transcription genotype

Lesson Sequence
Teacher Name
SB2 Students will analyze how biological traits are passed on to successive generations.
b. Explain the role of DNA in storing and transmitting cellular information
d. Describe the relationships between changes in DNA and potential appearance of new traits including
Alterations during replication (insertions, deletions, substitutions)
Mutagenic factors that can alter DNA (high energy radiation (x-rays & uV), chemical agents
Lesson Title:
Working with the Code
Text : Glencoe Biology,
Section 12.3, pp. 336-338
Lesson Title:
Protein Synthesis Overview
Text : Glencoe Biology,
Section 12.3, pp. 338-340.
Lesson Title:
Protein Synthesis Role Play
Text : Glencoe Biology,
Section 12.3, pp. 339.
Lesson Title:
Gene Regulation in
Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes
Text : Glencoe Biology,
Section 12.4, pp. 342-344.
Lesson Title:
Mutations: Types and Causes
Text : Glencoe Biology,
Section 12.4, pp. 345-349.
Objective(s): TLW…
4. contrast transcription &
5. explain how messenger RNA,
ribosomal RNA, and transfer RNA
are involved in the transcription
and translation of genes.
6 . Use the genetic code of
codons to specify amino acid
sequence in a polypeptide.
Objective(s): TLW…
7. contrast transcription &
8. explain how messenger RNA,
ribosomal RNA, & transfer RNA
are involved in the transcription
and translation of genes.
9 . Use the genetic code of
codons to specify amino acid
sequence in a polypeptide.
DNA, gene, genotype;
transcription vs translation;
mRNA, codon, & genetic code;
tRNA, anticodon, & amino acid;
polypeptide, protein, phenotype
DNA, gene, genotype;
transcription vs translation;
mRNA, codon, & genetic code;
tRNA, anticodon, & amino acid;
polypeptide, protein, phenotype
Objective(s): TLW…
1. distinguish the structural and
functional differences between
DNA and RNA.
2. describe how the code of DNA
is transcribed into messenger RNA.
3. explain why the mRNA
transcript is significantly shorter
than the DNA code (RNA editing
cuts out introns, exons are
ribonucleic Acid (RNA);
RNA Polymerase;
introns vs exons;
transcription vs translation;
codon, genetic code
WarmUp (10 min):
p. 354, #22-26. All Ss on task
(circulate, hover, cajole,
WarmUp (5 min):
make-em-do-their-best) then
How does DNA Replicate?
collect as formative assessment,
Quickly sketch this process.
but do not discuss today.
When and why does it do this?
Activator (10 min):
Activator (10 min):
T pose question:
Play Transcription Waltz podcast, What is a gene? How do your
genes make you look like you?
then ask, “So I see you realize that Give Ss 2 min. to discuss with
the DNA has to “unzip” to replicate. a partner, then call on 4-5 diff. Ss
What is a “gene” and why does the and record thoughts on board.
DNA also “unzip” when proteins
Connect Ss language/ideas to
are made?”
vocabulary terms on word wall.
Activities & Assessment:
Then click through slideshow on
(10 min): T: show & narrate first
T pass out tRNA cards to 8
different Ss, have 8 labelled
amino acid (balloons) in room.
2 chairs front and center with
tape available.
WarmUp: (10 min): Return
yesterday’s work from p. 354,
#22-26 and discuss answers.
Activities & Assessment:
Protein Syn. Role Play(25 min):
T: Review protein synthesis
via questions & explanations
Ss: listen answer questions; ask
T: Review base pairing rules for
Objective(s): TLW…
10. describe two ways bacteria are
able to regulate gene expression,
when provided a diagram of the
Trp and Lac operon.
11. Discuss how eukaryotes
regulate transcription of genes
gene expression,
prokaryote & operons (Lac, Trp);
eukaryote & Hox genes;
WarmUp: (10 min): Review
scoring of Protein Synthesis
paragraph from yesterday for
Muddiest Point - write, then share
the most confusing or difficult
part of the lessons on protein
Activities & Assessment:
T explain operons via Animation
then lead class through Problem
(online animated quiz) (15 min):
Ss fill out provided notesheet
on Obj 7 & 8.
Ss view animation on gene
regulation in eukaryotes (15 min):
Objective(s): TLW…
12. define mutation in context of DNA
replication, repair, and regulation.
13. Describe the relationship
between changes in DNA and the
potential appearance of new traits
13a. alterations during replication
(insertion, deletion, substitution),
13b. mutagenic factors that can
alter DNA (radiation & chemicals)
Vocabulary: mutation, mutagen;
body cell vs sex cell;
substitution (missense & nonsense),
frameshift (deletion & insertion),
Protein Synthesis quiz (8 min):
Activator: (12 min):
Play “telephone” with
two different sentence messages
each written on notecard, read by
one student then passed one-by-one
through class. Last student writes
sentence on board. T shows original
message. Ss detect errors.
How is this similar to mutations?
Work with what Ss are able to give,
return to this at closing of lesson.
Activities & Assessment:
T direct/interactive instruction
13 clicks on Animation link at
DNA From the Beginning
“What is a gene?” (lower left) at
RNA transcribing DNA, write
reminder note on the board.
Explain DNA/gene sketch on
Ss: Jot DNA/RNA differences on
board (N-base sequence from
Activities & Assessment:
sticky note(s).
the hemoglobin gene). Highlite
Direct Instruction (20min)
(10 min): T: Will instruct Ss to
codons and direct Ss to
Using ppt, T reviews
bring Post-notes and place them
transcribe DNA  mRNA. Call
1. RNA –slides1-4
on board. T use ppt slides and Ss
2. transcription/translation-sl 5 a Ss to board to do so, acting as
Post-notes to lead discussion as
RNA Polymerase.
3. Frontload vocab. –sl6
ss take notes on Obj 1.
4. Ss interpret ProtSyn animation Ss: Transcribe the codons
T demo correct N-base order
at slide 7 (view several times)
(5 min): T show Transcription &
In mRNA with card model of the
5. Big Picture discussion-Sl 8
RNA Editing part of this video
transcript (8 index cards taped
6. Quick Check for Understanding: end to end, each is one codon).
View 1- run it and let ‘em watch.
T: calls up two students to sit
What is Transcription?
View 2- explains vocabulary in
at front chairs as ribosome,
context (stopping video as needed) What is Translation?
lay mRNA transcript at their
Put your name on the post-it
View 3- run it and let ‘em watch.
Write your definition on notecard lap, designate A-site (person
takes incoming amino acid) and
Ss take quick break – get up to
(10 min): Ss: To meet Obj 2&3,
P-site (person holds growing
working in pairs, each S write a
7. Slide 9 – T help Ss make sense polypeptide), both use tape to
paragraph describing
of the two processes, with vocab bond amino acids together.
transcription, using terms:
--Aided by handout and ppt slide,
& examples from Ss & T for
Codon, DNA, editing, exon, gene,
T leads translations role play:
appreciation of
genetic code, intron,
ribosomes call out codon base
7. Click through translation
ribonucleic Acid (RNA),
Triplet, students read genetic
RNA Polymerase, transcription
Code, determine exact amino
Guided Practice (10 min):
acid and correct tRNA steps up
As pairs finish, guide exchange for Protein Synthesis Foldable
to bring amino acid to ribosome.
Closing (5 min): Call on Ss to
grading, providing score sheet
--Run through first 6-8 amino
and briefly explaining to each pair review foldable inputs, show
Acids, letting leadership in the
(score sheet includes completed
class emerge. By final few amino
paragraph frame and brief definiacids, class should be running
Homework Study Suggestion:
tions of each vocabulary term).
this role play w/o help from T.
Collect Score sheets; complete
http://www.wiscFormative Assessment 15 min:
grading of all paragraphs and
Demonstrate your understanding
return tomorrow. (Worth 10 pts,
and in text study page 339 and
1 point for each correct term use). See if you can answer 1-4 p.341. of protein synthesis, by writing
your thoughts on the provided
(5 min): Closing:
paper (includes diagrams and
Return to Activator:
(or enrichment option):
these terms:
When does DNA “unzip” and why? Read and tell the story of how
Question Ss about the “everyday” humans cracked the genetic code. DNA, gene, genotype;
transcription vs translation; the “biological” meaning of
mRNA, codon, & genetic code;
replicate and transcribe.
and animation at
tRNA, anticodon, & amino acid;
polypeptide, protein, phenotype)
Extra-option: (2 min video on
Closing (5 min):
Transcription & RNA Processing)
Good Review Video for ProtSyn
via ppt on Mutations (15 min):
Genes that produce basic body
parts of all animals. (15 min):
Ss view brief Video, read
from Genetic Tool Kit module at
PBS Teachers’ Domain
Explains “Mutations by Analogy”
activity, (15 min)
T circulates and assists
as students decode 5 messages.
T leads post-video conversation
To guide students in writing their
ansers to 5 Discussion Questions
T works out questions 6-10 with
class, relating these questions to
previous explanations.
Closing: Restate three aspects of
gene regulation discussed today:
1. Operons in prokaryotes
2. Transcription control in
3. Hox genes in eukaryoties
Closing: (5 min)
p. 346, Ss compare analogy
sentence with mutation type and
the related genetic disorder.
Repose and discuss Activator
Question – How are sentence errors
similar to genetic mutaions?
Instructional Objectives: TLW…
1. distinguish the structural and functional differences between DNA and RNA.
2. describe how the code of DNA is transcribed into messenger RNA.
3. explain why the mRNA transcript is significantly shorter than the DNA code (RNA editingcuts out introns, exons are expressed)
4. contrast transcription & translation.
5. explain how messenger RNA, ribosomal RNA, and transfer RNA
are involved in the transcription and translation of genes.
6 . Use the genetic code of codons to specify amino acid sequence in a polypeptide.
7. contrast transcription & translation.
8. explain how messenger RNA, ribosomal RNA, & transfer RNA are involved in the transcription and translation of genes.
9 . Use the genetic code of codons to specify amino acid sequence in a polypeptide.
10. describe two ways bacteria are able to regulate gene expression, when provided a diagram of theTrp and Lac operon.
11. Discuss how eukaryotes regulate transcription of genes
12. define mutation in context of DNA replication, repair, and regulation.
13. Describe the relationship between changes in DNA and the potential appearance of new traits including
13a. alterations during replication
(insertion, deletion, substitution),
13b. mutagenic factors that can
alter DNA (radiation & chemicals)