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2014 MBTA Title VI Report—Alternative Text
The report cover is comprised of three images; two of people using transit and one of an MBTA transit police officer, the report title
“MBTA Title VI Report, May 2014,” and “Beverly A. Scott, Ph.D.; General Manager and Rail and Transit Administrator”
This report contains 81 tables and 43 figures, many of which are not fully navigable using a screen reader. If you would like to obtain
any of the data displayed in these tables or figures in an accessible format, please contact CTPS at 617-973-7100.
Table 1-1. 2014 MBTA Triennial Title VI Report
 Table 1-1 is a text table consisting of four columns and 17 rows.
 It cites the contents of the Title VI report according to the following categories: “Report Chapter, Provisions, FTA C 4702.1B
Reference, and Reporting Requirements.”
 Column heads read: Report Chapter; Provisions; FTA C 4702.1B Reference; Reporting Requirements
 Row heads read: Introduction; General Reporting Requirements; Demographic Data and Maps; Customer Survey Data;
Service Standards and Policies; Service Monitoring; Service and Fare Changes
Table 2-1. MBTA Title VI Complaints, Lawsuits, and Investigations
 Table 2-1 is a text table consisting of five columns and 47 rows.
 The table lists the Title VI investigations, complaints, and lawsuits filed with the Authority since the MBTA’s June 30, 2011,
submission to the FTA by allegation number according to the following categories: “Forum, Date Filed, Summary of
Allegations, and Status/Action Taken.”
Table 4-1. Modal Use by Ridership Group
 Table 4-1 consists of three columns and four rows.
 It cites the percentages of minority and non-minority riders who travel on Bus, Rapid Transit, and Commuter Rail.
Table 4-2. Fare Type Use by Mode and Minority Status
 Table 4-2 consists of 11 columns and seven rows.
 The table shows (in percentages) the results of the analysis of fare usage by fare type for minority and nonminority riders
on Bus, Rapid Transit, and Commuter Rail according to the following fare types: Single Charlie-Card; Single Charlie-Ticket;
Cash Fare; Single Reduced Fare; Child Free Fare; Family Fare; 10-Ride Pass; 1-Day Link Pass; 7-Day Link Pass; Monthly Pass.
 Note: * = Less than 1%
Table 4-3. Fare Type Use by Mode and Income Status
 Table 4-3 consists of 11 columns and seven rows.
 It shows (in percentages) the results of the analysis of fare usage by fare type for low-income and non-low-income riders on
Bus, Rapid Transit, and Commuter Rail according to the following fare types: Single Charlie-Card; Single Charlie-Ticket; Cash
Fare; Single Reduced Fare; Child Free Fare; Family Fare; 10-Ride Pass; 1-Day Link Pass; 7-Day Link Pass; Monthly Pass.
Table 4-4. Frequency of Use by Mode and Minority Status
 Table 4-4 consists of nine columns and seven rows.
 The table shows the frequency (by days per week) with which minority and nonminority riders (in percentages) use Bus,
Rapid Transit, and Commuter Rail.
Table 4-5. Transfer Rates by Mode and Minority Status
 Table 4-5 consists of four columns and four rows.
 The table shows (in percentages) the rate of transfers made by minority and nonminority riders on Bus, Rapid Transit, and
Commuter Rail, including the average.
Table 4-6. Percentage of Riders Possessing a Driver’s License by Mode and Minority Status
 Table 4-6 consists of three columns and eight rows.
 It shows (in percentages) the riders possessing a driver license by mode and minority status who ride the bus, rapid transit,
and commuter rail.
Table 4-7. Percentage of Riders Possessing Zero, One, Two, or “Three or More” Vehicles per Household by Mode and Minority
 Table 4-7 consists of five columns and eight rows.
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The table shows (in percentages) the riders possessing zero, one, two, or three-or-more vehicles per household by mode
and minority status, and who ride the bus, rapid transit, and commuter rail.
Table 5-1. MBTA Core Area Boundaries: Light Rail & Heavy Rail Core Area [Table 9 in the Service Delivery Policy]
 Table 5-1 consists of two columns and four rows.
 It shows the boundaries of the MBTA light- and heavy-rail core areas for the Blue, Orange, Red, and Green lines.
Table 5-2. Vehicle Load Standards by Mode [Table 10 in the Service Delivery Policy]
 Table 5-2 consists of three columns and seventeen rows.
 It lists the vehicle load standards according to mode, time period, and ratio of passengers to seats.
Table 5-3. MBTA Weekday Time Period Definitions [Table 4 in the Service Delivery Policy]
 Table 5-3 consists of two columns and nine rows.
 It cites the hours for the weekday time periods of: Early AM; AM Peak; Midday Base; Midday School; PM Peak; Evening;
Late Evening; Night/Sunrise
Table 5-4.Minimum Frequency of Service Standards [Table 5 in the Service Delivery Policy]
 Table 5-4 consists of three columns and ten rows.
 It cites the minimum frequency of service standards by mode, weekday time periods and minimum frequency. (The
Minimum Frequency of Service standards are primarily expressed as “Headways,” which indicate the number of minutes
scheduled between trips on a route.)
Table 5-5. Summary of Bus Schedule Adherence Standard [Table 6 in the Service Delivery Policy]
 Table 5-5 consists of four columns and five rows.
 The table defines the schedule adherence standard for buses for scheduled departure trips and walk-up trips according to
three timepoint tests: Origin Timepoint; Mid-Route Time Point(s); Destination.
 The table also notes a “Route Test,” which says, “For any given bus route to be in compliance with the Schedule Adherence
Standard, 75% of all timepoints must be on-time according to the above definitions over the service period measured.”
Table 5-6. Schedule Adherence Standards for Light Rail & Heavy Rail [Table 7 in the Service Delivery Policy]
 Table 5-6 consists of three columns and four rows.
 It cites the schedule adherence standards for light- and heavy rail modes according to: headway performance; trip time
Table 5-7. Schedule Adherence Standards for Commuter Rail & Ferry/Commuter Boat [Table 8 in the Service Delivery Policy]
 Table 5-7 consists of two columns and three rows.
 It cites the schedule adherence standards for Commuter Rail & Ferry/Commuter Boat.
Table 5-8. Coverage Guidelines [Table 2 in the Service Delivery Policy]
 Table 5-8 consists of two columns and three rows.
 It cites the coverage guidelines by service days and minimum coverage.
Table 5-9. Shelter Eligibility Criteria for MBTA Bus Stops
 Table 5-9 consists of two columns and 13 rows.
 It cites the criteria for MBTA bus stops to be eligible to receive a shelter and the value (points) associated with each
 A site must receive a total of 70 points to be considered eligible under this policy.
Table 5-10. Bus Fleet Roster
 Table 5-10 consists of nine columns and 14 rows.
 The table displays a roster of the MBTA’s bus fleet listed by: propulsion type; number of active vehicles; year built; air
conditioning (yes/no); accessible (how); overhaul status; length; width; number of seats.
Table 5-11. Light Rail Fleet Roster
 Table 5-11 has eight columns and five rows.
 The table displays a roster of the MBTA’s Green Line fleet according to: type/class of vehicle; fleet size (number of vehicles);
year built; builder (name); length; width; number of seats.
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Table 5-12. Heavy Rail Fleet Roster
 Table 5-12 has eight columns and six rows.
 The table displays a roster of the MBTA’s heavy rail fleet—the Blue, Orange, and Red Lines—according to: type/class of
vehicle; fleet size (number of vehicles); year built; builder (name); length; width; number of seats.
Table 5-13.Commuter Rail Fleet Roster
 Table 5-13 has six columns and 14 rows.
 The table cites the MBTA’s heavy rail fleet according to: manufacturer, fleet size (number of vehicles); date (built);
classification (BTC = blind trailer coach; CTC = controller trailer coach); date rebuilt; number of seats.
Table 6-1. MBTA Title VI Level-of-Service Monitoring
 Table 6-1 has four columns and 19 rows.
 The table is subdivided into the following sections: 1) Vehicle Load, Vehicle Headway, and On-Time Performance; 2) Transit
Access; 3) Distribution of Transit Amenities; 4) Vehicle Assignment.
 It lists the monitoring activities according to the following categories: Service Indicator; Department(s) Responsible;
Planned Frequency of Compliance Assessments; Even Year or Odd Year.
Table 6-2. Bus and Trackless Trolley: Percentage of Routes That Met the Vehicle Load Standard
 Table 6-2 has four columns and six rows.
 The table lists the percentage of bus and trackless trolley routes that met the vehicle load standard, according to: route
classification, and "weekday, Saturday, or Sunday.”
 It also categorizes the data by: Minority; nonminority; ratio of minority to nonminority; disparate impact threshold; result
of disparate impact analysis.
Table 6-3. Bus and Trackless Trolley: Percentage of Routes That Met the Vehicle Headway Standard
 Table 6-3 has four columns and six rows.
 The table lists the percentage of bus and trackless trolley routes that met the vehicle headway standard, according to: route
classification, and "weekday, Saturday, or Sunday.”
 It also categorizes the data by: Minority; nonminority; ratio of minority to nonminority; disparate impact threshold; result
of disparate impact analysis.
 Notes: NDI = no disparate impact.
Table 6-4. Bus and Trackless Trolley: Percentage of Routes That Met the Schedule Adherence Standard
 Table 6-4 has four columns and six rows.
 The table lists the percentage of bus and trackless trolley routes that met the schedule adherence standard, according to:
route classification, and “weekday, Saturday, or Sunday.”
 It also categorizes the data by: Minority; nonminority; ratio of minority to nonminority; disparate impact threshold; result
of disparate impact analysis.
 Notes: NDI = no disparate impact.
Table 6-5. Heavy and Light Rail Minority Classification
 Table 6-5 has five columns and 11 rows.
 The table classifies the MBTA’s heavy- and light-rail fleet according to Red, Blue, Orange, and Green Lines; and by: branch,
data source, percentage minority; minority classification.
 Notes: AFC = automated fare collection
Table 6-6. Light Rail Vehicle Load: Adherence to Service Standard
 Table 6-6 has nine columns and nine rows.
 It cites whether the light-rail vehicle fleet adheres to the vehicle load service standards.
 The table is arranged by minority classification, line, and branch; and peak and off-peak periods.
 Notes: • = adheres to service standard, X = does not adhere to service standard, N/A = not applicable
Table 6-7. Light Rail Vehicle Load: Disparate Impact Analysis
 Table 6-7 has nine columns and seven rows.
 It presents an analysis of the percentage of the MBTA’s light-rail fleet adhering to the vehicle load service standard,
according to minority classification and peak and off-peak periods, and it shows the Ratio of minority to nonminority;
Disparate impact threshold; Result of disparate impact analysis.
 Notes: N/A = not applicable; the ratio is interminably higher than the disparate impact threshold; NDI = no disparate impact
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Table 6-8. Light Rail Schedule Adherence: Headway-Based Disparate Impact Analysis
 Table 6-8 has two columns and six rows.
 It presents an analysis of the percentage of the MBTA’s light-rail fleet adhering to the headway service standard, according
to minority classification, and it shows the Ratio of minority to nonminority; Disparate impact threshold; Result of disparate
impact analysis.
 Notes: N/A = not applicable; the ratio is interminably higher than the disparate impact threshold; NDI = no disparate impact
Table 6-9. Light Rail Schedule Adherence: Trip-Time-Based Disparate Impact Analysis
 Table 6-9 has two columns and six rows.
 The table shows that the only nonminority light rail line (Green Line D Branch) did not adhere to the trip-time-based
performance standard;
 Hence, the ratio of the percentage of minority lines adhering to the trip-time-based schedule adherence standard to the
percentage of nonminority lines adhering to the trip-time-based schedule adherence standard indicates that there is no
disparate impact on minority populations.
 Notes: N/A = not applicable; the ratio is interminably higher than the disparate impact threshold; NDI = no disparate impact
Table 6-10. Commuter Rail Schedule Adherence: Disparate Impact Analysis
 Table 6-10 has two columns and six rows.
 The table indicates that 67 percent of minority lines met the schedule adherence standard, while only 22 percent of
nonminority lines met the schedule adherence standard.
 Notes: NDI = no disparate impact
Table 6-11. Weekday Transit Coverage within the Bus and Rapid Transit Service Area by Mode
 Table 6-11 has 10 columns and four rows.
 The table cites weekday transit coverage by mode for minority and nonminority areas within the MBTA bus and rapid
transit service area with a population density greater than 5,000 people per square mile.
Table 6-12. Weekday Combined Transit Coverage within the Bus and Rapid Transit Service Area
 Table 6-12 has seven rows and four columns.
 The table shows that, for weekday service, and for high-density census tracts within the bus and rapid transit service area,
75.5 percent of street-miles in minority areas met the MBTA’s Transit Coverage guidelines, while 61.3 percent of streetmiles in nonminority areas conformed to the Transit Coverage guidelines.
 Notes: NDI = no disparate impact
Table 6-13 Saturday Transit Coverage within the Bus and Rapid Transit Service Area by Mode
 Table 6-13 has 10 columns and four rows.
 The table cites transit coverage by mode for Saturdays for minority and nonminority areas within the MBTA bus and rapid
transit service area with a population density greater than 5,000 people per square mile.
Table 6-14. Saturday Combined Transit Coverage within the Bus and Rapid Transit Service Area
 Table 6-14 has four columns and seven rows.
 The table cites transit coverage by mode for Saturdays for minority and nonminority areas within the MBTA bus and rapid
transit service area with a population density greater than 5,000 people per square mile.
 Table 6-14 shows that for Saturday service, and for high-density census tracts within the bus and rapid transit service area,
71.8 percent of street-miles in minority areas met the Transit Coverage guidelines, while 53.2 percent of street-miles in
nonminority areas met the Transit Coverage guidelines.
 Notes: NDI = no disparate impact
Table 6-15. Sunday Transit Coverage within the Bus and Rapid Transit Service Area by Mode
 Table 6-15 has 10 columns and four rows.
 The table cites transit coverage by mode for Sundays for minority and nonminority areas within the MBTA bus and rapid
transit service area with a population density greater than 5,000 people per square mile.
Table 6-16. Sunday Combined Transit Coverage within the Bus and Rapid Transit Service Area
 Table 6-16 has four columns and seven rows.
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For Sunday service, and for high-density census tracts within the bus and rapid transit service area, 83.8 percent of streetmiles in minority areas met the Transit Coverage guideline, while 70.3 percent of street-miles in nonminority areas met the
Transit Coverage guideline.
Notes: NDI = no disparate impact
Table 6-17. Bus Shelter Placement: All Bus Stops
 Table 6-17 has four columns and seven rows.
 The table cites the: Total Stops, Stops with Shelters, and Percent of Stops with Shelters for the classifications of:
Systemwide, Minority, and Nonminority, and it shows the Ratio of minority to nonminority, Disparate impact threshold, and
Result of disparate impact analysis.
 The table indices that the percentage of minority stops with shelters (9.6 percent) is higher than the percentage of
nonminority stops with shelters (3.8 percent) for all bus stops within the MBTA service area.
 Notes: NDI = no disparate impact
Table 6-18. Bus Shelter Placement: Bus Stops with More than 60 Average Daily Boardings
 Table 6-18 has four columns and seven rows.
 The table shows the total stops, stops with shelters, and percentage of stops with shelters for the following shelter
classifications: Systemwide, Minority, and Nonminority, and it shows the Ratio of minority to nonminority, Disparate impact
threshold, and Result of disparate impact analysis.
 Notes: NDI = no disparate impact
Table 6-19. Bus Shelter Amenities
 Table 6-19 has nine columns and six rows.
 The table presents data for the percentage of bus shelters that have a bench, a timetable, and a map; and whether the map
and timetable are legible and current; for the following shelter classifications: Minority, and Nonminority, and it shows the
Ratio of minority to nonminority, Disparate impact threshold, and Result of disparate impact analysis.
 Notes: NDI = no disparate impact
Table 6-20. 2012 Bus Shelter Conditions
 Table 6-20 has six columns and six rows.
 It shows the MBTA bus shelter conditions as of 2012 for the following parameters: roof condition, sides condition,
graffiti/vandalism, shelter cleanliness, and composite score.
 The following rating system was used: For every shelter, each characteristic was given a rating of 1 to 3, with 1 representing
a “good” condition and 3 representing a “poor” condition. A composite score was then assigned to each shelter based on its
worst rating.
 The table shows that bus shelter conditions in minority areas are similar to those in nonminority areas. Therefore there is
no disparate impact on minority populations.
 Notes: NDI = no disparate impact
Table 6-21. Neighborhood Maps and Bus Transfer Maps at Rapid Transit Stations: All Stations
 Table 6-21 has six columns and six rows.
 It cites the percentage of minority and nonminority rapid transit stations that have neighborhood maps and bus transfer
maps. Column heads read: Station classification, Number of Stations, Number with Neighborhood Maps, Percent with
Neighborhood Maps, and Percent with Bus Transfer Maps.
 Row heads read: Minority, Nonminority, Ratio of minority to nonminority, Disparate impact threshold, and Result of
disparate impact analysis.
 Notes: NDI = no disparate impact
Table 6-22. Neighborhood Maps and Bus Transfer Maps at Rapid Transit Stations: Stations with Bus Connection
 Table 6-22 has six columns and six rows.
 The column heads read: Stations with at least one Bus Connection, Number with Neighborhood Maps, Percent with
Neighborhood Maps, Number with Bus Transfer Maps, and Percent with Bus Transfer Maps.
 Row heads read: Minority, Nonminority, Ratio of minority to nonminority, Disparate impact threshold, and Result of
disparate impact analysis.
Notes: NDI = no disparate impact
Table 6-23a. Subway Rapid Transit Lobby Amenities
 Table 6-23a consists of eight columns and six rows.
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Column heads read: Classification, subtotal, Trash Receptacles (number and percentage), Recycling Receptacles (number
and percentage), and Seating Fixtures (number and percentage).
Row heads read: Minority, Nonminority, Ratio of minority to nonminority, Disparate impact threshold, and Result of
disparate impact analysis.
The table shows the results of monitoring the amenities in subway rapid transit station lobbies.
Notes: No. = the number of stations with amenity present, Pct. = percentage of stations with amenity present, NDI = no
disparate impact, DI = disparate impact
Table 6-23b. Subway Rapid Transit Lobby Amenities
 Table 6-23b consists of six columns and six rows.
 Column heads read: Classification, Subtotal, System Map (number and percentage), and Line Map (number and
 Row heads read: Minority, Nonminority, Ratio of minority to nonminority, Disparate impact threshold, and Result of
disparate impact analysis.
 The table shows the results of monitoring the amenities in subway rapid transit lobbies.
 The ratio of the percentage of minority to nonminority subway rapid transit station lobbies with amenities indicates that
there is no disparate impact on minority populations.
 Notes: No. = the number of stations with amenity present, Pct. = percentage of stations with amenity present, NDI = no
disparate impact
Table 6-24a. Subway Rapid Transit Platform Amenities: Receptacles and Seating Fixtures
 Table 6-24a consists of eight columns and six rows.
 Column heads read: Classification, Subtotal, Trash Receptacles (number and percentage), Recycling Receptacles (number
and percentage), and Seating Fixtures (number and percentage).
 Row heads read: Minority, Nonminority, Ratio of minority to nonminority, Disparate impact threshold, and Result of
disparate impact analysis.
 The ratio of the percentage of minority to nonminority subway rapid transit station platforms with amenities indicates that
there is no disparate impact on minority populations.
 Notes: No. = the number of stations with amenity present, Pct. = percentage of stations with amenity present, NDI = no
disparate impact
Table 6-24b. Subway Rapid Transit Platform Amenities: Receptacles and Seating Fixtures
 Table 6-24b consists of six columns and six rows.
 Column heads read: Classification, Subtotal, System Map (number and percentage), and Line Map (number and
 Row heads read: Minority, Nonminority, Ratio of minority to nonminority, Disparate impact threshold, and Result of
disparate impact analysis.
 The ratio of the percentage of minority to nonminority subway rapid transit station platforms with amenities indicates that
there is no disparate impact on minority populations.
 Notes: No. = the number of stations with amenity present, Pct. = percentage of stations with amenity present, NDI = no
disparate impact
Table 6-25. Subway Rapid Transit: Station Condition Monitoring Components
 Table 6-25 consists of three columns and 10 rows.
 The table lists each subway rapid transit station component that was monitored, along with the associated list of
 Column heads read: Component, Area Monitored, and Subcomponent.
 Row heads read: Condition of structure, Condition of floor surface, Stairwell, Vandalism, Cleanliness, Station name signage,
Station way-finding signage, Lighting, and Tactile strips.
Table 6-26. Subway Rapid Transit Stations: Exterior Lobby Conditions
 Table 6-26 consists of 10 columns and six rows.
 It shows the results of monitoring the condition of subway rapid transit station exterior lobby components.
 Column heads read: Classification, Subtotal, Structure (number and percentage), Cleanliness (number and percentage),
Vandalism (number and percentage), and Name Signage (number and percentage).
 Row heads read: Minority, Nonminority, Ratio of minority to nonminority, Disparate impact threshold, and Result of
disparate impact analysis.
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Notes: Number = number of stations where condition is acceptable; percentage = percentage of stations where condition is
Notes: No. = the number of stations where condition is acceptable, Pct. = percentage of stations where condition is
acceptable, NDI = no disparate impact.
Table 6-27a. Subway Rapid Transit Interior Lobby Conditions
 Table 6-27a consists of 10 columns and six rows.
 The table shows the results of monitoring the condition of subway rapid transit station interior lobby components.
 Column heads read: Classification, Subtotal, Structure (number and percentage), Vandalism (number and percentage),
Cleanliness (number and percentage), and Way-Finding Signage (number and percentage).
 Row heads read: Minority, Nonminority, Ratio of minority to nonminority, Disparate impact threshold, and Result of
disparate impact analysis.
 Notes: No. = number of stations where condition is acceptable; Pct. = percentage of stations where condition is acceptable;
NDI = no disparate impact.
Table 6-27b. Subway Rapid Transit Interior Lobby Conditions
 Table 6-27b consists of eight columns and six rows.
 The table shows the results of monitoring the condition of subway rapid transit station interior lobby components.
 Column heads read: Classification, Subtotal, Floor Surface (number and percentage), Stairwell (number and percentage),
and Lighting (number and percentage).
 Row heads read: Minority, Nonminority, Ratio of minority to nonminority, Disparate impact threshold, and Result of
disparate impact analysis.
 Notes: No. = number of stations where condition is acceptable; Pct. = percentage of stations where condition is acceptable;
NDI = no disparate impact; DI = disparate impact.
Table 6-28a. Subway Rapid Transit Platform Conditions
 Table 6-28a consists of 10 columns and six rows.
 The table shows the results of monitoring the condition of subway rapid transit station platform components.
 Column heads read: Classification, Subtotal, Structure (number and percentage), Cleanliness (number and percentage),
Vandalism (number and percentage), and Name Signage (number and percentage).
 Row heads read: Minority, Nonminority, Ratio of minority to nonminority, Disparate impact threshold, and Result of
disparate impact analysis.
 Notes: No. = number of stations where condition is acceptable; Pct. = percentage of stations where condition is acceptable;
NDI = no disparate impact.
Table 6-28b. Subway Rapid Transit Platform Conditions
 Table 6-28b consists of 12 columns and six rows.
 The table shows the results of monitoring the conditions of subway rapid transit station platform components.
 Column heads read: Classification, Subtotal, Way-finding Signage (number and percentage), Floor Surface (number and
percentage), Tactile Strips (number and percentage), Stairwell (number and percentage), and Lighting (number and
 Row heads read: Minority, Nonminority, Ratio of minority to nonminority, Disparate impact threshold, and Result of
disparate impact analysis.
 Notes: No. = number of stations where condition is acceptable; Pct. = percentage of stations where condition is acceptable;
NDI = no disparate impact.
Table 6-29a. Surface Rapid Transit Station Amenities
 Table 6-29a consists of eight columns and six rows.
 The table shows the results of monitoring the placement of amenities at surface rapid transit stations.
 Column heads read: Classification, Subtotal, Trash Receptacles (number and percentage), Recycling Receptacles (number
and percentage), and Seating Fixtures (number and percentage).
 Row heads read: Minority, Nonminority, Ratio of minority to nonminority, Disparate impact threshold, and Result of
disparate impact analysis.
 Notes: No. = number of stations with amenity present; Pct. = percentage of stations with amenity present; NDI = no
disparate impact; DI = disparate impact.
Table 6-29b. Surface Rapid Transit Station Amenities
 Table 6-29b consists of six columns and six rows.
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The table shows the results of monitoring the placement of amenities at surface rapid transit stations.
Column heads read: Classification, Subtotal, System Map (number and percentage), and Line Map (number and
Row heads read: Minority, Nonminority, Ratio of minority to nonminority, Disparate impact threshold, and Result of
disparate impact analysis.
Notes: No. = number of stations with amenity present; Pct. = percentage of stations with amenity present.
Table 6-30. Surface Rapid Transit: Station Condition Monitoring Components
 Table 6-30 consists of three columns and nine rows.
 The table lists each surface rapid transit station component that was monitored, along with the associated list of
 Column heads read: Component, Area Monitored, and Subcomponent.
 Row heads read: Condition of walkway to stop; Pedestrian Control, Condition of structure, Vandalism, Cleanliness,
Condition of platform surface, Station name signage, and Tactile strips.
Table 6-31. Surface Rapid Transit Shelter Conditions
 Table 6-31 consists of eight columns and six rows.
 Column heads read: Classification, Structure (Number and Percent), Vandalism (Number and Percent), Cleanliness (Number
and Percent).
 Row heads read: Minority, Nonminority, Ratio of minority to nonminority, Disparate impact threshold, and Result of
disparate impact analysis.
 Notes: No. = number of stations where condition is acceptable; Pct. = percentage of stations where condition is acceptable;
NDI = no disparate impact.
Table 6-32a. Surface Rapid Transit Platform Conditions
 Table 6-32a consists of eight columns and six rows.
 Column heads read: Classification, Subtotal, Platform Surface (number and percentage), Name Signage (number and
percentage), and Tactile Strips (number and percentage).
 Row heads read: Minority, Nonminority, Ratio of minority to nonminority, Disparate impact threshold, and Result of
disparate impact analysis.
 Notes: No. = number of stations where condition is acceptable; Pct. = percentage of stations where condition is acceptable;
NDI = no disparate impact.
Table 6-32b. Surface Rapid Transit Platform Conditions
 Table 6-32b consists of six columns and six rows.
 Column heads read: Classification, Subtotal, Walkway (number and percentage), Pedestrian Control (number and
 Row heads read: Minority, Nonminority, Ratio of minority to nonminority, Disparate impact threshold, and Result of
disparate impact analysis.
 Notes: No. = number of stations where condition is acceptable; Pct. = percentage of stations where condition is acceptable;
NDI = no disparate impact.
Table 6-33a. Commuter Rail Station Amenities
 Table 6-33a consists of eight columns and six rows.
 Column heads read: Classification, Subtotal, Trash Receptacles (number and percentage), Recycling Receptacles (number
and percentage), Seating Fixtures (number and percentage).
 Row heads read: Minority, Nonminority, Ratio of minority to nonminority, Disparate impact threshold, and Result of
disparate impact analysis.
 Notes: No. = number of stations with amenity present; Pct. = percentage of stations with amenity present; NDI = no
disparate impact.
Table 6-33b. Commuter Rail Station Amenities
 Table 6-33b consists of six columns and six rows.
 Column heads read: Classification, Subtotal, System Map (number and percentage), and Schedule (number and
 Row heads read: Minority, Nonminority, Ratio of minority to nonminority, Disparate impact threshold, and Result of
disparate impact analysis.
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Notes: No. = number of stations with amenity present; Pct. = percentage of stations with amenity present; NDI = no
disparate impact.
Table 6-34. Commuter Rail: Station Condition Monitoring Components
 Table 6-34 consists of three columns and 10 rows.
 Column heads read: Component, Area Monitored, Subcomponent.
 Row heads read: Condition of structure, Vandalism, Cleanliness, Station name signage, Condition of floor surface, Stairwell,
Station wayfinding signage, Tactile strip, and Lighting.
Table 6-35. Commuter Rail Shelter Conditions
 Table 6-35 consists of 10 columns and six rows.
 Column heads read: Classification, Structure (number and percentage), Vandalism (number and percentage), Cleanliness
(number and percentage), and Station Name Signage (number and percentage).
 Row heads read: Minority, Nonminority, Ratio of minority to nonminority, Disparate impact threshold, Result of disparate
impact analysis.
 Notes: No. = number of stations where condition is acceptable; Pct. = percentage of stations where condition is acceptable;
NDI = no disparate impact.
Table 6-36a. Commuter Rail Platform Conditions
 Table 6-36a consists of 10 columns and six rows.
 Column heads read: Classification, Structure (subtotal, number, percentage), Vandalism (subtotal, number, percentage),
Cleanliness (subtotal, number, percentage).
 Row heads read: Minority, Nonminority, Ratio of minority to nonminority, Disparate impact threshold, and Result of
disparate impact analysis.
 Notes: ST = Subtotal; No. = number of stations where condition is acceptable; Pct. = percentage of stations where condition
is acceptable; NDI = no disparate impact.
Table 6-36b. Commuter Rail Platform Conditions
 Table 6-36b consists of 10 columns and six rows.
 Column heads read: Classification, Station Nam Signage (subtotal, number, percentage), Floor Surface (subtotal, number,
percentage), Stairwell (subtotal, number, percentage).
 Row heads read: Minority, Nonminority, Ratio of minority to nonminority, Disparate impact threshold, and Result of
disparate impact analysis.
 Notes: ST = Subtotal; No. = number of stations where condition is acceptable; Pct. = percentage of stations where condition
is acceptable; NDI = no disparate impact.
Table 6-36c. Commuter Rail Platform Conditions
 Table 6-36c consists of 10 columns and six rows.
 Column heads read: Classification, Wayfinding Signage (subtotal, number, percentage), Tactile Strips (subtotal, number,
percentage), Lighting (subtotal, number, percentage).
 Row heads read: Minority, Nonminority, Ratio of minority to nonminority, Disparate impact threshold, and Result of
disparate impact analysis.
 Notes: ST = Subtotal; No. = number of stations where condition is acceptable; Pct. = percentage of stations where condition
is acceptable; NDI = no disparate impact.
Table 6-37. Faregate and Fare Vending Machine (FVM) Operability
 Table 6-37 consists of five columns and 29 rows.
 Column heads read: Station Classification, Total Devices, Number of Stations with Device, Number of Stations Meeting
Availability Threshold, Percent of Stations Meeting Availability Threshold.
 Row heads read (for Cashless FVM, Full-Service FVM, ADA Gates, and High-Speed Gates): Systemwide, Minority,
Nonminority, Ratio of minority to nonminority, Disparate impact threshold, and Result of disparate impact analysis.
 The table shows that for three out of the four types of AFC machines (cashless fare vending machines, full-service fare
vending machines, and high-speed gates), the percent of stations that met the minimum device availability threshold of 95
percent was higher for minority stations than for nonminority stations, which indicates that there is no disparate impact on
minority populations for the operability of those devices.
 Notes: N/A = not applicable; the ratio is interminably higher than the disparate impact threshold; NDI = no disparate
impact; DI = disparate impact.
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2014 MBTA Title VI Report—Alternative Text
Table 6-38. Faregate and Fare Vending Machine (FVM) Operability – Change from Previous Year
 Table 6-38 consists of five columns and seventeen rows.
 Column heads read: Station Classification, Total Devices, Number of Stations with Device, Number of Stations Passing
Availability Threshold, Percent of Stations Passing Availability Threshold.
 Row heads read (for Cashless FVM, Full-Service FVM, ADA Gates, and High-Speed Gates): Systemwide, Minority, and
 The table indicates that over the past year, the rate at which stations systemwide are meeting the minimum acceptable
device availability standard of 95 percent for full-service fare vending machines, as well as ADA gates and high-speed gates,
has decreased dramatically.
Table 6-39. Population Served by CharlieCard Retail Sales Terminals (RST)
 Table 6-39 consists of four columns and seven rows.
 Column heads read: Classification, Service Area Population, Population (Within 1/4 Mile of an RST), and Percent of Total
(Within 1/4 Mile of an RST).
 Row heads read: Classification, Total population, Minority, Nonminority, Ratio of minority to nonminority, Disparate impact
threshold, and Result of disparate impact analysis.
 Note: NDI = no disparate impact.
Table 6-40. Elevator Performance April 1, 2012, through March 31, 2013
 Table 6-40 consists of eight columns and seven rows.
 Column heads read: Station Classification, Average Number of Incidents Per Elevator; Average Number of Repair Hours Per
Incident; Average Number of Repair Hours Per Elevator; Median Number of Repair Hours Per Incident; Median Number of
Repair Hours Per Elevator; Average Number of Hours Out of Service Per Station; Median Number of Hours Out of Service
Per Station.
 Row heads read: All Stations, Minority; Nonminority; Ratio of Minority to Nonminority; Disparate Impact threshold; Result
of Disparate Impact Analysis.
 Note: NDI = no disparate impact.
Table 6-41. Elevator Performance – Change from Previous Year
 Table 6-41 consists of eight columns and four rows.
 Column heads read: Station Classification, Average Number of Incidents Per Elevator; Average Number of Repair Hours Per
Incident; Average Number of Repair Hours Per Elevator; Median Number of Repair Hours Per Incident; Median Number of
Repair Hours Per Elevator; Average Number of Hours Out of Service Per Station; Median Number of Hours Out of Service
Per Station.
 Row heads read: All Stations, Minority; Nonminority.
Table 6-42. Escalator Performance April 1, 2012, through March 31, 2013
 Table 6-42 consists of eight columns and seven rows.
 Column heads read: Station Classification, Average Number of Incidents Per Escalator; Average Number of Repair Hours Per
Incident; Average Number of Repair Hours Per Escalator; Median Number of Repair Hours Per Incident; Median Number of
Repair Hours Per Escalator; Average Number of Hours Out of Service Per Station; Median Number of Hours Out of Service
Per Station.
 Row heads read: All Stations, Minority; Nonminority; Ratio of minority to nonminority; Disparate impact threshold; Result
of disparate impact analysis.
 Note: NDI = no disparate impact; DI = disparate impact.
Table 6-43. Escalator Performance – Change from Previous Year
 Table 6-43 consists of eight columns and four rows.
 Column heads read: Station Classification, Average Number of Incidents Per Escalator; Average Number of Repair Hours Per
Incident; Average Number of Repair Hours Per Escalator; Median Number of Repair Hours Per Incident; Median Number of
Repair Hours Per Escalator; Average Number of Hours Out of Service Per Station; Median Number of Hours Out of Service
Per Station.
 Row heads read: All Stations, Minority; Nonminority.
Table 6-44. Bus Vehicle Assignment on July 19, 2013
 Table 6-44 consists of three columns and six rows.
 Column heads read: Route Classification, Percent of Routes Passing the Vehicle Age Standard, Percent of Buses with
Functional A/C.
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2014 MBTA Title VI Report—Alternative Text
Row heads read: Minority, Nonminority, Ratio of minority to nonminority, Disparate impact threshold, Result of disparate
impact analysis.
Note: NDI = no disparate impact.
Table 6-45. Light Rail Vehicle Assignment.
 Table 6-45 consists of two columns and six rows.
 Column heads read: Line Classification and Average per Car-Trip (years).
 Row heads read: Minority, Nonminority, Ratio of minority to nonminority, Disparate impact threshold, Result of disparate
impact analysis.
 Table 6-45 shows that the average age per car-trip of light rail equipment operated on the three minority Green Line
branches was 16.2 years, and the average age per car-trip of light rail equipment on the one nonminority Green Line branch
was 17.years. The ratio of average age per car-trip on the minority lines to the average age per car-trip on the nonminority
line indicates that there is no disparate impact on minority populations.
 Note: NDI = no disparate impact.
Table 6-46. Commuter Rail Vehicle Assignment
 Table 6-46 consists of two columns and six rows.
 Column heads read: Line Classification and Average Coach Age (Years).
 Row heads read: Minority, Nonminority, Ratio of minority to nonminority, Disparate impact threshold, Result of disparate
impact analysis.
 Note: NDI = no disparate impact.
Table 7-1. Average Fare Increase by Fare Product and Minority or Low-Income Status (2012)
 Table 7-1 consists of five columns and six rows.
 Column heads read: Rider Classification, Existing Average Fare, Proposed Average Fare, Absolute Price Change, Percentage
Price Change.
 Row heads read: Minority, Nonminority, Low-income, Non-low-income, Systemwide.
 Table 7-1 shows that the absolute change in the average fare is less for minority and low-income riders than for minority
and non-low-income riders, and that the percentage change in fares is lower for minority riders than for nonminority riders
but higher for low-income riders than for non-low-income riders.
Table 7-2. Proposed Fare Increase by Fare Payment Type and Minority and Income Status
 Table 7-2 consists of 11 nine columns and 83 rows.
 Column heads read: Fare-Payment Type; Price: Existing and Proposed SFY 2016; Change: Absolute and Percent; Annual
Usage by Group: Total Trips: Minority, Low-Income, All Riders; Annual Usage by Group: Percent of Group Total: Minority,
Low-Income, All Riders.
 Row heads read: SINGLE-RIDE FARES; CharlieCard, Adult: Local Bus, Rapid Transit, Bus + Rapid Transit, Inner Express, Outer
Express; Senior: Local Bus, Rapid Transit, Bus + Rapid Transit, Inner Express, Outer Express; Student: Local Bus, Rapid
Transit, Bus + Rapid Transit, Inner Express, Outer Express; CharlieTicket, Adult: Local Bus, Rapid Transit, Bus + Rapid Transit,
Inner Express, Outer Express; Commuter Rail: Zone 1A–10, InterZone 1–9, InterZone 1, InterZone 2, InterZone 3, InterZone
4, InterZone 5, InterZone 6, InterZone 7, InterZone 8, InterZone 9, InterZone 10; Ferry: F1: Hingham, F2: Boston, F2: Cross
Harbor, F2: Logan, F4: Inner Harbor; PASSES: Local Bus, LinkPass, Senior/TAP, Student 5-Day, Student 7-Day, 1-Day, 7-Day,
Inner Express, Outer Express, Commuter Boat; Commuter Rail: Zone 1A–10, Zone 1A, Zone 1, Zone 2, Zone 3, Zone 4, Zone
5, Zone 6, Zone 7, Zone 8, Zone 9, Zone 10, InterZone 1–9, InterZone 1, InterZone 2, InterZone 3, InterZone 4, InterZone 5,
InterZone 6, InterZone 7, InterZone 8, InterZone 9, InterZone 10; FREE TRANSFERS AND OTHER FARES.
 Notes: Values greater than 100,000 are rounded to the nearest 1,000. Values less than 100,000 are rounded to the nearest
100. Percentages are calculated using unrounded values; NR indicates that no riders from a given classification responded
to the survey; Shading indicates highest fare product usage rates within each group (minority, low-income, and all riders);
Source: “Potential MBTA Fare Changes in SFY 2015” (see Appendix).
Table 7-3. Average Fare Increase by Fare Product and Minority or Low-Income Status (SFY 2015)
 Table 7-3 consists of eleven columns and 9 rows.
 Column heads read: Fare Payment Type, Minority, Nonminority, Low-Income, Non-Low-Income. All Riders.
 Row heads read: Systemwide, CharlieCard Single Fare, CharlieTicket Single Fare, Passes (Core), Commuter Rail Single Fare,
Commuter Rail Passes (Zones 1-10), Commuter Boat Single Fare, Commuter Boat Pass.
 The table shows the results of the Service Equity Analysis that was performed to compare the impacts of the fare increase
according to minority and income status.
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Table 7-4. Silver Line Gateway Demographic Analysis
 Table 7-4 consists of seven columns and three rows.
 Column heads read: Facility, Affected Population, Minority Population, Percent Minority, Total Households, Low-Income
Households, Percent Low-Income.
 Row heads read: MBTA Service Area, Silver Line Gateway.
 The table shows the results of the Service Equity Analysis that was performed to compare the demographic makeup of the
population receiving the benefits of the new transit service to the demographic makeup of the MBTA service area as a
FIGURE 3-1a. MBTA Title VI Report, MBTA Remote Layover Facilities.
 FIGURE 3-1a is a map of the 175 municipalities in the MBTA service area. It shows census tracts shaded according to
minority and income status and the locations of the MBTA remote layover facilities and commuter rail lines.
 Layover facilities are shown in Rockport, Newburyport, Bradford, Fitchburg, Worcester, Needham, Franklin, Pawtucket,
Middleborough, Kingston, and Greenbush.
FIGURE 3-1b. MBTA Title VI Report, MBTA Facilities: Detailed Map
 FIGURE 3-1b is a detail of Figure 3—1a. It shows census tracts shaded according to minority and income status, the MBTA
rail and bus rapid transit lines, and the locations of MBTA facilities including offices, yards, and shops.
FIGURE 3-2a MBTA Title VI Report, Major Transit Trip Generators: MBTA Service Area
 FIGURE 3-2a is a map of the 175 municipalities in the MBTA service area. It shows census tracts shaded according to
minority and income status and the following selected trip generators: town halls; hospitals; colleges and universities; high
schools; and libraries.
FIGURE 3-2b. MBTA Title VI Report, Major Transit Trip Generators: Detailed Map
 FIGURE 3-2a is a detail of Figure 3-2a, showing the trip generators in the inner municipalities of the MBTA service area.
FIGURE 3-3a. MBTA Title VI Report, Major Streets and Highways: MBTA Service Area
 FIGURE 3-3a is a map of the 175 municipalities in the MBTA service area. It shows census tracts shaded according to
minority and income status and the major streets and highways in the MBTA service area.
FIGURE 3-3b. MBTA Title VI Report, Major Streets and Highways: Detailed Map
 FIGURE 3-3b is a detail of Figure 3—3a, showing the major streets and highways in the inner municipalities of the MBTA
service area.
FIGURE 3-4a. MBTA Title VI Report, MBTA Projects from Capital Improvement Plan (2015-2019)
 FIGURE 3-4a is a map of the 175 municipalities in the MBTA service area. It shows census tracts shaded according to
minority and income status and MBTA projects from the Capital Improvement Plan. This map contains text boxes that point
to the following projects in non-core area: Newburyport Extension; Haverhill Double Tracking; Beverly Parking Garage;
Salem Parking Garage; Wachusett Extension Project; Fitchburg Line Improvements; Worcester-Framingham Rail
Improvements; Greenbush Line Construction; Fall River Line; New Bedford Line.
FIGURE 3-4b. MBTA Title VI Report, MBTA Projects from Capital Improvement Plan (2015-2019): Detailed Map
 FIGURE 3-4b is a detail of Figure 3-4a, showing MBTA projects from the Capital Improvement Plan in the inner
municipalities of the MBTA service area. This map contains text boxes that point to the following core-area projects: Porter
Square Station Improvement; Alewife Parking Garage Rehab; Fitchburg Line Improvements; Assembly Square Station;
Charlestown Bus Garage; CNG Facility Retrofit; Science Park Accessibility; Green Line Extension; Wellington Maintenance
Facility; Everett Subway Bldg. Roof Repair; Everett Bus Garage: CNG Facility Retrofit; Silver Line Gateway; Wonderland
Platform Rehab; Revere Beach Platform Rehab; Beachmont Platform Rehab; Orient Heights Station Modernization; Orient
Heights Maintenance Facility; Wood Island Platform Rehab; Airport Station Modernization; Maverick Station
Modernization; State St Station Modernization; Old South Meeting House; Drainage Improvements; South Station
Expansion; Cabot Bus Garage: CNG Facility Retrofit; Savin Hill Station Modernization; Fields Corner Station Modernization;
Shawmut Station Modernization; Ashmont Station Phase I; Wollaston Accessibility; Quincy Center Garage Rehab; Quincy
Adams Garage Rehab; Braintree Garage Rehab; Hingham Shipyard Improvements; Greenbush Line Construction; LRAP: Park
St; Park St Stair Replacement; Fairmount Line Improvements Phase II; Fairmount Line Improvements Phase I; DMU –
Fairmount; Arborway Bus Facility; Casey Overpass Removal; Symphony Accessibility; LRAP: Arlington; LRAP: Copley; Hynes
Convention Ctr Accessibility; Yawkey Station Improvements; LRAP: Boston College; LRAP: Kenmore; Government Center
Station Modernization; LRAP: Government Center; LRAP: Haymarket.
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2014 MBTA Title VI Report—Alternative Text
Figure 4-1. Modal Use by Ridership Group
 Figure 4-1 is a bar chart that depicts (in percentages) the use of each of the following transportation modes by minority
status: Bus, Rapid Transit, and Commuter Rail.
Figure 4-2. Fare Type Use by Mode and Minority Status
 Figure 4-2 is a bar chart that cites (in percentages) the fare types used on Bus, Rapid Transit, and Commuter Rail by minority
Figure 4-3. Fare Type Use by Mode and Income Status
 Figure 4-3 is a bar chart that shows (in percentages) the results of the analysis of fare usage by fare type for low-income and
non-low-income riders on Bus, Rapid Transit, and Commuter Rail by income status.
Figure 4-4 Frequency of Use by Mode and Minority Status
 Figure 4-4 is a bar chart that shows (in percentages) the frequency with which minority and nonminority riders use Bus,
Rapid Transit, and Commuter Rail.
Figure 4-5 Transfer Rates by Mode and Minority Status
 Figure 4-5 is a bar chart that shows (in percentages) the rate of transfers of minority and nonminority riders on bus, rapid
transit, and commuter rail.
Figure 4-6. Percentage of Riders Possessing a Driver’s License by Mode and Minority Status
 Figure 4-6 is a bar chart that shows (in percentages) the riders possessing a driver license by mode and minority status who
ride the bus, rapid transit, and commuter rail.
Figure 4-7. Percentage of Riders Possessing Zero, One, Two, or “Three or More” Vehicles per Household by Mode and Minority
 Figure 4-7 is a bar chart that shows (in percentages) the riders possessing zero, one, two, or three-or-more vehicles per
household by mode and minority status , and who ride the bus, rapid transit, and commuter rail.
Figure 6-1. Bus and Trackless Trolley Schedule Adherence
 Figure 6-1 is a scatter plot graph that displays the schedule adherence performance of all routes evaluated in the
Preliminary 2013–2014 Service Plan by plotting the percentage of timepoints served on time for each route by minority
status and service day.
Figure 6-2. Light Rail Schedule Adherence: Adherence to Headway-Based Standard
 Figure 6-2 is a bar chart that shows the percentage of the MBTA’s light-rail fleet adhering to the headway-based standard
by minority classification.
 The figure shows that the Mattapan line (a minority line) was the only light rail line to adhere to the schedule adherence
standard of “percent of trips within 1.5 scheduled headways.”
Figure 6-3. Light Rail Schedule Adherence: Adherence to Trip-Time-Based Standard
 Figure 6-3 is a bar chart that shows the percentage of the MBTA’s light-rail fleet adhering to the schedule adherence
standard by minority classification.
The figure shows that the Mattapan line (a minority line) was the only light rail line to adhere to the schedule adherence
standard of “percent of trips within five minutes of scheduled run time.”
Figure 6-4. Commuter Rail Schedule Adherence, December 2012 – November 2013
 Figure 6-4 is a bar chart that shows the percentage of the MBTA’s light-rail fleet adhering to the schedule adherence
standard by minority classification.
 The figure shows the on-time performance for each of the MBTA’s commuter rail lines for the period December 2012November 2013.
FIGURE 6-5a. Weekday Transit Coverage: Bus and Rapid Transit Service Area
 FIGURE 6-5a is a map that shows the MBTA’s weekday transit coverage by highlighting the street network within ¼ mile of
an MBTA stop or station.
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2014 MBTA Title VI Report—Alternative Text
FIGURE 6-5b. Weekday Transit Coverage: Detailed Map
 FIGURE 6-5b is a detail of Figure 3-4a, showing the MBTA’s weekday transit coverage by highlighting the street network
within ¼ mile of an MBTA stop or station in the inner municipalities of the MBTA service area.
FIGURE 6-6a. Saturday Transit Coverage: Bus and Rapid Transit Service Area
 FIGURE 6-6a is a map that shows the MBTA’s Saturday transit coverage by highlighting the street network within ¼ mile of
an MBTA stop or station.
FIGURE 6-6b. Saturday Transit Coverage: Detailed Map
 FIGURE 6-6b is a map that shows the MBTA’s Saturday transit coverage by highlighting the street network within ¼ mile of
an MBTA stop or station in the inner municipalities of the MBTA service area.
FIGURE 6-7a. Sunday Transit Coverage: Bus and Rapid Transit Service Area
 FIGURE 6-7a is a map that shows the MBTA’s Sunday transit coverage by highlighting the street network within ¼ mile of an
MBTA stop or station.
FIGURE 6-7b. Sunday Transit Coverage: Detailed Map
 FIGURE 6-7b is a detailed map of the MBTA’s Sunday transit service coverage by highlighting the street network within ¼
mile of an MBTA stop or station in the inner municipalities of the MBTA service area.
FIGURE 6-8a. Bus Shelter Placement: All Shelters
 FIGURE 6-8a is a map that shows census tracts shaded according to minority status, MBTA bus routes, and the locations of
bus shelters in the MBTA service area.
FIGURE 6-8b. Bus Shelter Placement: Detailed Map
 FIGURE 6-8b is a detail of Figure 6-8a. It shows census tracts shaded according to minority status, MBTA bus routes, and the
locations of bus shelters in the inner municipalities of the MBTA service area
FIGURE 6-9a. Bus Shelter Placement: Stops with More Than 60 Average Daily Boardings
 FIGURE 6-9a is map that shows census tracts shaded according to minority status, MBTA bus routes, and the locations of
bus stops with more than 60 average daily boardings.
FIGURE 6-9b. Bus Shelter Placement: Stops with More Than 60 Average Daily Boardings: Detailed Map
 FIGURE 6-9b is detail of Figure 6-9a. It shows census tracts shaded according to minority status, MBTA bus routes, and the
locations of bus stops with more than 60 average daily boardings in the inner municipalities of the MBTA service area.
Figure 6-10. Bus Shelter Amenities
 Figure 6-10 is a bar chart that shows the percentage of bus shelters that have the following amenities: Bench Exists,
Timetable Exists, Timetable Legible, Timetable Current, Map Exists, Map Legible, Map Current.
 The graph indicates that there is little difference between minority and nonminority areas in the percentage of shelters that
has benches. Minority areas had a slightly lower percentage of bus shelters with benches (97.8 percent) than did
nonminority areas (98.7 percent). However, the ratio of the percentage of shelters in minority areas with benches to the
percentage of shelters in nonminority areas with benches (0.99) indicates that there is no disparate impact on minority
Figure 6-11. 2012 Bus Shelter Conditions
 Figure 6-11 is a bar chart that presents the conditions of the MBTA bus shelters as of 2012 according to the following
parameters: roof, slides, graffiti/vandalism, cleanliness, and composite score.
 The following rating system was used: For every shelter, each characteristic was given a rating of 1 to 3, with 1 representing
a “good” condition and 3 representing a “poor” condition. A composite score was then assigned to each shelter based on its
worst rating.
 The graphic surmised that bus shelter conditions in minority areas are similar to those in nonminority areas. Therefore
there is no disparate impact on minority populations.
Figure 6-12. Neighborhood Maps and Bus Transfer Maps at Rapid Transit Stations
 Figure 6-12 is a map of the MBTA service area that shows census tracts shaded according to minority status, and the
availability of neighborhood maps and bus transfer maps at rapid transit stations.
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2014 MBTA Title VI Report—Alternative Text
Figure 6-13. Faregate and Fare Vending Machine (FVM) Operability
 Figure 6-13 shows a scatter plot of the device availability by minority classification for each station for each type of fare
gate and fare vending machine. (cashless, full service, ADA gates, and high-speed gates).
Figure 6-14. Availability of Cashless Fare Vending Machines (FVM) at Rapid Transit Stations
 Figure 6-14 is a map of the MBTA rapid transit service area that shows census tracts shaded according to minority status,
and displays the availability of cashless fare vending machines at rapid transit stations.
Figure 6-15. Availability of Full-Service Fare Vending Machines (FVM) at Rapid Transit Stations
 Figure 6-15 is a map of the MBTA rapid transit service area that shows census tracts shaded according to minority status,
and displays the availability of Full-Service fare vending machines at rapid transit stations.
Figure 6-16. Availability of ADA Gates at Rapid Transit Stations
 Figure 6-16 is a map of the MBTA rapid transit service area that shows census tracts shaded according to minority status,
and displays the availability of ADA Gates at rapid transit stations.
Figure 6-17. Availability of High-Speed Gates at Rapid Transit Stations
 Figure 6-17 is a map of the MBTA rapid transit service area that shows census tracts shaded according to minority status,
and displays the availability of High-Speed Gates at rapid transit stations.
FIGURE 6-18a. Locations of CharlieCard Retail Sales Terminals: MBTA Service Area
 FIGURE 6-18a is map of the MBTA service area that shows census tracts shaded according to minority status and the
locations of the MBTA retail sales terminals.
FIGURE 6-18b. Locations of CharlieCard Retail Sales Terminals: Detailed Map
 FIGURE 6-18b is a detail of Figure 6-18a. It shows census tracts shaded according to minority status and the locations of the
MBTA retail sales terminals in the inner municipalities of the MBTA service area.
Figure 6-19. Elevator Repair Times at Rapid Transit Stations
 Figure 6-19 is a map of the MBTA service area that shows census tracts shaded according to minority status and the
elevator repair times at MBTA rapid transit stations
Figure 6-20. Escalator Repair Times at Rapid Transit Stations
 Figure 6-20 is a map of the MBTA service area that shows census tracts shaded according to minority status and the
escalator repair times at MBTA rapid transit stations.
Figure 6-21. Average Bus Age on July 19, 2013
 Figure 6-21 is a scatter plot graph that shows the average bus age on July 19, 2013 for both minority and nonminority
This report contains the following 18 appendices, many of which are not fully navigable using a screen reader. If you would like to
obtain any of the information presented in these appendices in an accessible format, please contact CTPS at 617-973-7100.
Appendix A. MBTA Title VI Complaint Form in English, Spanish, Chinese, and Portuguese
Appendix A is 14 pages long, including cover page. It contains a form (in the three languages cited above) for individuals to
submit to the MBTA if they feel they have been discriminated against in transit services. The form has space to fill in the
submitter’s content information and to describe the nature of the complaint.
Appendix B. MassDOT Memorandum on ADA Complaints
Appendix B is 8 pages long, including cover page. This memorandum outlines MassDOT’s responsibility for investigations
regarding Regional Transit Authority (RTA) related civil rights complaints and how that effort is coordinated with the
Federal Transit Administration (FTA) and the RTAs.
Appendix C MBTA Public Participation Plan
Appendix C is 94 pages long, including cover page. It contains a copy of the MBTA’s public participation plan, written in
accordance with state and federal law requirements. This Plan guides MassDOT/MBTA in its efforts to offer early,
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2014 MBTA Title VI Report—Alternative Text
continuous, and meaningful opportunities for the public to help identify social, economic, and environmental impacts of
proposed transportation policies, projects and initiatives across MassDOT/MBTA.
Appendix D. Community Organization Distribution List for Fare Increase Brochure
Appendix D is 4 pages long, including cover page. It contains a list (in simple table format) of 61 community organizations,
including their names, street addresses, and email addresses.
Appendix E. South Coast Rail Brochure in English, Spanish, and Portuguese
Appendix E is 8 pages long, including cover page. It contains copies of the South Coast Rail Brochure (2 pages each) in the
three languages cited above. The brochure provides a description of the South Coast Rail project; discusses the “smart
growth” to the corridor plan; gives an update on project’s progress; and a has section on how the public may get involved.
Appendix F. Public Participation Plan for Green Line Extension Project
Appendix F is 19 pages long, including cover page. The appendix, which contains all text, discusses ways in which Mass DOT
and the MBTA are committed to actively engaging with the public throughout all phases of the Green Line Extension
project—through engineering, into construction and eventual project completion.
Appendix G. MBTA Language Access Plan
Appendix G is 59 pages long, including cover page. This appendix contains the policies and procedures that the MBTA has
developed to meet the requirements of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, specifically as it pertains to improving access
to services for persons with limited English proficiency (LEP).
Appendix H. MBTA Subrecipient Monitoring Form
Appendix H is 6 pages long, including cover page. This appendix contains a form which is a checklist for monitoring
subrecipients. A subrecipient is defined by the MBTA as a governmental or non-profit entity that receives FTA funds, as a
pass-through from the Authority, for the purpose of carrying out a Federal program. Upon execution of an FTA grant that
includes a pass-through of funds to a subrecipient, the Capital Budget Office will send the appropriate departments: Capital
Accounting, Legal, Planning, and the monitoring dept. this checklist of pertinent information. The checklist contains spaces
for the following data to be entered: Award Information, Local Match, Financial Management, Monitoring Requirements,
Continuing Control, and Title VI Requirements
Appendix I. Service and Fare Equity Analysis for the Green Line Extension Project
Appendix I is four pages long, including the cover page. It is a memorandum summarizing the service and fare equity
analysis for the Green Line Extension project.
Appendix J. Summary of Disparate Impact Analyses for Service Monitoring
Appendix J is six pages long, including the cover page. It is a table summarizing the results of the disparate impact analyses
reported in chapter 6.
Appendix K. MBTA Bus Route Classification
Appendix K is six pages long, including the cover page. It is a table listing the MBTA bus routes, their minority classification,
and the source of data used to define the minority classification.
Appendix L. MBTA Rapid Transit and Commuter Rail Line Classification
Appendix L is three pages long, including the cover page. It is a table listing the MBTA rapid transit and commuter rail lines,
their minority classification, and the source of data used to define the minority classification.
Appendix M. MBTA Rapid Transit Station Classification
Appendix M is six pages long, including the cover page. It is a table listing the MBTA rapid transit stations, their minority
classification, and the source of data used to define the minority classification.
Appendix N. MBTA Commuter Rail Station Classification
Appendix N is eight pages long, including the cover page. It is a table listing the MBTA commuter rail stations, their minority
classification, and the source of data used to define the minority classification.
Appendix O. Draft MBTA Disparate Impact and Disproportionate Burden Policy
Appendix O is 12 pages long, including the cover page. It is the draft MBTA Title VI Program Disparate Impact and
Disproportionate Burden Policy.
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2014 MBTA Title VI Report—Alternative Text
Appendix P. MBTA 2012 Service and Fare Equity Analysis
Appendix P is 38 pages long, including the cover page. It is the MBTA 2012 Service and Fare Equity Analysis report.
Appendix Q. MBTA Fare Impact Report for SFY 2015
Appendix Q is 154 pages long, including the cover page. It is a report produced for the MBTA by the Central Transportation
Planning Staff entitled “Potential MBTA Fare Changes in SFY 2015: Impact Analysis.”
Appendix R. Service and Fare Equity Analysis for the Silver Line Gateway Project
Appendix R is six pages long, including the cover page. It is a document that describes the Silver Line Gateway Equity
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