8 September 2015 Author approved edits Supplemental Material Record Books Do Not Capture Population Trends in Bovid Trophy Size MARCO FESTA-BIANCHET,1 Département de Biologie, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, QC J1K 2R1, Canada SUSANNE SCHINDLER,² Department of Zoology, University of Oxford, Oxford OX1 3PS, England, United Kingdom FANIE PELLETIER,¹ Département de Biologie, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, QC J1K 2R1, Canada MODEL DESCRIPTION We constructed an individual-based model of a population of male bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) and coded it in JAVA. Below we describe the data we use and the statistical analyses performed to estimate survival and horn growth. We list the estimates in Tables 1–3. DATA We use data from male bighorn sheep at Ram Mountain, Alberta, Canada. Although data are available from 1975 to 2013, we only use records from 1975 to 1992, because a combination of density-dependent and selective effects from 1992 to 2013 caused slower horn growth, so that the majority of male sheep died without reaching the legal definition at four-fifths-curl (more details on the curl-regulation are given below). For the survival analysis we use data from 1975 to 2013. Available measurements represent survivors from the hunt, so data from males older than 4 years are biased. SURVIVAL We use survival estimates of Gaillard et al. (2004), adding a survival rate of 30% for 13-yearolds and 0% for 14-year-olds. HORN LENGTH Fitted parameters describing horns growing in length are listed in Table 3. We have sufficient data of males aged between 4 and 9 years to estimate annuli increments of 4–8-year-olds. For older males we initially assumed that horns grow on average 1 cm/year with a standard deviation (SD) set to the mean value of SDs. With these measures we obtained unrealistic long horns, so we reduced the mean of increments for older ages (≥6 yr) to account for wear (Table 3). To reduce the bias in horn length through early death of hunted males, we used annuli increments to model growth instead of changes in absolute horn lengths, but we had to account for tear and wear at the horn tips accordingly. LEGALITY We model bighorn sheep harvested under the four-fifths-curl hunting regulation. The probability of a male with given horn length to be legal under the four-fifths-curl regulation has been determined in Festa-Bianchet et al. (2014) and parameters of the fit are reproduced in Table 2. THE MODEL We implemented an individual-based model in the JAVA programming language and compiled it with the javac-compiler of version 1.6.0_24. The program was run on a Dell Sandybridgemachine with 64-bit processor and the Red Hat Enterprise Linux operating system. In our model, a male recruits to the population at age 4 and lives for maximally 10 further years, so that all males are aged between 4 and 14 years. In addition to its age, a male has 3 further properties: the length of its horn (without loss of generality we focus on one horn only), the male’s legal status, and whether it is eligible for the record book if it is shot. One time step corresponds to 1 year, and at each time step a number of 4-year-old males recruit to the population. This number is Gaussian distributed (see Table 1 for parameter settings). The horn lengths of recruits are Gaussian distributed (Table 1) and the probability of being legal is based on horn length (Table 2). These probabilities were derived from field observations of males of known age and horn length (Festa-Bianchet et al. 2014). According to the age-specific survival rates, we determine which males survive (Table 3). Those that survive become older (i.e., their age increases by 1) and their horns grow. That means horns lengthen by increments that are Gaussian distributed (Table 3). Negative increments are set to zero, which corresponds to no growth. We assumed that after 9 years the average increment in horn size was equal to the average amount of wear (Table 3). After 10 initial time steps all age classes are potentially represented and hunting with an intensity of 40% is introduced after 5 additional time steps. That means the probability of a legal male to be shot during the hunt is 40% (see Figs. 1–2 for a simulation with a 10% harvest rate of legal males). The sequence of operators within a time step (year) in the model is as follows: recruitment and update of legal status of each male (May); hunting season (Aug to Oct); followed by natural mortality, horn growth, and ageing (Nov to May). Table 1: Parameters for 4-year old bighorn male recruits. Mean cohort size of 4-year olds 10000 SD of cohort size of 4-year olds 1000 Mean horn length at age 4 61 cm SD of horn length at age 4 5.94 Table 2: Parameters for probability function that a bighorn male would be legal. A male with horn length x is legal with probability p(x) = 1 / (1 + e − (a + b x)) under the 4/5-curl regulation. We use the estimates in Festa-Bianchet et al., (2014). Intercept a -19.01 Slope b 0.25 Table 3: Age-specific natural survival rates and annuli increments (in cm) for bighorn males. Increments include a reduction to account for wear. We assumed no net increase in length from 9 years of age onward. Age 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Probability to survive 0.860 0.841 0.826 0.805 0.788 0.77 0.74 0.72 0.69 0.3 14 0 Annuli increments Mean (wear) in cm SD 10.59 1.477 8.15 1.501 4.45 (2) 1.162 2.73 (2) 1.367 1.49 (2) 1.071 0 (1) 1.316 0 (1) 1.316 0 (1) 1.316 0 (1) 1.316 0 (1) 1.316 0 (1) 1.316 Figure 1: Simulated changes in average horn length of bighorn sheep males under a harvest regime of 10%. Plots show average horn length of harvested males with horns of at least 97 cm (record), all harvested males with horns describing at least 4/5 of a curl, and all males aged 4 years and older (Total). We compared three populations with a starting average length of 61 cm for 4-year-old males, then simulated (A) an increase of horn length of 4-year-olds by 1% a year, (B) a decrease by 1% a year and (C) no temporal change in horn length of 4-year-olds. Figure 2: Simulated changes in the standard deviation of horn length under a harvest regime of 10%. Plots show the standard deviation of horn length of harvested males with horns at least 97 cm (record), all harvested males with horns describing at least 4/5 of a curl, and all males aged 4 years and older (total) in a bighorn population with a starting standard deviation of 5.94 and average length of 61 cm for 4-year-old males, then (a) average horn length of 4-year-olds increases by 1% a year, (b) declines by 1% a year and (c) is stable. LITERATURE CITED Festa-Bianchet, M., F. Pelletier, J. T. Jorgenson, C. Feder, and A. Hubbs. 2014. Decrease in horn size and increase in age of trophy sheep in Alberta over 37 years. Journal of Wildlife Management 78:133–141. Gaillard, J. M., A. Viallefont, A. Loison, and M. Festa-Bianchet. 2004. Assessing senescence patterns in populations of large mammals. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation 27:47–58. Table 1. Parameters for 4-year-old male bighorn sheep recruits. Mean cohort size of 4-yr-olds 10,000 SD of cohort size of 4-yr-olds 1,000 Mean horn length at age 4 61 cm SD of horn length at age 4 5.94 Table 2. Parameters for probability function that a male bighorn sheep would be legal. A male with horn length x is legal with probability p(x) = 1 / (1 + e − (a + b x) ) under the four-fifths-curl regulation. We use the estimates produced by (Festa-Bianchet et al. 2014). Intercept a −19.01 Slope b 0.25 Table 3. Age-specific natural survival rates and annuli increments (in cm) for male bighorn sheep. Increments include the reduction to account for wear. We assumed no net increase in length from 9 years of age onward. Annuli increments Age Probability to survive Mean (wear) in cm SD 4 0.860 10.59 1.477 5 0.841 8.15 1.501 6 0.826 4.45 (2) 1.162 7 0.805 2.73 (2) 1.367 8 0.788 1.49 (2) 1.071 9 0.77 0 (1) 1.316 10 0.74 0 (1) 1.316 11 0.72 0 (1) 1.316 12 0.69 0 (1) 1.316 13 0.3 0 (1) 1.316 14 0 0 (1) 1.316 Figure 1. Simulated changes in the average horn length under a restrictive harvest regime of 10%. Plots show average horn length of harvested male bighorn sheep with horns of ≥97 cm (record), all harvested males with horns describing at least four-fifths of a curl, and all males aged ≥4 years (Total). We compared 3 bighorn populations with a starting average length of 61 cm for 4-year-old males, then simulated (A) an increase of horn length of 4-year-olds by 1%/year, (B) a decrease by 1%/year, and (C) no temporal change in horn length of 4-year-olds. Figure 2. Simulated changes in the standard deviation of horn length under a restrictive harvest regime of 10%. Plots show the standard deviation of horn length of harvested male bighorn sheep with horns ≥97 cm (record), all harvested males with horns describing at least four-fifths of a curl, and all males aged ≥4 years (total) in a bighorn population with a starting standard deviation of 5.94 and average length of 61 cm for 4-year-old males, then (a) average horn length of 4-year-olds increasing by 1%/year, (b) declining by 1%/year, and (c) stable.