Edgewood Honors Convocation

Edgewood Dominican Awards
Honoring Outstanding Undergraduate Student Achievement
2012 Call for Nominations
The Offices of the Academic Dean & Dean of Students are soliciting nominations for the following
awards to recognize those undergraduates who embody the college mission and the Dominican values
of Truth, Justice, Compassion, Community and Partnership:
 Heritage Awards - “Intellect, Spirit, Imagination and Heart”
for Freshmen and Sophomores
 Justice Awards - “A Just and Compassionate World”
for Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors
 Leadership Awards - “Ethical Leadership”
for Juniors and Seniors
 Scholars Awards - “Search for Truth”
for Juniors and Seniors
ROSAs - Recognition of Outstanding Student Achievement at the State, Regional or National Level
for all students
Departments, offices, individual faculty and staff are encouraged to nominate an outstanding student
in one or more categories. Nominations maybe made online at
http://my.edgewood.edu/sites/services/dst/default.aspx. Click on the “Dominican Award Nomination
2012” or the “ROSA 2012” survey to submit your nomination. These links are located on the gray bar
(top left).
The deadline for submission is Friday, March 2, 2012, at 4:00 pm.
All nominations must be submitted online at the website above.
A student may be nominated for more than one award, but you must submit a separate nomination
for each award that meets the specific criteria.
We highly encourage you to contact the student you are nominating in order to provide the most
current information on their candidacy. We have provided a student questionnaire at the end of
the document for you to use if you choose. This is only for your reference to assist with the
nomination. This document should not be added to your nomination.
The annual college-wide Dominican Honors Convocation will be held this year on Monday, April
16, 2012, at 4:00pm in Anderson Auditorium to recognize the recipients of the Dominican
Awards. Also recognized at the ceremony will be this year’s ROSA students, undergraduates who
have received awards or significant recognition at the state, regional or national level for
outstanding achievement.
If you have questions, call the Dominican Honors Convocation coordinators:
Leadership Awards and ROSA’s: Beth John, Assistant Dean for Student Life/Director of Student
Activities, x 2334
Heritage Awards: Beth John, Assistant Dean for Student Life/Director of Student Activities, x 2334
Scholars Awards: Kate Dougherty, Area Coordinator, x6940
Justice Awards: John Mleziva, Associate Director of Student Activities, x2257
Heritage Award for “Intellect, Spirit, Imagination & Heart”
This award is given to Freshmen and Sophomores who are emerging campus leaders or potential
scholars. It is recommended that nominated students have a GPA of at least 3.0 and be free of any
incidents in regard to academic integrity (Contact the Academic Dean’s Office for verification).
Since there is no one way to define outstanding of Dominican “spirit,” the selection committee suggests
that some of the following criteria be used as a guide for your nomination:
 a participatory spirit related to academic and campus activities that reflects Dominican
values of truth, justice, compassion, partnership and community
 constructive engagement in a particular activity, cause or academic interest on or off
 whole-hearted energy and positive mindedness
 innovative of linking of curricular and co-curricular activities
 awareness of a cause, courage to act and thoughtful action(s)
 clear potential for greater leadership or scholarship in the coming years
The selection committee composed of Student Government Association faculty advisors and student
members will choose up to two students for this award.
Justice Award for commitment to a “A Just and Compassionate World”
This award is open to Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors based on their commitment to justice on campus
or in the larger community. For nominations, it is suggested that students have a cumulative GPA of at
least 3.0 and be free of any incidents in regard to academic integrity (Contact the Academic Dean’s
Office for verification).
Since there is no one way to define outstanding commitment to justice, the selection committee suggests
that some of the following criteria be used as a guide for nominations:
 responds to basic human and systemic challenges that require social action and change
 promotes a culture of respect, access, inclusion that embraces differences and contributes
toward the dismantling of “isms”: e.g., racism, able-ism, heterosexism
creates multicultural programs or promotes multicultural education, including activities that
celebrate diverse perspectives
 facilitates constructive dialogue within the community or engages with partners or
communities off campus to promote justice
 demonstrates knowledge of and commitment to sustainability of the environment
 promotes non-violent alternatives and conflict resolution to achieve social justice
 thinks and acts on the global and/or local level for the common good
Up to five students will be selected for awards. At least one recipient will be recognized for
leadership in matters relating to diversity. The selection committee will include representatives from
the Student Affairs and Diversity committees, and other campus members.
Leadership Award for “Ethical Leadership”
This award is given to Juniors and Seniors who demonstrate exceptional leadership and dedication to
service. For nominations, it is suggested that students have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0 and be
free of any incidents in regard to academic integrity (Contact the Academic Dean’s Office for
Since there is no one way to define outstanding leadership and service, the selection committee suggests
that some of the following criteria to be used as a guide for your nomination:
 excellence in leadership within a student organization
(This individual need not be the president of the group or indeed hold any official title or
position; rather, the person is one who has provided leadership to the group, its members and
the college community.)
 leadership in service to the Edgewood campus and/or wider community
 leadership within a team context
 inspirational leadership in the deepening of faith or the character development of others
 ability to motivate others to do their best
 organizational skills
 integrity, including the ability to discern right from wrong, the willingness to act upon the
knowledge, and the courage to stand up for a cause and take action for change
The selection committee composed of Student Affairs Committee faculty and staff will choose up to
five students for awards.
Scholars Award for commitment to the “Search for Truth”
Juniors and Seniors will be selected for this award based on scholarly achievement, either for a
specific project or for ongoing excellence in academic work. For nominations, students should have a
cumulative GPA of at least 3.5 and be free of any incidents in regard to academic integrity (Contact
the Academic Dean’s Office for verification).
Since there is no one way to define outstanding scholarly achievement, the selection committee suggests
that some of the following criteria be used as a guide.
 excellence in research, to include, but not limited to, traditional scholarly inquiry, laboratory
experimentation, clinical work, original research and thinking in a seminar
 outstanding initiative or significant contribution in applying academic knowledge in the
community, from the Edgewood community to larger and global communities
 highest achievement in cross-curricular or interdisciplinary academic work
 outstanding creativity in an approach to a project or performance
 innovative professional development in an internship or clinical or practicum setting
The selection committee will choose up to five students for awards, taking care to represent as many
disciplines as possible. The Associate Academic Dean, Student Affairs Committee faculty and full-time
instructors will serve on the selection committee.
ROSAs: Recognition of Outstanding Student Achievement
at the State, Regional or National Level
At the 2012 Dominican Honors Convocation, the Offices of the Academic Dean and Dean of Students
will acknowledge those undergraduates who have received awards or significant recognition at the
state, regional or national level for outstanding achievement.
Departments, offices, faculty, staff, and students are encouraged to submit names of students who in
the past year have received such recognition for excellence or outstanding achievement, (e.g., a
debate team taking first place at a regional conference; a student elected to office in a state
organization; a student whose academic or artistic work was submitted to an organization and was
awarded a prize.)
Criteria for Recognition at Honors Convocation:
 Acknowledged academic or artistic accomplishment, or leadership, not simply participation in an
event, organization or conference - that is, recognition by formal citation or appointment, award,
prize or honor conferred upon the student or group of students.
 The accomplishment occurred between March 2011 – April 2012.
Submit names online at http://my.edgewood.edu/sites/services/dst/default.aspx by Friday, March
2, 2012. Click on the “ROSA 2012” survey to submit your nomination. This link is located on the gray
bar (top left).
Faculty & Staff Nominator
This document is meant to be a resource for you to write a complete nomination. This is only for
the student to fill out for you. It should not be submitted as part of the nomination.
Dear student,
(I/our department) would like to nominate you for a Dominican Award. Dominican Awards
recognize undergraduate students who embody the college mission and the Dominican values of
Truth, Justice, Compassion, Community and Partnership.
(I/our department) are nominating you for the (Heritage/Justice/Leadership/Scholars) Award.
Nomination criteria for the (Heritage/Justice/Leadership/Scholars) award is:
(insert criteria here)
Would you please complete the following questionnaire to help us in writing your nomination? The
deadline for submitting nominations is Friday, March 2.
The Dominican Honors Convocation Committee will review the nominations and notification of the
recognized students will be made later in March. The Honors Convocation ceremony will be held on
April 16th.
Many thanks!!
Sign your name here
Major & Minor
Year in School
When did you begin at Edgewood?
Please list all academic achievements during your college career (dean’s list, research, recognitions,
competitions, etc)
Please list your involvement with on-campus extra-curricular activities (clubs, organizations, resident
assistants, work study, etc)
Please list your involvement with commitment to community service (both on and off campus – can
be volunteer)
Please list any specifics (based on the criteria) pertaining directly to the award you are being
nominated for.
Is there anything else you feel worthy of mentioning?