
The Paricutin Volcano of Michoacan Mexico
Reid Procyshyn - 6841561
University of Manitoba
Oct. 14, 2014
Natural Disasters and Global Change GEOL 1410
Dr. W. S. Mandziuk
The Paricutin Volcano of Michoacan Mexico
On February 20, 1943, the subterranean conditions beneath a cornfield in the state of
Michoacan, in Mexico, were perfect for the formation of a geological marvel. A volcano was
born and would be observed, measured and studied from its very beginnings, to its final
dormancy several years later; a rare occurrence for humans to see. This paper will focus on the
conditions which gave rise to the volcano, and its composition. Also, the effects on the
surrounding region and local populace during the volcanic activity through to today will be
explained from several aspects.
Initiating Factors
There are a wide variety of precursors which may signal the beginning of an event, such
as volcanic activity, will occur in the near future. Rumbling sounds, escaping steam or steam
explosions, swelling, subsidence or cracking of the ground, temperature changes indicated by
melting of snow or ice and actual seismic tremors are some examples. Sometimes, a potential
precursor event may not lead to any volcanic activity at all. In the case of Paricutin, the first
tremors were felt 45 days prior to the eruption, increased to approximately 25 per day, one
week before eruption and finally an estimated 300 tremors the day before eruption (Elson, Ort,
Hesse & Duffield, 2002). However, as many of the aforementioned signs are generally related to
previously formed volcanoes. The Paricutin volcano being born in front of a farmer while
tending his corn field, in addition to the fact of little understanding and knowledge possessed
by the locals, there was little warning for the imminent danger the people in the village of
Paricutin and surrounding area would soon face.
The physical features of the land are an important clue as to possible volcanic
occurrences. The Paricutin volcano, located 20 kilometers west of the city of Uruapan and six
kilometers north east of the current Parque Nacional – the National Park of – Pico de Tancitaro,
is a mountainous region with a history of volcanic activity (National Geographic, 2014). In the
small town of Jorullo, just 65 kilometers to the south east, an eruption occurred on Sept 29,
1759. The result was a main cone 1300 feet high and 3 subsidiary cones which destroyed a
broad expanse of fertile land due to three extensive outpourings of lava (Bullard, F., 1947).
Despite this and other past events, local communities continued to dwell along the edges of
this mountainous terrain.
Another important factor involving location, even more so than geographical, is the
geological location; where Paricutin is located with respect to underground landmarks.
One such important underground structure is
the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt, within the
land mass containing south-central Mexico,
which is a relatively active region for volcanic
activity. In fact, almost all volcanic events in
the last quarter century have occurred within
Fig.1 Trans Mexican Volcanic Belt
the boundaries of the belt. This area,
containing what is locally known as the
Sierra Nevada, runs in an east-west direction across the entire land form. It contains not only
Paricutin to the East, but also the moderately populated city of Uruapan centrally and the
capital, México City, to the West.
The activity of the Trans-volcanic Belt is fuelled by tectonic movement (Elson et al.
2002). The main plates involved are the North American Plate containing most of Mexico, as
well as the Cocos, Caribbean and Pacific Plates (Abbott, Samson, 2012). Through the interaction
of the Caribbean plate sliding along the North American plate, we see the results of the tectonic
forces involved in Paricutin. However, we must also consider the forces involved with the Cocos
plate subducting underneath the North American plate. Divergent zones tend to produce much
greater volume of magma release in a much more peaceful fashion when compared to
convergent areas along tectonic boundaries. Convergent lines also tend to yield more violent
eruptions due to higher concentrations of volatiles in the magma. Despite a relatively rapid
growth and lifespan of the Paricutin volcano, the flow of magma was quite minimal in
comparison to volcanoes in spreading zones, such as the relationship between the Cocos and
Pacific plates. The motion of the Trans Mexican Volcanic Belt itself is considered strike-slip, as
suggested by Abbott & Samson (2014).
In regards to the composition of magma from the Paricutin eruptions beginning in 1943,
the magma was highly viscous with plenty of trapped volatiles within it (Abbott & Samson
2014). Evidence of this, including witness testimony and samples taken, show a fairly high rate
of change in composition of silicon dioxide post-1947. With a total discharge of 1.38 cubic
kilometers and little variance in composition, the flow was considered basaltic andesite with
55-56% SiO2 (McBirney, Taylor & Armstrong, 1987). Over a few months in 1947, a rise in SiO2 to
just over 60% accompanied a change in classification of the lava to hypersthene andesite for
the remainder of eruptions to 1952 (Dickinson & Hatherton, 1967). Due to the composition of
the cone – particles and blobs congealed after being ejected violently from the vent due to the
magma’s gas-charged nature – this volcano is classified as a cinder cone (U.S.G.S., 2011). The
vast majority of volcanoes in the TMVB area are of this sort.
Regional Impact
Repercussions from the eruptions beginning on Feb 20, 1943 were not isolated to the
nearby village of Paricutin, nor were they limited to the final eruptions in 1952. The severity of
this incident can be compared with others and changes to the area after a volcanic event is
something to be considered as well.
Several measurements and scales are used to look at a natural disaster. Mainly, the
Mercalli and Richter scales are used to assess severity and damage following such crises. Firstly,
the Richter scale measurements picked up many of the tremors which are considered the
forewarning prior to the emergence of the volcano and its eruptions. Although, the primary
measurements studied were those during the eruptions. Beginning at 3.2, the afternoon of
February 20, some Richter measurements reached 4.5 (Elson et al, 2002). As per the Modified
Mercalli Scale of Earthquake intensity, portrayed by Abbott and Samson (2012), the severity of
the seismic activity would have been approximately IV, depending on proximity to the new
Results for the Local Populace
Prior to the eruptions, locals in the Paricutin area went about their everyday lives. The
ground tremors were out of the ordinary, but not an entirely unknown, unheard of occurrence.
On the afternoon of Saturday, February 20th, 1943, however, when Dionisio Pulido saw the
strange hole in his cornfield suddenly swell to two and a half meters high, in addition to
sulphur-scented smoke, the first feelings of fear became apparent (Abbott & Samson, 2012). It
was not until the next day, after alerting several Paricutin neighbors, that Dionisio warned
officials from nearby town San Juan de Parangaricutiro (Bullard, F., 1947). Upon his return the
following day, the cinder cone was already 30 meters in height. By the time the officials arrived
on the sixth day, the cone had reached 120 meters and engulfed most of Dionisio’s corn field
(Abbott & Samson, 2012). Despite the explosiveness of the new volcano and its rapid growth in
height and overall area, as well as the limited warning and knowledge of what to do, only 3 lives
were lost after the initial phase of eruption, with discrepancy as to whether lightning from
pyroclastic clouds was the cause, or respiratory problems from volcanic gases were to blame
(Abbott & Samson, 2012; Elson et al., 2002). While it is agreed the ash and air pollutants would
be detrimental to human health – especially young children and the elderly – Elson et al. (2002)
agree that lightning strikes created by pyroclastic clouds are a common occurrence with
volcanoes and are responsible for the human deaths as well as several cows and horses.
Additionally, they estimate livestock deaths from breathing airborne ash at 4500 cattle and 550
Over a period of nine years, Paricutin volcano continuously erupted. When finished,
there was simply nothing to return to. Vegetation would not grow except for certain patches.
Some areas around the body of the volcano seemed promising. Vegetation grew back in a
relatively small amount of time. Certain parts of the surrounding land appeared to be a mulch
of light soil rich with water (Lindig-Cisneros, Galindo-Vallejo & Lara-Cabrera, 2006). Despite
positive appearances, the prominent plant growth was not suitable for the local way of life as it
was before. In these patches of growth, no desirable plant life could be supported for any kind
of agricultural means. The residents of the area could not continue their way of life in this
location. Tephra deposits aside, locals of Paricutin could not return home due to a very simple
reason. Their home was engulfed by a 25 square
kilometer cinder cone mountain. Even the town
of Parangaricutrio was not spared. Houses and
any other structures in the path of the lava flows
were flattened and engulfed, or burned away.
The only remnants of these communities are the
Lava Buried Church San Juan Parangaricutiro
steeples of their churches, protruding above the
hardened lava flows, miraculously intact despite the total destruction of everything else in its
Faced with an unstoppable force, watching the advancing lava, the people of Paricutin
and surrounding areas had no plan or preparedness for what they were facing. Liquid rock
advancing on their homes brought forth desperation. With their limited resources, there was
nothing more they could have done, besides leaving the area sooner. Some of the actions
performed as described by Elson et al. (2002) included desperate prayers and the construction
of wooden crosses. These crosses were erected in front of the flows and prayers were offered
to the gods to forgive any wrong doings that were deserving of such punishment as destruction
by this fiery force. Plainly stated, the barrier of crosses had absolutely no effect on the outcome
that was to be. Another religious practice was to offer prayers at the grave sites of ancestors,
again, apologizing and asking forgiveness for any sins that may have offended them and caused
the situation to occur.
Currently, there are no concrete measures by Mexican government to actually mitigate
any effects of natural disasters that occur. Rather, Alcantara-Alaya (2004) alludes to the fact
there is no such measures in Mexico to avoid the effects of natural hazards and prevent a
disaster from happening. Government officials have steps in place and plenty of resources at
the ready for the aftermath of a critical situation. In regards to decreasing vulnerability and
promoting prevention, Alcantara-Alaya (2004) states, “…[prevention] can be achieved to some
extent by incorporating local knowledge and initiatives into the framework of public policy and
decision making.” Actions such as enforcement of building codes, including structural
requirements, location restrictions for high risk areas and an action plan which includes
supplies in case of an emergency, are but a few ways losses could be reduced. Additionally, as
well as more importantly, these preventative steps would save countless lives. In another
important statement regarding settlements in this type of region, Alcantara-Alaya (2004)
writes, “…disasters in this region illustrates the conditions of extreme risk faced by mountain
communities in all parts of the world.” Regarding the severity and magnitude of a disaster, she
attributes the contributing factors in her writing, as, “high levels of marginality, lack of well
established educational schemes, unemployment, poor housing conditions, the scarcity of
health services, and scanty infrastructure and communication systems.” Perhaps the most
critical of these contributing factors is the sufficient organization and availability of health
services. During a natural disaster, medical responders and physicians may find themselves in
any of a wide range of scenarios, including disaster planning, epidemiological surveillance,
advising on the transport of volcanic emissions and of course, treating external wounds and
those who have inhaled toxic gases (Hansell, Horwell & Oppenheimer, 2006). The people of
Paricutin who have all been relocated need not have any fear of the Paricutin Volcano erupting
again. It is considered a monogenetic volcano, meaning it is ‘dead,’ or permanently dormant
and will never erupt again. As mentioned above, however, the area is still considered an active
site for volcanism. Though Paricutin is no longer a threat – and depending on the location on
the volcanic belt – there are still recurrence intervals to keep in mind. From various sources, we
find intervals on the belt anywhere from ~500 to 2000 years to ~2000 to 6000 years (Elson et
al., 2002; McBirney, Taylor, Armstrong, 1987).
Volcanoes are an unpredictable, unstoppable force of nature fuelled by forces within
the Earth. Humans have survived throughout history, in the presence of some of these
volcanoes. We have learned to predict, pinpoint and dissect volcanoes to discover composition
and type. The cinder cone of Paricutin is just another creation of the tectonics within our Earth.
We have measured it from seismic activity before its emergence, to the chemical composition
after it cooled and became dormant, as well as the effects of the volcano on surrounding areas
to the present. It is a scientific marvel, as it is such a rare circumstance for humans to witness a
volcano from day one until its end. Despite the excitement of studying this rarity, we also use
the opportunity to discover how humans can stay away from volcanic eruptions and better
predict when they will occur. As exciting as discovery may be, the most critical part is
maintaining the safety of the general public. While avoiding a threat is the best way to alleviate
the potential for harm, simply moving to a new location may not be enough. The former
inhabitants of Paricutin may have moved away from an old threat – to the site of the next
volcano to be born.
Alcantara-Alaya, I. (2004) Flowing Mountains in Mexico: Incorporating Local Knowledge and
Initiatives to Confront Disaster and Promote Prevention. Mountain Research and
Development, 24(1), p.10-13. Retrieved Sept. 22, 2014, from
Bulletin of Seismology Society of America [Trans Mexican Volcanic Belt map], Retrieved Oct. 10,
2014, from:
Dickinson, W. & Hatherton, T. (1967) Andesitic Volcanism and Seismicity Around the Pacific.
Science 157(3790), p.801-803
Elson, Ort, Hesse & Duffield (2002) Lava, Corn and Ritual in the Northern Southwest. American
Antiquity, 67(1), p.119-135
Hansell, A., Horwell, C. & Oppenheimer, C. (2006) Education: The Health Hazards of Volcanoes
and Geothermal Areas. Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 63(2), p.149-156.
Retrieved from: /stable/27732689
Lindig-Cisneros, R., Galindo-Vallejo, S. & Lara-Cabrera, S. (2006) Vegetation of Tephra Deposits
50 Years after the End of the Eruption of the Paricutín Volcano, Mexico. Southwestern
Naturalist 51(4) p.455-461. Retrieved from: /stable/20424754
McBirney, Taylor, Armstrong (1987) Paricutin Re-examined. Contributions to Mineralogy and
Petrology 95(4) p.4-20. Retrieved from:
National Geographic (2014) Atlas of the World (8th ed.). Washington: National Geographic
United Stated Geological Survey (2011) Principal Types of Volcanoes. Retrieved from