- Hywel Coleman

Hywel Coleman
List of Publications
Honorary Senior Research Fellow
School of Education, University of Leeds, UK
Contact address : Jalan Lembah Pinus E1/3, Puri Cinere, Cinere, Depok 16514, Indonesia
Phone : +62-21-754-8216
Mobile in Indonesia: +62-813-1065-1094
Mobile in UK: +44-7790-397633
Email : h.coleman@leeds.ac.uk
Skype : hywel.coleman
A) Books
Coleman, H. et al. 2013. The English Language in Francophone West Africa. Dakar:
British Council Senegal. Available online at https://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/article/englishlanguage-francophone-west-africa and at http://englishagenda.britishcouncil.org/booksresource-packs.
Coleman, H. and Capstick, T. 2012. Language in Education in Pakistan:
Recommendations for Policy and Practice. Islamabad: British Council Pakistan. Available
online at
Coleman, H. (ed.). 2011. Dreams and Realities: Developing Countries and the English
Language. London: British Council. Available online at
Coleman, H. (ed.). 2007. Language and Development: Africa and Beyond. Addis Ababa:
British Council Ethiopia. Available online at www.langdevconferences.org. Also available at
Coleman, H., Gulyamova, J. and Thomas, A. (eds). 2005. National Development,
Education and Language in Central Asia and Beyond. Tashkent: British Council
Uzbekistan. Available online at www.langdevconferences.org. Also available with the title
Linguistic Challenges to National Development & International Cooperation at
Coleman, H. and Griffiths, M. (eds). 2003. Evaluating for the Future: Teacher Education in
the Czech Republic. Prague: British Council Czech Republic.
Coleman, H. (ed.). 1996. Society and the Language Classroom. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Coleman, H. and Cameron, L. (eds). 1996. Change and Language. Clevedon: Multilingual
Coleman, H. (ed.). 1989. Working with Language: A Multidisciplinary Consideration of
Language Use in Work Contexts. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Coleman, H (ed.). 1985. Language and Work 2: The Health Professions. (Special issue of
International Journal of the Sociology of Language 49.) Berlin: Mouton.
Coleman, H (ed.). 1984. Language and Work 1: Law, Industry, Education. (Special issue
of International Journal of the Sociology of Language 51.) Berlin: Mouton.
Chapters in Books, Reports
Coleman, H. & Bâ, A. 2014. The English language in Francophone West Africa. In Pattison,
T. (ed.), IATEFL 2013 Liverpool Conference Selections, 54-56. Faversham: IATEFL.
Coleman, H. 2013. Tantangan guru pada abad ke-21 [Challenges for Teachers in the 21st
Century]. In Dwiningrum, S.I.E. and Saleh, S.M. (eds), Prosiding Seminar Nasional Politik
Pendidikan Nasional dalam Tantangan [Proceedings of the National Seminar on
Challenges for National Education Policy], 17-29. Yogyakarta: Indo Media Pustaka (on behalf
of Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta [Yogyakarta State University]).
Coleman, H. 2013. Proposal to Introduce the Teaching of English in the Primary
Schools of Gabon: Analysis and Recommendations. London: British Council.
Coleman, H. 2013. Proposition d’introduction de l’enseignement de l’anglais dans les
écoles primaires du Gabon: Analyse et recommandations. London: British Council.
Smith,R., Negash, N., Benevolo Franca, V., Wang, Q., Phyak, P., Ajjan, M., Kuchah, H.K.,
Saleem, M., Sarwar, Z. & Coleman, H. 2012. Investigating large classes. In Pattison, T. (ed.),
IATEFL 2011 Brighton Conference Selections, 172-175. Canterbury: IATEFL.
Coleman, H. 2011. Language policy and social development: Case studies from Indonesia
and Pakistan. In Powell-Davies, P. & Otero, J. (eds), Word for Word: The Social, Economic
and Political Impact of Spanish and English, 355-366. Madrid: Santillana/Instituto
Cervantes/British Council Spain. Available online at
Coleman, H. 2011. Política lingüística y desarrollo social: Estudio de caso de Indonesia y
Pakistán. En Powell-Davies, P. & Otero, J. (eds), Palabra por Palabra: /El Impacto Social,
Económico y Político del Español y del Inglés, 345-354. Madrid: Santillana/Instituto
Cervantes/British Council Spain. Available online at
Coleman, H. 2011. Allocating resources for English: The case of Indonesia’s English medium
International Standard Schools. In Coleman, H. (ed.), Dreams and Realities: Developing
Countries and the English Language, 89-113. London: British Council. Available online at
Coleman, H. 2011. Developing countries and the English language: Rhetoric, risks, roles and
recommendations. In Coleman, H. (ed.), Dreams and Realities: Developing Countries and
the English Language, 11-23. London: British Council. Available online at
Coleman, H. 2010. Teaching and Learning in Pakistan: The Role of Language in
Education. Islamabad: British Council Pakistan.
Coleman, H. 2010. The English Language and Development. London: British Council.
Available online at www.teachingenglish.org.uk/transform/books/english-languagedevelopment.
Coleman, H. 2010. Are ‘international standard schools’ really a response to globalisation? In
Supriyanti, N. (ed.), Responding to Global Education Challenges: Proceeding
International Seminar on Education, 11-35. Yogyakarta: Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta
[Yogyakarta State University].
Coleman, H. 2009. Teaching other subjects through English in two Asian nations: Teachers’
responses and implications. In Powell-Davies, P. (ed.), Access English EBE Symposium: A
Collection of Papers, 63-87. Kuala Lumpur: British Council East Asia. Available online at
Coleman, H. 2008. Darwin and the large class. In Gieve, S. and Miller, I.K. (eds),
Understanding the Language Classroom, 115-135. London: Palgrave Macmillan. [Revised
version of Coleman 2006.]
Coleman, H. 2007. Survey of DBEP School Finances. (DBEP Research Report Number 2.)
Jakarta: Direktorat Pembinaan Sekolah Menengah, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional.
Coleman, H. 2007. Pendahuluan: Studi kasus sekolah bermutu. [Introduction: Case studies of
quality in schools.] In Coleman, H. (ed.), Studi Kasus Sekolah Bermutu, 1-9. Jakarta:
Direktorat Pembinaan Sekolah Menengah, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional.
Coleman, H. (ed.). 2007. Studi Kasus Sekolah Bermutu. [Case Studies of Quality in
Schools.] (Laporan Penelitian DBEP Nomor 1.) Jakarta: Direktorat Pembinaan Sekolah
Menengah, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional.
Coleman, H. 2007. Introduction: Language and the silent observers of development. In
Coleman, H. (ed.), Language and Development: Africa and Beyond, 1-12. Addis Ababa:
British Council Ethiopia. Available online at www.langdevconferences.org.
Coleman, H. 2006. Darwin and the large class. In Gieve, S. and Miller, I.K. (eds),
Understanding the Language Classroom, 115-135. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Coleman, H. 2005. National identity, education and language: An introduction. In Coleman,
H., Gulyamova, J. and Thomas, A. (eds), National Development, Education and Language
in Central Asia and Beyond, 2-19. Tashkent: British Council Uzbekistan. Available online at
Coleman, H. and Sigutova, M. 2005. Sustainability in education development projects: What
are the limits? In Coleman, H., Gulyamova, J. and Thomas, A. (eds), National Development,
Education and Language in Central Asia and Beyond, 108-117. Tashkent: British Council
Uzbekistan. Available online at www.langdevconferences.org.
Coleman, H., Asoko, H., Azhar, F., Holloway, K., Lamb, M., Sagimin, Wedell, M., Wiegand, P.
and Yarmiati. 2004. Survey of Education in Riau 2003-4. Leeds: School of Education,
University of Leeds.
Coleman, H. 2004. Characterising the impact of trainer training. In Hayes, D. (ed.), Trainer
Development: Principles and Practice from Language Teacher Training, 241-272.
Melbourne: Language Australia.
Coleman, H. 2003. Standing back and looking back: Doing a participatory evaluation
retrospectively. In Coleman, H. and Griffiths, M. (eds), Teacher Education in the Czech
Republic: Evaluating for the Future, 19-28. Prague: British Council Czech Republic.
Griffiths, M. & Coleman, H. 2003. Introduction and overview: The creation of a confident
profession. In Coleman, H. and Griffiths, M. (eds), Teacher Education in the Czech
Republic: Evaluating for the Future, 11-18. Prague: British Council Czech Republic.
Coleman, H. 2002. Evaluating development programmes: Time to watch our language. In
LoBianco, J. (ed.), Voices from Phnom Penh: Development & Language: Global
Influences & Local Effects, 103-116. Melbourne: Language Australia. Available online at
Coleman, H. (ed.). 2002. The Primary English Language Project, Regional English
Support Centres and their Impact on Primary English in Sri Lanka. Colombo: National
Institute of Education and the British Council Sri Lanka.
Coleman, H. and Edirisinghe, C. 2002. Centres and peripheries: Regional variation in
children’s competence in English in Sri Lanka. In Hayes, D. (ed.), Making a Difference: The
Experience of the Primary English Language Project, Sri Lanka, 127-148. Colombo:
British Council Sri Lanka. [Reprint of Coleman & Edirisinghe 2000.]
Edirisinghe, C., Yattewatte V. and Coleman, H. 2002. Regional English Support Centre
libraries: Membership, resources and utilisation. In Coleman, H. (ed.), The Primary English
Language Project, Regional English Support Centres and their Impact on Primary
English in Sri Lanka, 29-36. Colombo: National Institute of Education and the British Council
Sri Lanka.
Coleman, H. and Edirisinghe, C. 2000. Centres and peripheries: Regional variation in
children’s competence in English in Sri Lanka. In Shaw, J., Lubelska, D. & Noullet, M. (eds),
Partnership and Interaction, 109-127. Bangkok: Asian Institute of Technology. Available
online at www.langdevconferences.org.
Coleman, H. 1997. Teaching large classes and training for sustainability. In Abbott, G. and
Beaumont, M. (eds), The Development of ELT, 149-159. Hemel Hempstead: Prentice Hall.
Coleman, H., Soedrajat, T.M. and Westaway, G. (eds.). 1997. Teaching English to
University Undergraduates in the Indonesian Context: Issues and Developments.
Leeds: University of Leeds, School of Education & Bandung: Institut Teknologi Bandung.
Coleman, H. 1997. Undergraduate ELT: Where have we been and where are we going? In
Coleman, H., Soedrajat, T.M. & Westaway, G. (eds.), Teaching English to University
Undergraduates in the Indonesian Context: Issues and Developments, 26-42. Leeds:
University of Leeds, School of Education & Bandung: Institut Teknologi Bandung.
Rohayati, A., Coleman, H. and Hardjanto, T. 1997. Needs analysis for materials design. In
Coleman, H., Soedrajat, T.M. & Westaway, G. (eds), Teaching English to University
Undergraduates in the Indonesian Context: Issues and Developments, 133-139. Leeds:
University of Leeds, School of Education & Bandung: Institute Teknologi Bandung.
Coleman, H. 1996. Shadow puppets and language lessons: Interpreting classroom behaviour
in its cultural context. In Coleman, H. (ed.), Society and the Language Classroom, 64-85.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Coleman, H. 1996. Autonomy and ideology in the English language classroom. In Coleman,
H. (ed.), Society and the Language Classroom, 1-15. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Coleman, H. 1995. Problematising stakeholders: Who are the holders and what are the
stakes? In Crooks, T. and Crewes, G. (eds), Language and Development, 45-61. Denpasar:
Indonesia Australia Language Foundation. Available online at www.langdevconferences.org.
Coleman, H. 1995. Appropriate methodology in large classes. In Budd, R. (ed.), Appropriate
Methodology: From Classroom Methods to Classroom Processes, 113-126. Paris:
TESOL France.
Coleman, H. and Pudjiastuti, T. 1995. Delegating curriculum decision-making. In British
Council (ed.), Language Skills in National Curriculum Development (Dunford Seminar
Report 1995), 113-120. Manchester: British Council.
Soedradjat, T.M., Soegondo, R., Hardjanto, T. and Coleman, H. 1994. University speaking to
university: An international link in English for Academic Purposes. In Khoo, R. (ed.), The
Practice of LSP: Perspectives, Programmes and Projects (Anthology Series 34), 255-280.
Singapore: SEAMEO Regional Language Centre.
Coleman, H. 1993. Professional Standards in TESOL in the U.K.: An Overview. Leeds:
BATQI (British Association of TESOL Qualifying Institutions).
Coleman, H. 1992. Moving the goalposts: Project evaluation in practice. In Alderson, J.C. and
Beretta, A. (eds), Evaluating Second Language Education, 222-246. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Coleman, H. 1992. Perceptions of impact. In British Council (ed.), The Social and Economic
Impact of ELT in Development (Dunford Seminar Report 1991), 22-26 & 57-58. London:
British Council.
Coleman, H. 1991. Large classes and training for sustainability. In British Council (ed.),
Training for Sustainability of ELT Aid Projects (Dunford Seminar Report 1990), 14 & 6164. London: British Council.
Coleman, H. 1991. Learners’ strategies in tertiary-level large classes. In British Council (ed.),
Proceedings of the Conference on Academic Communication Skills in African
Universities, 44-57. Nairobi: British Council Kenya.
Coleman, H. 1991. Primary ELT teachers and large classes. In Kennedy, C. and Jarvis, J.
(eds), Ideas and Issues in Primary ELT, 152-165. Walton-on-Thames: Nelson.
Coleman, H. 1989. Learning and Teaching in Large Classes: A Bibliography. (Project
Report 1.) Leeds: Lancaster-Leeds Language Learning in Large Classes Research Project.
Coleman, H. 1989. The Study of Large Classes. (Project Report 2.) Leeds: Lancaster-Leeds
Language Learning in Large Classes Research Project.
Coleman, H. 1989. How Large are Large Classes? (Project Report 4.) Leeds: LancasterLeeds Language Learning in Large Classes Research Project.
Coleman, H. 1989. Large Classes in Nigeria. (Project Report 6.) Leeds: Lancaster-Leeds
Language Learning in Large Classes Research Project.
Coleman, H. 1989. Approaches to the Management of Large Classes. (Project Report 11.)
Leeds: Lancaster-Leeds Language Learning in Large Classes Research Project.
Coleman, H. 1989. Testing ‘appropriate behaviour’ in an academic context. In Bickley, V.
(ed.), Language Teaching and Learning Styles Within and Across Cultures, 361-372.
Hong Kong: Institute of Language in Education.
Coleman, H. 1989. Working with language: An introduction. In Coleman, H. (ed.), Working
with Language: A Multidisciplinary Consideration of Language Use in Work Contexts,
1-23. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Coleman, H. 1989. The present and the future of work. In Coleman, H. (ed.), Working with
Language: A Multidisciplinary Consideration of Language Use in Work Contexts, 109127. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Coleman, H. 1988. Making research researchable: How to get a research degree out of a
research topic. In Littlejohn, A. and Melouk, M. (eds), Research Methods and Processes, 520. Lancaster: Lancaster University.
C) Journal Articles
Coleman, H. 2011. The English language in development. MEXTESOL Journal 35(1).
Available online at www.mextesol.net/journal/index.php?page=journal&id_article=64. [Reprint
of Coleman 2010, English and Development.]
Lamb, M. and Coleman, H. 2008. Literacy in English and the transformation of self and
society in post-Soeharto Indonesia. International Journal of Bilingual Education and
Bilingualism, 11 (2), 189-205.
Brumfit, C. and Coleman, H. 1995. Talking shop: Professional standards in ELT. English
Language Teaching Journal 49(2), pp176-184.
Coleman, H. 1991. The testing of ‘appropriate behaviour’ in an academic context. In Adams,
P., Heaton, B. and Howarth, P. (eds), Socio-Cultural Issues in English for Academic
Purposes, 13-23. (Review of English Language Teaching 1(2).) London: Macmillan.
Coleman, H. 1990. The relationship between large class research and large class teaching.
SPELT (Society of Pakistan English Language Teachers) Newsletter 5 (1), 2-10.
Coleman, H. 1988. Analysing language needs in large organisations. English for Specific
Purposes 7 (3), 155-169.
Coleman, H. 1987. ‘Little tasks make large return’: Task-based language learning in large
crowds. In Candlin, C.N. and Murphy, D.F. (eds), Language Learning Tasks, 121-145.
(Lancaster Practical Papers in English Language Education 7.) London: Prentice-Hall.
Coleman, H. 1987. Teaching spectacles and learning festivals. English Language Teaching
Journal 41 (2), 97-103.
Coleman, H. 1987. Is the false beginner a false concept? The Language Teacher 11 (14),
Coleman, H. 1985. Talking shop: An overview of language and work. International Journal
of the Sociology of Language 51, 105-129.
Coleman, H. and Burton, J. 1985. Aspects of control in the dentist-patient relationship.
International Journal of the Sociology of Language 51, 75-104.
Coleman, H. 1985. Evaluating teachers’ guides: Do teachers’ guides guide teachers? In
Alderson, J.C. (ed.), Evaluation, 83-96. (Lancaster Practical Papers in English Language
Education 6.) Oxford: Pergamon.
Coleman, H. 1984. Perceptions of language use in a bilingual industrial community.
International Journal of the Sociology of Language 49, 51-72.
Coleman, H. 1982. ‘English teacher should attends’: Designing a series of language induction
courses for management training. In Waters, A. (ed.), Issues in ESP, 1-38. (Lancaster
Practical Papers in English Language Education 5.) Oxford: Pergamon.
Coleman, H. 1980. Evaluating the communicative proficiency of overseas dentists. Lancaster
Practical Papers in English Language Education 3, 1-7.
Coleman, H. 1977. The integrative grammar test: A comment. RELC (Regional English
Language Centre) Journal 8 (2), 91-93.
D) Book Reviews
Coleman, H. 2004. Review of A.Kirkpatrick (ed.), ‘Englishes in Asia: Communication, identity,
power & education’. Applied Linguistics 25(3), 406-410.
Coleman, H. 1999. Review of C.Brock (ed.), ‘Global Perspectives in Teacher Education’.
Journal of Education for Teaching 25(1), 73-74.
E) Newspaper and Newsletter Articles
Coleman, H. 2011. Help needed to make ELT ‘fairtrade’. The Guardian 7 June 2011.
Available online at www.guardian.co.uk/education/2011/jun/07/tefldevelopment?INTCMP=SRCH.
Coleman, H. 2011. Language and development. IATEFL Global Issues 26:8-10.
Coleman, H. 1991. What is happening in large classes? IATEFL Newsletter 111, 2-4.
Coleman, H. 1991. Feature article: What is happening in large classes? SATEFL Newsletter
11 (1), 6-9.
Coleman, H. 1990. Classroom research. ELT Review 2, 4-7.
Coleman, H. 1988. Language learning in large classes: A bibliography. ETIC: English
Teaching Information Circular 21, 14-20.
Coleman, H. 1988. Language learning in large classes project. ETIC: English Teaching
Information Circular 20, 14-17.
Coleman, H. 1977. Pengaruh Bahasa Indonesia pada Bahasa Inggris [The influence of
Indonesian on English.] Warta Pertamina XI(9), 22-23.
Coleman, H. 1976. Bahasa Inggris untuk pengetahuan & teknik. [English for science and
technology.] Warta Pertamina XI(5), 20-23.
F) Teaching Materials
Coleman, H. 1984. Petroleum: Downstream. (Heinemann Science and Technical Readers.)
London: Heinemann Educational Books.
Coleman, H. 1980. Petroleum: Upstream. (Heinemann Science and Technical Readers.)
London: Heinemann Educational Books.
G) Publications on Indonesian Textiles
Coleman, H. Forthcoming. A family collection of textiles in Toraja, Indonesia. Asian Textiles.
Coleman, H. 2008. A region of extraordinary diversity. Asian Textiles 41, 18-21. (Available
online at www.oatg.org.uk/magazines/N41.html.).
Coleman, H. 2008. Patterns of Culture: The Textiles of Bali and Nusa Tenggara. (Ars
Textrina Series Number 38.) Leeds: University of Leeds.
Most recent revision 02-07-2014