Fu - University of Warwick

Julia Ipgrave (last updated 9/6/15)
Recent conference papers
2015 ‘Comment la situation multiethnique et religieuse est-elle traitée dans les écoles
anglaises?’ at L’expression du religion dans la sphere publique, Centre de conference
ministerial, Ministrère des affaires étrangères et développement international, Paris, 2-3 June
2015 ‘Imagining the place: the multiple meanings of a school chapel’ at Location, space and
place of religion in religious education, ENRECA Symposium, Vienna, 9-11 April
2015 ‘Reason, relationship and identity: the place of theology in young people’s religious
engagement’ at Jugendtheologie und Diversität, 5. Tagung Netzwerk Jugendtheologie,
Dortmund, 6-7 March
2014 “Trojan Horse”, “British Values” and Education for Modern Britain’ at ‘British Values’
and the Place of Religion in Schools, Birmingham, 25 November
2014 ‘How the multi-ethnic, multi-religious situation has been dealt with in England: the case
of education’ (Keynote) at Religious Culture in Daily Life: Focusing of Precepts,
Kokugakuin University, Tokyo, 13th March
2013 ‘Faith in Common Living: social action project proposals for the Near Neighbours
programme’ at The New Cosmopolitan: Global Migration and the Building of a Common
Life, University of Notre Dame (London Center) 14th – 15th October.
2013 ‘Jewish identity and inter religious understanding in Jewish schools in England’ at
Judaïsme et Education: institutions, curriculum et pratiques novatrices, Colloque
International, Montréal, 2nd-4th October.
2013 ‘I still feel “Oh Yeah, I’m Hindu”’: teenage diaspora identity in an English city’, at
European Network for Religious Education through Contextual Approaches Symposium:
location, space and place of religion in relation to religious education. Gothenburg, 21st –
23rd May.
2012 ‘Religious Education in England: the influence of British Islam’ open lecture,
University of Boston, October 11th
2012 ‘Religious Education, quoi et pourquoi? Les débats anglais’ at ‘Ecole et enseignement
des faits religieux: objectifs et programmes’, Institut Européen en Sciences et Religions &
Centre International d’Etudes Pédagogiques, Paris 19-21 September 19th -21st
2012 ‘Inter faith dialogue and the English model of church establishment in nation, parish
and school at Religion and Dialogue in Modern Societies’. At Interdisciplinary and
internationally comparative studies on the possibilities and limitations of interreligious and
intercultural dialogue, Academy of World Religions, University of Hamburg, June 13th –
2012 ‘Multiculturalism, Cohesion and Security: the impact of changing responses to British
Islam on the nature of Religious Education in England‘ at Civic Enculturation and
Citizenship in North America and Western Europe: Politics, Public Ethics, and the New
Religious Plurality, Boston University, April 19th – 20th
2011 ‘An epistemology-based approach to inclusion of Muslims in mainstream education’ at
Educating Muslims in the UK CREME national conference, Institute of Education London,
4th June
2011 ‘From story books to bullet points: comparing the status of books in primary and
secondary RE and the implications for the Bible in school?’ at Biblical Literacy & the
Curriculum, University of Sheffield, 19th/20th May
2011 ‘Relationships between local patterns of religious practice and school students’ attitudes
to the religiosity of their peers’ at European Network for Religious Education through
Contextual Approaches Conference: Religion, Education and Locality, The Royal
Foundation of St Katharine’s, Limehouse, London, 12th – 15th May
2011 ‘Current Trends in Multi-Faith Education With Young Children in the United
Kingdom’ at Interreligiöse Bildung in Kindertagesstätten, Universität Tübingen, 5th – 6th
2010 ‘Spirituality and Current Trends in European Religious Education’ at St Petersburg
Education Forum: Education for Spirituality, St Petersburg 23rd – 26th March
2010 ‘The Education of Muslim Minority Students: What can we learn by contrasting the
French, English and Canadian experiences?’ at 12th National Metropolis Conference,
Montreal 18th to 21st March
2010 ‘Education for Diversity: Diversity in Education’ at 12th National Metropolis
Conference, Montreal 18th to 21st March
2010 ‘Dialogues between the religious and the secular’ in English schools at ‘ReligiousSecular Distinctions’, The British Academy, London 14th -16th January