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AP Chemistry Daily Goals 2015 2016
I will identify my responsibilities as an important contributor to our classroom learning community.
On Monday August 3, I will demonstrate my understanding of the importance of practicing safe laboratory
procedures. I will apply those procedures to prepare a copper chloride sample for dehydration.
On Tuesday August 4, 2015 I will participate in an individual and table team success analysis. I will continue
to demonstrate my understanding of the importance of practicing safe laboratory procedures. I will apply
those procedures to prepare a copper chloride sample for dehydration.
On Wednesday August 5, 2015I will analyze my copper chloride sample to determine the percent and molar
water content. I will contribute team success factors toward building a classroom learning community.
On Thursday August 6, 2015 I will analyze my copper chloride sample to determine the copper content. I will
also determine the empirical formula of my original copper chloride compound.
On Friday August 7 I will finish final data collection and write my hydrate lab report. I will also demonstrate
my proficiency at writing chemical formulas and naming compounds.
On Monday August 10 I will determine the formulas of my hydrate and do a critical error analysis. I will also
apply what I learned from the hydrate lab to compare mass ratios in a carbonate determination.
On Tuesday August 11 I will convert my carbonate sample into a chloride compound. I will also attend an
optional writing balanced equations part at 7:05 AM or 3:25 PM.
On Wednesday August 12 I will measure my final chloride product and use the mass ration to determine the
identity of my unknown.
On Thursday August 13, I will check my understanding of predicting, writing, and balancing equations.
Finally, I will begin to practice measuring and calculating with significant digits.
On Friday August 14, I will demonstrate my proficiency at predicting products and writing balanced chemical
On Monday August 17 I will identify my responsibilities as an important contributor to our classroom learning
community. I will differentiate between solvation, dissolution, hydration, dissociation, and ionization. I will
also differentiate between strong, weak, and nonelectrolytes
On Tuesday August 18 I will demonstrate my mastery of the concepts of dissolution, solvation, dissociation,
and ionization by participating in a clicker team challenge. I will also attend an optional significant digits party
at 7:05 AM or 3:25 PM.
On Wednesday August 19 I will measure and explain differences in conductivity between ionic, molecular, &
acidic compounds. I will also measure and explain the changes in conductivity when solutions are mixed.
On Thursday August 20, I will finish conductivity measurements and explain differences in conductivities
between and within classes of compounds. I will also become aware of how error in measurements combine
when two or measurements are combined.
On Friday August 21, I will demonstrate my proficiency at measuring and calculating in significant digits
On Monday August 24, I will also differentiate between complete molecular, complete ionic, and net ionic
On Tuesday August 25, I will test my predictions of precipitation reactions in the laboratory.
On Wednesday August 26, I will apply net ionic equation to acid base and gas evolution reactions.
On Thursday August 27, I will compare Arrhenius and Bronsted-Lowry definitions of acids and bases.
On Friday August 28, I will write redox half reaction to show that the movement of electrons or electron
density is the real reaction.
On Monday August 31, I will report solution concentrations in molarity. I will also use molarity to solve
solution stoichiometry problems.
On Tuesday September 1, I will use my laptop to collect pH data during an acid base titration lab. I will graph
the data in order to determine the equivalence point and calculate the concentration of unknown acid.
On Wednesday September 2, I will practice answering free response test questions taken from previous years
AP Exams. I will finish making stoichiometric calculation in my notes. I will also bring my laptop to class so
that I can turn in my lab graph and data via ItsLearning.
On Thursday September 3, I will attend an option 7:05 test preparation help session. I will bring my laptop to
class to practice multiple choice test questions taken from previous AP exams via ItsLearning.
On Friday September 4, I will attend an optional 7:05 test preparation help session. I will demonstrate my
mastery of expression chemical reactions in aqueous solutions by acing the chapter 4 exam.