Mater Misericordiae University Hospital - 19 hours

Job Description
Mater Misericordiae University Hospital
University College Dublin
St Vincent’s University Hospital
19 Hours
14 hours
6 hours
Professional Qualifications required:
Professional Qualifications, experience etc
Registration as a specialist in the Specialist Division of the Register of Medical
Practitioners maintained by the Medical Council in Ireland in the specialities of
infectious diseases and general (internal) medicine.
Age restriction shall only apply to a candidate where he/she is not classified as a new
entrant (within the meaning of the Public Service Superannuation (Miscellaneous
Provisions) Act, 2004). A candidate who is not classified as a new entrant must be
under 65 years of age on the first day of the month in which the latest date for receiving
completed application forms for the office occurs.
A candidate for and any person holding the post must be fully competent and capable of
undertaking the duties attached to the post and be in a state of health such as would
indicate a reasonable prospect of ability to render regular and efficient service.
A candidate for and any person holding the post must be of good character.
Entry to competition / recruitment process
For the purposes of eligibility for entry to any competition or recruitment process
associated with this post, a candidate must fulfil the eligibility requirements laid down in
the information pack for the post.
The successful interviewee must be registered as a Specialist in the relevant specialty on
the Specialist Division of the Register of Medical Practitioners maintained by the Medical
Council of Ireland before taking up appointment. The candidate will be allowed a max of
180 calendar days from date of interview to secure this registration and produce evidence
of special interest training where relevant.
Should the successful candidate not be registered as a Specialist at that time, the post
may be offered to the next suitable candidate (or, in the case of HSE posts, the Public
Appointments Service may choose not to recommend the candidate to the employer).
Should not suitable candidate exist, a further recruitment process may be initiated.
JD Consultant Snr Lecturer / Cons ID Type A March 10, 2015 2015)
Particulars of Post:
This is a new post between the Mater Misericordiae University Hospital, University College Dublin
and St Vincent’s University Hospital (DAMC). The following conditions apply:1.
The appointment is permanent and pensionable and of a whole time nature.
The person appointed shall be on probation for one year.
The terms, conditions and benefits of the Consultants Contract 2008 (as of 1 July 2013),
approved by the Department of Health and Children, will apply.
Annual leave will be in accordance with the Consultants’ Contract 2008. It will be
necessary to ensure that this leave is taken so that, on receipt of notification the
Administrative head of the Department/Specialty may make appropriate cover and other
The regulations of Voluntary Hospitals’ Superannuation Scheme (including Spouses and
Children’s Pension Scheme) will apply.
This post has a teaching association with University College Dublin.
Acceptance of the medical and administrative structures of the Mater Misericordiae
University Hospital, UCD and St Vincent’s University Hospital, as detailed in the rules of
the hospitals are necessary.
The person appointed shall abide by the respective Ethical Policies approved by the
Board of Directors of the Mater Misericordiae University Hospital, UCD and St Vincent’s
University Hospital.
All applications for special leave shall, in addition, be forwarded to the Executive Council
of the Hospital for consideration. No special leave may be taken without the prior
approval of the Executive Council of the hospital.
In the event of resignation a minimum of three months’ notice must be given in writing to
the authorities of the hospital.
Before appointment a medical examination must be undertaken by a qualified Medical
Practitioner to be nominated by the Board of Directors, Mater Misericordiae University
Hospital. The examining Doctor will be asked to certify that the candidate is free from
any disease or physical defect which might impair his/her capacity to undertake the
duties of the post for which he/she is a candidate.
The scheduled commitment in respect of this post is as follows:Mater Misericordiae University Hospital
University College Dublin
St Vincent’s University Hospital
19 hours
14 hours
6 hours
Remuneration shall be as per 2012 DOHC Consultant Salary Scale for Type A posts.
Garda Clearance – Arrangements have been introduced on a national level for the
provision of Garda Clearance in respect of candidates for employment in areas of Health
Services where it is envisaged that potential employees have substantial access to
children or vulnerable individuals.
JD Consultant Snr Lecturer / Cons ID Type A March 10, 2015 2015)
Summary of Post
The DAMC seeks a Physician and Clinician/Scientist of international repute to further develop
academic and clinical leadership in Infectious Diseases. This Academic Senior
Lecturer/Consultant Physician will have clinical responsibilities at the MMUH & SVUH and
research, teaching and academic administrative duties at UCD. He/she will be part of the section
of Medicine in the School of Medicine and Medical Sciences and will work with other academic
staff in Medicine to oversee the design, delivery, assessment and quality of modules and
programs for undergraduate and postgraduate students. He/she will further develop and maintain
the internationally competitive profile of research in Infectious Diseases within the Dublin
Academic Medical Centre Group. He/she will have significant clinical responsibilities, participating
in the Infectious Diseases team at MMUH for both Infectious Diseases & General Internal
Medicine and will develop and participate in the development of ID inpatient consultation service
at SVUH.
Principal Duties and Responsibilities
The appointee will assume a position of academic leadership in Infectious Diseases
within the DAMC, reporting to Head of School of Medicine and Medical Sciences, the
CEO / Executive Clinical Director and the CAO (and/or his/her nominee). He/she will be
part of the Section of Medicine, currently led by Professor Michael Keane.
The appointee will have clinical responsibilities at MMUH as agreed with the CEO /
Clinical Director of MMUH in accordance with the consultant contract, including the
submission of a practice plan and weekly schedule, updated appropriately.
The appointee will co-operate with present and future consultants in Infectious Diseases
at DAMC using an integrated multi-disciplinary model.
The appointee will spend 19 hours per week at MMUH, 14 hours per week at UCD & 6
hours per week on an ID consultation service at SVUH, all averaged over the year. This
academic Consultant Physician will be based primarily at the MMUH campus.
In co-operation with existing and future consultants, and under the authority of the section
head of Medicine, UCD, the appointee will provide leadership in teaching, research and
will participate in the administration of the undergraduate program in Medicine.
He/she will design and deliver undergraduate and postgraduate teaching in Medicine and
Infectious Diseases (including curriculum development) within the School of Medicine
and Medical Sciences.
The appointee will significantly contribute to the translational research programme in
Infectious Diseases within the School of Medicine and Medical Sciences and the Dublin
Academic Medical Centre in line with the school’s strategic plan, attracting both
exchequer and non-exchequer funding for clinical and translational research.
Responsibilities will include supervision of postgraduate research students (including
PhD students) and development of clinician scientists in line with institutional and national
research strategies.
The appointee will develop inter-disciplinary and inter-institutional research and education
links, both nationally and internationally.
JD Consultant Snr Lecturer / Cons ID Type A March 10, 2015 2015)
Research: the appointee will:
Alongside current research programmes further develop and maintain an internationally
competitive translational research group in a recognized area of research in ID including
acquiring the necessary funds and recruiting, supervising, and supporting through to
successful completion of post-graduate degrees of research students and/or postdoctoral fellows.
Initiate and contribute to existing collaborative clinical and translational projects with other
relevant groups in the School of Medicine & the Conway Institute (UCD), MMUH, SVUH,
and academic medical departments in Ireland.
Establish national and international research collaboration in a field of ID.
Raise funds to foster the above research from grant giving bodies and commercial
Take overall responsibility for the supervision of research projects by NCHDs attached to
the ID department of DAMC.
Participate in and present research findings at major national and international academic
Teaching: the appointee will:
Create and coordinate a module using the principles of evidence based teaching of
pathogenesis, epidemiology, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of infection for the
undergraduate and GEM Medical Degree Programmes.
Collaborate with existing and future faculty in Clinical Pharmacology, ID and Clinical
Microbiology to develop guidelines and teaching modules for best practice in
antimicrobial prescribing.
Contribute to the development of Diploma, Degree and Master courses in Hospital
Epidemiology, Microbiology and/or Infectious Diseases, which can be undertaken as
either single modules of study or as part of a larger validated programme available to
post-graduate students from varied health-care disciplines including medicine and
Engage in curriculum design and review.
Engage in the assessment of students.
Utilise a range of appropriate methods of teaching and assessment.
Participate in the supervision of undergraduate and postgraduate students.
Provide academic counselling and advice to students
Academic Management and Administration
Contribute to the further development of a translational research strategy in Infectious
Diseases for UCD School of Medicine.
Represent Infectious Diseases, the School of Medicine and Medical Science, DAMC and
UCD on appropriate national and international advisory boards and professional bodies.
Assume a leadership and managerial role within the School of Medicine and Medical
Sciences and within the College of Health Sciences.
The appointee will maintain active registration on the Specialty Register for both
Infectious Diseases & General (Internal) Medicine, regulated by the Medical Council
(Comhairle na nDoctuiri Leighis).
JD Consultant Snr Lecturer / Cons ID Type A March 10, 2015 2015)
He/she will perform clinical duties as prescribed by the CEO / Executive Clinical Director
in accordance with the consultant contract, including the submission of a practice plan
and weekly schedule, updated appropriately.
The person appointed will participate as a consultant physician in the ID service at
MMUH as 49% of their total commitment, averaged over a calendar year.
The appointee will co-operate with present and future consultants on the ID service using
a multi-disciplinary model. The rota is drafted by the senior consultants and agreed by all
participating consultants before the beginning of the calendar year, such that one of the
ID consultants is in Dublin at all times. The fraction done by each consultant is in
proportion to the number of clinical sessions at MMUH. This model is intended to protect
time for research, cross-cover for holidays/leave and a collegiate approach to patients,
especially those with complex problems. The non-consultant hospital doctors (NCHDs),
nurses, secretaries and other staff of the ID service are not assigned to individual
consultants but are pooled and collectively supervised by the ID consultants.
The appointee will cooperate with this model and with future developments integrating
the ID service and related services across the DAMC.
Inpatients The ID consultants at the MMUH operate a shared combined inpatient service,
at present divided into two services. One covers inpatients (both General Internal
Medicine (GIM) and Infectious Diseases inpatients), including unselected medical call
(presently 1:6 frequency). The other covers the ID inpatient consult service, covering all
consults from other services.
Outpatients The person appointed will run a weekly ID out-patient clinic and cross-cover
the clinics of the other consultants, while on holidays and leave, such that all ID and GIM
clinics are supervised by a consultant.
Outpatient Parental Antimicrobial Therapy Program (OPAT). The appointee will
contribute to the on-going development and will supervise an OPAT service, in cooperation with the other ID consultants.
National isolation Unit In co-operation with the other ID consultants, the appointee will
supervise the NIU on a rotational basis, including the admission, care and treatment of
patients with potentially hazardous infections
Consultation Service SVUH The appointee will contribute to an inpatient ID Consultation
Service at SVUH and will contribute to cross-cover for leave of the current ID consultant
at SVUH.
Selection Criteria
Academic/professional qualifications
A Physician with MD or PhD or equivalent qualification.
Membership of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland or equivalent.
Registration in both the specialty division of Infectious Diseases and General Internal
Medicine in the Specialist Register maintained by the Medical Council in Ireland or
entitlement to be so registered.
JD Consultant Snr Lecturer / Cons ID Type A March 10, 2015 2015)
Seven years satisfactory post graduate training and experience in the medical
profession including five years in infectious diseases.
Recognition as a leading researcher in Infectious Diseases as evidenced by:
A record of high quality research publications in refereed journals of high
international repute and impact.
 or
 A proven track record in the management and direction of a substantial research group,
including the acquisition of necessary funds.
An international reputation in Infectious Diseases through election to key positions on
national or international bodies or societies and/or invitations to deliver keynote lectures at
international conferences and/or membership of government or international advisory
bodies and/or contribution to one or more professional bodies related to Infectious
Diseases and/or editorial positions in high-impact, internationally refereed academic and
professional journals.
Evidence of high quality teaching of undergraduate and postgraduate students in
Infectious Diseases.
Supervision of PhD or postdoctoral students in clinical or translational research.
Proven management skills including previous experience in management of research
Excellent interpersonal skills.
Ability to communicate effectively with all colleagues.
Ability to work as a team member.
Ability to self motivate.
Please note that Relocation Expenses will not apply.
JD Consultant Snr Lecturer / Cons ID Type A March 10, 2015 2015)
Application Details
Curriculum Vitae (fourteen unbound copies) including qualifications, publications etc. should be
forwarded to the Honorary Secretary, Medical Board, Mater Misericordiae University Hospital, 59
Eccles Street, Dublin 7 not later than Friday 27th March 2015.
Each candidate shall submit, as references, the names and addresses of at least four
responsible persons to whom he/she is well known, but not related, of which, at least two
shall be from a recent or current employer.
Canvassing directly or indirectly by or on behalf of any candidate will automatically
disqualify such candidate.
Copies of professional and education certificates should be submitted with Curriculum
Vitae. Originals of these documents will be required at interview.
Consultants appointed to the staff of the hospital(s) may not accept other medical
appointments other than those available by the private conditions of their contract.
Candidates will be required to attend in person before an interview board established by
the Board of Management but the Board will not be responsible for any expenses a
candidate may incur in attendance for interview.
This job description is not intended to be an exhaustive list of duties and responsibilities. It may
be reviewed from time to time in discussions with the appointed to reflect the needs of the Mater
Misericordiae University Hospital , University College Dublin and St Vincent’s University Hospital.
JD Consultant Snr Lecturer / Cons ID Type A March 10, 2015 2015)