Tennis Clubmark Accreditation
Tennis Clubmark Accreditation
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Tennis Clubmark Accreditation
Tennis Clubmark Criteria – as set out by the LTA ......................................................................... 3
Musselburgh Tennis Club – Committee Members ....................................................................... 5
Constitution of Musselburgh Tennis Club .................................................................................. 13
Registration Form for Members ................................................................................................. 19
Wimbledon Tickets Acknowledgement Form............................................................................. 21
Code of Practice .......................................................................................................................... 22
Self-Declaration Form ................................................................................................................. 24
Volunteer Commitment Form .................................................................................................... 27
Volunteer Recruitment and Retention Policy ............................................................................. 28
Child Protection Policy ................................................................................................................ 30
Equality & Diversity Policy .......................................................................................................... 31
Anti-Bullying Policy ..................................................................................................................... 31
Photography & Filming of Children Policy .................................................................................. 38
Complaints Policy........................................................................................................................ 39
Feedback policy .......................................................................................................................... 42
Accident and Emergency Information ........................................................................................ 43
Accident Report Form ................................................................................................................. 45
Risk Assessment Guidance.......................................................................................................... 47
Risk Assessment Policy ............................................................................................................... 51
Risk Assessment Template ......................................................................................................... 52
Sinking Fund Policy ..................................................................................................................... 54
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Tennis Clubmark Criteria – as set out by the LTA
As a management committee review your existing policies, procedures and activities and identify
where additional resources need to be developed or where your on-court programme needs to be
refined to support you to achieve Tennis Clubmark accreditation.
Start by looking at the Clubmark criteria below. Run through each item of evidence required and tick
off what you feel you have in place to get some understanding of the remaining workload. Then
divide the work across the various committee members and coach, put in timescales and ensure you
meet regularly to monitor progress. Your local Tennis Development Manager is available to support
Job specification for each role
Section 2
Open access constitution or rules – rules should reflect the recent
incorporation of the LTA and the new disciplinary code
Volunteer commitment form for each volunteer
Section 8
Volunteer recruitment and retention policy
Section 9
Consultancy agreement for coaching services or coach/club charter
To be completed
Job specification for head coach along with each additional coaching
To be completed
Policies and procedures commitment form
To be completed
Effectively promote your place to play
To be completed
Create a welcoming environment
To be completed
Policies and Procedures
Code of practice for members/users
Section 6
Code of practice for working with young people
To be confirmed
Child protection policy
Sections 10 and 11
Equality and diversity policy
Section 12
Child protection course - head coach and child protection officer to
attend and certification required
To be confirmed
Photography and filming of children policy
Section 13
Complaints policy
Section 14
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Feedback policy
Section 15
Accident and emergency information
Section 16
Accident report forms
Section 17
Risk assessment policy
Sections 18, 19 and 20
Tennis Programme
Achieve Clubmark Minimum Programme Guidelines
Licensed head coach and/or licensed/registered coaching team
Development plan for the head coach and/or coaching team
Using the appropriate courts and equipment for mini tennis, yellow
ball and adult beginners
Using registers; including emergency contact details and medical
Using appropriate player : coach ratios for on court activity
Delivering an inclusive programme of coaching and competition
Developing talent and working with the LTA talent identification
Engaging the local community; schools, community clubs, disability
groups, youth groups
Action plan – short, medium and long term goals
Sinking fund guidance and policy
Section 21
Business plan – project specific (not essential)
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Musselburgh Tennis Club – Committee Members
Tim Price
07801 130 563
The President is the internal and external figurehead of the club.
Lead the public representation of the club – to the local community, tennis governing body,
funding organisations, media and other interested parties
Lead the club's Annual General Meeting and Committee Meetings – acting as chairperson
Lead the future direction of the club's growth and retention
To motivate and support all Club Committee Members
To control day to day management of the Club
To ensure that the Club meets any obligations to other parties –
the tennis governing body for any standards and policy adherence
the Local Authority regarding court access, maintenance
any funding organisations regarding any repayments
To ensure that the Club's Constitution and supporting Policies
are maintained and reviewed at least annually
are available to all members and, where appropriate, visible or accessible within the
To ensure that the conduct of all Club Members whilst at the Club or representing the Club
meet the standards in our Policies and, if not, that appropriate actions are taken
To agree meeting agendas with the Secretary
To chair the Club's Annual General Meeting and other Committee Members in an impartial
and unbiased way. To lead the agenda and preside over any necessary voting. As per the
Constitution the President shall, if necessary, hold the casting vote
Outwith these formal meetings the President can make appropriate decisions on behalf of
the management committee once members have been consulted
To own the Club's Future Plan
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Tim Price
07801 130 563
The Treasurer manages the present and future projected financial position of the club.
To act as the financial governor of the club, ensuring that all financial transactions are
accounted for
To build the future projected financial position of the club and ensure that sufficient budget
is built and retained to ensure the ongoing stability of the club
To collect and manage payment of Club Memberships and, with the Secretary, maintaining a
record of all Club Members
To ensure that records of all financial transactions are retained and centrally recorded in an
appropriate way
To present the Club's financial status (Full Year ending end-February) at the Annual General
Meeting – making reference to any substantial expenses / income and or any unaccounted
To build the budget forecast to ensure that future ongoing and maintenance can be met
To ensure that any commitment payments to third parties (e.g. Grants or Loans) are repaid
to the correct schedule
To identify fundraising opportunities e.g. grants / sponsorships and to pursue these on
behalf of the Club
To manage the Wimbledon Ballot allocation from British Tennis – including the payment for
tickets, ballot for tickets, distribution of tickets and then re-imbursement for tickets – either
from Club Members or from British Tennis for returned tickets
To make available the Club's financial position upon written request from any Club Member
– requests from other parties would require Club Committee approval
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Richard Morley
07717 700 266
The Secretary is the main administrator of club affairs
Lead the administration and record keeper for the Club – including any correspondence to
third parties i.e. British Tennis, Local Authority etc.
To be the first point of contact for all enquiries – listed on correspondence and on the
Annual General Meeting and other Committee Meetings
To call theses meetings, including outlining the Agenda, in a timely fashion in
accordance with the Club Constitution
To record minutes and actions during the meeting
To distribute the minutes and actions following the meeting and to ensure that
actions are completed by their owners in a timely fashion
Club membership
To maintain a Register of all Club Members – including their names, contact details,
emergency contact details etc. – including the currency of their membership
Engagement with British Tennis
To ensure affiliation is retained with British Tennis
To manage the British Tennis membership lists as per the received Club Membership
To manage the Club's affiliation to British Tennis, it's list of Places to Play, with
Tennis Scotland and with the local leagues
Dealing with other correspondence - for example, but not limited to
With Local Authority for access to the courts
With Local Officials (e.g. Councillors) on any matters arising
With Funding Providers, Grant Organisations, Sponsors to ensure ongoing contact
and relationships are built and retained
With the Local Community on any matters arising
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Risk Assessment Co-ordinator
Ian Hunt
To ensure the safety of the courts, the clubhouse and the surrounding grounds
To ensure that the courts are fit to play on
To ensure that the clubhouse is fit for use
To ensure that the surrounding grounds are safe – including fencing, gates, trees etc.
To complete regular – at least annual – reviews of the courts, the clubhouse and the
surrounding grounds to assess areas that could cause a Health and Safety risk
To log the findings against the Risk Assessment Template in accordance with the
Policy and Guidelines and pass these to the Club Secretary for the record
To manage the timely and complete remediation of the defects causing the risks
with those responsible for them – which could be Musselburgh Tennis Club or
enjoyLeisure, who own and maintain the courts
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American Tournament Organiser
Clare Morley
07890 685 320
The American Tournament Organiser co-ordinates our annual Open Tournament
Leads the American Tournament – our annual Open Mixed Doubles competition
To set the date for the American Tournament
To ensure arrangements prior to the day
To inform Club Members and other local clubs of the tournament date
To raise local community awareness
To co-ordinate volunteers for the day
To book exclusivity of the courts for the date
To ensure arrangements on the day
To prepare the clubhouse and courts
To manage the running of the tournament (pairings, scores, progress)
To develop further competitive opportunities for all at the club
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Junior Co-ordinator
David Stott
07936 553 095
The Junior Co-ordinator helps develop child and youth participation in tennis
Lead participation and opportunities for the Club's Junior Members
Develop plans to build Junior Membership
To ensure coaching opportunities for Junior Members of all ages and standards
To identify and develop opportunities for competitive play for any Junior Members who wish
to pursue this – either local, county or nationally
To work with the Club Committee to develop a Club based Junior Tournament
To be a point of contact for all junior team activity at the club
To help organise (parent) team managers for any junior teams
To present an End of Season report to the Annual General Meeting
Other Committee Members
Malcolm Reid - 07790 743 815
Accountable for co-ordination into the East Lothian Tennis
Open Day co-ordinator
Janey Anderson - 07954 895 879
First Aider
Charlie Mollison - 07828 087 702
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Other Club roles
Additionally there are a number of other roles and responsibilities carried out on behalf of the club
that do not hold a Committee position
Welfare Officer
Louise McNaught - 07796 124 124
David Stott - 07936 553 095
The Welfare Officer is pivotal in promoting the safety and well-being of all players.
Role and Responsibilities
To ensure that all players – members, non-members and visitors – Juniors and Adults – are
treated fairly and with respect whilst at the tennis venue and are able to participate in tennis
in a fun, safe and inclusive environment
Lead advocacy of the Club's Equality and Diversity, Child Protection and Anti-Bullying Policies
Manage any complaints raised associated with the above policies
To develop trusting and successful relationships across the Club Members
To respond to any welfare concerns or issues that arise from any member – junior or adult –
in accordance with the Club's welfare policies
To manage the resolution of the concern raised, taking care to record the incident(s) and
subsequent conversations. The Welfare Officer should
show a common sense approach and an ability to assess situations fairly
stay calm and composed during discussions
show a fair and sensitive judgement to information provided that should be kept
confidential and that which needs to be passed to further authorities
be respectful of all parties involved in the allegations and provide even liaison with
all parties until the full facts from both sides are established
pass on all records of the concerns to the LTA Safeguarding Team upon its resolution
To escalate any concerns raised that need to be passed to alternative authorities
The LTA Safeguarding Team for escalation or confidential guidance
The Local Authority Children’s Social Care
The Police if you feel any member is in immediate and significant risk of harm
To actively promote the safety and well-being of all Club Members and visitors by all Club
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Members and visitors
To ensure that all activities organised by the Club comply to our various welfare policies
(including our Photography & Filming of Children Policy)
To maintain quarterly contact with the LTA Safeguarding Team for support and reading
email updates that the team sends
2.10 Communications Co-ordinator and Social Co-ordinator
The Communications Co-ordinator promotes the club externally
The Social Co-ordinator helps build the non-tennis aspects of the club internally
Lead the promotion of the club within the local community with the purpose of increasing
the local community visibility, attracting new membership to the club and possibly
Lead the development of non-tennis aspects within the club with the purpose of building
cross-membership friendships and the appeal of the club to new members
Communications Co-ordinator
To raise the profile of the club in the local community and in the county
Build relationships with the local media i.e. newspaper, radio station and magazines
Develop the club website and ensure that information on it is kept up to date
(deferred to Richard Morley)
Hold regular Open Days to offer an introduction to the club to the local community
(deferred to Malcolm Reid)
Promote the club, its events and news on the LTA places to play self service site
Write press releases for distribution to local papers and magazines
Social Co-ordinator
Maintain regular newsletter contact across the Club Members
Organise regular social events e.g. Summer BBQ and End of Season Awards
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Constitution of Musselburgh Tennis Club
The Club shall be called “Musselburgh Tennis Club”. The Club’s objectives will be to promote and
encourage the game of tennis and to engage in such competitions as may be determined by the
The Society shall be commonly known as “Musselburgh Tennis Club” (“the Club”) or the abbreviation
“MTC”. The name of the Club shall be clearly displayed outside every place in which the business of
the Club is carried out. The name shall be mentioned in all official publications of the Club, all
correspondence, cheques and invoices.
Entry to the club will be by application to the Treasurer. The maximum membership for the ensuing
season shall be determined by the Annual General meeting.
The Committee shall have the power to refuse membership of the Club; the Committee shall not be
required to make known the reason for any refusal of membership.
The Committee shall have the power to expel a member if they believe that the person is not
suitable for membership. Membership termination will usually require the member concerned to
have been previously warned about their conduct – however in exceptional circumstances the
Committee may terminate membership without making known the reasons.
Members have the right to appeal to the Committee and to represent themselves at any subsequent
There shall be no liability for the club to return the subscription of a member who has had their
membership terminated.
Each member of the Club agrees as a condition of membership to be bound by and subject to the
Rules of Musselburgh Tennis Club and to the Rules and Disciplinary Code of the Lawn Tennis
The Committee shall have the authority to offer Honorary Memberships as either:
1. Honorary Lifetime Membership - which shall exist for the member's lifetime and shall not be
2. Honorary Annual Membership - which shall exist only for the duration of one membership
year, or
3. Honorary Social Membership - which shall exist for the member's lifetime but will not entitle
the member to any shareholding or voting rights, and shall not be transferable
All forms of Honorary Membership must be ratified at an AGM or EGM by a 75% majority vote of the
adult members present.
Members shall have the use of courts one and two, subject to the lease of the courts from East
Lothian Council.
East Lothian Council are responsible for the preparation and maintenance of the courts.
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The subscriptions payable by members and visitors’ fees shall be set annually by the Committee.
Once a subscription has been paid, no part of it shall be refunded when a member leaves or for any
other reason.
There shall be three types of membership: Senior, Student (in full time education as at 1st April) and
Junior (who shall be under the age of 18 years and over 8 years old as at 1st April in the relevant
Membership Year)
The season shall commence officially from 1st May, though the courts may be available prior to that.
Subscriptions shall be due from the same date. A membership will be deemed to have lapsed if the
subscription remains unpaid beyond the last day in May. Members may still join for the full season
beyond that date but may be required to pay an additional, pre-stated, penalty charge.
Members joining in the middle of a season may be allowed to pay a pro-rated membership
subscription for the months remaining until renewal at the discretion of the Committee.
Visitors may be permitted to play on the courts no more than three times in any one year before
being invited to take a membership.
An Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held once a year and be held no earlier than the 1st of
March and no later than the 31st March each year. The meeting will receive the report of the
Secretary and Treasurer and transact all necessary business of the club.
The Notice of the meeting of the Club shall be sent to each Senior Member by post or email
at least thirty (30) days before the date of the meeting.
Notices of motions or additional Agenda points, which must be by email or in writing, should
reach the Secretary no later than twenty (20) days before the date of the meeting.
The final Agenda will then be sent to all Senior Members by email or post at least fourteen
(14) days before the meeting and will include full details of the time and place of the
meeting and the general nature of the business for which it is convened.
The accidental omission to send notice of General Meeting to, or the non-receipt of any such notice
by any member, shall not invalidate the proceedings of that general meeting.
An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) shall be held when the Committee think fit or whenever
ten members so request in writing to the Committee.
Resolutions shall be decided on a show of hands unless it is the wish of the meeting to conduct a full
poll of all members. In the case of equality of votes, the chairman of the meeting shall have second
or casting vote.
No business shall be transacted at a General Meeting unless a quorum of ten members or 20% of the
Senior Membership (whichever is the lower) is present when the business is considered.
The members shall constitute the club and in their hands shall rest the entire control of the club
The business of the club shall be conducted by a Committee consisting of the President, Secretary,
Treasurer and between two and six additional members, all of whom shall be elected at the AGM
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and shall be eligible for re-election at subsequent AGM’s. The Committee shall have the power to
Co-opt further members.
The Committee shall meet periodically
Any Senior Member of the Club may be nominated for election to the Committee at an AGM with
one seconder. A vote shall then be taken for each Committee member if deemed necessary.
The Office Bearers will serve for two years following election, whereupon they must offer
themselves for re-election at the AGM.
The Secretary shall convene all business meetings of the Club and Committee, conduct all
correspondence and generally transact all business as instructed by the Committee
The Treasurer shall receive and disburse all monies due to and by the Club and shall collect
Subscriptions and any other fees due. He shall keep detailed and accurate accounts of his
intromissions and present at the AGM a full statement thereof made up to the last day of February
in the relevant year.
In case any Officer shall die, resign, be removed, or become unfit to act, the Committee may at any
time appoint a person to fill the vacancy until the next Annual General Meeting.
The Club agrees that each member of the Management Committee will be required, as a condition
of election or appointment, to agree to be bound by and subject to the Rules of Musselburgh Tennis
Club, and to the Rules and the Disciplinary Code of the LTA.
An Officer of the Club or Member of the Committee may be removed by a two thirds majority vote
of the members present at a General Meeting called for the purpose of considering their continuing
in post.
The Committee may obtain advances of money from members and others for the purposes of the
Club and may secure the repayment thereof by mortgages or charges on any of the Club’s property.
The total amount of money owed at any one time must not exceed £50,000.00.
The interest on any loan, other than from the Club’s bankers or a mortgage from a bank or building
society, must not exceed two per cent per annum above Clydesdale Bank plc base lending rate.
The Society may receive donations towards the work of the Society from any person, whether a
member or not.
The profits of the Club shall be applied to the repayment of loans, and to the furtherance of the
objects of the Club, as determined by the Committee from time to time.
Any funds not required for immediate use or to meet the usual accruing liabilities shall, with the
approval of the Committee and a 75% majority vote of the Senior Members present and entitled to
vote at an extraordinary general meeting called for the purpose, be invested in any manner provided
by the Committee for the benefit of the Club.
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It shall be the duty of the Secretary to deliver to any member on demand a copy of these rules on
payment of a nominal sum.
The foregoing Constitution shall not be amended without the approval of two thirds of the members
present at a General Meeting of the Club, prior notice having been given to all members of the
proposed amendment.
The Club shall comply with the rules of the Lawn Tennis Association (LTA) and the East of Scotland
Tennis Association (ESTA).
The Committee may affiliate the Club to any relevant association or society.
Players are required to wear appropriate tennis clothing and shoes.
The Club has written and adopted a number of policies to assist in the professional management of
the Club and its activities. All members of the Committee are provided with a copy of these policies
and are required to sign a statement confirming they have read them and will adhere to them.
Copies of all the Club’s policies are available to members via the website and on request from the
Club Secretary.
Members shall observe the various notices displayed on the Clubhouse Notice Board
The Club will be affiliated to and registered with the National Governing Body, British Tennis (BT)
Upon joining British Tennis, the club will register all members (adult and junior) with the Lawn
Tennis Association’s British Tennis Membership scheme for as long as this remains free of charge.
This will ensure members receive communications direct from the LTA and will enhance the club’s
allocation of Wimbledon tickets.
Any member who does not wish to be registered as a member of British Tennis must inform the
Membership Secretary upon joining the club; members who do not specify otherwise will
automatically be registered with British Tennis.
Should any member wish to cancel their membership of British Tennis, or wish to change any of their
personal details, they must do so themselves via the LTA website or by contacting the LTA head
The Club agrees that all unlicensed and unregistered coaches and, so far as reasonably practicable,
players and other persons using the facilities of the Club during its periods of responsibility will be
required, as a condition of such use, to agree to be bound by and subject to the Rules of
Musselburgh Tennis Club and to the Rules and the Disciplinary Code of the LTA.
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The Club receives an allocation of Wimbledon tickets each year from the LTA via Tennis Scotland; the
number of tickets received is dependent on the number of British Tennis members in the club and is
determined by the LTA.
Tickets are allocated in pairs via a ballot (“the Ballot”). The Ballot must be held by 24th April and
returns made to Tennis Scotland no later than 1st May.
An indication of ticket availability will be made on the Club’s website upon receipt of information
from Tennis Scotland and prior to the ballot.
All members (adult and junior) who are registered as British Tennis Members (BTM’s) are entitled to
enter the ballot. However, members are not automatically included in the ballot. Members may
request inclusion in the ballot by either:
attending the Annual General Meeting (AGM)
sending their apologies for not attending the AGM via the club secretary or any other
member who is attending the AGM, or
by sending an email to the Club’s Main Contact (email address is available on the Club
A maximum of one pair of tickets will be allocated per household. In the case of more than one
member living at the same address, all those members can enter the Ballot (subject to the rules
detailed above) but once one of those members has been drawn, any other members living at the
same address must withdraw from the Ballot.
Those members who are successful in the Ballot will be offered a choice of the tickets allocated to
the Club by the LTA:
winners who are in attendance at the AGM will have first choice from all tickets available, in
the order in which the members are drawn from the Ballot
winners who were not in attendance at the AGM, or who could not make a choice at the
AGM, will be offered the choice of the remaining tickets in the order in which the members
were drawn from the Ballot
if any tickets remain unallocated, those tickets will be offered to the reserve list, in the order
in which the members were drawn from the ballot
if any tickets still remain unallocated, they will be offered to Committee members or key
volunteers of the club who have not already been allocated tickets, at the discretion of the
Any member who receives a pair of tickets from the club ballot will be required to sign a disclaimer
confirming that they will be using one of the tickets themselves and will not sell both tickets or give
them away as presents. If a member subsequently finds they cannot use the tickets, they must
return them to the club to be reallocated to the reserve list or at the discretion of the Committee.
Tickets will not be given to successful members until full payment has been received by the Club and
the disclaimer has been signed.
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3.17 RULE 17: LOSSES
No member shall have any claim against the Club, or its Office Bearers, or any individual member in
respect of any loss, injury or damage, caused or arising from the use by the member of the
Clubhouse, Courts or any other item of Club property.
The Club will provide tennis balls for use on designated Club sessions – on all other occasions
members should provide their own tennis balls.
Any matter not covered by this Constitution or any question of interpretation of the Constitution
shall be decided by the Committee.
Rules amended at an Extraordinary General Meeting of members held on 23rd April 2013
Signed by:
Richard Morley - Club Secretary
25th April 2013
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Registration Form for Members
The following page should be reviewed and revised as the annual member registration form.
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2013 Annual Membership Form
Home Phone:
 Please tick box if you are NOT happy for your contact details - telephone and email only - to be circulated to other club members
Junior (U18) / Student / UB40:
 Please tick box if you require a key for the Tennis Courts and enclose a deposit of £10. (This deposit will be refunded on return of
the key to the Club Treasurer).
Total amount enclosed: £
Membership Type:
If Family Membership, please provide all supplementary member names (include date of birth if under 18):
Date of birth (if U18)
Do you wish to play in the Annual Tournaments (Singles)?
Yes 
No 
Do you wish to play in the Annual Tournaments (Mixed Doubles)
Yes 
No 
Do you wish to be considered for selection for the Club Teams?
Yes 
No 
 PREFERRED METHOD – Internet banking payment to Musselburgh Tennis Club account number 20052533, sort code
82-70-09. Please use your name as the payment reference
 ALTERNATIVE METHOD – A member can pay in directly at a Bank to the Musselburgh Tennis Club account. The
payment receipt must be sent to the Treasurer to evidence this
NB. Please note that there will be a £5.00 late payment fee for all subscriptions received after 31st May, unless joining for the first time.
By filling in this form, you are also being automatically signed up as a British Tennis Member for free. This will enable you to take advantage of the many
benefits offered to British Tennis Members including Wimbledon tickets, exclusive news and discounts and a player rating. For more information visit:
 Please indicate if you do not wish to become a British Tennis Member
By giving your consent to you/your child becoming a British Tennis Member, you agree that you/your child will abide by the Terms and Conditions of
British Tennis Membership (at and that the LTA and its directly affiliated bodies (see can use
the personal data of you/your child, including sensitive personal data that you provide, for the purposes of your involvement in British Tennis, and to send
you/your child by post, e-mail or SMS information related to those purposes (for more information see
Occasionally, the LTA may also use your details to:
 send you information about LTA offers and offers from third parties that
the LTA work with by post, email or SMS. Please tick this box if you do
NOT want to hear about these offers.
 pass your contact details on to carefully selected third parties so that
they can send you, by post, details of their products and services. Please
tick this box if you do NOT want the LTA to pass your details
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Wimbledon Tickets Acknowledgement Form
Name of Tennis Club
I, _____________________________________ (NAME OF CLUB MEMBER) hereby confirm that I
will abide by the conditions stated below, with the tickets that have been allocated to me by the
above organisation.
All tickets (other than Debenture tickets) are STRICTLY NON-TRANSFERABLE and must not be sold
nor advertised for sale whether on the internet, in newspapers or elsewhere
Tickets shall not be resold or transferred (save as mentioned in (2) below) and shall not be
purchased or obtained from or through any person, commercial agent, company or
otherwise than directly by the applicant from the Club or its authorised agent.
If more than one ticket is issued to an applicant those tickets may be used only by the
applicant and the person intending to accompany that applicant to and at The
Championships. The provision of such ticket by an applicant to such person without
payment shall not contravene (1) above.
Tickets are issued subject to Conditions of Entry established by the Club from time to time
and the Club shall be entitled to refuse admission to any ticket holder if it shall think fit
without giving any reason. A copy of the full Conditions of Entry currently in force is available
on the Official Web Site of The Championships and is also available on application.
Any ticket obtained in breach of these Conditions shall be void and all rights conferred or
evidenced by such ticket shall be nullified. Any person seeking to use a ticket obtained in
breach of these Conditions in order to gain or provide entry to or remain at The
Championships will be a trespasser and will be ejected and liable to legal action.
(5) Tickets remain the property of the Club at all times.
All LTA-allocated tickets for The Championships are non-transferable. If they are sold, the tickets
become void and the purchasers can be refused entry into The Championships.
Under no circumstances must they be advertised for sale, for any reason whatsoever. Sale
includes sale over an Internet site (e.g. eBay). Accordingly, you are not permitted to sell or offer
to sell such tickets on eBay.
Signed ……………………………………………………………………………………….
This form MUST be completed and returned to your Club Treasurer on receipt of your tickets.
Failure to do so could jeopardise any future allocation to your Club.
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Code of Practice
MUSSELBURGH TENNIS CLUB is fully committed to safeguarding and promoting the well-being of all
its members.
MUSSELBURGH TENNIS CLUB believes that it is important that members, coaches, volunteers and
parents/guardians should, at all times, show respect and understanding for the safety and welfare of
others. Therefore, members are encouraged to be open at all times and to share any concerns or
complaints that they may have with:
Tim Price – Musselburgh Tennis Club – President
Address: 64 Edgehead Village, Pathhead, Midlothian
Tel: 07801 130 563
There is an over-riding ethos at the Club to be fun, friendly and welcoming
we play fairly
we enjoy our tennis
we welcome everyone warmly
As a member of MUSSELBURGH TENNIS CLUB you are expected to abide by the following code of
ALL Members…
must play within the rules and respect officials and their decisions
must respect the rights, dignity and worth of all participants regardless of age, gender,
ability, race, cultural background, religious beliefs or sexual identity
should keep to agreed timings for training and competitions, or inform the coach or team
captain if they are going to be late
must wear suitable kit for training and match sessions. This includes recognised non-marking
tennis shoes and appropriate sports clothing – jeans are not allowed on the courts
must not smoke in the clubhouse or on the courts
must pay any fees for membership, training or events promptly
must collect visitors fees of £2 (adults) or £1 (juniors) from guests they bring to the club and
pass the fees to a committee member as soon as possible; visitors may only play three
times, after which they must become a member to continue playing at the club
must close the gates during play and lock them when they leave the club
must not damage the tennis nets; please lower nets after play to reduce tension on the
Members must represent the Club appropriately on all occasions – whilst at the club
premises, at other clubs or during social functions
Consumption of drugs of any kind is not permitted on the Club premises
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Consumption of alcohol is not permitted on the Club premises unless with the prior consent
of the Committee – e.g. for a pre-arranged social event
The courts should only be used for tennis – any other usage – e.g. football, skateboards,
roller blades etc. may result in a member having their membership terminated
The club will not be liable should any injury or damage occur as a result of an under-12 being
left unsupervised in the clubhouse or anywhere in the club’s grounds
Encourage your child to learn the rules of tennis and play within them
Discourage unfair play and arguing with officials
Help your child to recognise good performance, not just results. Your first question following
any match should be: “Did you enjoy it?” not “Did you win?”
Support your child’s involvement and help them to enjoy their sport; never force your child
to take part in sport
Set a good example by recognising fair play and applauding the good performances of all
Never punish or belittle a child for losing or making mistakes
Publicly accept judgements made by officials
Use correct and proper language at all times
Be patient - steady progression is unusual in children; peaks and plateaus are common
At no stage should you communicate with your child or interfere with the on-court helpers
and referees during a match – just enjoy the game and let officials take care of the rules!
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Self-Declaration Form
To be completed by anyone working or volunteering with children, young people or adults
Date of Birth
Home phone
Mobile number
Please circle
Under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act, if you are working with children,
young people or adults at risk you are required to declare any reprimands,
cautions or criminal convictions regardless of how long ago these occurred or
if they are spent.
If yes please give details:
Have you ever been sanctioned or disciplined for any matter relating to child
abuse, adults at risk, sexual offences, violence or use of illicit drugs?
If yes please give details:
Have you ever been subject to an investigation that did not result in a criminal
If yes please give details:
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Please provide the details of two referees; one of whom should be your current or most recent
Referee 1
Contact Number
Email address
How do you know
the referee?
How long have you
known them?
Referee 2
Contact Number
Email address
How do you know
the referee?
How long have you
known them?
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I confirm that the information on this form is true and correct. I understand that the Lawn Tennis
Association Limited (LTA) can undertake the necessary checks based on the information I have
I understand that the information contained on this form, the results of any investigations by
statutory services and information supplied by third parties will be recorded by the LTA.
I understand I am obliged to inform the LTA immediately of any matter relating to the questions
asked, which may change from the completion of this form and during my involvement in the sport.
I understand that in line with safer recruitment guidance and the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act the
LTA can terminate my contract if I fail to provide accurate information.
Print Name
This form MUST be completed and returned to your Club Secretary who will ensure that it is
retained in case of future requests
Richard Morley – Musselburgh Tennis Club – Secretary
Address: 5 Haddington Road, Musselburgh EH21 7PT
Tel: 07717 700 266
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Volunteer Commitment Form
All volunteers working within MUSSELBURGH TENNIS CLUB are encouraged to work to high
standards and adopt recognised best practice where possible. In addition to their own standards of
practice, volunteers should be aware of and adopt:
Volunteer recruitment and retention policy
Child protection policy and guidelines
LTA Code of conduct for those working with children
Images of young people policy
Equality and diversity policy and guidelines
Safety guidelines (dealing with an accident/incident)
Maintenance policy
Complaints policy and guidelines
The management committee will ensure that its team of volunteers have a copy of each policy and
guidance notes that are relevant to their work. The management committee will listen and respond
to matters that volunteers bring to its attention in relation to their work and will support, where
possible, their training needs.
Name of Volunteer
Role of Volunteer
I, the above, am familiar with MUSSELBURGH TENNIS CLUB standards of practice named above and
will adopt these in my work. I accept the responsibilities outlined in the role description.
This form MUST be completed and returned to your Club Secretary who will ensure that it is
retained in case of future requests
Richard Morley – Musselburgh Tennis Club – Secretary
Address: 5 Haddington Road, Musselburgh EH21 7PT
Tel: 07717 700 266
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Volunteer Recruitment and Retention Policy
MUSSELBURGH TENNIS CLUB uses appropriate means to advertise for volunteers, taking into
account the principles of its equal opportunities and diversity policy.
The following areas are taken into consideration when recruiting a volunteer:
Does the volunteer hold relevant and current qualifications for the role (if necessary)?
Do they have the skills necessary to undertake the role?
Do they have experience of working with the age group/level of player?
Where was the previous experience gained?
Does the volunteer agree to undertake any required training courses?
Do they hold adequate insurance cover (if necessary)?
Potential volunteers will meet with the volunteer co-ordinator and/or a member of the management
committee to assess their suitability for the role. A full job specification is available for each
volunteer role, complete with responsibilities and time commitment. A criminal records check with
the Criminal Records Bureau will be made (if the role involves working with children in any capacity)
and references will be taken up.
An induction will be prepared and delivered by a member of the management committee. This will
A job description of the role, complete with responsibilities and time commitments
A list of all other management committee members, with role and responsibilities
A copy of the following policies:
Child protection
Code of practice for working with children
Equality and diversity
Volunteer recruitment and retention
Health and safety
Complaints and feedback
Any other relevant documentation for the specific role
The (appropriate person) (whether paid or unpaid) will receive support and regular supervision
sessions from the chairperson of the management committee (or from another named management
committee member).
The organisation has a valid insurance policy which you are advised to read.
Resolving problems
The relationship between MUSSELBURGH TENNIS CLUB and its volunteer workers is entirely
voluntary and does not imply any contract. However, it is important that MUSSELBURGH TENNIS
CLUB is able to maintain its agreed standards of service to members, and it is equally important that
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volunteers should enjoy making their contribution.
If your work as a volunteer does not meet with the organisation’s standards, these steps will be
An initial meeting with the (appropriate person) will explain the concerns
If this does not resolve the concern, then a meeting with the chair of the management
committee will be convened
If your work still does not meet with the standards, then the management committee shall
have to stop using your services.
If you are dissatisfied with any aspect of your work you should:
Give an initial explanation of your dissatisfaction to the (appropriate person)
If that does not resolve the concern, then a meeting should be convened with the
(appropriate person)
If that does not resolve the issue, then a formal meeting with the chairperson of the
management committee should follow
If, after this, we are still unable to resolve your grievance, then it would be inappropriate for
you to continue as a volunteer
At all times, you will be free to state your case and a friend can accompany you.
This volunteer policy is freely accessible to all and will be reviewed on a yearly basis.
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10 Child Protection Policy
The aim of this policy is to ensure that any child accessing the tennis activities at MUSSELBURGH
TENNIS CLUB is protected and can enjoy a fun and safe environment at all times.
This policy is fully supported by the MUSSELBURGH TENNIS CLUB management committee, which is
responsible for the implementation and review of this policy.
MUSSELBURGH TENNIS CLUB will therefore adhere to the following:
a) aim to create an enjoyable environment for all juniors who wish to take part in tennis or
other sport and social activities
b) believe that children and young people have the right to be safe, secure and free from threat
c) believe that young people have the right to be treated with respect, and to have their
concerns listened to and acted upon
d) ensure that the needs of junior members are provided for through specific programmes,
designated facilities, and safe practice
e) have procedures in place to address poor practice, and to help any young person who
appears to be at risk, or who appears to be the victim of abuse
offer help and support when a child or young person tells us that they are affected by these
g) take steps to ensure that any volunteers or professionals working with children are suitable
to do so, through the use of references and background checks
h) ensure that all relevant people have been vetted and approved through the LTA’s Criminal
Record Bureau disclosure process
ensure that all of those working with children are made aware of the LTA code of conduct
for people working with children in tennis, and are required to follow it
MUSSELBURGH TENNIS CLUB has two adult members who are specifically responsible for children,
young people and child protection:
Louise McNaught – – 07796 124 124
David Stott – – 07936 553 095
Additional contact can be made with one of the national child care organisations
LTA Child Protection
Tel: 0208 487 7008 or 0208 487 7116
Mobile (24 hour): 07971 141 024
Childline: 0800 1111
NSPCC Helpline: 0808 800 5000
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11 Anti-Bullying Policy
11.1 Statement of Intent
We don’t put up with bullying in our club. You should tell someone if you see bullying.
We are committed to providing a caring, friendly and safe environment for all our members so they
can play tennis in a relaxed and secure atmosphere. Bullying of any kind is unacceptable at our club.
If bullying does occur, all players or parents should be able to tell and know that incidents will be
dealt with promptly and effectively.
We are a TELLING club. This means that anyone who knows that bullying is happening is expected to
tell the club child protection officer or a member of the committee.
11.2 What is Bullying?
Bullying is the use of aggression with the intention of hurting another person. Bullying results in pain
and distress to the victim. Bullying can be carried out by children or adults.
Bullying can have lots of different forms:
Emotional – being unfriendly, excluding (emotionally and physically), sending hurtful text
messages, tormenting, (e.g. hiding racquets/other equipment, threatening gestures
Physical – pushing, kicking, hitting, punching or any use of violence
Racist – racial taunts, graffiti, gestures
Sexual – unwanted physical contact or sexually abusive comments
Homophobic – because of, or focussing on the issue of sexuality
Verbal – name-calling, sarcasm, spreading rumours, teasing
Here are some examples of what we call ‘bullying’:
Someone calling you names
Being threatened
Being pressured to give someone your money or your things
Being hit or pushed
Having your possessions damaged or broken
Someone spreading rumours about you or about your family
Someone posting hurtful comments or pictures on the web (such as on Facebook)
11.3 Why do we care about bullying?
Bullying is a serious problem. You have the right to stop it.
Bullying hurts. No one deserves to be a victim of bullying. Everybody has the right to be treated with
Players who are bullying need to learn a different way of behaving.
A club has a responsibility to respond promptly and effectively to issues of bullying.
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11.4 Objectives of this Policy
To make sure that the club finds out about bullying and deals with it as well as possible.
All committee members, coaches, volunteers, players and parents should know what
bullying is.
All committee members, coaches and volunteers should know understand this policy and
should follow it when bullying is reported.
All players and parents should know about this policy, and should understand what to do if
bullying arises.
As a club we take bullying seriously. Players and parents should be assured that they would
be supported when bullying is reported.
Bullying will not be tolerated.
11.5 How to spot if someone is being bullied?
A child might show that he or she is being bullied in lots of ways. Adults should be aware of these
possible signs and they should investigate if a child:
Says he or she is being bullied
Is unwilling to go to club sessions
Becomes withdrawn anxious or lacking in confidence
Feels ill before training sessions
Comes home with torn/damaged clothes or damaged
Has possessions “go missing”
Asks for money or starts stealing money (to pay bully)
Has unexplained cuts or bruises
Is frightened to say what’s wrong
Gives unlikely explanations for any of the above
In more extreme cases
Starts stammering
Cries themselves to sleep or has nightmares
Becomes aggressive, disruptive or unreasonable
Is bullying other children or siblings
Stops eating
Attempt or threatens suicide or runs away
These signs and behaviour may indicate other problems, but bullying should be considered a
possibility and should be investigated.
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11.6 Procedures
1. Report bullying incidents to the club child protection officer, a member of the club
committee or ring the LTA Safeguarding Team
2. In cases of serious bullying, the club should contact the LTA for advice
3. Parents should be informed and will be asked to come in to a meeting to discuss the
4. If necessary and appropriate, the police will be consulted
5. The bullying behaviour and threats of bullying will be investigated and bullying will be
stopped as quickly as possible.
6. An attempt will be made to help the bully (bullies) change their behaviour and disciplinary
action will also be considered where there have been serious acts of misconduct.
7. The club will initiate disciplinary action under the club constitution if the bully does not
change his or her behaviour.
11.7 How we will work with the bully and the victim
If we decide (if necessary after receiving advice from the LTA) that it is appropriate for us to deal
with the situation, we will follow the procedure outlined below.
1. Where the victim is comfortable to do so and the bullying has not become very serious,
reconciliation will be attempted by getting the parties together. It may be that a genuine
apology solves the problem.
2. If this fails/ or is not appropriate a small panel (Made up from Chairman, Child Protection
Officer, Secretary, Committee members) will meet with the parent and child alleging bullying
to get details of the allegation.
3. Notes/minutes will be taken for clarity, and these should be agreed by all as a true account.
4. The same panel will meet with the alleged bully and parent/s and put the incident raised to
them to answer and give their view of the allegation. Minute’s will be taken and agreed.
5. If bullying has, in their view, taken place, the panel will consider whether it is serious enough
to take disciplinary action immediately under the club’s normal procedures.
6. If disciplinary action is not taken immediately, the player should be warned and put on
notice of further action i.e. temporary or permanent suspension if the bullying continues.
Consideration should be given as to whether a reconciliation meeting between parties is
appropriate at this time.
7. In some cases the parent of the bully or bullied player can be asked to attend training
sessions, if they are able to do so, and if appropriate. The club committee should monitor
the situation for a given period to ensure the bullying is not being repeated.
8. All coaches involved with both players should be made aware of the concerns and outcomes
of the process i.e. the warning.
In the case of adults reported to be bullying players under 18
1. We will contact the LTA for advice on the action to be taken. Bullying by an adult is child
abuse and allegations will be treated very seriously.
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2. In most cases in which adults are found to have bullied children, child protection awareness
training is the minimum likely outcome. Serious disciplinary action by the club and/or the
LTA could also be taken.
3. More serious cases may be referred to statutory services such as the police or social
services. We will consult statutory services at an early stage if we think that this could be
11.8 Prevention
The club has or is developing a written constitution, which includes what is acceptable and
proper behaviour for all members of which the anti-bullying policy is one part.
All players and parents will sign to accept the constitution upon joining the club.
The club child protection officer will raise awareness about bullying and why it matters, and
if issues of bullying arise in the club, will consider meeting with players to discuss the issue
openly and constructively, seeking support from the LTA as necessary.
We would like to thank the ASA who have shared their ANTI-Bullying Policy for Clubs, from which
this recommended LTA Club Anti-Bullying Policy has been developed
The ASA policy drew closely on that provided to schools by KIDSCAPE. KIDSCAPE is a voluntary
organisation committed to help prevent child bullying. KIDSCAPE can be contacted on 0207 730 3300
LTA Safeguarding
Tel: 0208 487 7116/7056
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12 Equality & Diversity Policy
The aim of this policy is to ensure that everyone is treated fairly and with respect, and members,
non-members and visiting teams are not denied access to MUSSELBURGH TENNIS CLUB because of a
discriminatory reason.
This policy is fully supported by the MUSSELBURGH TENNIS CLUB management committee, which is
responsible for the implementation and review of this policy.
MUSSELBURGH TENNIS CLUB will therefore adhere to the following:
a) be responsible for setting standards and values to apply throughout the club at every level,
as tennis should be enjoyed by everyone who wants to play the game
b) be committed to eliminate discrimination by reason of gender, sexual orientation, race,
nationality, ethnic origin, religion or belief, ability or disability and to encourage equal
c) not discriminate or in any way treat anyone less favourably, on grounds of gender, sexual
orientation, race, nationality, ethnic origin, religion or belief, ability or disability
d) ensure that it treats its employees, members, non-members and visiting teams fairly and
with respect and will ensure that all members of the community have access to and have
opportunities to take part in, and enjoy, its programmes of activities, competitions and
e) not tolerate harassment, bullying, abuse or victimisation of an individual (which the club
regards as forms of discrimination), including sexual or racially based harassment or other
discriminatory behaviour, whether physical or verbal and work to ensure that such
behaviour is met with appropriate action in whatever context it occurs
be committed to the immediate investigation of any complaints of discrimination on the
above grounds, once they are brought to its attention. Complaints will be dealt with in
accordance with its Complaints Policy and, where such a complaint is upheld, the
management committee may impose such sanction as it considers appropriate and
proportionate to discriminatory behaviour
g) be committed to taking positive action where inequalities exist and the development of a
programme of ongoing training and awareness in order to promote the eradication of
discrimination and to promote equality and diversity in tennis
h) be committed to a policy of equal treatment of all members and employees and requires all
members and employees to abide by and adhere to these policies and the requirements of
the relevant equalities legislation, including the Race Relations Act 1976, Sex Discrimination
Act 1975, Disability Discrimination Act 1995, Age Discrimination Act 2006 as well as any
amendments to these acts and any new legislation
In the event that any employee, member, visitor or visiting team feels that he, she or it has suffered
discrimination or harassment in any way or that the policies, rules or code of conduct have been
broken they should follow the procedures below.
12.1 Making the complaint
The complainant should report the matter in writing to the MTC President or another member of the
management committee.
Tim Price – Musselburgh Tennis Club – President
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Address: 64 Edgehead Village, Pathhead, Midlothian
Tel: 07801 130 563
The report should include:
a) details of what occurred;
b) details of when and where the occurrence took place;
c) any witness details and copies of any witness statements;
d) names of any others who have been treated in a similar way (provided that those people
consent to their names being disclosed);
e) details of any former complaints made about the incident, including the date and to whom
such complaint was made; and
an indication as to the desired outcome.
12.2 If the accused is an employee
If the person accused of discriminatory behaviour is an employee, the management committee will
regard the incident as a disciplinary issue and will follow any disciplinary procedure set out for
employees or (if none exists) the statutory disciplinary procedure.
12.3 If the accused is a non-employee
If the person accused of discriminatory behaviour is a non-employee, the management committee
or representatives of the management committee:
a) Will request that both parties to the complaint submit written evidence regarding the
b) May decide (at its sole discretion) to uphold or dismiss the complaint without holding a
c) May (at its sole discretion) hold a hearing (whether or not such a hearing is requested by
either party) at which both parties will be entitled to attend and present their case;
d) Will have the power to impose any one or more of the following sanctions on any person
found to be in breach of any policy, (including the Equality Policy):
warn as to future conduct;
suspend from membership;
remove from membership;
exclude a non-member from the facility, either temporarily or permanently; and
turn down a non-member’s current and/or future membership applications.
e) Will provide both parties with written reasons for its decision to uphold or dismiss the
complaint within one (1) calendar month of such decision being made.
Either party may appeal a decision of the management committee to the County Association
- East of Scotland Tennis Association (ESTA) - (including a decision not to hold a hearing) by
writing to the County Secretary within 3 months of the club’s decision being notified to that
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12.4 If the accused is a Club Official
If the nature of the complaint is with regard to the management committee or other body or group
in the club, the member/visitor has the right to report the discrimination or harassment directly to
the relevant County Association - East of Scotland Tennis Association (ESTA).
12.5 Terminologies and descriptors
Types of discrimination
There are three categories of discrimination: direct, indirect and positive:
Direct discrimination is where a person, in a group of people with the same or similar circumstances, is treated less favourably
than the others in the group because of their race, gender, disability or sexuality.
Indirect discrimination occurs where the effect of certain requirements, provision or practices imposed by an organisation has
an adverse impact disproportionately on one group or other. Indirect discrimination generally occurs when a rule or condition,
which is applied equally to everyone, can be met by a considerably smaller proportion of people from a particular group; the
rule is to their advantage and it cannot be justified on other grounds.
Positive discrimination is in favour of those who were formerly discriminated against, especially in the provision of social and
educational facilities and employment opportunities.
The LTA’s equality and diversity policy sets out our commitment to opposing all forms of discrimination. The LTA will
ensure that its employees, members, volunteers, players, officials, affiliated place to plays and customers are not discriminated against on
the basis of any of the following:
race, colour, ethnic group or national origin
gender or marital status
sexuality or sexual orientation
employment status
actual/suspected HIV/AIDS
religion and faith
unrelated criminal offences/ex-offenders (subject to any legal or public interest constraints)
responsibilities for children or dependents
Harassment can be described as inappropriate actions, behaviour, comments or physical contact, which may cause offence i.e. mental or
physical anxiety or hurt to an individual:
It may be related to gender, race disability, sexuality, age, religion, nationality or any personal characteristic of an individual.
Under the terms of the Criminal Justice Act 1994, harassment was made a criminal offence, punishable by a fine of up to £5,000
and/or a prison sentence of up to six months.
Victimisation can be described as treating an individual less favourably than one would treat others because they have made a complaint
of discrimination, given evidence about a complaint or raised a concern under the Public Interest (Disclosure) Act 1998.
‘Positive action’ refers to a number of methods designed to counteract the effects of discrimination and to help eradicate stereotyping. It
can be initiatives or activities that attempt to redress imbalances by providing extra help, doing things in a different way or promoting
opportunities in targeted places and to targeted groups. Under this broad meaning, positive action may include actions such as the
introduction of discriminatory selection procedures, and training programmes or policies aimed at preventing sexual harassment. An
example of positive action being taken is the employment of a female coach to lead a session aimed at women, to specifically encourage
uptake and participation by female players.
Prejudice is literally pre-judging someone. It is usually led by negative, irrational feelings, resulting from preconceived attitudes and
Stereotyping is grouping or labelling people because they are members of a particular ‘visible’ group, and assuming that they have
particular traits that are considered to be characteristics of that group.
Dignity is about respectful, responsible, fair and humane behaviour, something that is reflected in the constitution.
Disadvantage is where, as a result of discrimination, an individual or group is deprived of some or all resources and opportunities. This may
affect people directly or indirectly.
Social exclusion is when people or areas suffer from one or a combination of linked problems such as unemployment, poor skills, low
income, high crime environments or lack of facilities.
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13 Photography & Filming of Children Policy
The aim of this policy is to ensure that any photographs or filming of children carried out at
MUSSELBURGH TENNIS CLUB (or whilst representing the club at other venues) is done so in a
manner that does not put those children involved at any risk, and with the consent of their
13.1 Guidelines for taking photographs or recording images of children
all children featured will be appropriately dressed, with outer clothing garments covering
their torso from at least the bottom of their neck to their thighs, i.e. a minimum of vest/shirt
and shorts
the photograph/video will ideally focus on the activity, rather than the child, and where
possible will feature small groups, rather than individual children (the group may comprise
any combination of adults and children)
13.2 Guidelines for publishing images
if a photograph is published the club will only give the young person’s first name (no
surname), or will avoid naming them altogether. Personal details such as email addresses,
home addresses and telephone numbers will never be revealed alongside a photograph
the club will ask for parental/carer permission to use an image of a young person to ensure
that parents/carers understand how the image of their child will be used to represent the
club and/or the sport
the club will try to take photographs that represent a broad range of youngsters
participating safely in tennis, incorporating different genders, ethnicities, abilities and ages
of children as much as possible
if coaches use video equipment as a legitimate coaching aid players and their parents/carers
will be made aware that this forms part of the tennis programme. Recordings will be used,
stored and destroyed with care
13.3 Photography and film at tennis events
With regard to any event organised by MUSSELBURGH TENNIS CLUB, the club will ensure that:
any professional or press photographers invited to the event are clear about the club’s
policy for photographing and filming children, are provided with a clear brief about what is
considered appropriate in terms of content and behaviour and are issued with identification,
which must be worn at all times
participants and parents are informed that a photographer will be in attendance at the
event and ensure they consent to both the taking and publication of films or photographs
unsupervised access to players, one-to-one photo sessions, sessions outside the event or at
a player’s home are not allowed
photographers are able to identify any players who have not consented to being
If participants or players have any concerns about inappropriate or intrusive photography, these
should be reported to the event organiser or official. Any such report will be recorded in the same
manner as any other child protection concern.
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14 Complaints Policy
This policy tells you how to make a complaint at MUSSELBURGH TENNIS CLUB. This is the policy that
we will follow if your complaint is about someone’s conduct or behaviour. This could be because you
think that someone has behaved in a way that is unsafe, unprofessional, discriminatory, offensive or
intimidating. It could be because someone has broken important rules or policies.
14.1 Values and principles
You have the right to complain: we take complaints seriously. You should not be harassed, bullied or
put at a disadvantage because of making a complaint.
Equality: you should receive a proper response to your complaint, regardless of your age, gender,
disability, race, religion, nationality, social status, sexual orientation or political persuasion.
Fairness: we believe that complaints should be dealt with fairly and openly. Unless it would put
other people at risk, those affected by a complaint should have a chance to contribute and respond
to any investigation.
Safety and welfare take priority: we will always give priority to concerns that affect safety and
welfare. Issues affecting children will be treated very seriously.
Confidentiality: we treat complaints as confidentially as possible.
Sometimes we have to discuss complaints with other organisations. If we are worried about a risk to
a person or to the public, we might need to pass on our concerns to the right authorities. If
necessary, we will get advice from other organisations such as the Police, Social Services or the LTA.
14.2 How to make a complaint?
If you have a complaint, it is often best to start by having a conversation with someone at the club.
There are some suggestions below about who to speak to. They may be able to help to resolve your
problem. You could also make a written complaint. The address for written complaints is within
Section 6.3 of this policy.
If your complaint needs to be looked into further, you will normally be asked to put your complaint
in writing. We accept anonymous complaints, but it is often very difficult to investigate these
properly. It is easier for us to handle your complaint if you provide as much detail as possible.
14.3 Who to contact to make a complaint?
Complaints will usually be handled by senior committee members. Useful contact details have been
included at the bottom of this policy.
Committee: you can speak to any of our committee members
Coach: our coaches can also tell you how to make a complaint
Child Protection Officer: if you are a child, or if you are worried about the safety or welfare
of a child
Anyone else involved at the club that you trust
The address for written complaints or any questions about this policy is:
Tim Price – Musselburgh Tennis Club – President
Address: 64 Edgehead Village, Pathhead, Midlothian
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Tel: 07801 130 563
14.4 What will we do to investigate?
We will give an initial response to your complaint within five working days, or quicker if the matter is
urgent. We will investigate your complaint fairly. This means that we will discuss it with all of the
relevant people. We will try to gather any information that may be relevant to handling your
complaint. Sometimes we will ask to show copies of information from the investigation to other
people to allow them to respond. This is because we believe in fairness and openness. We will not
share information if we think this will endanger someone’s safety or welfare.
14.5 How will I know what is happening?
You will be given the details of a person who will be your point of contact at the club. That person
will make sure that you understand the process, and will help to answer any questions or concerns
that you have. You will be given an update on the progress of your complaint every two weeks. If
there are delays in handling your complaint for any reason, we will keep you informed. If your
complaint leads to formal disciplinary action against someone, we will usually inform you about the
outcome. We will not tell you the outcome if that person is a child, or if we believe that telling you
would create a risk to other people. In this situation, we will still try to tell you about how you are
affected by the action that we have taken.
14.6 What are the possible outcomes or results of my complaint?
In many cases, we are able to resolve problems informally. This might include:
A change in arrangements for particular activities
An explanation or apology
An agreement to communicate or act differently in future
If an informal resolution is not suitable, then a small group of committee members will look at the
information about the case. We will try to make sure that this committee does not contain anyone
directly involved with your complaint.
They might decide to take the following action:
Formal disciplinary action under the rules of the club
Changes in formal contracts or arrangements put in place by the club
A decision to refer the case to another organisation such as the LTA, Police, or Social
Closure of your complaint without action
14.7 Is there anyone else I can talk to?
Sometimes it can be useful to speak directly to someone outside the club:
You need urgent advice about someone’s safety or welfare
You don’t want to discuss the issue with someone at the club
Your complaint is very serious
Your complaint involves other organisations
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You need specialist advice
The LTA is able to advise on a range of different complaints, and in some cases will handle the
complaint directly. If you are worried about a child’s welfare, you can contact the following people:
The Child Protection Officer at the East of Scotland Tennis / Tennis Scotland: ??????
The National LTA Child Protection Department (24hrs): 0208 487 7008 or 0208 487 7116
Childline: 0800 1111
The NSPCC advice line: 0808 800 5000
Local Social Services
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15 Feedback policy
To help us improve the facilities at MUSSELBURGH TENNIS CLUB and the activities that run within it,
the committee welcome feedback from all our members.
We are always looking at ways to improve the programme of activity to ensure all ages and abilities
are catered for, including coaching, competitive (internal and external) and social opportunities.
If there is anything specific you would like to see implemented at the club or if you have any ideas
for the committee to consider, please tell us about them in any of the ways shown below.
If you would like to become involved in any aspect of the club, or if you can help in any way, we
would also love to hear from you.
Feedback can be positive or negative – if you think something is working well, please tell us, as this
helps us plan for the future and it is nice for volunteers involved with the running of the club to
know that their work is appreciated. But if there is something which you think can (or should) be
improved, let us know and the committee will discuss it at the next committee meeting.
Committee meetings are generally held every two months: January, March, May, July, September
and November.
Feedback and ideas can be offered in any of these ways:
To the Club Secretary, in email or in writing, at the following address:
Richard Morley
Address: 5 Haddington Road, Musselburgh. EH21 7PT
Using the Suggestion Box in the clubhouse
Via any Committee Member, preferably by email or in writing, but verbally if necessary
At the Annual General Meeting, held in the Clubhouse in March each year – look out for the
exact date nearer the time
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16 Accident and Emergency Information
Outlined below are some suggestions for you to include in your guidelines for dealing with an
Stay calm but act swiftly and observe the situation. Is there any danger of further injuries?
Listen to what the injured person is saying
If the injury is minor, alert your first aider to take appropriate action
If the injury requires specialist treatment, call the emergency services
Deal with the rest of the group and ensure that they are adequately supervised
Do not move someone with major injuries - wait for the emergency services
Contact the injured person’s parent/carer
Complete an incident/accident report form
This information is being provided as a guide and has been taken from the St Johns Ambulance
Approved Code of Practice. There is no mandatory list of materials that should be kept on a First Aid
container but the Approved Code of Practice gives guidance on the minimum content that should be
made available where no special risks are involved.
A guidance leaflet
20 adhesive dressings (individually wrapped and assorted sizes)
2 sterile eye pads
6 triangular bandages (individually wrapped and sterile)
6 medium sterile wound dressings (individually wrapped and un-medicated)
2 large sterile wound dressings (individually wrapped and un-medicated)
6 safety pins
Disposable gloves
In addition St John Ambulance recommends eye wash, burns treatment, resuscitation masks, and
cold packs as possible additions. Note – no creams, lotions, medicines or tablets are permitted.
First aid containers
Keep clean and free from dust
Protect contents from damp
If possible make accessible, preferably located near to hand washing facilities
Should be green with a white cross
Examine regularly and restock after use
Discard out of date items
Keep a sufficient supply
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Don’t forget to record any accident/incident in an accident/incident report form, which can be found
on the notice board and next to the first aid boxes. This should be completed in full and then passed
on to a member of the committee, to ensure it is officially recorded and any necessary action is
Accident/emergency contact information
It is also useful to have the key contact names and numbers on display. A simple A4 poster outlining
names and contact details of First Aiders, plus address and number of the nearest A&E are key
pieces of information that should be easily accessible to members/users.
List of qualified first aiders:
Clare Morley – – 07890 685 320
Janey Anderson - - 07954 895 879
Nearest Accident and Emergency Department:
Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
Nearest First Aid point:
Musselburgh Sports Centre
1 Little France Crescent
Old Dalkeith Road
EH21 7AS
EH16 4SA
Tel: 0131 536 1000
Tel: 0131 653 5208
For advice about injuries or accidents of a less severe nature, please call:
NHS Direct 0845 4647
On witnessing an accident or emergency, please ensure you complete an accident report form and
hand to a member of the committee notice board
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17 Accident Report Form
Name of person in charge of session/competition
Site where incident/accident took place
Date of incident/accident
Name of injured person
Address of injured person
Nature of incident/injury and extent of injury
Give details of how and precisely where the incident occurred
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Describe what activity was taking place, e.g. training/game/getting changed
Give full details of action taken during any first aid treatment and the name(s) of first aider(s).
Were any of the following contacted?
What happened to the injured person following the incident/accident?
e.g. carried on with session, went home, went to hospital
All of the above facts are a true record of the accident/incident
In the event of an incident/accident relating to training or faulty equipment/facilities, follow up
action should include informing the committee of the incident/accident in line with the place to play
maintenance policy. Details of this can be found on the website as well as the notice board
This form MUST be completed and returned to your Club Secretary who will ensure that the
necessary action is completed and also retain the form for future records
Richard Morley – Musselburgh Tennis Club – Secretary
Address: 5 Haddington Road, Musselburgh EH21 7PT
Tel: 07717 700 266
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18 Risk Assessment Guidance
Proper management of health and safety issues starts with identifying potential hazards. This
guidance note is designed as a checklist to assist in the identification of hazards but it cannot
possibly be exhaustive.
If you have particular concerns about hazards which are not covered by this data sheet or if you
require further information the first contact should be any appropriate supplier. At the end of this
note there is also a useful contact list, where more detailed information on specific topics may be
Please see the key areas below and consider the points listed:
18.1 Clubhouse Facilities
Are toilet, changing and showering facilities adequate and private?
Are cleaning and maintenance arrangements adequate for promoting hygienic facilities?
Are broken tiles replaced and is other damage repaired promptly?
Are harsh disinfectants and dangerous combinations of cleaning materials avoided?
Are arrangements in place for removal of sanitary waste?
Are they sufficiently secured, to prevent access by children as well as other
Are fragile roofs correctly signed and unauthorised access prevented?
What arrangements exist for prompt repairs?
18.2 Courts and external facilities
Are vehicles and pedestrian accesses separated?
Are vehicles safe from damage by flying balls etc?
Is the surface free from potholes or trip hazards?
Is all fencing secure?
Where barbwire exists, is it properly signed and secured to prevent accidental injury?
Does fencing meet Local Authority requirements?
Are flood light posts designed to prevent climbing?
Do safe arrangements exist for replacing bulbs and disposing of old bulbs?
Are Floodlights checked for electrical safety on a regular basis?
Do arrangements exist for fencing off damaged or unstable ground surfaces?
Has any form of assessment been carried out regarding the safety of different playing and
pedestrian surfaces during different weather conditions?
Are suitable means in place to advise members and guests of any potential hazards?
18.3 Fire safety
Has a ‘responsible person’ been nominated?
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Has a fire risk assessment been carried out?
Are fire alarms tested at weekly intervals?
Is emergency lighting inspected and tested at regular intervals?
Are all fire escape routes clear of obstructions, well signposted and easy to use?
Are fire extinguishers and fire hoses checked by a ‘competent’ person on an annual basis?
Are observations/checks recorded in a suitable register?
18.4 Accidents
Are there facilities for calling an ambulance?
Is there an adequate first aid box and sufficient /suitably trained personnel?
Is there a Data Protection Act compliance accident book and is it reviewed regularly?
Do arrangements exist for reporting accidents to the appropriate authority?
The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 requires an
accident report to the enforcing authority, where a member of the public sustains an injury resulting
from possible errors on behalf of the place to play, if this results in them attending hospital on the
day of the incident. The report can be made via the Incident Contact Centre (ICC) or by other means.
18.5 General Housekeeping
Do adequate cleaning arrangements exist and are areas marked off when floors are wet?
Hazardous substances - are hazardous cleaning materials securely stored and are cleaners
properly trained in their use and the dangers of mixing certain cleaning materials?
Hazardous substances may include: cleaning materials, paints, weed killers and fertilisers
Are cleaning standards sufficient for the protection of health and safety?
No slipping or tripping hazards
Areas where food is prepared
Are members advised about appropriate footwear for various playing surfaces? Are the
dangers of hazardous substances properly understood?
Are non-hazardous alternatives being used by the place to play wherever possible?
Have assessments been carried out on any hazardous materials in use at the place to play
and adequate control procedures put in place to prevent abuse, misuse and risk to health?
Are written assessments available for such items?
Are they kept secure to avoid unauthorised access?
18.6 Additional areas to consider
As mentioned before, this guidance note is aimed to assist in the identification of hazards but it
cannot possibly be exhaustive. Other issues may come up from time to time that may not necessarily
be regular occurrences, still require careful consideration. Further advice is available on issues such
as external contractors, hot work, site safety and waste disposal – see the contact details and useful
numbers at the end of this document.
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18.7 Practical application of risk assessments
Risk assessments should be carried out before a new activity takes place or when an existing activity
changes significantly. It is recommended that a group rather than an individual should review risks. It
is advisable to select a member of the management committee/management team to lead on and
be responsible for ‘maintenance’. This simply means that the there is a process in place for
identifying, reporting and addressing any maintenance issues.
It is sensible to carry out a standard risk assessment of the facility in the first instance, with the aim
of reviewing this at least annually. The risk assessment combined with a structured procedure for
highlighting and reporting new potential hazards should ensure the facility remains a safe
environment for members and users. To ensure the process is effective, members/users should be
made aware of ‘how’ to report an issue – phone call, email, note in a suggestion box, maintenance
log book etc.
Once any hazards are identified, it is good practise to determine priorities for action. The hazards’
level of risk can be judged using the skills and knowledge of place to play members, but further
research can be made if it is an area that requires specialist knowledge. Maintenance should be an
item on the agenda for management committee/management meetings, with issues being raised
and the appropriate action taken.
Areas to consider for a standard risk assessment are:
Is the area and surroundings are safe and free from obstacles?
Is the area fit and appropriate for activity?
Is the equipment fit and sound for activity and suitable for age group/ability?
Is the performers register is up to date with medical information and contact details?
Are performers appropriately attired for the activity?
Can emergency vehicles access facilities?
Is there a working telephone is available with access to emergency numbers?
Are emergency access points checked and operational?
Are evacuation procedures are published and posted somewhere for all to see?
Do volunteers, staff, coaches and members have access to information relating to health and
Are emergency procedures published and accessible to those with responsibility for sessions
in the place to play?
There is a risk assessment template in the ‘policies and procedures’ resource section of the LTA
website, which may help you form the basis of your facility specific document:
Useful contacts
Accident reporting (RIDDOR 1995)
Incident Contact Center (ICC) 0845 300 9923 or
HS(G)Charity and Voluntary Workers – A Guide to Health & Safety at Work Code
HSE Books Telephone 01787 881165
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English Sports Council -
Safety – An Employers Guide
Health & Safety Executive Book Finder catalogue
Health & Safety Executive Index of Downloadable Leaflets about the management & control
various -
Health & Safety Executive Small Business Start Up Guidance
Sport Links & Resources web page -
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Risk Assessment Policy
MUSSELBURGH TENNIS CLUB will carry out a full annual/biannual/quarterly risk assessment of the
facility with a view of highlighting potential hazards and taking the appropriate action wherever
necessary to ensure a safe and enjoyable environment.
Ian Hunt, the MTC Risk Assessment Co-ordinator, is responsible for reporting to the
committee/management team on such issues. If a member/user wished to report a hazard or
potential hazard, they should do one of the following:
Ian Hunt – Musselburgh Tennis Club – Risk Assessment Co-ordinator
Email: or
Write a note, including details and location of the hazard, posting it in the suggestion
box/notice board
Write an entry in the maintenance log book, located in the place to playhouse
Maintenance is an item on the agenda for committee/management meetings. Any issues are
raised and the appropriate action taken; all details will be listed in the minutes.
The risk assessment includes the following areas:
Is the area and surroundings are safe and free from obstacles?
Is the area fit and appropriate for activity?
Is the equipment fit and sound for activity and suitable for age group/ability?
Is the performers register is up to date with medical information and contact details?
Are performers appropriately attired for the activity?
Can emergency vehicles access facilities?
Is there a working telephone is available with access to emergency numbers?
Are emergency access points checked and operational?
Are evacuation procedures are published and posted somewhere for all to see?
Do volunteers, staff, coaches and members have access to information relating to health and
Are emergency procedures published and accessible to those with responsibility for sessions
at the venue?
Are evacuation procedures are published and posted somewhere for all to see?
Do volunteers, staff, coaches and members have access to information relating to health and
Are emergency procedures published and accessible to those with responsibility for sessions
at the venue?
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20 Risk Assessment Template
This form must be completed and filed safely
20.1 Playing/training area
Check that the area and surroundings are safe and free from obstacles.
Is the area fit and appropriate for activity?
(If no, please outline the hazard, who may be at risk and action taken, if any) Yes 
No 
20.2 Equipment
Check that it is fit and sound for activity and suitable for age group/ability.
Is the equipment safe and appropriate for activity?
(If no, please outline unsafe equipment and action taken, if any) Yes 
No 
20.3 Performers
Check that the performers register is up to date with medical information and contact details. Check
that performers are appropriately attired for the activity.
Is/are the register(s) in order?
(If no, please outline current state and action taken, if any) Yes 
No 
Are performers appropriately attired and safe for activity?
(If no, please outline unsafe equipment/attire and action taken, if any) Yes No
20.4 Emergency points
Check that emergency vehicles can access facilities, and that a working telephone is available with
access to emergency numbers.
Are emergency access points checked and operational?
(If no, please outline the issues and action taken, if any) Yes 
No 
Is a working telephone available?
(If no, please outline the issues and action taken, if any) Yes 
No 
20.5 Safety information
Check that evacuation procedures are published and posted somewhere for all to see. Ensure that
volunteers and staff have access to information relating to health and safety.
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Are emergency procedures published and accessible to those with responsibility for sessions?
(If no, please outline what information is missing and action taken, if any) Yes 
No 
Does the place to play need to take any further action? (If yes, please specify.)
Signed: ________________________________ Date: ____________________________
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21 Sinking Fund Policy
In addition to the main bank account, MUSSELBURGH TENNIS CLUB operates a Sinking Fund account
to ensure that funds exist to resurface and re-paint the three tennis courts on a regular, cyclical
As of January 2011, an amount of £3,600 per annum will be transferred into the Sinking Fund
account for this purpose. This amount will be confirmed by the Treasurer and the Management
Committee on an annual basis.
The schedule of anticipated work and expenditure is detailed in the chart below. The exact timings
may vary and will be determined by the Management Committee.
Courts 1 & 2
Court 3
Contribution to
sinking fund
Sinking Fund
opening balance
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