Task 1 - My CCSD


Oxford English Dictionary


username: JTischler password: avuR7LBE

Task 1:

DIRECTIONS: Look up the word chill in a simple quick search.

1. How many results are there for the word chill?

DIRECTIONS: In the advanced search mode, search for chill in definition, then select “NOT” cool, then choose add row and select “NOT” cold, both in full text.

2. What has happened to the number of entries and why?

DIRECTIONS: Answer the question using bullet points (minimum 5).

3. What does the OED online offer to users that you did not realize was there at the beginning of the lesson?

Task 2:

DIRECTIONS: Check mark the words you would expect to find in a dictionary. Now do a quick search on all the words. Circle the ones that are in the OED Online. Some of them have several meanings; so the word itself is probably in the dictionary, but is it in with the meaning given here? If so, place a star next to the word. numpty whillywha spanghew fucate burble choler plumper streek logolatry scroyle floccinaucinihilipilification antidisestablishmentarianism nuncle (meaning your mom or dad’s brother radical (meaning amazing or cool) snotty (meaning bad-tempered) supercalifragilisticexpialidocious nadder (meaning snake) mobile (meaning a phone) text (meaning to communicate-verb) cool (meaning you approve of something) hang (meaning to spend time with friends-verb)

DIRECTIONS: You now know that all the words are in the OED Online. Now try to match the definitions below with the words in the word bank. Write the word next to the definition. numpty, spanghew, burble, whillywha, fucate, choler, floccinaucinihilipilification, scroyle, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, antidisestablishmentarianism, streek, logolatry,, plumper

A verb meaning to throw violently

A noun meaning the worship of words

A noun meaning a small spot or pimple

A noun meaning a creepy person

A noun meaning support for the Church of England as the National church

An adjective meaning false

A noun meaning the jaw

A noun meaning something you put on your mouth to make your cheeks look fatter

A noun meaning to count something as worthless

An adjective meaning wonderful

A noun meaning an idiot

A noun meaning a rogue

A verb meaning to lie down

Task 3

DIRECTIONS: Use the OED Online dictionary to research and answer the following questions:

1. numpty – what is the earliest mention of this word?

2. burble – How many different entries are there for this word? Include nouns and verbs.

3. muggle – A) find and write down all four main definitions of this word B) make use of the quotations provided and write down the earliest recorded use of the word. C) why does the most recent definition have a capital “M”?

4. nadder – search for the word nadder. why you are taken to the entry for nadder in adder? Why do you think the word nadder changed to adder over time?

5. Now look at the noun version of the word nuncle. A) How is its relationship with the word uncle slightly different? B) are any of the Middle English letters in the alphabet not used today? C) try rereading the early definitions, substituting the unusual letters with the sound “th”, does this make anymore sense now?

6. text – look up the use of the word as a verb. Is to text a modern expression? What is the earliest use you can find?

7. hang – look up the use of the word as a verb. Use the “About this entry” link to the right of the definition. A) how many numbered definitions are there? B) Go to the bottom of the page where you will find the additional definitions published since September 2003 – when was hang first used with the meaning “to loiter/do nothing”?
