Learning Contract Sample - Social Work

Baccalaureate Social Work Program – Office of Field Education
Learning Contract Instructions and SAMPLE
We encourage all of our field instructors to create assignments that are based on agency opportunities as well as
students’ interests, desires, and personal situations. You do not need to pick assignments from these lists. We
hope this list of examples inspires you to be creative as well as realistic. It is meant to give you examples under
each competency to help you review what others have done and envision what might be possible for your
student/s at your agency. Please create assignments so that they are measurable and specific to your
agency/student/supervision circumstances.
Some Steps to Consider:
1. When you begin the process, look at the opportunities that are available, the tasks that you perform in your
job, and how your student may be part of what you do or part of others’ responsibilities in other departments.
2. Talk with the student in order to understand her/his interests and life experiences. How might these interests
play a role in what you determine as assignments?
3. What are the student’s strengths? How might these be expanded through the experiences you provide?
4. What areas in the student’s experience are weak and how might you help her/him build skills and knowledge?
You can help your student/s become responsible for her/his own learning by involving her/him in this process of
establishing assignments, reviewing progress weekly, giving feedback, and completing the evaluations each
semester. The process starts here and you and your student can create a solid foundation upon which to build
her/his learning. The Learning Contract should be a “live document” that is used during each supervision session.
Competency #1: Field placement student identifies as a professional
social worker and conducts himself/herself accordingly. Assignments
should involve: client advocacy, understanding of professional development and
deportment, professional roles and boundaries, and the use of supervision.
Sample Field Practice Activities to Develop and Demonstrate Competency #1:
Complete professional writing assignments such as, letters, memos, process recordings, reports, grant
applications, assessments, etc.
Gain competency in using agency computer systems for managing information searching for resources,
research, and communication
Prepare and carry out an educational or advocacy program for agency clients
Research community resources and develop a manual for use by agency staff
Staff the intake desk and complete intake calls and make referrals
Prepare and deliver a presentation to colleagues
Interview agency social workers for understanding of their career paths
Attend social work staff meetings
Participate in social work professional organizations, such as NASW
Use supervision and evaluation to plan for ongoing professional learning and growth
Set own career development goals
Competency #2: Field placement student applies social work ethical
principles to guide his or her professional practice. Assignments should
include: discussing personal values and practice in using the NASW Code of
Ethics to make ethical decisions.
Sample Field Practice Activities to Develop and Demonstrate Competency #2:
• Participate in social work professional organizations, such as NASW
• Discuss personal values with supervisor as they apply to assigned work
• Discuss cultural differences and assumptions as they affect assigned work with clients during supervision
• Use supervision and process recordings to reflect on communication styles, values, and biases
• Join NASW
• Use supervision and process recordings to identify and explore ethical issues
• Share an ethical dilemma and discuss possible solutions and protocol
• Research competing and complimentary codes of ethics in agency setting (education & social work or health
& social work)
• Discuss transference issues with supervisor
• Review cultural biases and discuss ideas and concerns during supervision
Competency #3: Field placement student applies critical thinking to inform
and communicate professional judgments. Assignments should include: use
of multiple sources of knowledge, analysis of models of assessment,
prevention, intervention, and evaluation and opportunity to practice written and
oral communication.
Sample Field Practice Activities to Develop and Demonstrate Competency #3:
Critically evaluate professional literature relevant to the agency practice
Gain experience in differentiating routine and emergency issues
Assess and critique client handbook, intake and assessment tools, or agency procedures
Research a type of client disability and discuss best strategies for work
Assess a best practice guideline for goodness of fit with a specific practice situation
Present a client assessment and intervention plan to instructor or for group consultation at the agency
Competency #4: Field placement student engages diversity and difference in
practice. Assignments should include: opportunities to discover how a culture’s
structures may positively or negatively affect the creation or enhancement of
privilege and power; to gain self-awareness, to understand the importance of
difference, and to accept that the process of learning is life-long.
Sample Field Practice Activities to Develop and Demonstrate Competency #4:
Use supervision to identify and explore issues in cultural competency
Attend agency cultural competency training
Research cultures (traditions, values, religions and family structures) of clients, groups, or communities to
better understand them
Attend multicultural night at the agency
Develop community resource list that serves client population
Prepare a program that meets the needs of a specific cultural group
Work with at least two assigned diverse families, clients, groups, or communities served by the agency
Conduct a cultural competency assessment of the placement agency with reference to NASW Standards and
Indicators for Cultural Competency
Interview colleagues/community members from diverse cultural backgrounds
Use supervision to discuss the effects of oppression on specific client groups
Use supervision to discuss the impact of social and economic issues that clients face
Work with a client group that does not speak English
Research issues that can arise from having so many people of different cultural backgrounds together
Competency #5: Field placement student advances human rights and social
and economic justice. Assignments should include: experience with oppression
and discrimination, and opportunities for advocacy and practice with advancing
human rights and economic justice.
Sample Field Practice Activities to Develop and Demonstrate Competency #5:
Develop a program that meets the employment needs of clients
Work with agency client committee to develop client advocacy project
Facilitate a group for those who are under-represented in the agency
Advocate for resources for clients in need
Work in an agency program that meets basic human needs
Work with women who have restricted opportunities because they are single mothers on welfare
Work with clients who are homeless to establish short and long term goals to meet their needs for housing
and employment
Research the opportunities available for youth who have had court involvement
Research issues related to child support and custody issues
Identify strengths in assigned clients, families, and communities
Competency #6: Field placement student engages in research-informed
practice and practice-informed research. Assignments should include:
opportunities to understand the role of research in the agency and its application
to practice, and how practice informs research.
Sample Field Practice Activities to Develop and Demonstrate Competency #6:
Locate articles on a client or agency issue, share in supervision
Read curriculum suggested for clients according to child’s age and parent’s needs
Complete data documents needed for grant funded program report
Develop a survey to identify areas that shelter residents would like to see improved
Research intervention methods specific to the agency
Create, distribute, compile, and analyze a client satisfaction survey
Research relevant policies on homelessness and community issues
Develop an intervention plan using an evidence-based process
Meet with agency personnel who are responsible for research and outcome measurement
Develop a design to measure practice outcomes
Research the opportunities available for youth who have had court involvement
Research issues related to child support and custody issues
Research the effects of agency regulations on client groups
Competency #7: Field placement student applies knowledge of human
behavior and the social environment. Assignments should include: discussion
and opportunities to apply and critique human behavior concepts in assessment,
intervention, and evaluation.
Sample Field Practice Activities to Develop and Demonstrate Competency #7:
Use eco maps, genograms, and similar tools to facilitate assessment and intervention goals for assigned
Read additional materials provided by the agency to supplement classroom knowledge
Visit places that will increase understanding of clients' social systems
Identify and discuss environmental factors that affect clients’ functioning
Conduct home visits to increase understanding of client’s social systems
Attend and participate in an IEP meeting for assigned students
Apply various theoretical approaches in client work and discuss their effectiveness with supervisor
Use Ages and Stages questionnaire, as mandated by funder, to assess children’s’ progress in growth and
Attend Implementation Service Team meetings
Work with youth in agency on community service project
Competency #8: Field placement student engages in policy practice to
advance social and economic well-being and to deliver effective social
work services. Assignments should include: discussion of policy and its effect
on service delivery, analysis of the policy change process in the agency, and the
opportunity to explore policy change.
Sample Field Practice Activities to Develop and Demonstrate Competency #8:
Use supervision to identify and assess policy issues affecting clients
Read the agency policy handbook and understand the effects of various policies on clients and the delivery of
Participate in a meeting with legislators to advocate for non-closure of the program due to funding being
Participate in opportunities for letter writing on issues of agency clients such as the elderly, AIDS, immigrants
Become knowledgeable about the No Child Left Behind legislation and its effects on children in the school
Understand the mandated reporting laws
Research a social work bill such as one to increase social workers in nursing homes
Participate in problem solving sessions when increased needs demand policy changes
Explore the alternatives when policies are not followed because of funding cuts
Research laws related to bullying and schools responses to the issue
Assess the differential impact of policies on various populations
Create a resource binder for staff on relevant research articles
Propose a policy initiative for the agency
Follow the implementation of a policy initiative
Report on a policy issue to agency staff
Competency #9: Field placement student responds to contexts that shape
practice. Assignments should include: exploration of the community served by
the agency and observation or involvement in developing services to respond
to changing needs in the community.
Sample Field Practice Activities to Develop and Demonstrate Competency #9:
Participate in a community assessment
Participate in problem-solving sessions when increased needs demand policy or programmatic changes
Develop a proposal for a new agency program
Work in an agency program that meets basic human needs
Observe present program functioning, develop changes or new programs to meet new needs
Walk in the community where the agency is located and observe the surroundings and the issues faced by
residents; discuss with supervisor
Research resources available to clients and how they may be accessed
Interview other social workers providing different services to different clients
Interview staff in other disciplines to understand their roles as they differ and compliment social work roles
Discuss budget cuts and the resultant effect on program delivery
Assess community resources for their relevance for use in the programs
Participate in an advocacy group
Competency #10: Field placement student engages, assesses,
intervenes, and evaluates with individuals, families, groups,
organizations, and communities. Assignments should include: working with
an individual, group or community to apply skills in engagement, assessment,
intervention, and evaluation.
Sample Field Practice Activities to Develop and Demonstrate Competency #10:
Conduct professional interviews with assigned clients, groups, and/or communities to build collaborative
Prepare a supervision agenda each week to review each assignment
Compile a list of information or resources needed to achieve client, group, and/or community goals
Complete at least 3 intakes
Attend and participate in substance abuse support group
Work with at least ten students in the school
Make referrals of assigned clients to appropriate services
Participate with the client, group, or community in the development of an intervention plan
Assist, prepare material, and facilitate at least five support groups
Work with at least five homeless families to locate housing and employment
Assist in building collaborative relationships between the agency and other agencies in the community
Prepare an assessment of an assigned case, group, or community to discuss in supervision
Use eco-maps, genograms, and other assessment tools with assigned clients
Develop and implement a practice evaluation that measures goal achievement and/or clinical significance
Submit process recordings that include self-reflection on practice
Work with youth in the agency on a community service project
Identify needs, create a group to meet needs, staff the group, and evaluate the group progress
Adapted from St. Joseph College of Social Work, 2012. (http://www.usj.edu/academics/schools/school-of-graduate-and-professional-studies/socialwork/forms.html)