Page No
Examinations Office and Sub Office
Contact Details
Examination Periods
Examination Start times
Examination Rooms
Role and Responsibilities of an Invigilator
Conduct as Invigilators
Induction and pre-examination briefing sessions
Good Practice
On the Day of the Examination
Collect examination materials
Check the examination facilities
Check examination materials
Pencil Cases
Admit candidates
Distribution of examination question papers
Announcements to be made at the start of each examination
Start the examination
Late arrival of candidates
During the Examination
Attendance slips and filling in the Examination Attendance Register
Checking candidates’ proof of identity
Female Muslim candidates wearing the full face veil (niqab)
Candidates’ queries
Candidates wishing to leave the examination room whilst the examination
is in progress
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Toilet visits
Temporary departure
Permanent departure
Unacceptable behaviour
Fire Alarm
Mobile Phones
Incident Report Forms
What to do in the event of having to stop an examination before the end
due to unforeseen circumstances
At the end of the Examination
Announcements to be made 15 minutes
before the end of the examination and at the end
Collecting in all examination materials
Check the examination materials
Dismiss the candidates
Leave the examination room
Returning examination materials to the Examinations Sub-Office
Additional information on invigilation in the Sports Hall
Additional information on invigilation of on line examinations
Further information
Announcement Card
At the start of the examination
15 minutes before the end of the examination
At the end of the examination
Guide to Invigilation
Frequently asked questions
What if scenarios: on line examinations
A Quick Guide To Distinguish Between Programmable and Nonprogrammable Calculators
Useful Forms
Late Arrivals Form (5.1)
Student Information Slip (5.2)
Suspected breaches of Assessment Regulations (5.3)
Incident Report Form (5.4)
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This step-by-step guidebook has been produced to provide you with relevant
information that you will need to know in order to invigilate examinations. The
information will also help you to understand and appreciate the role and
responsibilities of an examination invigilator.
The procedures outlined in this guidebook act as a Code of Conduct for Invigilation.
It is important that you familiarise yourself with its contents and the resources
available to you to help you perform your role in a consistent and effective manner.
If you have any queries or concerns that are not covered in this handbook please
contact staff in the Exams Office such matters with them.
The Exams Office is situated on E Floor, Room E71 in the Richmond
Building on the main City campus site located off Great Horton Road
During the University examination periods an Exams Sub Office is set
up for the purpose of collecting and returning all examination scripts to
a central point. You will be advised of the specific location prior to each
examination period.
The exams team are responsible for ensuring that you can undertake
your duties efficiently by providing information, guidance, training and
support. Please do not hesitate to contact them.
Mrs Julie Hodgson (Team Leader)
(+44) 01274 235486
Ms Hannah Adams (Clerical Officer)
(+44) 01274 233030
General enquiries
Web pages
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Semester 1
7-18 January 2013
Semester 2
3-17 May 2013*
13-24 August 2013
*Bank Holiday 6 May (no exams scheduled)
09.15 – 12.15
13.00 – 15.00
Early Evening
16.00 – 18.00
The University uses several rooms located across the campus for the
purpose of examinations. Individual examination timetables are sent
out to candidates via email no later than 4 weeks before the start of
each examination period (except the August resit period which is less
than 4 weeks as the timescales are shorter)
The seating arrangements and stationery requirements (colour coded
answer books, graph paper, appropriate text books etc.) are the
responsibility of staff in the ancillary services to provide in each
examination venue prior to the start of the examination in question so
you do not need to worry about this aspect of the practical
The role of an invigilator is to ensure that examinations are conducted
in accordance with the University’s Regulation on the Conduct and
Invigilation of Examinations.
Your responsibilities can be summarised as follows:
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to ‘sign in’ and collect relevant examination materials from the
designated Exams Sub Office no later than 30 minutes before the
start of the examination (45 minutes if in the Sports Hall). Please
note that you may be required to invigilate more than one
examination which has been scheduled in the examination room
that you have been assigned to
to arrive at the examination room no later than 20 minutes before
the start of the examination(30 minutes if in the Sports Hall) to
ensure that the conditions and facilities are conducive for
examination purposes
to check the Clock located in the examination room and contact the
Exams Office (01284 233030/5486) immediately if the Clock in not
working accurately
to ensure that all the necessary examination materials are provided
so that the examination can go ahead as scheduled. (Please note,
the examination attendance slips are inserted in the examination
answer books)
to admit the candidates into the examination room no later than 10
minutes before the start time (20 minutes if in the Sports Hall) and
ensure that candidates sit in their allocated seat accordingly
to ensure candidates obey the University regulations as laid out in
the University's Regulations on the Conduct and Invigilation of
to ensure that examination papers and other appropriate
examination materials are distributed correctly after the candidates
have been admitted to the examination room
to assist candidates to complete the required forms before the start
of the examination if requested to do so. (Please note, there is no
longer a need for candidates to complete and seal the flap in the
right hand corner of the ‘old’ style answer books)
to read instructions on the Announcement Cards before, during and
at the end of the examination (see Appendix 1)
to ensure that the examination starts punctually and that candidates
have been informed of the end time as appropriate
to supervise the examination by ensuring that there is no talking or
disruption for the candidates once the examination has started
to collect in the candidate examination attendance slips and record
candidate attendance on the formal Examination Attendance
Register provided
to supervise the examination by patrolling the examination room to
ensure that the University's Regulations on the Conduct and
Invigilation of Examinations are implemented
to report any incidents that may affect the performance of the
candidates and/or suspected breaches of the University's
Regulations on the Conduct and Invigilation of Examinations to the
Exams Office as appropriate
to arrange escorts/first aiders for candidates who need to
temporarily leave the examination room during the examination (e.g.
toilet visits or illness)
to ensure that all worked scripts are securely collected back in
candidate number order at the end of the examination and before
candidates are dismissed from the examination room
to leave the examination venue in good order ready for the next
examination session
to return the secured worked scripts back to the designated
Examinations Sub Office
Whilst invigilation involves preparing the environment for the student
examination experience and overseeing the conduct of the examination
candidates, invigilators must give candidates every opportunity, within
the regulations, to attempt and complete an examination.
Once the examination is in progress, invigilators should only talk to
candidates or to each other when absolutely necessary and then in a
quiet manner so as not to disturb the other candidates. It is important
that the examination room is as quiet as possible at all times.
Please also go about your administrative responsibilities as quietly as
possible and remember to walk about the examination room invigilating
as quietly as practical.
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Invigilators must not eat, read a book/newspaper; or do any unrelated
work; use a mobile phone or pager unless it is absolutely necessary
and exam related.
A programme of induction and pre-examination briefing/refresher
sessions on the University’s Regulations on the Conduct and
Invigilation of Examinations and latest developments on examination
policies and/or procedures is arranged each academic year.
The induction and pre-examination briefing/refresher sessions are
delivered through the Exams Office and information about the
programme of induction and pre-examination briefing sessions is
disseminated via staff briefing and the Exams webpages
A checklist has been included in this Code of Conduct for Invigilation
as a quick ‘guide to invigilation’ and ‘frequently asked questions’ to
support staff in this role (Appendix 2)
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be punctual and arrive at the examination room no later than 20
minutes before the start of the examination (30 minutes if in the
Sports Hall) to set out the examination materials
use clear audible speech when making announcements to the
ensure that candidates are under constant scrutiny
be alert for candidates wanting assistance
ensure that no-one other than the candidates and University staff
involved in the administration of the examination enters the
examination room
be aware that any item (biro, pencil case, handkerchief, etc.) may
be used for dishonest purposes
patrol the whole examination room regularly and quietly (soft-soled
shoes, please!), taking a different route on each occasion
be aware that candidates find it disturbing if you stand close
enough to be able to read their work and/or stand behind them for
long periods
keep conversation with candidates and your fellow invigilators to a
minimum and only related to the examination in question
note that it is helpful to carry spare answer books as you walk
round the room
collect examination material (especially coloured examination
question papers) from unoccupied desks when the examination has
started as you walk quietly round the room
try to ensure that, where there is more than one invigilator, one of
you is at the back of the room as often as possible
be alert but discreet as you invigilate especially if you suspect
be professional at all times
arrive at the examination room at the last minute
turn your back on the candidates whilst at the front of the
examination room
say anything to any candidate that might be regarded as directly
assisting them to answer any examination question
offer any advice on the interpretation of the questions
TALK unnecessarily with your fellow invigilators – even whispering
disturbs the candidates
stay at the front of the examination room throughout the
engage in the following forbidden practices e.g. - reading of
personal material (books, newspapers, crosswords etc.), disruptive
activity - i.e. writing, leaving the room when no other invigilator is
present, marking other examination papers or gazing out of the
allow candidates to communicate in any way with each other
allow any candidate to disrupt the smooth running of the
examination, if necessary you may instruct the candidate to leave
the examination room
make telephone calls not related to the examination in progress
receive incoming telephone calls
Collect examination materials
go to the designated Exams Sub Office* no later than 30 minutes
before the examination is due to start (45 minutes if in the Sports Hall)
 ‘sign in’ and collect the sealed examination packages and any
mobile phones or room cards/keys (where relevant) that may be
required for the examination venue
 do not open the sealed examination package until you arrive in the
examination room
 please refer to the additional information on invigilation of on line
examinations No 13 below and what if scenarios (Appendix 3)
*Main Campus: Richmond Building (you will be notified of the specific
Check the examination facilities
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arrive at the examination room no later than 20 minutes before the
start of the examination (30 minutes if in the Sports Hall). Please
DO NOT lock any internal door from inside the room as to do so
may trigger a security alarm to sound and cause a disturbance
and/or delay the start of the examination
on arrival check the location of emergency exits and the internal
telephone (unless you have been given a mobile phone)
make sure you know where the nearest toilets are located in the
building where the examination is being held
check that the conditions of the room are conducive for examination
purposes, clean and tidy, layout, etc.
check that the Clock in the examination venue is accurate
according to British local time. The accuracy of the examination
Clock is very important because this Clock will be the formal
timekeeper for the examination in question.
if the Clock in the examination venue is faulty or inaccurate please
contact the Exams Office without delay (01274 233030/5486) so
that a replacement Clock can be brought over to the venue before
the start of the examination
check that seating arrangements and stationery requirements
(colour coded answer books, graph paper, appropriate text books
etc.) have been set out in the examination room as appropriate
identify and designate a safe area of the examination room where
candidates should leave large bags and outer coats during the
if there is a problem with any of the above please contact the
Exams Office (01274 233030/5486) without delay. Do not try to
deal with any emerging issues yourself.
Check examination materials
 check the information outlined on the examination package that you
have been provided with to ensure that all materials required for the
examination(s) has been supplied*
 check with the Exams Office (01274 233030/5486) staff if anything
is unclear or you need further advice or if any items appear to be
 if time permits read through the examination question paper(s) to
check for accuracy and that all materials/instructions have been
provided for the candidates
* Colour coded answer books (containing the examination attendance
slips) and other specified materials such as authorised text books;
graph paper etc. will have been set out by Ancillary Services staff
 candidates are not allowed to bring an English language dictionary
(e.g. Collins, Concise Oxford) into an examination. They may be
permitted to use other dictionaries (e.g. dual-language) as indicated
on the cover of the examination question paper
 candidates are permitted to use their own electronic calculators in
an examination, with the exception of those that have the facility for
the full range of alphabetical characters to be input
 refer to the useful ‘quick guide to distinguish between
programmable and non-programmable calculators’ (Appendix 4)
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Schools may, in addition, place a limit on the capability of
calculators to be used in a particular examination, provided that
such restriction has been indicated to the candidates in advance.
The rubric on the cover of the examination question paper should
indicate when this is the case, and show the restrictions
calculators which do not fall within these specifications should be
confiscated until the end of the examination. The use of nonapproved calculators is a suspected breach of regulations
Regulations and you must take the prescribed action by completing
an Incident Report Form. Any calculator with a full alphabetical
keypad and/or a large display is almost certainly 'illegal'
if there is any doubt, permit the candidate to use the calculator but
instruct the candidate to note the make and model of calculator
involved on the examination answer book
if calculators are being used by the candidates please ensure that
all detachable lids are removed from the calculator itself and placed
on the examination room floor in view of the invigilator. This will
help eliminate malpractice
candidates are responsible for bringing their own calculator in good
working order with them to the examinations. The University no
longer provide ‘spares’ should a candidate forget to bring a nonprogrammable calculator with them to the examinations.
If a candidate’s non-programmable calculator malfunctions during
the examination or it is believed to be an illegal calculator (see
above) you should contact the Exams Office (01274 233030/5486)
to arrange for a replacement to be brought across to the
examination venue.
candidates who exceptional have been permitted to borrow a
University calculator (e.g. due to technical failure of their own
calculator) must sign a receipt slip. Please ensure that you retrieve
the calculator(s) at the end of the examination and return it to the
Exams Office with the worked scripts
Pencil cases
 candidates are only permitted to bring a clear plastic pencil case
with them into an examination. The contents of the pencil case
should be visible and displayed on the desk at all times ready for
inspection by an invigilator
 the use of all other styles of pencil cases will not be permitted and
must be left in a designated area in an examination room before
candidates proceed to their allocated seat.
 invigilators should randomly check pencil cases when collecting in
examination attendance slips. All other styles of pencil case in use
during an examination should be placed on the floor beside the
student until after the examination has ended
Admit candidates
 once all invigilators are ready you may proceed to admit the
candidates to the examination room not later than 10 minutes
before the scheduled start of the examination (20 minutes if in the
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Sports Hall)
candidates must remove outer coats hats, caps and jackets and
leave them in a designated safe area in an examination room
before proceeding to their allocated seat
at the point of admission (at the entrance to the examination room)
remind candidates, before entry, that when they enter the
examination room until when they leave they are under examination
conditions and remind them to switch off mobile phones and place
large bags and coats in designated areas
also remind candidates as they enter the examination room to sit at
the correct place - they should already know their seat number but
you should assist them if they do not. Check that they are in the
correct examination especially if they think someone is already sat
in their seat (also check that this candidate is not in the wrong
examination room)
if a candidate’s name does not appear on the Examination
Attendance Register and you have checked that they are in the
correct room/examination, s/he may still take the examination
candidates whose names do not appear on the Examination
Attendance Register should be asked to sit at an unallocated
examination desk and provided with the relevant examination
for candidates whose names do not appear on the Examination
Attendance Register you should manually add their names to the
list and put an orange label (you shall be provided with a sheet of
these in the Resource Pack) in the top right hand corner of their
examination answer books, so that the internal examiner is notified
check that no large items are on the floor within reach of any
candidate which may cause an accident - all such items should be
placed by candidates at the front or sides of the examination room
in the designated safe area. If any large item remain by a desk you
may move it
candidates are permitted to bring one small bottle of water (500ml)
with them to an examination room for consumption during the
examination unless it is stated that drinks are not permitted (for
example in PC cluster rooms)
remember that you are responsible for ensuring that, as close as
possible, the examination begins at the scheduled start time.
NEVER start an examination early than the scheduled start time
Distribution of examination question papers
 all examination question papers should be distributed to candidates
by the examination invigilators AFTER candidates have been
admitted to the examination room and before the start of the
 place the appropriate examination question paper(s) face down on
each desk in front of the candidate and next to the pre-distributed
examination answer books or MCQ Cards
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some examination question papers double up as answer books for
certain types of examinations (e.g. multi choice questions)
examination question papers printed on coloured paper must be
collected in again by the invigilators at the end of the examination
Under no circumstances should candidates be permitted to remove
coloured examination question papers from the examination room
the examination answer books are colour and symbol coded not
only to enhance the security of the examination in question but also
to help distinguish the different examinations being held in the same
venue at the same time.
candidate examination attendance slips are located in the
examination answer books.
make sure that the examination question papers for each
examination being held in that examination room corresponds to the
correct colour coded examination answer books
candidates must not turn over the examination question paper
before they are instructed to do so by the invigilator
Announcements to be made at the start of each examination
 the examination announcements to all Candidates are accessible
for candidates to read on line before the start of the examination
period. It is expected that all candidates will familiarise themselves
with the information and instructions outlined in the examination
 a concise version of the examination announcements will still be
read out by the examination invigilator at the start of each
examination (Appendix 1)
 once all candidates have received an examination question paper
and you are satisfied that the University’s Regulation on the
Conduct and Invigilation of Examinations have been followed you
should read out the information to candidates as detailed on the
Announcement Card provided in each examination room and
contained in this Code of Conduct for Invigilation (Appendix 1)
 separate announcement cards will be provided for examinations
held in the Sports Hall, on line examinations and PC based exams.
Start the examination
 when all candidates have settled down after the announcements
have been made and the scheduled start time for the examination
has been reached, you may formally start the examination and
instruct the candidates to begin writing
 collect in all examination materials from empty desks immediately
after the examination has started
 display the ‘examination in progress late entry prohibited’ notice
outside the examination room.
 NEVER start an examination earlier than the start time indicated on
the examination question paper
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Late arrival of candidates
candidates are NOT permitted to enter an examination room
AFTER the formal start* of the examination
you must report candidates who arrive late for an examination you
are invigilating by completing a Late Arrivals Form and submitting
the Form to the Exams Office for further action (Appendix 5.1)
record the name and UB number of all candidates who arrive late
on the Late Arrivals Form and provide the candidate(s) with an
‘information slip’ which provides further advice and guidance about
what they need to do as a result of their late arrival for an
examination (Appendix 5.2)
NEVER under any circumstances permit a candidate to sit an
examination which has formally started* No exceptions permitted
* An examination is deemed to have formally started when an invigilator
announces ‘This examination has now formally started and you may
begin writing’
Attendance slips and filling in the Examination Attendance
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the candidate examination attendance slips are located in the
examination answer books for ease of distribution. Candidates are
required to complete an attendance slip on one occasion only at
the start of the examination and not every time they use a new
examination answer book
you should collect in all the candidates’ examination attendance
slips as soon as practical after the start of the examination
you should also check candidate proof of identity at the same time
as you collect in the examination attendance slips to minimise
disruption to the candidates
if a candidate is absent from an examination write the word absent
on the Examination Attendance Register next to his/her name.
Place a large tick alongside the names of all candidates who are
it is important that the Examination Attendance Register is a true
and accurate record of the names of all the candidates who
attended the examination
carry out a headcount of the number of candidates actually present
in the examination room - compare the total against the number of
examination attendance slips you have collected in and against the
Examination Attendance Register to ensure that all candidates are
present and correct
it is helpful to make a note of the total number of all candidates
present at the examination against the Examination Attendance
Register to assist when collecting in and checking of scripts at the
end of the examination
Checking candidates’ proof of identity
all candidates are required to bring their University of Bradford
Student ID Card to the examinations as proof of identity and to
display the University of Bradford Student ID Card on their desks at
all times during the examination.
candidates may provide an alternative form of evidence as proof of
identity including a valid passport or driving licence.
you should check the University of Bradford Student ID Card
against the candidate sitting the examination. Please respect the
dignity of the candidate whose photograph you are checking and be
mindful of the need to be discreet
if a candidate cannot verify their identity during the examination (i.e.
they do not provide a University of Bradford Student ID Card, valid
passport or valid driving licence) they should be instructed to stay
behind at the end of the examination until their identity can be
you should contact the Exams Office (01274 233030/5486) whilst
the examination is still in progress to arrange for photographic
evidence of the candidate(s) whose identity cannot be verified to be
brought over to the examination venue.
you will need to provide the Exams Office with the name and UB
Number of all candidates whose have failed to provide appropriate
proof of identity.
at the end of the examination; when all the candidates whose
identity has been verified have been dismissed; you should check
the identity of any candidate remaining whose identity was not
verified during the examination against the evidence provided by
the Exams Office.
in the event that you cannot verify a candidate’s proof of identity
you should contact the Exams Office (01274 233030/5486) to
arrange for a member of staff to attend the examination room
without delay in order to obtain appropriate evidence of the identity
of the candidate who has sat the examination and before the
candidate in question is dismissed
If you suspect that the impersonation of a candidate has taken
place then a suspected breach of assessment regulations Report
Form (Red) should also be completed and submitted with the
evidence to the Exams Office for further action to be taken
(Appendix 5.3)
Female Muslim candidates wearing full face veils (Niqàb)
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Female Muslim candidates who wear the full face veil (Niqàb)
during examinations are required to verify their identity as part of
the University’s normal examination procedures.
ID checks for female Muslim candidate(s) should only be conducted
by a female invigilator and should take place discreetly away from
the proximity of the other candidates.
Candidates' queries
it may be practical to check a female Muslim candidate’s identity in
the exam room itself e.g. at the back of the examination room
before the start of the examination or in the nearest female toilets
ask the female Muslim candidate(s) to remove her Niqàb and check
her face against the University of Bradford Student ID Card.
Following verification of her identity, the female Muslim candidate(s)
may go to their exam seat
if it is not practical for the identification check to be conducted
before the start of the examination either because you are
invigilating on your own and/or you are a male invigilator you will
need to arrange for verification of proof of identity to be undertaken
after the examination has ended.
when you are collecting in the candidate examination attendance
slips and checking ID as part of the normal examination procedures
ask the female Muslim candidate(s) to remain in the examination
room at the end of the examination for the ID verification to be
if you need assistance with any aspect of the checking process
please contact the Exams Office (01274 233030/5486) before the
end of the examination to arrange support.
if candidates request further examination answer books, make sure
that they have the same colour code as the original examination
answer book
candidates may be given extra graph paper and other stationery on
request (NOT examination materials that they need to provide
themselves e.g. erasers, rulers, pens and/or pencils)
do NOT assist candidates with any queries they may have with the
question paper
candidates should be asked to work to the examination question
paper as presented and instructed to make a note of any query or
potential error(s) in their examination answer book(s) at the
appropriate place for the internal examiner to note when marking.
Candidates wishing to leave the examination room whist the
examination is in progress
 candidates are not permitted to leave an examination, except in an
emergency, until one hour after the start of the examination, and
may not leave during the last 15 minutes of the examination (for
examinations lasting more than one hour).
 candidates are not permitted to leave an examination, except in an
emergency, until 30 minutes after the start of the examination, and
may not leave during the last 15 minutes of the examination (for
examinations lasting one hour).
 candidates may not leave any examination lasting less than one
hour in duration, except in an emergency.
 candidates who wish to permanently leave the examination room
whilst the examination is in progress and within the time period
specified above may not return to the examination room
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candidates wishing to leave the examination room whilst the
examination is in progress and within the time period permitted
should be instructed to leave quietly
record the time that the candidate left the examination room on the
examination answer book (if time permits) and remove all materials
from the desk.
candidates who wish to leave an examination outside the time
period specified above without good cause are in breach of the
University’s Regulation on the conduct and invigilation of
examinations. Inform the candidate that permission is not granted
for them to leave the examination early.
if a candidate still refuses to stay in the examination room until the
end of the examination despite the warning you have issued to
them you should get the candidate’s details (name and UB Number)
and complete a suspected breach of assessment regulations
Report Form (Red) (Appendix 5.3)
Any candidate wishing to temporarily leave an examination room
whilst the examination is in progress, e.g., to visit the toilet or due
to illness, will not be permitted to take any personal belongings with
them and must be accompanied by an authorised person at all
All temporary departures from an examination should be recorded
in the candidate’s examination answer book(s) at the appropriate
place for the internal examiner to note when marking and sign
against the entry.
10.6 Toilet Visits
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any candidate wishing to go to the toilet whilst the examination is in
progress must be accompanied by an authorised person at all
If an invigilator is not available to escort a candidate, contact the
Exams Office (01274 233030/5486)* stating the gender of the
candidate and arrangements will be made for a toilet escort to
come to the examination room as soon as practical
toilet escorts (of the same gender wherever possible) should
accompany the candidate into the entrance area of the toilet only
When escorting a candidate to the toilet the invigilator/toilet escort
should ask the candidate if they are in possession of a mobile
phone and, if so, request that the candidate hands the mobile
phone to the invigilator/toilet escort before the candidate enters the
toilet area. The mobile phone can be returned to the candidate
before they re-enter the examination room
If the candidate is in possession of a mobile phone and refuses to
hand it over then you should inform the invigilator upon returning
the candidate to the examination room (if you have been asked to
go to the exam room to act as a toilet escort )
The invigilator should record the name and UB Number of the
candidate on a suspected breach of assessment regulations Report
Form (Red) to record the fact that s/he refused to hand over a
mobile phone in their possession whilst visiting the toilet. This
incident constitutes a suspected breach of assessment regulations
(Appendix 5.3)
record ‘TOILET VISIT’ and the time when a candidate left the
examination and the time when they returned again in the
candidate’s answer book(s) at the appropriate place for the internal
examiner to note when marking and sign against the entry.
* School of Management – School Support Team Manager; Tel:
4477, Snr Exams & Assessment Co-ordinator Tel: 6517:
candidates may become ill whilst an examination is in progress.
The invigilator should contact the Exams Office (01274
233030/5486)* to arrange for medical assistance
depending on the severity of the illness, a sick candidate may be
permitted to leave the examination room
o temporarily, if the illness is deemed to be mild or
o permanently, if the illness is deemed to be of a more serious
Temporary departure
 if a sick candidate is deemed to be suffering a mild illness and s/he
is permitted to withdraw from the examination temporarily s/he
must be accompanied by an authorised person at all times.
sick candidates who leave the examination temporarily are
permitted to return to the examination room provided that they have
been accompanied during their absence at all times by an
authorised person
 in the case described above, record ‘LEFT EXAM DUE TO
ILLNESS’ and the time when a candidate left the examination and
the time of their subsequent return in the candidate’s answer
book(s) at the appropriate place for the internal examiner to note
when marking and sign against the entry.
Permanent departure
 sick candidates who leave the examination room permanently are
not permitted to return to the examination room to continue the
 arrangements should be made with the Exams Office (01274
233030/5486) for an appropriate person or first aider to stay with
the candidate until such a time as the sick candidate recovers; is
supported by a relative or friend and/or the examination ends (to
enable the sick candidate to retrieve her/his belongings from the
examination room)
 in the case described above, record ‘LEFT EXAM DUE TO
ILLNESS’ and the time when a candidate left the examination in the
candidate’s answer book(s) at the appropriate place for the internal
examiner to note when marking and sign against the entry.
Page 17 of 40
collect the sick candidate’s examination answer book and all
examination materials in when they permanently leave the
examination and file with the rest of the examination materials
complete an Incident Report Form (Yellow) for all sick candidates
who permanently leave the examination room with good cause as
supporting evidence for extenuating circumstances (Appendix 5.4).
Submit the Incident Report Form (Yellow) to the Exams Office who
will arrange to process the incident as appropriate (Appendix 5.4)
* School of Management – School Support Team Manager; Tel:
4477, Snr Exams & Assessment Co-ordinator Tel: 6517:
If you suspect that malpractice has occurred, first:
 observe carefully and discreetly the candidate(s) concerned
 discuss the matter quietly with a fellow invigilator (if any)
 reach a clear decision before taking any action
 If you are invigilating on your own you will need to contact the
Exams Office (01274 233030/5486)* for advice and/or assistance
and for a witness to be present in the event that malpractice has
If you are convinced that malpractice has occurred, please consult
with your fellow invigilators (if any); and then:
 warn the candidate involved that a report will be made regarding
the suspected breach of regulations
 confiscate any unauthorised material and the existing examination
answer book that the candidate is writing in
 normally permit the candidate to complete the examination and
provide him/her with a new examination answer book in which to
complete the examination
 complete a suspected breach of assessment regulations Report
Form (Red) immediately after the examination and submit the
Report to the Exams Office who will arrange to submit the
suspected breach and accompanying evidence to the Appeals and
Complaints Officer and the Head of Department concerned
(Appendix 5.3)
* School of Management – School Support Team Manager; Tel:
4477, Snr Exams & Assessment Co-ordinator Tel: 6517:
10.9 Unacceptable behaviour
Page 18 of 40
any student disrupting the smooth running of the examination or
disturbing other candidates in any way is in breach of the
University’s Regulation on the conduct and invigilation of
examinations and may be required to leave the examination
if it has been deemed necessary to require a candidate to leave an
examination, complete a suspected breach of assessment
regulations Report Form (Red) and submit the Form to the Exams
Office who will arrange to notify the Appeals and Complaints Officer
and the Head of Department concerned as appropriate (Appendix
10.10 Fire alarm
If there is a fire alarm
 note the time
 accompany the candidates out of the building, using the emergency
 if circumstances permit, take the Examination Attendance Register
and check that all candidates are present
 maintain silence as far as possible, and at least instruct candidates
not to discuss the content of the examination
 if it is declared safe to do so, instruct the candidates to return, recheck the Examination Attendance Register, and allow appropriate
extra time for the examination
 after the examination, complete an Incident Report Form (Yellow)
and submit the Form to the Exams Office so that the information
may be passed to the relevant departments (Appendix 5.4)
10.11 Mobile phones
 candidates have been informed that they must ensure that their
mobile phone is switched off completely. It may be necessary for
them to immobilise the alarm programme by removing the SIM card
and/or battery from the mobile phone as an extra precaution to
avoid the possibility that the alarm will ring during the examination.
 candidates must ensure that their mobile phones are switched off
before they enter into an examination room and be instructed to
leave their mobile phones with their belongings in a designated safe
area in an examination room before proceeding to their allocated
 should a mobile phone ring during an examination it will be deemed
a suspected breach of University Regulations and the offender
should be reported by the invigilator to the Exams Office in the first
 complete a suspected breach of assessment regulations Report
Form (Red) and submit the Form to the Exams Office who will
arrange to submit the incident to the Appeals and Complaints
Officer and the Head of Department concerned (Appendix 5.3)
 if candidates wish to go to the toilet whilst the examination is on
progress and they are in possession of a mobile phone (because
they did not bring a bag with them to the examination room) they
will be required to hand the mobile phone to the invigilator/toilet
escort before they enter the toilet area.
10.12 Incident Report Forms
 there are two types of Incident Report Forms
o Suspected breach of assessment regulations Form (RED)
o Incident Report Form (YELLOW)
 you may be required to report an incident that has occurred during
the examination you are invigilating
 you will need to complete an Incident Report Form and submit the
Form to the Exams Office to record an incident which may include
Page 19 of 40
the following issues:
o suspected breaches of assessment regulations;
o unacceptable behaviour by candidates;
o unauthorised electronic devices including ringing mobile
phones and/or non-approved calculators
o major disruptions to the exam caused by unforeseen
circumstances and/or incidents that may have impeded
candidates’ concentration
o illness which prevents the candidate from completing the
ensure that you have noted all relevant details on the Report
Form(s) to enable appropriate action to be taken later. This is to
save time should it be necessary to follow up any action by the
Exams Office acting on behalf of the University
10.13 What to do in the event of having to stop an examination before
the end due to unforeseen circumstances.
 In unforeseen circumstances you may need to arrange to
temporarily stop the progress of an examination before the end
time. Stopping an examination will ensure that all the candidates
are treated equitably.
 Reasons for stopping an examination on a temporary basis may
include the following scenarios:
 a candidate suffers a serious illness (epilepsy, seizure,
vomiting) which causes a disturbance which may affect the
performance of all the candidates.
 there is a major disturbance outside the examination room
(building works, excessive drilling etc.) which may affect the
performance of all the candidate
 there is a major problem with the examination question paper
that has only come to light after the start of the examination
 In the event that such unforeseen circumstances may cause an
adverse and direct impact on the performance of the candidates
sitting the examination you should take the following course of
 note the time
 consult with the other invigilators about the decision to
temporarily stop the examination in progress due to the
unforeseen circumstance (if appropriate)
 Contact the Exams Office (01274 233030/5486) and describe the
situation clearly so that they can assess the situation appropriately.
 make the following announcement to the candidates
Due to unforeseen circumstances which are causing an adverse
effect on the normal progression of this examination I am
declaring a temporary halt to this examination.
Page 20 of 40
Stop writing immediately and turn your examination question
papers face down so that I can collect the question papers back in
until such a time when this examination can restart.
You are still under examination conditions and therefore you must
not talk. To do so will be a breach of assessment regulations and
your names will be reported back to the Exams Office.
Collect all the examination question papers back in until such a
time when the situation has been resolved and you can begin to restart the examination.
Depending on the nature of the situation, the Exams Office will
either arrange to send assistance to you or contact the Estates and
Facilities/Security/Academic School (as appropriate) in order to
help resolve the situation.
When the unforeseen circumstances has been satisfactorily dealt
with and the situation is back to normal take a note of the time
Calculate the time that has lapsed between stopping the exam and
resolving the problem and add the difference to the end of the
formal examination time
Inform the candidates of the revised end time, redistribute the
examination question papers and restart the examination.
Complete an Incident Report Form (Yellow) and submit the Form to
the Exams Office so that the information may be passed to the
relevant department(s) (Appendix 5.4)
Announcements to be made 15 minutes before the end of the
examination and at the end time
Page 21 of 40
Read out the announcements 15 minutes before the end of the
examination from the Announcement Card so that the candidates
can start to plan to finish the examination and finalise the
paperwork in good time and by the end of the examination
(Appendix 1)
Do not permit any candidates to leave the examination during the
last 15 minutes of the examination
Read out the announcements at the end of the examination from
the Announcement Card to ensure that the examination ends
promptly at the appropriate time and that all candidates stop writing
when requested to do so
Any candidate who continues to write after the end of the
examination is in suspected breach of assessment regulations and
should be reported back to the University authorities
Complete a suspected breach of assessment regulations Report
Form (Red) (Appendix 5.3)
Collecting in all examination materials
 instruct candidates to remain seated and silent until all examination
materials has been collected in and accounted for
 ask candidates to ensure that they have put the appropriate form(s)
of identification and any other necessary information on every
piece of their worked scripts
 ask candidates to ensure that all answer books and additional
sheets (graphs, etc.) are tied together with the string supplied.
OMR cards, however, must stay separate
 collect candidates' work, and any question papers printed on
 please keep OMR cards and worked scripts separate unless
instructed otherwise
 collect in any authorised text books that were distributed by staff in
Ancillary Services and leave on the front desk
 do not allow candidates to leave their seats until all worked scripts,
including rough notes clearly marked as such, and coloured
question papers have been received back and accounted for
Check the examination materials
you will need to collect in and count all the examination materials
BEFORE dismissing the candidates to ensure that all examination
question papers and examination answer books have been
accounted for and tally with the Examination Attendance Register
and number of candidates sitting the examination
count all items of worked material to ensure that the correct number
of scripts, OMR cards, coloured question papers etc. is present and
note the total of scripts on the envelope
you will need to ensure that you collect in all the coloured question
papers from the candidates together with any other materials i.e.
MCQ cards after the exam has ended
Dismiss the candidates
 candidates must not remove from the examination room any
examination answer books, text or reference books or other items
of examination stationery including graph paper or calculators
borrowed in exceptional circumstances, except for any examination
question papers printed on white paper.
 candidates should be reminded that they must take all their
belongings away with them at the end of the examination and
remove all their rubbish including drinks bottles and empty sweet
 when you are satisfied that you have collected in all the appropriate
examination material from all the candidates you may dismiss the
candidates from the examination room and ask them to leave the
exam room QUIETLY
Page 22 of 40
Leave the examination room
 please ensure that all equipment and examination materials
including any spare examination question papers (especially
examination question papers printed on coloured paper) that you
brought with you to the examination have been collected in and are
returned to the Exams Sub Office.
 there is no need for you to return any unused examination answer
books, Resource Packs or Clocks to the Exams Sub-Office at the
end of the examination unless you are specifically asked to do so
 please leave the room promptly and in the same condition as you
found it to enable the porters to set up the room for the next
 ensure that, where it is possible, the room is locked before you
leave the area
Returning examination materials to the Examinations Sub-Office
 enter the number of examination worked scripts collected in on the
bottom half of the examination envelope i.e. the receipt section
 return the worked scripts and all other material that has been
supplied by the Exams Office to the place from which the papers
were collected (there may be exceptional arrangements for evening
 the scripts together with spare examination question papers and the
Examination Attendance Register and candidate examination
attendance slips etc. must be returned in the large brown envelope
 arrangements are made between the Exams Office and the
academic Schools for a representative from the School to pick up
the worked examination scripts from the Exams Sub-Office as soon
after the examination as practical to take back to the academic
Schools for internal processing
Invigilation in the Sports Hall, Unique: Fitness and Lifestyle
 The Sports Hall is located in the Unique Fitness and Lifestyle venue
on the main University campus. The Sports Hall is the largest
University venue used for holding formal examinations comprising a
seating capacity of 240 candidates. The Sports Hall is used to
support the January and May examination periods.
 The Unique: Fitness and Lifestyle Centre is a University commercial
enterprise which serves both the University and wider local
communities. Public members of Unique: Fitness and Lifestyle
have access to the venue and its facilities during the University
examinations (excluding the Sports Hall) and their needs must be
respected during the examination periods.
 The invigilation of examinations in the Sports Hall requires
additional information and arrangements to be in place in order to
Page 23 of 40
accommodate the large number of candidates and the volume of
traffic that uses the space.
If you are acting as an invigilator in the Sports Hall you will need to
report to the Exams Sub-Officer no later than 45 minutes before
the start of the scheduled examination to sign in, pick up
examination packs and go straight over to the Sports Hall located
inside the Unique Fitness and Lifestyle Centre. You should use the
main entrance to the Unique Fitness and Lifestyle Centre located
on Great Horton Road in order to proceed to the Sports Hall to
prepare for the examination.
It is important that the Exams Office has a record of your
attendance at the examination so that they can monitor any
absences. If you have not ‘signed in’ we will contact your academic
School for a replacement.
If, on the day of the examination, you are having difficulties getting
to the University and wish to go directly to the Sports Hall you
MUST contact the Exams Sub-Office (D3 Foyer 01274 235402)
directly to inform us of this exceptional arrangement so that we
know you intend to go directly to the Sports Hall.
Candidates arriving at the Sports Hall to sit an examination
 Candidates sitting an examination in the Sports Hall will be
instructed to wait outside the Unique: Fitness and Lifestyle Centre
by the side entrance (next door to Waterstones Bookshop) until a
member of University staff opens the doors. The doors will
normally be opened no later than 30 minutes before the start of
the scheduled examination. Once inside the venue the candidates
should be admitted into the Sports Hall and instructed to go to their
seats without delay.
 At the point of admission remind candidates, before entry, that
when they enter the examination room until when they leave they
are under examination conditions and remind them to switch off
mobile phones and place large bags and coats in designated areas
along the side walls of the Sports Hall.
 Follow the guidance outlined in this Code of Conduct on Invigilation
to admit candidates and distribute the examination question papers.
When you are ready you should read out the Examination
Announcements for Examinations held in the Sports Hall which
contains additional information for the candidates to obey and
formally start the examination.
 Follow the guidance in this Code of Conduct on Invigilation for
during the examination and at the end of the examination following
normal examination procedures.
 Candidates who leave an examination before the end of the
scheduled time (in accordance with the University regulations)
should be instructed to leave by the main entrance to the building
i.e. the Reception area on Great Horton Road.
Page 24 of 40
At the end of the examination when you have collected in all the
appropriate examination materials you should read the Examination
Announcements for Examinations held in the Sports Hall for
dismissing the candidates and ensure that all candidates leave by
the FIRE EXIT DOOR located in the Sports Hall itself (top right
hand corner as you are facing the candidates) and NOT the
entrance from where they were admitted and NOT the main
entrance to the building i.e. the Reception area on Great Horton
When all the candidates have been dismissed and the Sports Hall
cleared you should also leave by the FIRE EXIT DOOR located in
the Sports Hall itself (top right hand corner as you are facing the
candidates) and ensure that the fire doors are closed behind you.
Follow the guidance outlined in this Code of Conduct on Invigilation
for returning examination materials to the Examinations Sub-Office.
At the start of the on line examination
 The on line examination paper and computer room will have been
set up by staff in the Centre for Educational Development and IT
Services ready for use on the day of the examination. The PCs will
have been switched on and a ‘log in’ screen displayed.
 An examination CARD will have been inserted into each PC by IT
Services staff as part of the set up. If a PC does not show the ‘log in’
display screen this may be because the CARD has not been
inserted correctly or is not reading the information. You should
discuss this potential problem with the IT Services staff who will be
present at the start of each on-line examination.
 In the unlikely event of a major IT systems failure on the day of the
examination, and, following advice from the IT Services and
academic School concerned, an on-line examination may have to
be postponed and the candidates notified.
 The Exams Office will arrange to reschedule the on-line
examination at the earliest opportunity and inform all candidates
and invigilators of the revised date and time.
 Examination invigilators should follow the University’s regulations
on the conduct and invigilation of examinations
and instructions to invigilators as outlined in A Code of Conduct for
Invigilation 2012/13 as appropriate.
 You should report to the Exams Sub Office to sign in and pick up
the examination materials provided for the on-line examination no
later than 30 minutes before the start time. You should then go
directly to the computer room to check the facilities and PCs.
 Before the candidates are admitted to the computer room place an
attendance slip, scrap paper and any ‘Directions to Candidates’
required for the examination on each PC desk for the candidates
Page 25 of 40
Only candidates registered for the on-line examination in question
will be able to log-in and gain access to the paper.
Accessing the on-line examination paper normally comprises 4
steps that require the candidate to take
1. Logging in to the PC using a University of Bradford user name
and password
2. Double clicking a desktop icon located on the screen
3. Logging in to the question mark perception software using a
University of Bradford user name and password
4. Accessing and starting the on-line examination paper
Page 26 of 40
When you are ready admit the candidates to the computer room.
Candidates should be instructed to ‘log-in’ to the PC as soon as
they are seated at the PC desk using their normal Blackboard or
web mail University of Bradford user name and password (not email
accounts or UB numbers), click the OK button which takes them to
the desktop screen. They should be told at this stage to wait for
further instructions (Step 1).
By staggering the initial ‘logging in’ process this helps to mitigate
the risk that the IT system may crash if all candidates attempt to
‘log-in’ simultaneously.
Candidates may sit anywhere within the computer room. They will
need to display their University of Bradford Student ID Card on the
desk at all times ready for checking during the examination.
An IT Support Co-ordinator and Adviser on Technology Enhanced
Assessment will normally be on hand at the start of the on-line
examination to assist with any emerging technical problems and/or
candidates who may have problems logging-in
If technical problems persist it may be necessary to move a
candidate to another PC desk... There will be a few spare
unallocated computers located in the computer room to mitigate the
potential risk that not all PCs will be working on the day of the
examination. Arrange to move any candidate(s) with technical
problems to one of the spare computers instead.
When the Chief invigilator is satisfied that all candidates have
successfully logged in to the PC and that the desktop is displayed
on all screens, s/he should instruct the candidates to ‘double click’
the icon that is visible on the desktop (Step 2). This action will take
them to another logging in screen (question mark perception). At
this point candidates should be told NOT to proceed any further
until instructed to do so.
Before the candidates ‘log in’ again to access the question paper
you should read the appropriate announcements from the
Announcement Card
Exceptionally a Chief invigilator for an on-line examination may put
an additional restriction on the time when candidates can or cannot
leave an examination room whilst the examination is in progress.
This exceptional restriction would apply if, for example, to permit
candidates to leave when they have submitted their examination
paper would significantly disturb the other candidates or if the online examination is being held over more than one sitting and the
potential for collusion with candidates from other sittings may exist.
Any change to the normal regulations must be applied to all sittings
and across all venues.
If an exceptional restriction has been placed on when the
candidates can or cannot leave an on-line examination whilst the
on-line examination is in progress, the invigilator must inform the
candidates at the start of the examination when the announcements
are read out
After the announcements have been read out you may instruct the
candidates to log in to the question mark perception site using the
same University of Bradford user name and password as before by
clicking the ENTER and YES buttons when prompted (Step 3). The
candidates can now access the on-line examination paper and start
the examination (Step 4)
At this stage the examination has formally started and normal
University regulations for candidates who arrive at an examination
after the formal start will apply.
During the on line examination
 Candidates work through the on-line examination paper and can go
back and change their answers at any point in the examination
paper – nothing is submitted until the candidate clicks the SUBMIT
button located at the end of the examination paper
 Candidates are required to complete an attendance slip and include
the PC machine number located on the base of the screen on their
attendance slip. You should help collect in the completed
attendance slips and check the names against the Examination
Attendance Register.
 To prevent opportunities for malpractice, on-line examinations have
been designed to randomize the questions and/or response options.
Each candidate will therefore usually have a different selection of
questions on display on the PC screen during the on-line
 If, in the unlikely event, a candidate experiences technical problems
during the examination that cannot be immediately resolved the
following course of action should be taken.
 The invigilator should remove the Card from the broken PC and
move the candidate to a spare unallocated computer. The Card
can be inserted into the replacement PC and the candidate should
log in as before. The Card will have saved the candidate’s work at
the point where the candidate had reached in the paper. If not
contact IT services (ex.3333) or the exams office.
 During the on-line examination you should regularly check the tool
bar located at the foot of the candidates’ PC screen for any
unauthorized weblinks. You should ensure that you are able to
Page 27 of 40
invigilate the examination from a good viewpoint and regularly walk
about the room.
If you suspect malpractice follow the instructions outlined in A Code
of Conduct for Invigilation 2012/2013 and make a note of any
Candidates are not normally permitted to leave an examination in
accordance with University regulations except in an emergency
and/or to visit the toilet or they are unwell
After the on-line examination
 When a candidate has answered all the questions and s/he is
satisfied that they have completed the examination paper within the
permitted time they scroll to the bottom and click the SUBMIT
button. A prompt will ask the candidates ‘Do you want to submit
your answers now?’ Clicking the OK button at this prompt ends the
examination paper and the candidate cannot return to the
examination paper to change any answers
 A confirmation message will appear on the PC screen informing the
candidate that the examination has ended. The candidate is then
prompted to close the window. After closing the window, they will
see the desktop screen. They then need to log off the PC by
clicking and confirming the log off prompts from the Start button
displayed in the corner of the desktop screen.
 The Welcome Screen will then be displayed and the candidate may
be dismissed from the computer room when appropriate to do so
 In the unlikely event that a candidate experiences technical
problems whilst submitting his/her examination paper or a message
on the screen states ‘access denied’ you should arrange to call
3333 for assistance. The Centre for Educational Development will
check the database to confirm the candidate’s submission. You will
need to provide his/her University of Bradford username.
 When all candidates have submitted their responses and logged off
the PC you may dismiss them and instruct them to take all their
belongings and rubbish away with them when they leave the
computer room.
 Please ensure that all the PCs have been logged off by the
candidates before you leave the computer room. This is particularly
important if there is another on line examination scheduled in the
computer room afterwards.
 Return all the examination materials contained in the examination
envelope(s) to the Exams Sub-Office for processing by the Exams
Office and collection by the academic School administrative staff
 An e-assessment video has been produced at the following weblink
for further information about on line assessments
Page 28 of 40
This Code of Conduct for Invigilation 2012/2013 has been produced to help
staff fulfil their role and responsibilities as University examination invigilators.
Further information is available on the Examinations website
Page 29 of 40
Appendix 1
Announcements to be made at the start of the examination
These announcements support the detailed information on
University examinations that you are expected to have read before
this examination.
You are under examination conditions at all times. You must not
try to communicate with each other during this examination.
In the event of a fire alarm, you must leave all the examination
materials and personal belongings and proceed quickly but quietly
to the nearest designated Fire Exit.
Please place your University of Bradford Student ID Card on your
desk and in clear view at all times. Your identity will be checked by
an invigilator during this examination.
Candidates are bound by the University's regulations on the
conduct of examinations. The regulations forbid candidates to
have in their possession during an examination any unauthorised
material. For this reason any candidate in possession of such
material must hand it over now before the examination
commences." (pause for any response)
You should not have any unauthorised electronic devices in the
examination room. If you have a mobile phone on your
possession please ensure that it is switched off. All owners of
mobile phones that ring during this examination will be reported
back to the University.
If you require assistance or need to go to the toilet please raise
your hand and continue your work until an invigilator can help you.
The duration of this examination is ....... hour(s) and the time now
is....... This examination will end at ........ I will inform you when
you have 15 minutes remaining (announce appropriate times)
Candidates may not leave this examination until the end (for
examinations lasting less than one hour)
Candidates may not leave this examination during the first 30
minutes or last 15 minutes (for examinations lasting one hour)
Candidates may not leave this examination during the first hour or
last 15 minutes (for examinations lasting more than one hour)
Candidates must carefully read the instructions outlined on the
paperwork provided for this examination.
This examination has now formally started and you may begin
Page 30 of 40
15 minutes before the end of the examination
You have 15 minutes left before the end of this examination. You
are not permitted to leave this examination until you are told to do
so by an invigilator.
Please ensure that you have written your UB number and
completed the examination details required on all the answer
books that you have used before you are told to stop writing.
At the end of the examination
Please stop writing NOW and remain silent in your seat until all
examination scripts have been collected in and accounted for by
an invigilator before you are formally dismissed.
17. You are reminded that you are under examination conditions at all
times and that you must not try to communicate with each other
during the collection of examination scripts.
18. Fasten all your answer books together with the string that has been
provided. Do not make holes in the MCQ cards/sheets.
19. You may take the examination question paper away with you
UNLESS it has been printed on coloured paper in which case this
paper must be collected in by an invigilator.
When all appropriate examination material has been collected in
and accounted for you may dismiss the candidates
20. Please take all your belongings and rubbish away with you when
you leave and remember to leave QUIETLY as there may be
examinations in progress in other areas of this building. Thank you
for your patience - you may now leave this examination room.
Page 31 of 40
Guide to Invigilation
Appendix 2
The following activities are included in this Guide to Invigilation as a checklist to support staff
acting as examination invigilators to enable them to fulfil the role consistently and effectively.
Go to Exams Office Sub-Office to sign in and pick up exam package (except exams located
at School of Management where you should report to Reception).
Go to the venue and set out the appropriate materials. If anything appears to be missing
contact the Exams Office on 3030/5486 for assistance.
Check that all the exam materials have been provided (e.g. answer books, graph paper,
MCQ cards) Familiarise yourself with the question paper(s) as a reference
Admit candidates and remind them that they are under examination conditions from when
they enter the examination room until when they leave it again at the end of the exam
Get candidates to fill in paperwork (answer books and attendance slips)
Hand out question papers ‘face down’ and read Announcements (from Card)
Start the examination promptly at the formal start time i.e. when you tell candidates to start
writing (never start an exam early). The clock in the venue should be the formal timekeeper
DO NOT let any candidate in after the exam has formally started NO EXCEPTIONS
Fill in ‘Late Arrival Form’ (green) with late candidates details – name and UB No
10. Collect in attendance slips and check candidate identity (face against ID Card) at same time. Any
candidate without proof of identity should be told to wait behind at the end of the exam until
verification of identity is completed. Contact the Exams Office (3030/5486) during the exam to
arrange for a photographic image of all candidates without ID
11. Complete the Examination Register by checking names against the attendance slips.
12. Do a headcount of all candidates in venue (should be same total as on Examination Register)
13. Invigilate the examination by walking quietly and inconspicuously around the room, pausing
to observe the candidates from different aspects of the room (e.g. front, back,) do not stay
in any one spot for too long or stand too close to candidates to be able to read their work.
14. DO NOT talk or whisper to other invigilators in the room unless exam related queries
15. Look out for candidates needing assistance (e.g. extra paper or toilet break).
16. Ring the Exams Office to arrange a toilet escort/first aider (3030/5486) if required (make a
note of time candidate left and returned from toilet break/illness in answer book at the
appropriate place and sign against this entry)
17. Fill in an appropriate Incident Report Form if required for the following:
a. Incident that may have impaired candidate(s) performance (yellow)
b. Suspected breach of regulations (red) – confiscate any unauthorised materials and let
candidate continue the examination in new answer book
18. DO NOT help candidates with the question paper (i.e. do not clarify/explain text) or provide
examination materials to candidates who should bring their own (pencils, calculators etc.)
19. Any errors on the question paper should be reported back to Exams Office (via Report Form)
and candidates instructed to ‘work to the paper as seen’
20. Read Announcement 15 minutes before the end of the examination and at the end of the
exam read Announcements to be made to all candidates at the end of exam (from Card)
21. Collect in all appropriate exam materials (answer books, MCQ cards, question papers
printed on coloured paper, text books etc.)
22. Count the total number of answer books collected in against the Examination Register and
against the headcount – should be the same total.
23. Dismiss the candidates, tidy the venue and return all exam materials (answer
books/question papers) to Exams Office Sub-Office and sign out
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Frequently Asked Questions
Q. The examination package and question paper states that graph paper will be provided for the
examination but there is no graph paper in the exam room. What should I do?
A. Contact the Exams Office (3030/5486) who will arrange to bring some graph paper to the room
Q. The Clock in the exam room is not accurate/missing/stopped working. What should I do?
A. Contact the Exams Office (3030/5486) immediately and they will arrange to bring a working
clock over to the room
Q. A candidate‘s name does not appear on the Attendance Register. What should I do?
A. Check that the candidate has turned up for the right examination on the right day at the right
time and in the right room. If so, tell the candidate s/he can still sit the examination. There are
always a few spare seats in each room. Show the candidate to an empty seat and provide him/her
with the appropriate exam materials. Write the candidate’s name manually on the Attendance
Register and stick an orange label (provided in Resource Pack) on the candidate’s answer book to
alert the academic department that the candidate’s name did not appear on the Register
Q. A candidate has turned up for the exam during the reading of the Announcements. Is s/he late?
A. If a candidate enters the exam room when you are still reading out the announcements then
s/he is permitted to sit the exam. They should go to their seat quickly and quietly. Continue to
read the announcements from the Card. After you have formally started the examination (at the
point when you tell the candidates to start writing) then DO NOT let any candidate(s) enter the
exam room. You should fill in a Form for any late comers who are not permitted to enter the
examination room
Q. A candidate has turned up for the exam after the formal start. What should I do?
A. They are not permitted to enter the examination room – record their details on the ‘Late Arrival
Form’ and hand them an Information Sheet (blue) which explains to them what they should do next.
Q. A candidate has not brought their UoB ID Card with them as proof of identity. What should I do?
A. Ask them if they have an alternative proof of ID e.g. valid passport or driving licence. If not, you
should ask the candidate to remain at the end of the exam to get their identity verified. This will
involve contacting the Exams Office (3030/5486) during the examination and asking for assistance.
Provide the candidate’s name and UB number so that a photograph can be downloaded from
SAINT as proof of ID. This evidence will be brought over to the examination room before the end
of the examination for you to check against the candidate sitting the examination
Q. I need to check the ID of a female Muslim candidate in full veil but I am on my own in the room
A. You should ask the female Muslim candidate to wait behind at the end of the exam for a female
member of staff to check her ID. If you are a female invigilator then arrange to check her ID in a
discreet place either in the exam room or nearby toilets. If you are a male invigilator you should
contact the Exams Office (before the end of the exam) who will arrange to come over at the end of
the exam to check her ID.
Q. I suspect a candidate is in breach of assessment regulations, what should I do?
Ask another invigilator for a second opinion before you approach the candidate. You should warn
the candidate that you suspect they are in breach of regulations and complete an Incident Report
Form. Confiscate any unauthorised material that they have in their possession. Let them continue
the examination provide a new answer book and keep the original answer book with the Report.
If you are invigilating on your own contact the Exams Office (3030/5486) who will arrange to come
over to the exam room to assist you
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Appendix 3
What if scenarios for on line examinations
What if there are not enough PCs in good working order before the start of the on line
IT Services should have someone on hand to resolve this issue; if not you should contact
the Exams Office in the first instance on 3030 for further assistance
What if too many candidates turn up at the start of the on line examination?
Need to ask everyone to check they are in the right room and/or right examination sitting
What if there is a major IT systems failure on the day of an on line examination?
IT Services will notify the Exams Office at the earliest opportunity and the exam will have to
be re-scheduled
What if a candidate cannot ‘log in’ to the PC at the start of the on line examination?
A member of IT Services staff will be on hand and able to check the account and assist with
IT issues around login. There are a number of reasons why an account may be disabled
e.g. late payment to the University. The IT Services cannot guarantee that all issues will be
resolved on the day of an exam.
What if a candidate cannot access the on line examination despite the fact that s/he has
successfully logged on to the PC?
IT Services staff will be on hand to assess the issue and take appropriate action
What if the server crashes at the start of the on line examination when all the candidates
are logging on simultaneously?
IT Services staff will be on hand to assess the issue, the exam start may need to be
delayed slightly to allow systems to return to normal. It is important that candidates are
instructed to ‘log on’ to the PC as they enter the computer room to ensure that the ‘logging
on’ process is staggered.
What if a candidate accidentally switches off the PC during an on line examination?
If in a Sunray room (F41/F42/SC0.38), either re-establish power and re-login or move the
‘Card’ to another terminal, no work will be lost. If in a standard PC cluster room the paper
will be lost and the candidate may either have to start again if time permits or be advised to
submit a claim for extenuating circumstances for consideration by the academic School. In
both scenarios the invigilator will need to complete an incident report form to be handed in
to the Exams Office in the first instance.
What if a candidate accidently ‘logs off’ during an on line examination and wishes to log
back on again?
The Paper will be lost and the candidate may either have to start again if time permits or be
advised to submit a claim for extenuating circumstances for consideration by the academic
School. In both scenarios you will need to complete an incident report form to be handed in
to the Exams Office in the first instance.
What if the fire alarm is raised during the on line examination?
Normal evacuation procedures outlined in the Code of Conduct For Invigilation 2012/13
must be followed. When the candidates have returned to the computer room the following
action will apply. Candidates sitting on line examinations in a Sunray room
(F41/F42/SC0/28) will be able to continue from where they left off as the ‘Cards’ in the PCs
will still be working.
If the examination is held in a standard PC cluster room the candidates will have to re-start
from the beginning or the exam may have to be postponed and rescheduled. In both
scenarios. You will need to complete an incident report form for the academic School to
consider as extenuating circumstances for the candidate(s).
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What if a candidate ‘submits’ his/her paper and claims that the paper has not been saved?
If the student has seen the confirmation message and the close button, then you can be
sure that the paper has been submitted. If there was an error message before this
confirmation screen, the Centre for Educational Development team is able to check and the
student can be informed as soon as possible.
Contact the Exams Office on 3030 in the first instance and provide the specific details of the
candidate(s) in question (name, user name. PC number???) whilst the examination is in
progress or immediately afterwards. You should ask the candidate(s) to remain behind at
the end of the on-line examination until you have a reply to this query. See below for
further guidance
What if a candidate’s work has not saved and is suspected as being lost?
The decision will rest with the academic department as to whether the candidate should be
permitted another attempt in the remaining time or in another sitting, pending confirmation
from the Centre for Educational Development. An incident Report Form should be
completed to support the decision taken
What if a candidate’s work has not saved and is confirmed as lost?
The decision will rest with the academic department as to whether the candidate should be
permitted another attempt in the remaining time, in another sitting or at a later date. An
incident Report Form should be completed to support the decision taken
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Appendix 4
A Quick Guide To Distinguish Between Programmable and
Non-programmable Calculators
This guide is intended to be a quick reference to determine if a student maybe
utilizing a calculator that is not permitted for use within an examination.
Typical Non-Programmable Calculator
Typical Programmable calculator
(Not Permitted)
There are a number of rules of thumb on how to tell if the calculator is a
programmable one.
1. If the display is relatively large, typically more than 2.5 cm by 6.5 cm.
2. If it has an enter or exe button instead of an equals button.
3. If there are an excessive number of function buttons, usually related to plotting
4. There are a buttons that allow use of the full alphabet from A to Z.
5. Programmable calculators tend to be bulky and heavy compared to the light
weight non-programmable calculators.
6. Digital dictionaries tend to have a fully functional QWERTY keyboard layout.
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Appendix 5.1
Invigilators should use this Form to report any candidate who arrives at the exam room
AFTER the formal start of the examination and is therefore refused entry. The Exams
Office will arrange to send this Form to the appropriate School so that the School has an
accurate record for Exam Board purposes.
Date and time
Room number
Module/exam title
Module code
Name of Invigilator
Signature of invigilator
Please return this Form to the Examinations Office.
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Appendix 5.2
You have been provided with this Information Form because you have arrived at the examination room to sit an
examination after the formal start time. This means that you will not be able to enter the examination room
whilst the examination is in progress. The University regulations state that ‘Candidates shall not be admitted to
an examination room after an examination has formally started’ and the examination invigilators are required to
abide by this ruling.
What do I do now?
You should give the examination invigilator your name and UB number so that the Exams Office can provide
your academic School/Department with a formal record of your absence at the end of the examination period.
Without delay, you should go directly to your academic School/Department to discuss the fact that you have
arrived at an examination after the formal start time with them in person so that a member of staff there can
advise you on what to do next e.g. whether you may have a case to apply for extenuating circumstances or not,
how this situation may or may not impact on your overall progression and achievement and/or how you can get
further support and guidance.
If you cannot go to your academic School/Department in person you should arrange to email or telephone them
without delay so that they are aware of the situation and can provide further advice to you.
Academic School/Department contact details are available through this link
Further information on the University’s Regulations on the Conduct and Invigilation of Examinations can be
accessed at the following weblink and
the Exams homepage
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Appendix 5.3
Invigilators should use this form to report any of the following situations they have
witnessed which is an instance of a breach of University Regulations on the Conduct and
Invigilation of Examinations to be reported to the Examinations Office for further
investigation and action.
Inappropriate and/or disruptive behaviour (Regs: 2.2, 2.9, 2.13)
Suspected serious academic misconduct including use of unauthorised devices
(Regs: 2.4, 2.6, 2.7, 2.10, 2.11 2.12, 2.17)
Please detail as much information as possible. This report should also include all the
necessary evidence on which the suspicion is based.
Date and time
Room number
Module/exam title
Module code
Student name(s)
Student UB number(s)
Student seat number(s)
Name of Invigilator
Name(s) of any other
invigilators or members of
staff who witnessed the
Signature of one invigilator
Nature of the suspected serious academic misconduct (include any
supporting evidence confiscated from candidate if available)
Please return this form to the Examinations Office.
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Appendix 5.4
Invigilators should use this form to report any situation before or during the examination
which it is believed may affect the performance of the candidate(s).
Please specify below the nature of the incident, the time of its occurrence, its duration and
the stated effect upon the candidate(s). Please detail as much information as possible.
Date and time
Room number
Module/exam title
Module code
Student name(s)
Student UB number(s)
Student seat
Name of Invigilator
Name(s) of any other
invigilators or
members of staff who
witnessed the incident
Signature of one
Nature of the incident
Please return this form to the Examinations Office.
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