1 School of Education INTR 150W 04 Disability in the Schools Instructor: Sharon deFur, Ed.D. Office Phone: (757) 221-2510 Cell : Text or call for emergencies 804-370-3551 Meeting Times: Thursday 2:00 - 4:25 Sharpe Teaching Fellows: Anna Mahalak: ammahalak@gmail.com Maureen Howard: mehoward@email.wm.edu Email: sharon.defur@wm.edu Office Hours: T/Th Noon – 1:00; 4:30 – 5:30 pm Office Location: SOE 3075 Course Location: SOE 2021 cell 734-735-5693 cell 703-297-0940 Course Description Students will examine disability as a social construction. We will explore the historical, cultural, political, social and educational influences on the construction of disability, and the compounding effects each have on the schooling experiences of children and youth with disabilities. Students will consider how social constructions of disability shape the experiences of children and youth with disabilities in American schools through community engagement experiences. Throughout this course, students will research educational approaches that emphasize disability as diversity, and that facilitate the inclusion of children and youth with disabilities in schools and communities. In addition, students will investigate various social constructions of disability through popular media (books, movies, television, websites, blogs). Critical class discussions will occur based on student reflections evidencing the historical, social, cultural, and political influences they observed and experienced through their community engagement experiences, research, and exploration of popular media. Additionally, students will learn about research-based practices used to educate children and youth with disabilities from a variety of service providers (e.g., special educators, general educators, administrators, speech language pathologists, behavioral psychologists, clinical psychologists, occupational therapists). Also, to increase student understanding of disability, families of children and youth with disabilities, and individuals with disabilities themselves will share their experiences. Course Objectives Students will: 1. Compare and contrast the medical and social models of disability. 2. Examine and evaluate personal narratives of disability experience. 3. Use the social model of disability to analyze the implications of disability construction on the educational and community-based experiences of children and youth with disabilities. 4. Critique media representations of disability in the popular media. 5. Research practices that promote the inclusion of children with disabilities in schools/ communities. 6. Consider the identified needs of community partner personnel, individuals with disabilities, and families of children with disabilities, and create a plan for a service learning project that will provide opportunities for greater inclusion of students with disabilities in schools or the community. 2/8/2016 3:20:12 PM SUBJECT TO ONGOING REVISION deFur2011 Disability in the Schools 2 Required Readings and Media Viewing Texts: Valle, J. W. & Conner, D. J. (2010). Rethinking disability: A disability studies approach to inclusive practices. NY: McGraw Hill. Straus, Joseph N. (2011) . Extraordinary measures: Disability in music. NY: Oxford Press. Hacker, D., & Sommers, (2009). A writer’s reference (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martin’s. Additional Required Readings & Media Reviews: Burton Blatt Christmas in Purgatory http://www.disabilitymuseum.org/lib/docs/1782.htm http://vimeo.com/4404579 Find and follow a blog created by a person with a disability for 1 week. If you have any trouble finding a blog, lists of blogs are located online under readings. Required articles and media as assigned. Writing Resources: The William & Mary Writing Resource Center: http://www.wm.edu/as/wrc/?svr=web The Purdue Online Writing Lab: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/ Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Statement Accommodations will be made for any student with a documented disability (by W&M Disability Student Services). Please inform Dr. deFur if you have a documented disability by W&M Disability Services that entitles you to accommodations by this course. Community Expectations Professional demeanor and ethical behavior is expected by all students in class. Professional behavior includes preparedness, punctuality, and active engagement in all course activities. Professionalism is also demonstrated in your ability to cooperate, collaborate, and foster relationships with peers, faculty, and community partners in this course. Professional behavior that supports our class community principles is anticipated for all students. If you are not meeting expected professional behaviors you will receive an email or request for a meeting or contact; an inability to meet professional expectations (given the first instructor contact) will result in a reduction in your overall course grade. If there are extenuating circumstances, then please contact Dr. deFur or one of your Sharpe fellows immediately. Attendance at all classes and related class activities is required. Unless extenuating circumstances occur, students who miss more than one class period will lose 5/100 points for each class missed without approval. If extenuating circumstances occur, please contact and follow-up with Dr. deFur or one of the Sharpe fellows. All written assignments must be turned in electronically via email to sharon.defur@wm.edu You MUST use the following file organizing practices for your email assignments. 1st when you save your assignment, you MUST use this format to name your file and save to your computer filing system: YOURNAME (e.g. shdefur) ASSIGNMENT NAME (e.g MEMOIR ASSIGNMENT) DATE (e.g. SEPT 10 11) INTRO150W04 2/8/2016 3:20:12 PM SUBJECT TO ONGOING REVISION deFur2011 Disability in the Schools 3 2ND when you email the assignment, please put the above file name (which has your name and the assignment name) in the subject line so that we can determine who it is from, the assignment focus, and your date of your submission. 3rd Attach your paper to the email! Following these submission guidelines assures that your assignment will be downloaded and graded as soon as possible for full credit when submitted on time! ATTENTION TO THIS DETAIL IS IMPORTANT SO THAT YOUR WORK CAN RECEIVE FULL CREDIT! All assignments are due by the assigned time (beginning of class when due) and date and will receive an evaluation for full credit. Assignments submitted after the due date or time will be evaluated with a reduction of credit by 10% per day. Assignments will not be reviewed after being submitted more than 3 days late unless extenuating circumstances (e.g. illness or emergency) is documented. When we are in class, please put your cell phones on vibrate and on the table for your easy access for emergencies; plan to use your computer as warranted by class activities. As a professional, I expect you to use your own time, not class time, for email, voicemail, texting, chat, facebook, facetime, twitter, google-plus, etc. Your choices to fully participate in class will contribute to the evaluation of your professionalism. Please be aware that it is obvious when your personal time takes a priority over learning and participation opportunities and that your choices influence the trust we establish as a learning community. You must abide by the College of William and Mary Honor Code. Sustainability I support sustainability initiatives on the WM campus. To reduce paper use, many of your course documents will be provided on the course Blackboard page. Please try to save paper by reading these documents online whenever possible. If you decide to print any documents, please consider using a double-sided print feature and/or with two sheets per page. I also encourage you to turn in your assignments electronically. For more information, please see the Sustainability at W&M website: http://www.wm.edu/sustainability Grade Point Distribution Assignment Memoir Wiki Dialogue Assignment – Production & Participation Point Value 15 points Response Papers (x 5 at 5 points each) (1) readings and class discussions regarding the medical and social models of disability, (2) the memoir you read, (3) the blog you followed, (4) your critique of popular media viewed outside of class, and (5) your community engagement experience. Evidence-Based Instructional Research Synthesis Community Resource Review & Support for Evidence Based Practice 25 points Cultural Artifact Presentation Service Commitment & Engagement Class Participation & Professionalism (including external activities sponsored by the Sharpe fellows) 5 points 10 points 5 points 20 points 20 points 100 points total 2/8/2016 3:20:12 PM SUBJECT TO ONGOING REVISION deFur2011 Disability in the Schools 4 Grading Scale 94-100 A 74-76 C 90-93 A- 70-73 C- 87-89 B+ 67-69 D+ 84-86 B 64-66 D 80-83 B- 60-63 D- 77-79 C+ < 60 F Tentative Course Schedule Tentative Topics Class 1 8/25 Telling your stories Establishing community principles Syllabus and Blackboard Review Conceptual models of disability Class 2 9/1 The history of special education and disability status in the Western world. IDEA’s 6 Principles Readings by this date None Assignments DUE this date Composers with disabilities assigned for response paper #1 Straus, Chapter 1 Valle & Conner, Chapters 1-3 Exploring community engagement options – Guest speakers include representatives from Big Brothers/Big Sisters and from WJCC Transition Programs for Students with Disabilities Monday Night September 5 – meeting with Sharpe Fellows “Being a Mentor – what does this mean?” Class 3 9/8 IDEA Disability Categories & Characteristics Let’s talk about collaborating with schools! Class 4 9/15 Extraordinary Measures Composers and Works --- You plan to share! Straus, Chapters 2 - 8 Valle & Conner, Chapter 4 Disability type and memoir assignment guidelines distributed Turnbull et al, 2007 Ong-Dean, 2009 Response Paper 1 Due – Music & Disability Disability & School Law – Guest Speaker Patty Roberts, WM Law School 2/8/2016 3:20:12 PM SUBJECT TO ONGOING REVISION deFur2011 Disability in the Schools 5 Tentative Topics Class 5 9/22 Universally Designed Instruction Introduction to Evidence- Based Instructional Practices Writing a research synthesis – writing workshop #1 Class 6 9/29 Advocating for supports for children and youth with disabilities who are homeless GUEST SPEAKER – DR. PATRICIA POPP Language differences or language disabilities Disability and Cultural Differences Class 7 10/6 Disability and Popular Culture Dr. Jeremy Stoddard, guest speaker Class 8 10/13 TBA Class 9 10/20 Cultural Artifact Presentations Writer’s Workshop #2 Readings by this date Valle & Connor, Chapter 5, Chapter 9 Browse the Council for Exceptional Children’s website for information – link provided on blackboard under readings Hacker and Sommers – Academic Writing, APA style and citation, Grammatical sentences, punctuation and mechanics, basic grammar, multilingual writers as appropriate TBA Popular media articles about film on blackboard in folder marked film Class 11 11/3 Developing Social Supports & Friendships Chadsey & Gun Han (2005) Estell et al. (2009) Class 12 11/10 NO CLASS MEETING Scheduled Individual Writing Meetings Class 13 11/17 What do special educators and related service providers do? Scheduled meetings with Dr. deFur in lieu of class Valle & Connor, Chapter 10 School based service provider panel Class 14 12/1 Promoting post-school success Response Paper 2 Memoir experience reflection Due Response Paper 3 Blog Review Due TBA Hacker & Sommers Composing & Writing Academic Writing Sentence Style Word Choice Writing Blacher & Hatton (2007) Harry (2008) Class 10 10/27 Working with Families Family Panel Assignments DUE this date Memoir wiki-page posted and wiki discussion begins TBA 2/8/2016 3:20:12 PM Response Paper 4 –assigned as “blind” review – critique of popular media viewed in and outside of class Peer Writing Feedback of Reaction Paper 4 Due Draft of Research Synthesis 1 Due Collaborative Draft of Community Resources & Research Synthesis 2 Due Final Research Synthesis Paper 1 Due Final Collaborative Community Research Synthesis Due SUBJECT TO ONGOING REVISION deFur2011 Disability in the Schools 6 Tentative Topics Class 15 12/8 Discussion of Evidence-Based Practices and Community Resources Readings by this date Assignments DUE this date Community Engagement Response Paper 5 Due Self-Evaluation/Critique of Response Paper 5 Assignments The following are summaries of all assignments and notes the point value assigned toward your final grade in this course. Guidelines for assignments will be discussed in class and posted on the blackboard site under assignments as needed. I suggest that you map out due dates for readings, collaboration, and final products so that you can be successful in submitting all assignments. NOTE: This freshman seminar has a “W” designation as it is a university writing focused course. This designation requires at least 24 pages of writing (10-12 pages must be formal writing). There will be some expeditious use of class time for in-class writing workshops, peer review, and individual meetings. Please note that there is an evaluative expectation that you will be able to compose individual written assignments commensurate with critical writing that reflects a succinct description or response to the assigned topic, a reasonable argument for your theory or opinion, an effective use and integration of research sources, appropriate grammar and word usage, appropriate language used to refer to individuals with disabilities, and accurate use of APA in-text citations and references. RESPONSE PAPERS: Over the course of this semester you will write 5 two-three page response papers that will be graded, each worth five points for a total of 25/100 possible points for the course. You will receive one reminder prompt before the response paper is due. Response papers include a paper reflecting: (1) readings and class discussions regarding the medical and social models of disability, (2) the memoir you read, (3) the blog you followed, (4) the popular media viewed inside and outside of class, and (5) your service learning experience. I will provide formal, detailed feedback on your first 3 reaction papers based on our collaboratively developed writing rubric consistent with the writing rubric based on the Hacker & Sommers text. You will submit your 4th response paper to a peer for review applying the rubric, and you will self-evaluate your 5th response paper after submission. The writing rubric will be based on the course writing handbook and our reflection on the assignment. The rubric will address construction of a reasonable argument, the use of sources, grammar, language used to refer to individuals with disabilities, and APA citations. In addition to a focus on improving your scholarly writing, we will identify the assignment components that are critical to address. I expect that you will build on the feedback from me and your peers and that each subsequent paper will demonstrate writing improvement from your previous assignment(s). In preparation for your writing, here is a check list to help complete writing assignments successfully. review key sections of Hacker and Sommers before you write! Attend to those areas that you had difficulty in previous assignments, make sure that your word processer on your computer has grammar and spell checker turned on (and is set up as being consistent with academic or research writing) and that you pay attention and make corrections as 2/8/2016 3:20:12 PM SUBJECT TO ONGOING REVISION deFur2011 Disability in the Schools 7 appropriate (you can even check the readability of your writing and although we are all post-high school, I encourage you to evaluate and write below a grade 12 level as this will usually force you to clarity in your writing and not fall into the long sentence trap!). I am not a fan of using words that have esoteric meanings with multiple interpretations --- stay focused and readable! consider whether each paper addresses all of the required assignment points otherwise a great technical paper still might lose grade point credit, within your paper write memorable paragraphs. Make sure that each paragraph has ONE main idea along with supporting details and a closing sentence, write paragraphs that hang together OR are that separated by headings, use ACTIVE voice as much as possible (for example, do a search for passive words such as: is, was, were, am, etc and see if you can rewrite those sentences using active voice), cite others’ work appropriately (APA is accepted in the social sciences for in-text and reference citation and that is the expected style in this course – Hacker & Sommers have a section devoted to APA and you can find quick citation guides on the internet), use proper grammar consistent with American English academic writing (check Hacker & Sommers when in doubt!), use the WM writing center as appropriate to your need for support, use words that reflect the content and audience context of your paper (there is a difference when you are writing for WM colleagues and when you are writing for the general public), use PEOPLE-FIRST language, and, motivate the reader to believe what you have discovered and advocate for with regards to children and adults with disabilities. NOTE: You will receive detailed feedback from me on your first 3 response papers based on our writing rubric. The writing rubric will be based on the course writing handbook and our collaborative agreements. Specifically, the rubric will address construction of a reasonable argument, the use of sources, grammar, language used to refer to individuals with disabilities, and APA citations. You will submit your 4th response paper to a peer for review who will then apply the writing rubric and provide feedback and evaluation; You will self-evaluate your 5th response paper after submission, applying the writing rubric. RESPONSE PAPER #1 (2-3 pages) Social Construction of Disability (5/100 points) Given your text readings and class discussions regarding the medical and social models of disability and your assigned “composer” Describe the composer’s disability and the historical/conceptual model in which this person created their music Choose one piece of music from the composer (be prepared to share a short segment in class) what will you remember that connects the disability of the composer and what you hear in the “music” What emotion(s) does the music evoke As you reflect on the composer, the music, and the models of social construction, how might you interpret this composer’s music Summarize with comments on how this reflection might influence you as you pay attention to the world through a disability perspective. 2/8/2016 3:20:12 PM SUBJECT TO ONGOING REVISION deFur2011 Disability in the Schools 8 RESPONSE PAPER #2 – Deepening Your Understanding Of A Specific Disability (2-3 pages) (5/100 points) Individually, you are responsible for completing a reflection describing what you learned about the specific disability(ies) which your book reflected and that you discovered after you engaged in dialogue with your colleagues. Specifically please address the following in your response: the characteristics of the disability portrayed in the book you read and how these characteristics parallel (or not) those included in the IDEA special education law what were the learning and social strengths of the person with a disability portrayed in the book what would concern you most about providing special education services to students with similar characteristics in schools and what supports do you think that teachers might need to support these students how will what you learned influence you as an advocate for children and youth with disabilities? RESPONSE PAPER #3 – Learning from People who Live with Disabilities (2-3 pages) (5/100 points) Throughout history, individuals who are different have struggled to integrate fully into their community. Similarly, families and friends of these individuals have faced challenges, internally and externally, regarding acceptance of their child with an exceptionality. The purpose of this assignment is for you to gain greater insight into these challenges; to identify policies and practices that assist or interfere with meeting these challenges; and to make recommendations that you believe will diminish such challenges. For this assignment, you are to: 1) review a blog written by an individual or family member of an individual with a disability (you might find a blog here http://www.disaboomlive.com/Blogs/Default.aspx. or trying a different search) 2) Summarize the themes in the blog 3) Identified what surprised you or encouraged you or disappointed you 4) what are the implications for you as a mentor working with students and their families 5) Conclude your paper with a personal reaction and recommendations for future policies, procedures, or programs that might promote individuals with disabilities, such as your subject, to fully participate in his or her community. RESPONSE PAPER # 4 – CRITIQUE OF THE PORTRAYAL OF DISABILITY IN FILM (5/100 points) You are to watch the following movies: The Ringer (2005); Adam (2009) (The Sharpe Fellows will offer movie nights to make sure you can see these! Critique each film and compare their portrayal of a person with a disability in film. Prepare a 2-3 page paper. Remember that this paper will be evaluated by a peer. RESPONSE PAPER #5 – REFLECTING ON A SEMESTER OF COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT (5/100 points) Using your journal (please submit a copy along with the log of your field time), you are to write a 3-4 page reflection on your community engagement. Remember that you will also be the evaluator of your writing. Consider the following in your reflection: Imagine that you were making a “documentary” of your community engagement mentorship. What would be the highlights of the experience thus far? Be as specific as you can. To protect confidentiality, remember to use a pseudonym for the people who are in your “documentary” What surprised you most about your experience? What are the biggest joys in the documentary? The biggest challenges? What did you learn about working with students in schools? About yourself as a mentor? About social construction of disability and special education in the schools? How will this fall experience influence what you do as your spring project? On future community engagement and research? On your future career? 2/8/2016 3:20:12 PM SUBJECT TO ONGOING REVISION deFur2011 Disability in the Schools 9 MEMOIR ASSIGNMENT: (15/100 points) You and a classmate will be given a “disability” type. You both will read the same biography written by someone with a disability or by a family member of a child with this disability and begin to identify with that person. The following website offers suggestions of memoirs for you to use http://www.nlcdd.org/resources-books-movies-disability.html but you are not limited to these. Check out SWEM library as well as the SOE Learning Resource Center for books to use or the Williamsburg-James City County Library system. Your Sharpe fellows Anna and Maureen can help you find a good book to read! You must then collaboratively create a wiki page on our class wiki that resembles a social networking page (e.g. facebook) of the person telling their personal story. What pictures will you add to the page? What will you include in their profile? What would this person be posting regularly (you should plan on posting information about “your memorable life” at least 6 times in a two week period to inform your facebook friends about your life as a person with a disability. In particular, at least one post needs to talk about schooling or learning; at least one post needs to reflect social interactions or wishes for the same; at least one post should be a link to something current about the disability; and at least one post needs to reflect an interaction or potential interaction with a family member. Your posts should be designed to help your facebook friends learn about what it may be like to live a life as a person with the type of disability that “you” have. Once your wiki FB page is launched you need to invite your classmates to be your “friend” and then you (representing this character) will begin receiving questions from your peers regarding the life experiences of “you” the narrator. You are then expected to respond to these questions in character. In other words, you will portray the main character and respond to questions using information from the book or based on the experiences and perspectives of the main character revealed in the book. As a community participant on your colleagues “facebook wikis” you will engage in dialogue that asks the wiki authors for information about the represented disability and experiences of the narrator highlighted in their book. You are expected to post on all wikis a minimum of two times. As a “wiki” owner, you are expected to respond to questions, although you may choose to respond to questions cumulatively. You need to begin responding within 24 hours of your “friends” questions or comments and have a minimum of three responses per week over the open wiki time. The dialogue will occur for 1-2 weeks. CULTURAL ARTIFACT PRESENTATION (5/100 points) As partners, you will present a popular culture artifact (e.g., movie, television show, newspaper/magazine article, book) that depicts disability. This media artifact must be one that would likely appeal to school–age students (grades K-16). You will present the artifact to the class along with an explanation of how you perceive this artifact depicts disability. Your presentation must reflect information from course readings, and any additional resources you locate independently. Your presentation should be no longer than 10 minutes, and should include a 1- page handout summary of your critique. RESEARCH SYNTHESES This semester, you will select and research an evidence-based practice that supports the inclusion and integration of students with disabilities in schools and communities. You will receive a resource listing evidence-based practices to choose from. You will participate in writing two papers, one individually, and the other collaboratively with your partner(s). We will set aside some class time for in-class writing workshops, peer review, and individual meetings, but there is an expectation of “out of class” collaboration for your team submission. Your final submissions, both individual and group, will be evaluated on the argument, research support, grammar, language used when referring to individuals with disabilities, voice, and APA guidelines. Your first research synthesis paper, that is your individual research paper, 2/8/2016 3:20:12 PM SUBJECT TO ONGOING REVISION deFur2011 Disability in the Schools 10 will be written in a scholarly tone; the second research synthesis paper (your collaborative partnership paper) will be written in an engaging, conversational, yet persuasive tone. RESEARCH SYNTHESIS PAPER 1. (20/100 points) This paper will be a scholarly research synthesis. You will locate a minimum of 6 references, of which a minimum of 3 must be research articles that provide support for this practice. For full credit for this assignment, you must submit your individual references for review prior to writing your individual paper. You will be given a summarization page to help you synthesize information from these resources to: (1) build evidence that this practice promotes the inclusion of students with disabilities, and (2) explain how the practice is applied in real-world settings. You will write a 6-8 page paper that explains the purpose of the practice, the evidence that supports the practice, how the practice is implemented, potential benefits of the practice, and implications for practice in school/community settings. COMMUNITY RESOURCES & RESEARCH SYNTHESIS PAPER 2. (20/100 points) Although this paper requires some scholarly research, the tone will be more informal with a goal of creating an information handout that families or teachers could use in supporting children and youth with disabilities. With a partner, you will plan and carry out a field trip to a community resource (e.g. recreation, leisure, work, advocacy, advisory etc.). You will preview website information or written literature about the resource that will help you identify the mission or purpose/goals of the community resource, how students with disabilities or their families would access the resource, who is eligible to participate in the activity, whether there is a cost involved, and other descriptive information that would be helpful to families. Given the intended outcomes of the community service, you are to find research (within the past 10 years) that documents that children, youth, or adults with disabilities or their families benefit from using these community resources. [For example, if you visit a resource that has a goal of offering recreation and leisure activities, what research can you find that support that participating in recreation and leisure activities has a positive impact on children, youth, or adult with disabilities.] You and your partner will collaboratively write a 3-5 page paper to inform teachers and parents of the community resource that you observed, the evidence supporting the resource mission and goals as effective, how the service is implemented, and how it can be applied and evaluated in school/community settings. This paper must include concrete steps for implementation. Depending on the resource you are assigned, you will be in either an observer or volunteer role. For either, you will want to be able to describe what you observed that demonstrates that the resource is fulfilling its mission and intended impact for children or families. To craft this paper, you will share with your partner the information gathered from research studies, scholarly articles, books, and discussions with community partners. This paper should be engaging and convincing so that teachers and parents are encouraged to try the resource. This paper will include appropriate APA in-text citations and references. REQUIRED COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT SERVICE COMMITMENT. (10/100 points) This semester you will commit to ~2 hours of service a week (for a total of 20 hours per semester) at either Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Williamsburg or with the Williamsburg James City County 18-21 year old Post-Secondary education program. You will need to keep a log and journal of your time committed to this assignment. Your 5th reaction paper (5/100 points) will relate to this experience. Please note that for this course, this semester service commitment requires 20 hours of service; whereas our partnership with Big Brothers/Sisters expects a full year commitment. Please ONLY agree to the Big Brother/Sister program if that is a service commitment that you will adopt for the year, as these students need mentors that will be present for them for more than a few weeks. 2/8/2016 3:20:12 PM SUBJECT TO ONGOING REVISION deFur2011 Disability in the Schools 11 WJCC 18-21 year old program prefers a year long commitment, but would be open to a semester option. You will be asked to interview for the Big Brothers/Sisters of students with special needs, so please abide by this commitment obligation as you identify your service commitment. Regardless, for Spring Semester 2012, you are expected to plan an engaged learning service project related to your fall community service activities. We will also discuss how participation in programs like Big Brothers/Sisters or Post-Secondary 18-21 year old Transition Programs could impact the lives of children and youth with disabilities and their families. You are required to turn in a log of your hours at the end of the semester to receive credit and plan for your Spring Service project. Evidence That Will Demonstrate Students Have Met Course Objectives: Objective 1. Compare and contrast the medical and social models of disability. 2. Examine personal narratives of disability experience. 3. Use the social model of disability to analyze the implications of disability construction on the educational and community-based experiences of children and youth with disabilities. 4. Critique media representations of disability in the popular media. 5. Research practices that promote the inclusion of children with disabilities in schools/communities. 6. Consider the identified needs of community partners, individuals with disabilities, and families of children with disabilities, and create a plan for a service learning project that will provide opportunities for greater inclusion of students with disabilities. 2/8/2016 3:20:12 PM Learning Activity Class discussion Readings Class discussion Guest speakers Class discussions Assignment Reading response paper Class discussions Class viewing of disability in the media Class discussions Research syntheses Class discussions Teacher panel Parent panel Panel with community partners Blog review Memoir assignment Reading response papers Cultural artifact presentation Community engagement experience Movie critique Cultural artifact presentation Blog review Research syntheses SUBJECT TO ONGOING REVISION deFur2011 Disability in the Schools