WH9 Meyer Global Community Marketplace Essential Question: To what extent was the world c. 1700 a “global community”? TASKS: 1. Learn @ the movement of European Exploration from 1400-1700 CE 2. City/Civilization: You will be assignment a city to research from 1400-1700 CE. Your research will explore the impact exploration had on the development of that city/civilization. 3. Global Marketplace: You will be attending a meeting at the “Global Marketplace” where representatives from cities around the world will present the research they found on the impact exploration had on the development of that city. You will present your city/civilization at booth. 4. Essay: Using the information from your research, and the information you gather from visiting the booths of other cities at the Global Marketplace, you are going to write an in class essay answering the following question: “What were the most important factors in making the world a more global community between 1400-1700?” (You will pick 3 factors and defend them by order of importance) 1.Learn @ the Movement of European Exploration: We will learn about exploration during class on Thursday May 26th & Friday May 27th You will assigned the city you will be presenting. Assignment #1 for HW Due on Tuesday May 31st (assignment #1 is in this packet) 2. City & Civilization: Once you completed Assignment #1 you will be spending several class periods in the library and using your homework time at home to continue researching your city. Before you start using internet & library source to research your city you are going to work with your group members to complete Assignment #2 Due @ the end of class on Tuesday May 31st (assignment #2 is in this packet) Now you will start doing research in the library….but….what are you researching? Research Question: How did Exploration & Colonization impact my city/civilization? Topics I Need to Research: 1. Chronology (you will be making a timeline of important people, events, conflicts, etc) so you must keep track of dates/names/events 2. Belief Systems/Religion (and how it changed or not from exploration /colonization) 3. Social Class/Customs (and how it changed or not from exploration/colonization) 4. Economic Activity (and how it changed or not from exploration/colonization) 5. Government (and how it changed or not from exploration/colonization) 6. Images – save any images you find about your city/civilization 7. Map – Find/Make a map that shows your city’s location and its connection through exploration/colonization/trade/etc to other cities/civilizations in the world How Should I Take Notes? Assignment #3: Research Parts 1 & II Due Tuesday June 7th in class Part I: Due Tuesday June 7th in class Please take notes by SOURCE and page number. example: Source A: The Incas: New Perspectives o 1 fact/quote per bullet point & page # Use approximately 10 SCHOLARLY sources (books & internet sites are fine) Annotated Bibliography (you will receive an individual grade for your research) Part 11: Due Tuesday June 7th in class Once you have taken detailed notes please copy (do NOT cut) & paste your notes into the following chart. For each note you must cut & paste the Source Letter & Pg # Please be sure to write down dates when you take notes so you can figure out if your information is referring to pre or post exploration I will place a template of these charts on my schoolwires page Religion Pre Exploration -1508- notes note note (A, pg 4) - 1492 -blah blah blah Ke$ha (E, 18) Religion Post Exploration If there was no change post exploration, write “No Change” in this column Government Pre Exploration Government Post Exploration Class Pre Exploration Class Post Exploration Economics Pre Exploration Economics Post Exploration 3. Global Marketplace You will be presenting the information from your research at as group at the Global Community Marketplace. You will be presenting this information by creating a 3-D poster board. Assignment #4: This poster board is due Monday June13th. Checklist of Requirements for Poster board A thesis statement that ties together your answer to the question: How did Exploration & Colonization impact my city/civilization? (Did experience great changes?) A Timeline A Map Religion (how it changed or not from exploration/colonization & how it is connected to other cities) Class (how it changed or not from exploration/colonization & how it is connected to other cities) Economics (how it changed or not from exploration/colonization & how it is connected to other cities) Government (how it changed or not from exploration/colonization & how it is connected to other cities) neat & clear layout of the board Can easily read text on the board Uses visuals when possible instead of text (for ex – if your topic is social class – instead of writing a paragraph on it, draw a social pyramid) Has a bibliography pasted on the back Clever & creative layout/design – do you use a variety of materials, 3-D elements to make your board attractive How should I accomplish this? Divide up the topics on the checklist Decide the format/design of your board together as group – use your collective brainpower to determine how to make it creative/clever/beautiful. It can & should be 3-D. Meet together once you have finished your topic to assemble the board and to make improvements on layout/design. Why am I doing this? On the day of the market place, all freshmen will set up their booths and we will pretend we are travelers trying to determine to what extent the world is a global community in 1700. 4.In Class Essay: Assignment #5: In Class Essay: June 15th Using the information from your research, and the information you gather from visiting the booths of other cities at the Global Marketplace, you are going to write an in class essay answering the following question: “What were the most important factors in making the world a more global community between 1400-1700?” (You will pick 3 factors and defend them by order of importance) Your essay must discuss 6 cities on four continents. How will I know what to write about? During the Marketplace in class your aim will be to visit six cities on four continents to gather information. Then, using the notes that you have gathered, you will be asked to write your in class essay. We will also discuss possible topics to write about and how to organize it into an essay in class on Monday June 13th & Tuesday June 14th. However, the only notes you can use as you write your essay are notes that you take during the Marketplace on June 15th!!! Assignments/Grade Overview This project counts as your final exam and will include both individual and group grades. Individual Assignment #1: Due May 31st Assignment #3: Research Parts 1 & II Due Tuesday June 7th Assignment #5: In class essay on: Group Assignment #2: Due at end of class on May 31st Assignment #4: This poster board is due Monday June13th (see checklist) Groups and Cities Spain and Colonies: All people in these groups, you must read about all 3 cities City Group Members Cadiz (Spain) Kate, Hunter, Rebecca P, Josh A, Charli 20.1 (483-488) 21.1 (513-517) Tenochtitlan (Aztecs) Fred, Sean, Ben, Sam, Nathan 16.3 (400-406) 20.1 (483-488) Cuzco (Incas) Leah, Grant, Ingrid, Taylor, Andrew 16.4 (407-411) 20.1 (483-488) England and Colonies: All people in these groups, you must read about all 3 cities City Group London (England) Sydney, Alexa, Margo, Sarah P, Danielle D 20.2 (490-494) 20.3 (495-499) 21.5 (536-539) Boston (Massachusetts Bay) Becca, Nick, Sarah Mar, Carolyn 20.2 (490-494) Jamestown Jonathan, Sophia, Helen, Raza, Briana 20.2 (490-494) Portugal and Colonies: All people in these groups, you must read about all 3 cities City Group Lisbon (Portugal) Alberto, Chelosky, Danielle E, Jess E, Jenn 19.1 (463-468) 20.1 (483-488) 20.3 (495-499) Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) Steven, Carlos, Josh K, Philip, Tyler Pg 487 20.3 (495-499) Goa (India) Tanay, Nicole, Max, Emma, Alexandria 19.1 (463-468)