College of Engineering - University of Massachusetts Dartmouth

College of Engineering – Frequently Asked Questions
If you don’t find your question answered here or you need further clarification on an answer,
contact the Undergraduate Academic Advisor – Jennifer Murphy (DION 319C;; 508- 910-6959).
1. Who is my advisor?
Students can find the name of their academic advisor by logging in to their COIN
account. Each department within Engineering has its own method of assigning faculty
advisors that best suits the needs of their students. If you do not have a faculty advisor
listed in COIN, contact your major department directly. If you are Engineering
Undecided, contact Jennifer Murphy.
2. I have a registration hold in COIN preventing me from enrolling in courses. What
do I do?
There are many reasons why you can have a hold preventing enrollment in courses. You
should first look in your Student Center of COIN to see what type of hold you have. If
you have an advising hold it is because you have not met with your advisor to discuss
courses for the upcoming semester. All students must meet with their advisor at least two
times per year (once in November and again in April) to discuss your academic plans and
progress towards graduation. Other holds may be financial (you owe money to the
University). Bursar holds can only be removed by the Bursar’s office, so you should stop
by the Student Enrollment Center in the Foster Administration Building to have that hold
3. How do I declare my major if I am Engineering Undecided?
Engineering undecided students should declare a major as soon as possible and no later
than their third (3rd) semester. There is an advantage to declaring the major early – you
will be assigned to a faculty advisor within that major and you will begin taking
specialized courses required for that major.
To declare the major, you will obtain a Change of Major form and bring that form to the
new major department to obtain a Department Head signature and be assigned an advisor.
Once you have been accepted by the new major, you will then bring the form to DION
326 for the Assoc. Dean for Academic Affairs signature.
4. How do I change my major to Engineering?
If you are not an engineering student and wish to change to engineering, you will need to
obtain a Change of Major form and bring that form to the new major department to meet
with the Department Head. If accepted, the Department Head will sign the form and
assign you an advisor. You will then obtain the Department Head signature of the major
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you are leaving and then bring the form to DION 326 for the Assoc. Dean for Academic
Affairs signature.
5. How do I declare a minor?
Students can choose to minor in one of more than 40 academic fields—taking courses in
an area that complements their major, and which they find interesting and challenging.
With a minor, students complete at least 18 credits (not including any required
prerequisite courses), half of them in upper level courses.
To declare a minor, obtain a Declaring a Minor form and bring it to the department
offering the minor. Before declaring the minor, you should speak with an advisor in the
minor department as well as your major advisor, to learn how the minor will affect your
plan of study and progress towards graduation.
6. I did poorly or failed a required course. Can I retake that same course? How will it
affect my GPA?
Students are allowed to retake a course one time. Additional retakes must be approved by
the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs.
If a course is retaken, it is noted on the transcript as a repeat, the original grade is
removed from the GPA and the second grade is factored into the GPA (both grades
remain visible on the transcript).
IMPULSE courses in Math and Physics can be retaken as their non-IMPULSE version
and the non-IMPULSE grade will be factored into the GPA. Non-IMPULSE course
equivalents are as follows:
Mth 153 / Mth 151
Mth 213 / Mth 211
Mth 154 / Mth 152
Phy 111 / Phy 113
Phy 112 / Phy 114
7. I am having difficulty with my math/science/engineering/writing courses.
Students can utilize the tutoring services in the Science & Engineering Center (SENG,
Rm 217B) for help with all math, science, and engineering courses required for their
major. Students needing help with English or writing courses can use the Writing and
Reading Center which is located on the second floor of the Liberal Arts building.
8. What is the IMPULSE program?
The IMPULSE program is a learning community that combines an integrated curriculum
with active collaborative learning, teamwork, and the latest technology. This innovative
and very successful program has shown that an integrated curriculum can help students
gain the skills needed to succeed as an engineer.
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As a freshman, the IMPULSE program consists of interrelated courses: engineering and
calculus in the fall semester; and engineering, physics, and calculus in the spring. These
courses are coordinated by the faculty and completed as a set, even though you receive a
separate grade in each.
9. What if my GPA falls below 2.0?
If your semester GPA is below 2.0 but your cumulative GPA is above 2.0, you will
receive an Academic Warning. Once your cumulative GPA falls below 2.0, you will be
placed on Academic Probation. If your cumulative GPA is below 2.0 for two (2)
consecutive semesters, you will be placed on Academic Dismissal, meaning you are
eligible to be dismissed from the university. Students whose cumulative GPA is below
2.0 but earned a semester GPA of 2.3 or higher and who have passed a minimum of twothirds (67%) of the attempted credits are placed on Extended Probation. Students may
remain in this status until their cumulative GPA rises to a minimum of 2.0 as long as they
continue to earn a 2.3 semester GPA.
At the end of each semester, students will receive a letter from the College of
Engineering informing them of their academic standing (warning, probation, extended
probation, or dismissal). Students who are eligible for dismissal may appeal that decision
to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. Students who are dismissed are prevented
from taking classes at UMass Dartmouth for at least one semester. Dismissed students
must demonstrate that they can succeed academically during their time away by enrolling
in courses at another institution. Students should consult with their major Department
Head for advice on courses to complete to be successfully readmitted.
10. How do I get the Dean’s signature on forms?
The Associate Dean for Academic Affairs signs all paperwork requiring a Dean’s
signature. To obtain a signature, stop by the College of Engineering Dean’s Office in
DION Rm. 326.
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