome to lysosome trafficking TTC8 Coat complex to sort proteins to primary cilia Transcription/RNA splicing/translation: CPEB3 Poly-adenylation RNA binding protein EEF2K Translational elongation factor SAMD4A Acts as a translational repressor SETBP1 Binds SET, which is involved in DNA replication SF3A1 mRNA splicing factor YBX2 Involved in regulating stability and translocation of mRNA Histone/histone function: H2AFY2 Histone H2A HIST1H4C Histone cluster 1 H4c MLL5 Histone methyltransferase - transcriptional activation SETD8 Monomethylates histones and non-histone proteins Chromosome stability/function: KLHDC3 May be involved with meiotic recombination PTTG1 Regulatory protein in chromosome stability Vesicle transport: NAPA Critical in docking and fusion or vesicles to target membranes Kinases and Phosphatases General kinases: CSNK1G2 Casein kinase 1 DCK Phosphorylates deoxyribonucleic acids MAPK4 Atypical MAP kinase - phosphorylates microtubule associate proteins MAST3 Microtubule associated kinase PIK3C2B Phosphoinositide 3-kinase family member PIK3CB Catalytic subunit of PI3 kinase RPS6KB2 Phosphorylates ribosomal protein S6 STK11 Kinase involved in cell polarity WNK2 Kinase involved with electrolyte homeostasis Kinases in signaling cascades: LATS1 Kinase in Hippo pathway - regulates proliferation, death and migration MAP3K10 MAP Kinase kinase kinase - activate JNK pathway MAP3K12 MAP kinase kinase kinase - JNK pathway Kinase - essential activator of Wnt pathway TNIK Kinase/phosphatase regulators: -1.91 -1.51 -1.52 -1.66 -1.58 -1.55 -1.57 -1.64 -1.60 -1.77 -1.91 -1.61 -1.71 -1.50 -1.84 -1.50 -1.98 -1.89 -1.70 -1.86 -1.61 -1.56 -1.50 -1.51 -1.53 -1.64 -1.88 -1.51 -1.53 -1.51 -2.48 -1.79 -1.51 -1.56 -1.63 -1.51 -1.90 -1.83 -1.78 AKAP6 DUSP7 PAQR3 PHLDA3 Phosphatases: DUPD1 PPP1R16A PPP2R3A PTPN3 Anchors PKA to endoplasmic reticulum membrane Phosphatase - regulates MAP kinase Regulates Raf1 kinase - sequesters it to Golgi Repressor of Akt function -1.55 -1.84 -1.55 -1.63 Phosphatase and pro-isomerase Protein phosphatase 1 - regulatory subunit Protein phosphatase 2 - regulatory subunit Protein tyrosine phosphatase -1.98 -1.95 -2.02 -1.56 Ion Channels Potassium (K+) channels: ABCC9 Subunit of ATP-sensitive K+ channel IRX5 Negatively regulates K+ channel gene expression KCNA5 K+ channel - may regulate the secretion of insulin KCNB1 Voltage dependent K+ ion permeability of excited membranes KCNC4 Voltage dependent K+ ion permeability of excited membranes KCNJ12 Inwardly rectifying K+ channel - controls resting membrane potential KCNJ2 Inward rectifying potassium channel KCNT1 Na+ activated K+ channel LGI1 Regulates voltage-gated potassium channels Sodium (Na+)/Chloride (Cl-) channels: CLCNKA Voltage gated chloride channel CLIC5 Intracellular chloride channel SCN4B Modulates sodium gating kinetics SLC12A2 Na+ and Cl- transport and readsorption SLC6A16 Na+/Cl- neurotransmitter transporter SLC26A10 Chloride/bicarbonate exchanger SLC38A8 Potential Na+ amino acid antiporter Miscellaneous channels/transporters: CNGB1 Cyclic nucleotide gated channel - nonselective cation channel PDZD2 Bind cytoplasmic side of ion channels SLC36A2 Proton-coupled amino acid transporter XK Possible Na+-dependent transport of neutral amino acids Receptors Signal transduction receptors: ESR1 Estrogen receptor - nuclear hormone receptor FZD4 Frizzled - receptor for Wnt signaling pathway GPR125 G-protein coupled receptor LPHN2 G-protein coupled receptor - cell adhesion RARB Retinoic acid receptor - cell growth and differentiation Lipid receptors: LRP12 May be part of LDL receptor - internalization of lipophilic molecules OSBPL1A Intracellular lipid receptor OSBPL6 Oxysterol binding protein - intracellular lipid receptor Receptors for physiologic responses: NPR3 Natriuretic peptide receptor - regulate blood volume and pressure TMEM158 Similar to receptor involved in neural survivals UNC5A Receptor required for axon guidance -1.91 -1.99 -2.11 -1.66 -1.65 -1.77 -1.52 -1.57 -3.78 -1.52 -1.57 -3.16 -2.04 -1.81 -1.51 -2.06 -1.66 -1.77 -1.81 -2.16 -3.06 -1.65 -1.65 -1.73 -2.27 -1.58 -1.52 -2.21 -3.42 -1.73 -1.59 Neuronal receptors: DLG2 Required for perception of chronic pain - interacts with NMDA receptor RIC3 Promotes the expression of acetylcholine receptors Regulators of uptake/transport: SHBG Androgen transport protein - receptor mediated processes TFRC Transferrin receptor - regulate uptake of iron Transcriptional regulation Transcription factors/activators: ATP1B4 Transcriptional regulator in muscle development - TGFbeta signaling CAMTA1 Transcriptional activator - tumor suppressor IRX3 Transcription factor - SHH-dependent neural patterning NFYB Transcriptional activator of collagen and beta-actin (among others) PITX1 Transcriptional regulator - hormone regulated activity of prolactin SOX18 Transcription factor with unknown targets VGLL2 May activate gene expression during muscle development ZNF3 Zinc finger - involved in cell differentiation and/or cell proliferation ZNF165 Possible transcriptional regulator ZNF784 Zinc finger protein - possible transcriptional regulator Modified histones: MTF2 Binds trimethylated histone H3 - transcriptional regulator SMYD1 Methylates histone H3 - transcriptional repressor Transcriptional cofactors/regulators: LMCD1 Transcriptional cofactor involved in cardiac hypertrophy MKL1 Transcriptional coactivator - inhibits TNF induced cell death Transcriptional repressors: HES5 Transcriptional repressor involved in cell differentiation Ca+2-dependent functions Ca+2 channel/Ca+2 dependent channel: ADRB2 Beta adrenergic receptor - effector for Ca+2 channels ATP2B2 Ca+2 export-dependent ATP hydrolase CACNG6 Voltage dependent Ca+2 channel subunit KCNN3 Intracellular Ca+2 activated potassium channel KCNIP3 Ca+2-dependent regulator of K+ channels Ca+2 regulated enzymes/activities: ADCY1 Adenylate cyclase regulated by Ca+2 CADM1 Ca+2-dependent cell adhesion molecule +2 CALM2 Ca -dependent regulator of kinases and phosphatases CIB2 Calcium and integrin binding protein - Ca+2 binding regulatory protein TNNI1 Confers Ca+2 sensitivity to muscle actomyosin +2 Ca mobilization: CASQ1 Muscle specific sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca+2 sensor JPH2 Crosstalk between ECM and intracellular Ca+2 release Neuronal Ca+2 activities: CAMK2A Ca+2/Calmodulin dependent kinase - prominent in CNS KCNN2 K+ channel activated by intracellular Ca+2 - regulates neuronal excitability Glycolysis/Energy metabolism Glycolysis/TCA cycle: -1.83 -1.80 -2.36 -2.28 -2.52 -1.95 -2.29 -1.52 -1.59 -1.56 -1.51 -1.58 -1.69 -1.54 -1.58 -1.93 -1.85 -1.58 -1.86 -1.65 -5.10 -1.77 -1.68 -1.50 -1.54 -2.17 -1.57 -1.72 -1.67 -1.57 -1.73 -1.71 -3.96 AACS Acetoacetyl CoA synthetase - synthesizes Acetyl CoA PFKFB4 Phosphofructo kinase – involved in glycolysis PGAM2 Phosphoglycerate mutase – involved in the glycolytic pathway PPP1R3C Regulatory subunit of phosphatase - limits glycogen breakdown PYGB Mediates rate determining step in glycogen degradation SLC37A4 Transports G-6-P from cytoplasm to lumen of the ER TPI1 Triosephosphate isomerase – involved in glycolysis and gluconeogenesis Lipid/glycerol metabolism: CROT Fatty acid beta oxidation and lipid metabolism GK Glycerol kinase - regulates glycerol uptake and metabolism GPD1 Glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase – carbohydrate/lipid metabolism Energy molecule biosynthesis: COQ3 Methylates coenzyme Q - CoQ biosynthesis GATM Biosynthesis of guanidinoacetate – immediate precursor of creatine Insulin-related: MAFB Activates insulin and glucagon promoters SLC2A4 Insulin regulated glucose transporter Miscellaneous: COQ10A Required for function of Coenzyme Q in respiratory pathway Ubiquitination/SUMOylation ASB10 Substrate recognition for ECS E3 ubiquitin ligase ASB12 Possible substrate recognition component of E3 ubiquitin ligase ASB15 Possible substrate recognition component of E3 ubiquitin ligase CUL3 Cullin - polyubiquitination and protein degradation FBXO3 Substrate recognition for E3 ubiquitin ligase complex MAGEE1 Enhance ubiquitin ligase activity MAGEF1 May enhance ubiquitin ligase activity ZYG11B Possible target recruitment of E3 ubiquitin ligase Ubiquitin enzymes: HERC5 Interferon-induced E3 ubiquitin ligase MARCH6 E3 ubiquitin protein ligase RNF144B E3 ubiquitin protein ligase USP15 De-ubiquitinating enzyme Myogenic functions Muscle cell function: ALKBH4 Demethylates actin - regulates actin-myosin processes MYLK2 Myosin light chain kinase - muscle contraction MYOZ3 Helps tether calcineurin to sarcomeres in skeletal muscle PVALB Parvalbumin - involved in relaxation after contraction TTN Component in muscle assembly - balances forces between sarcomeres Muscle cell structure/integrity CAV3 Caveolin - involved in muscle membrane repair after mechanical stress CTF1 Secreted cytokine that induces myocyte hypertrophy CTNNA3 Involved in cell-cell adhesion in muscle cells SSPN DGC network - link between cytoskeleton and ECM in muscle cells SYNC1 Muscle intermediate filament protein - structural role in striated muscle Muscle cell biology: MEF2C Myogenic factor -1.57 -1.72 -1.85 -3.98 -1.92 -2.17 -1.84 -2.06 -1.56 -1.53 -1.73 -5.06 -1.84 -1.90 -1.81 -1.71 -1.58 -2.16 -1.60 -1.74 -1.90 -2.00 -2.37 1.53 -1.90 -1.78 -1.53 -1.51 -2.09 -2.50 -3.86 -1.51 -1.97 -1.53 -1.76 -1.77 -1.72 -1.59 PITX2 PTPLA Controls cell proliferation and muscle expansion Muscle specific very long chain fatty acid synthesis Signaling Pathways Miscellaneous signaling: IRS1 Involved in insulin signaling PDE1A Signal transduction - cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase Wnt signaling: RSPO3 Activator of canonical Wnt signaling WISP2 Wnt signaling pathway - relevant for malignant transformation WNT4 Ligand in the Wnt signaling pathway TGFbeta signaling: SMAD6 Negatively regulates TGF beta signaling TGFB2 TGF beta - multiple effects TNF signaling: IER3 Protects cells from Fas or TNF induced apoptosis PEBP4 Promotes cellular resistance to TNF-apoptosis Neuronal Function Neuronal survival/plasticity/regeneration: ARMETL1 Trophic factor for dopamine neurons MPDZ Synaptic plasticity in excitatory synapses SEMA6C Semaphorin possibly important for neural regeneration WDR62 Neuronal proliferation and migration CNS development: ARX Transcription factor involved in CNS development CRIM1 Interacts with growth factors during CNS development GPC4 Cell surface heparin sulfate proteoglycan PHYHIPL Possible role in development of CNS Neuronal orientation/polarization: BTBD3 Regulates dendritic field orientation EGFLAM Necessary for proper bipolar dendritic tip apposition RILPL2 Involved in cell shape and neuronal morphogenesis Neurotransmitters: GLRB Glycine receptor - neurotransmitter-gated ion channel Cell Growth/Cell Cycle Regulation Cell cycle regulators: ARID4A Binds to pRb to regulate cellular proliferation CABLES1 Cell cycle dependent kinase binding protein CDKN3 Cell cycle regulator - interacts with and dephosphorylates CDK2 NEDD1 Required for mitosis progression SPIN2B Regulates cell cycle progression Signal transduction cell growth regulation: TOB1 Anti-proliferative protein through ERBB signaling TRAF3IP3 Mediates cell growth by modifying JNK pathway Transporters Cellular transporters: NIPSNAP3B Possible role in vesicular transport -1.61 -1.66 -1.75 -1.83 -2.28 -1.58 -1.58 -1.55 -1.98 -1.72 -1.89 -1.54 -1.86 -1.67 -1.81 -2.99 -1.74 -2.05 -2.36 -2.08 -1.69 -1.52 -2.05 -2.00 -1.56 -1.59 -1.74 -1.98 -2.31 -1.66 -3.06 SLC29A1 Mediates influx and efflux of nucleosides across membrane SLC35E4 Putative transporter XPO4 Regulates transport of proteins between cytoplasm and nucleus Small molecule/metal transport: CNNM4 Cycling M4 - possible metal transport HBA2 Hemoglobin alpha - oxygen transport HBB Hemoglobin beta chain Mitochondrial Function Mitochondrial maintenance: KIF1B Kinesin - anterograde transport of mitochondria OSGEPL1 Involved in mitochondrial genome maintenance PINK1 Mitochondrial kinase - protects against mitochondrial dysfunction Mitochondrial uptake/transport: MRS2 May mediate influx of Mg+2 into mitochondria SLC25A12 Exchanges aspartate for glutamate across mitochondrial membrane SLC25A21 Mitochondrial transporter of 2-oxoadipate - precursor of Acetyl CoA Miscellaneous CCDC28B FILIP1L HIGD1B PER3 TMEM79 Modulates mTORC2 assembly and function Regulator of antiangiogenic activity Membrane associated - hypoxia inducible gene Component of the circadian clock mechanism Contributes to epidermal integrity -1.69 -2.41 -1.60 -2.16 -2.21 -1.72 -1.66 -1.98 -1.79 -1.70 -1.77 -1.66 -1.80 -2.19 -1.76 -1.60 -1.63 Actin/Microtubule Proteins FSCN1 Organizes actin filaments - migration and motility MAP7 Microtubule associated protein - reorganization and polarization SGCB Sarcoglycan - connects F-actin to ECM TMOD4 Blocks elongation and depolymerization of actin ends XIRP2 Protects actin filaments from depolymerization -1.72 -3.00 -2.35 -1.53 -1.61 G-protein Coupled Activities ARHGAP18 Rho GTPase activation protein ARHGEF10L Guanine nucleotide exchange factor for Rho ARHGEF17 Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor RASGRP3 Guanine nucleotide exchange factor for Ras and Raf -1.76 -1.51 -1.73 -1.74 Cellular Adhesion FRAS1 ITGA10 LPP -1.72 -1.56 -1.52 ECM protein - involved in adhesion and organogenesis Integrin alpha - receptor for collagen and important for adhesion Structural role at sites of adhesion, cell shape and motility Differentiation and Development SLFN5 May be involved in hematopoietic cell differentiation TSPAN33 Involved with erythropoiesis ZFPM2 Involved in heart morphogenesis and coronary vessel development -1.81 -1.83 -2.01 Extracellular Matrix ADAMTSL2 -1.61 Secreted glycoprotein - binds the cell surface and ECM CCDC88A IMPG2 Enhances Akt signaling - cytoskeletal remodeling and cell migration Proteoglycan - binds chondroitin sulfate and hyaluranon -1.57 -1.72 Cytoskeleton: PAK1 Cell motility - link Rho GTPases to cytoskeletal reorganization -1.74 Upregulated genes Enzymes/Enzymatic Activity Lipid enzymology: DDHD1 Phospholipase - hydrolyzes phosphatidic acid LIPG Lipase - hydrolyzes HDL PLA1A Hydrolysis of glycerophospholipids PLA2G2A Regulates phospholipid metabolism PLCD3 Phospholipase C - hydrolyzes PIP to diacylglycerol and inositol PON3 Hydrolyzes lactones and inhibit oxidation of LDL Miscellaneous: AKR1B10 Aldo/keto reductase - reduce aliphatic and aromatic aldehydes LIPA Lysosomal protein - catalyze hydrolysis of cholesterol and triglycerides METTL3 Adenosine-methyltransferase - methylates internal A's on mRNA METTL6 Probable methyltransferase SALL3 Decreases DNMT-3 CpG methylation SARS Serine tRNA aminoacyl transferase Saccharide/sugar enzymology: B4GALT5 Synthesis of complex n-linked oligosaccharides CHSY3 Glycosyltransferase IDUA Iduronidase alpha - hydrolyzes terminal alpha iduronic acid MAN1A2 Mannosidase - maturation of Asn-linked oligosacharrides MPI Enzyme involved in the synthesis of GDP-Mannose Acetyltranferases/deacetylaces: CHD1 Chromatin remodeler - member of histone acetyltransferase complex HDAC4 Histone deacetylase 4 SIRT1 Protein deacetylase - multiple functions YEATS4 Member of histone acetyltransferase complex Fatty acid enzymology: CPT1B Long chain beta oxidation fatty acid pathway ELOVL5 Synthesis of long chain fatty acids FADS1 Promotes the desaturation of fatty acids ZDHHC7 Broad specificity palmitoyltransferase Protein modification/proteases: AEBP1 Carboxypeptidase A family - reduce adipocyte differentiation CPA4 Carboxypeptidase PAPPA Metalloproteinase that cleave IGFBP 4 and 5 (increases free IGF) Amino acid synthesis/degradation: BCAT1 Catabolism of leucine, isoleucine, and valine PHGDH Involved with L-serine synthesis PRPS2 Involved with nucleotide synthesis Cell membrane protein anchoring: HHATL Negatively regulates palmitoylation of SHH PIGU Part of GPI transamidase - attaches GP-anchors to proteins +2.21 +2.71 +1.53 +1.52 +1.86 +1.66 +2.62 +1.60 +1.73 +1.58 +2.05 +1.58 +2.23 +1.58 +2.06 +1.64 +1.84 +1.66 +2.36 +1.67 +1.67 +1.66 +2.11 +1.65 +1.57 +1.62 +3.13 +3.13 +1.87 +1.52 +1.53 +1.61 +2.08 PIGW Involved with the biosynthesis of the GPI anchor Protein folding/structure: PPIL2 Peptidylprolyl isomerase - facilitates folding of proteins SELM Thiol-disulfide oxidoreductase - disulfide bond formation General Cellular Functioning Vesicle/organelle transport: DYNC1I1 Cytoplasmic dynein – motility of cytoplasmic vesicles and organelles EXOC5 Assists docking of exocytic vesicles on plasma membrane EXPH5 Possible involvement in vesicle transport GOLSYN Part of kinesin motor adaptor complex - axonal transport GOPC Intracellular protein trafficking and degradation SEC24D Coat of ER-derived vesicles - transport from ER to Golgi VPS37B Regulates vesicular trafficking Transcription/RNA splicing/translation: CRKRS CDK12 - regulates transcription elongation and mRNA splicing EAF1 ELL transactivating factor - promote RNA Pol II transcription PRPF8 Assists in the assembly of the snRNP complex RBM35B Regulates mRNA splicing RPL29 Ribosomal protein RPS21 Ribosomal protein RNA processing: EIF2C4 Member of the RISC complex NOL11 Nucleolar protein - rRNA processing RBM7 Possible involvement in RNA processing TSEN2 Involved in maturation of tRNA DNA repair: MLH3 DNA mismatch repair protein PMS1 DNA mismatch repair protein REV3L Involved in translesion DNA synthesis Histone/histone function: BAZ1A Part of a chromatin remodeling complex HIST1H1D Histone H1 HIST1H2AC Histone H1 Chromosome stability/function: ESPL1 Caspase-like protease - cleaves cohesin – chromosome segregation RCC2 Regulator of chromosome condensation Nuclear pore/nuclear membrane integrity: NUP188 Nucleoporin - present in nuclear pore complex TMEM43 Maintaining nuclear membrane structure Miscellaneous: OFD1 Centriole protein - involved in biogenesis of cilium Transcriptional Regulation Transcription factors – activators: ARNTL Transcriptional activator - circadian clock CCDC59 Transcriptional activator ETS2 Transcription factor - development/apoptosis - regulates telomeres FOS Part of the FOS/Jun complex - transcriptional regulation JUNB Part of the FOS/Jun complex - transcriptional regulation +2.00 +1.62 +1.56 +1.75 +1.50 +2.04 +1.67 +1.60 +1.79 +1.85 +1.53 +2.09 +1.61 +1.51 +1.53 +1.78 +2.01 +1.90 +1.76 +1.52 +1.53 +1.64 +1.58 +1.52 +1.52 +1.52 +1.72 +1.51 +1.82 +1.59 +1.57 +1.62 +1.56 +2.27 +2.90 +2.61 LITAF LPS-induced - mediates TNF alpha expression PRRX2 Role in fetal skin development Transcription co-factors/regulators: ARID5B Transcriptional coactivator involved in adipogenesis DDX21 Helicase in Jun-activated transcription EGR1 Transcriptional regulator of differentiation and mitogenesis NCOA7 Enhances nuclear receptor transcriptional activity NFIL3 Transcriptional regulator that binds to ATF sites Transcription inhibitors: PHC1 Polycomb group - maintain transcriptionally repressive state PTGES3 Molecular chaperone - disrupts transcriptional activation complexes Cellular Adhesion Promotes cellular adhesion/cell-cell interactions: CYR61 Angiogenic inducer - promotes adhesion of endothelial cells EFNA1 Ephrin ligand - promotes migration, repulsion and adhesion THBS1 Mediates cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions THBS2 Mediates cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions Ca+2-dependent adhesion molecules CDH11 Cadherin - Ca+2-dependent adhesion molecule CDH26 Cadherin - Ca+2-dependent cell adhesion molecule PCDHA5 Neuronal Ca+2-dependent cell adhesion protein Promotes loss of adhesion: PNN Reverses expression of E-cadherin expression PPFIA4 Regulates the disassembly of focal adhesions RND3 GTPase superfamily with no GTPase activity - promotes loss of adhesion Neuronal adhesion molecules: NCAM1 Neural cell adhesion molecule - cell-cell adhesion NINJ1 Cell adhesion molecule that promotes axonal nerve growth Miscellaneous: RHOB Ras homolog - affects cell adhesion and growth factor signaling SEMA3F Semaphorin - cell motility and adhesion Proteases/peptidases: ADAM33 Metallopeptidase involved in mediating cell-cell interactions RELN ECM serine protease important for cell adhesion Extracellular Matrix Collagen and collagen deposition: COL1A1 Collagen type 1A COL1A2 Collagen Type 1 CTHRC1 Negative regulator of collagen matrix deposition LOX Extracellular copper enzyme that initiates the crosslinking of collagens Proteases/peptidases: HTRA3 Serine protease - cleave ECM proteoglycans MMP11 Matrixmetallopeptidase - ECM degradation PLAU Serine protease involved in degradation of extracellular matrix Protease/peptidase inhibitors: SERPINE1 Ser proteinase inhibitor - inhibitor of fibrinolysis SERPINA1 Inhibitor of serine proteases - elastin is primary target Cell surface proteoglycans: +2.24 +1.75 +1.83 +1.60 +1.76 +1.99 +2.30 +1.91 +1.57 +2.62 +1.60 +1.79 +1.87 +1.55 +1.67 +1.59 +2.07 +1.76 +2.38 +1.66 +1.50 +2.38 +1.58 +1.52 +1.78 +1.51 +1.55 +2.44 +2.37 +2.17 +5.29 +1.51 +2.48 +1.52 SDC4 Cell surface proteoglycan - binds heparin sulfate UGDH Biosynthesis of glycosaminoglycans like chondroitin and heparin sulfate General ECM proteins FREM2 ECM protein - required for integrin of skin epithelium VCAN Versican - member of the extracellular matrix Actin/Microtubule Proteins Actin polymerization/accumulation/reorganization: ACTR3 Regulator of actin polymerization SHRM Controls cell shape through the accumulation of F-actin SPIRE1 Actin nucleation factor - vesicular transport XIRP1 Protect actin filaments from depolymerization Actin depolymerization/turnover: MICAL1 Promotes depolymerization of F-actin MICAL2 Monooxygenase - depolymerization of F-actin RHPN2 Binds GTP-Rho - increase turnover of F-actin structures Miscellaneous: TUBA1B Tubulin - major component of microtubules Structural: NES Member of the intermediate filament protein family Transporters Small molecule/metal transport: SCARA5 Mediates ferritin bound uptake of iron SLC2A3 Glucose transporter SLC7A5 Involved in cellular amino acid transport SLC16A6 Solute carrier - rapid transport of monocarboxylates SLC16A10 Mediates uptake of aromatic amino acids SLC39A6 Zinc-influx transporter SLC39A14 Zinc transporter SLC43A2 Na+, Cl-, and pH-dependent transporter of large amino acids Molecular release: GNRH1 Stimulates release of gonadotropins SLCO2A1 Mediate release of prostaglandin from cells Phagocytosis/endocytosis: AAK1 Regulates clathirin-mediated endocytosis SRPX May be involved in phagocytosis Miscellaneous: PLVAP May function in microvascular permeability Cell Growth/Cell Cycle Regulation Growth inhibitory factors: BTG1 Anti-proliferative protein - high in G0 phase DDIT4L Inhibits cell growth by regulating TOR signaling FBXO31 Involved with G1 arrest following DNA damage LATS2 Negative regulator - inhibits proliferation/promotes apoptosis Cell cycle regulators: CCND2 Cyclin D2 - G1 progression CDKN1B Cell cycle regulator involved in G1 arrest CKS2 Promotes catalytic activity of cyclin dependent kinases +1.54 +2.04 +1.65 +1.67 +1.51 +1.50 +1.64 +1.75 +2.47 +2.04 +1.52 +1.53 +1.66 +1.73 +1.98 +1.77 +4.06 +1.72 +1.73 +2.12 +1.58 +1.69 +1.72 +1.67 +1.53 +2.55 +1.63 +1.73 +1.63 +2.44 +1.60 +1.53 +2.17 Growth promoting factors: MYC Multifunctional transcription factor - cell growth NEK6 Kinase required for metaphase progression WDR82 Chromatin modification - regulates transition from mitosis to interphase Miscellaneous: ZFP36L1 Probably transcription factor - response to growth factors Receptors Miscellaneous: GPR179 Orphan receptor involved in vision LTBR TNF receptor super family member - promotes apoptosis NR2F2 RAR activated nuclear receptor PROCR Receptor for activated protein C - blood coagulation TNFRSF6B Decoy receptor that protects against apoptosis Acetylcholine receptor – neurotransmitter: CHRNA1 Acetylcholine receptor - ion conduction CHRNB1 Acetylcholine receptor - ion conduction CHRND Acetylcholine receptor - ion conduction G-protein coupled receptors: GDI2 GDP dissociation factor - release of GDP from G binding proteins GPR64 G-protein coupled receptor - possibly involvement in epididymal function OR4B1 G-protein coupled receptor - olfactory receptor Ubiquitination/SUMOylation Ubiquitin enzymes: FBXO10 Member of SCF E3 ubiquitin ligase complex FBXO30 Member of E3 ubiquitin ligase complex RNF167 E3 ubiquitin protein ligase (ring finger protein) TRIM9 Ubiquitin ligase - proteasomal degradation SUMOylation: RANBP2 Enhances SUMOylation SAE1 E1 ligase for SUMO and SUMOylation Ubiquitin-dependent degradation: SPSB1 Mediator of ubiquitin-dependent degradation USP8 Ubiquitin-specific peptidase Deubiquitinating: VCPIP1 Deubiquitinating enzyme post mitosis Myogenic Functions: Positive regulators: CSRP3 Positive regulator of myogenesis HES6 Suppressor of HES1 (HES1 is a negative regulator of myogenesis) MYH3 Myosin heavy chain 3 - muscle contraction MYH8 Myosin heavy chain 8 - muscle contraction Muscle cell functions: ABHD2 Possible smooth muscle migration ANKRD1 Transcription factor – myofibrillar stretch sensory GJA1 Heart gap junction gene - important for synchronized contraction Negative regulator: TMEM119 May promote differentiation of myoblasts into osteoblasts +2.02 +1.53 +1.53 +1.58 +1.49 +2.66 +1.60 +2.15 +1.84 +2.95 +1.95 +8.02 +1.62 +1.64 +1.64 +1.62 +1.61 +1.49 +1.75 +1.97 +1.61 +2.23 +1.67 +1.62 +2.68 +1.90 +2.10 +3.27 +1.68 +2.02 +3.44 +1.85 Signaling Pathways Wnt/FGF signaling: SFRP1 SHISA2 TLE3 Miscellaneous: ABHD6 HEY2 Soluble frizzled like protein - modulates Wnt signaling Attenuates FGF and Wnt signaling Transcriptional co-repressor in Wnt signaling +1.65 +2.42 +1.55 May be a regulator of endocannabinoid signaling pathways Downstream Notch effector - cardiovascular development +1.72 +1.53 Kinases/Phosphatases General kinases: PIM1 Ser/Thr kinase - prevent apoptosis and promote survival PIM2 Ser/Thr kinase - prevent apoptosis and promote survival PRKCI Protein kinase C iota SNF1LK Na+-inducible Ser/Thr kinase - multifunctional Miscellaneous: CLP1 Polynucleotide kinase - phosphorylate dsRNA Mitochondrial Function Miscellaneous: MRPL38 Mitochondrial ribosomal protein SOD2 Mitochondrial superoxide dismutase Mitochondrial energy production: CYP1B1 Cytochrome P450 subunit B1 MTHFD1L Tetrahydrofolate synthesis in the mitochondria Mitochondrial uptake/transport: CCDC109B Negatively modulates Ca+2 uptake into mitochondria DNAJA1 Chaperon - transport of proteins into mitochondria Protein Folding/Turnover/Degradation Miscellaneous: CTSL1 Lysosomal cysteine proteinase - involved in protein turnover FKBP11 Accelerate protein folding during protein synthesis PSMG3 Chaperone promotes assembly of 20S proteasome UBLCP1 Decreases proteolytic activity of 26S proteasome Receptor turnover/degradation: CHMP1B Involved in degradation of surface receptor proteins CHMP2B Involved with the recycling or degradation of cell surface receptors Glycolysis/Energy Metabolism ADH1A Alcohol dehydrogenase ADH1C Alcohol dehydrogenase ENO1 Enolase - glycolytic enzyme PDK4 Ser/Thr kinase - glucose and fatty acid metabolism PFKFB3 6-phosphofructokinase – involved in glycolysis PFKP Phosphofructokinase – involved in glycolysis Ca+2-Dependent Functions Ca+2 channel/Ca+2-dependent channel +2.24 +2.30 +1.56 +1.71 +1.64 +1.76 +1.97 +2.09 +1.87 +1.56 +1.58 +1.51 +1.55 +1.50 +1.97 +1.52 +1.79 +1.51 +1.52 +1.89 +2.26 +1.60 +1.64 BEST3 SRI STC1 Miscellaneous: NCALD NUCB2 Calcium sensitive chloride channels Ca+2 binding protein - modulates calcium channels Stimulates phosphate and calcium reuptake +1.78 +1.60 +1.75 Ca+2-dependent regulator of G-proteins (membrane associated) Ca+2 binding - release of TNF from vascular endothelial cells +1.67 +1.70 Cytoskeleton LAMB1 MARCKSL1 SEMA4D TCHH VIL2 Laminin b - part of the basement membrane Controls cell movement by regulating the actin cytoskeleton Receptor for plexin - reorganization of actin cytoskeleton Serves as scaffold protein to organize cell envelope Intermediate between plasma membrane and actin cytoskeleton +1.86 +1.80 +2.01 +1.51 +1.58 Apoptotic ADAMTSL4 GRAMD4 MEGF10 TNFRSF10A Metalloproteinase - positive regulator of apoptosis Mediator of E2F1A apoptosis Mediator of apoptotic cell phagocytosis TNF family member - pro-apoptotic +1.54 +1.51 +1.58 +1.71 Neuronal Function CRYBB2 Crystallin – possible neurite promoting factor DCLK1 Involved with Ca+2 signaling - involved in neuronal migration FGF9 Produced by neurons - growth stimulating effect on glial cells KIF5A Kinesin protein - slow axonal transport of neurofilament proteins +1.55 +2.47 +1.91 +1.54 Differentiation and Development GDF15 Bone morphogenic protein - member of TGFbeta family MGP Associates with bone matrix - inhibits bone formation VEGFC Promotes angiogenesis +1.52 +1.80 +1.54 Metallothionein (Metal Binding/Anti-Oxidant) MT1A Metallothionein protein MT1E Metallothionein 1E - metal binding MT2A Metallothionein protein +1.52 +1.91 +1.52 Ion Transport ATP1A1 ATP-dependent Na and K transport +1.73 Gene name, function and fold-change vs. SUC/SIV macaques are shown for each category and sub-category according to their biological function.