
Monday, 27 October 2014
Monday, 27 October 2014
Opening Plenary Chair: Dr J Olwoch, SANSA, RSA
09:30 –
Welcome Address by Mrs Mpho Letlape, Deputy Vice-Chancellor: Strategic Services,
University of Johannesburg
09:40 –
Welcome Address by Prof Jide Kufoniyi, AARSE President
09:50 –
Welcome Address by Dr Sandile Malinga, Chief Executive Officer, South African National Space Agency.
10:00 –
Opening Speech by the Honorable Mrs GNM Pandor, MP, Minister of Science and Technology, Republic of South
10:30 11:30
11:30 12:15
Keynote 1 (Auditorium): Space Technology for Societal Benefits in Africa
Prof Mike Inggs, IEEE GRSS Director Education and Training, University of Cape Town (Auditorium)
12:15 –
13:30 15:30
D-Les 104:
Agriculture and
D-Les 101:
(Image Processing)
D-Les 102:
D-Les 103:
Policy and Economy
Chair: Dr P. Mangara,
Chair: Prof M. H. Ahmed,
Chair: Dr J Kemp, US
Chair: Dr T Landmann,
Hydrologically soil
classification of Wadi
el Hawad catchment in
semiarid region, central
M Abd Elbasit, University
of Johannesburg, South
Africa. (190)
Exploring the utility
of the additional
worldview-2 bands and
support vector machines
in mapping land use/land
cover in a fragmented
ecosystem, South Africa
G Omer, UKZN, Sudan.
Maximising automation
in land cover monitoring
with change detection.
K Wessels, Council for
Scientific & Industrial
Research, South Africa.
Quality control approach
for national land cover
mapping in South Africa.
L Ngcofe, Department of
Rural Development and
Land Reform, South Africa.
Satellite derived
sensing of growth
and productivity of
rain fed maize under
conventional and
variable rate nitrogen
application in the Nebo
plateau, South Africa .
B M Petja, Limpopo
Department of Agriculture,
University of Limpopo,
South Africa. (19)
Image processing tools
in R to support carbon
assessments in East
Africa and beyond.
N Horning, American
Museum of Natural History,
United States. (205)
Spatial analysis of land
use change in the cocoa
belt of South-Western
A Ojo, African Regional
Centre for Space Science
and Technology Education,
OAU Campus, Ile-Ife,
Nigeria. (56)
Economic value of
remote sensing within
T Mphaphuli,
Eskom Holdings SOC
Limited, South Africa. (98)
Multisource EO data for
the optimal management
of the agricultural
drainage water in
semi-arid area of
Doukkala (western
Morocco) phenology
versus retrieval of
biophysical variables.
K Labbassi, Chouaib
Doukkali University,
Morocco. (32)
Semi-automated land
cover mapping using
multi-seasonal Landsat
S Martin, GeoTerraImage
(Pty) Ltd, South Africa. (66)
Investigating the
characteristics and
environmental impacts of
African biomass burning
through satellite remote
sensing and modelling .
C Ichoku, NASA Goddard
Space Flight Center, United States. (37)
African multi-state
collaboration within the
realm of sustainable
satellite programme
development: a strategy
mitigating risk.
L De Witt, Space
Commercial Services
Holdings Group (Pty) Ltd,
South Africa. (176)
Monday, 27 October 2014 (continued)
The utility of
hyperspectral data in
detecting grey-stage and
lightning-damaged pine
trees: the performance
of random forest and
support vector machines
E Abdel-Rahman,
University of KwaZuluNatal, South Africa. (35)
Landsat 8 processing
and value added
W Mapurisa, South African
National Space Agency,
South Africa. (151)
Assessing the impact of
land-cover change on
surface water sources
in SW Nigeria: The role
of communities’ local
experts’ knowledge.
A Ayeni, University of
Lagos, Nigeria. (16)
Integrating image
texture derived from
high resolution
worldview-2 imagery
and neural networks to
predict thaumastocoris
peregrinus (bronze bug)
damage in plantation
Z Oumar, KwaZulu-Natal
Department of Agriculture,
Environmental Affairs and
Rural Development, South
Africa. (67)
Pansharpening methods
based on contourlet
transform applied to
urban areas.
S Ourabia, University of
Sciences and Technology
Houari Boumediene
(USTHB), Faculty of
Electronics and Computer
Science, Image Processing
and radiation Laboratory,
Algeria. (228)
environmental dynamics
within flood prone areas
in KOGI state,
north-central Nigeria.
M Keita, Regional Centre
for Training in Aerospace
Surveys (RECTAS),
Nigeria. (140)
The impact of
Communities of Practice
in promoting and
coordinating the use of
earth observations data
in South Africa - the
SA-GEO story.
T Newby, NEOSS, South
Africa. (251)
Random purposive
sampling for quality
assessment of remote
sensing land cover
classification in South
L Maropeng, Department
Of Rural Development
& Land Reform, Chief
Directorate: National
Geo-spatial Information,
South Africa. (84)
Urban tree species
classification on pixel
and object level with
worldview-2 image, using
maximum likelihood
classifier and support
vector machine.
L Chepkochei, Kenya.
(Tea/ Coffee) & Poster session
Free form SA-GEO Communities of Practice (CoP)
Flood risks analysis in a littoral African city: using
geographic information system.
V Ojeh, Wascal Centre, Federal University of
Technology, Akure, Nigeria. (34)
15:30 – 15:45 Tea break
15:45 – 16:00 Key note Address (TBC)
16:00 – 17:30 Free form CoP discussions
Assessing very high spatial resolution multispectral
imagery for mapping Mediterranean mixed forest in
the south of Spain.
S Arenas-Castro, Faculty of Environmental Sciences,
Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Czech
Republic. (46)
Flood vulnerability in part of South-Western Nigeria.
O Orimoogunje, Department of Geography, Obafemi
Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria, Nigeria. (48)
Use of remote sensing and GIS to study the colour
of Erfoud’s sand dunes (south-east of Morocco).
M Adnani, Faculty of sciences, Mohammed V-Agdal
University, Rabat, Morocco. (73)
(Delegates may join any CoP of interest to them and
move freely from one CoP to another during discussions)
Natural Resources
Education & Awareness
Air quality
Legal & Policy
EO Infrastructure
Marine & Coastal
Land Cover
Monday, 27 October 2014
High-resolution tree cover mapping in the west
Sudanian savanna based on multi-temporal Landsat
U Gessner, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Germany.
Earth observation human capital development in
South Africa: The Fundisa approach.
N Knox, SANSA, South Africa. (130)
Estimating the impact of climate change on
desertification in northern Borno: A geo-spatial
V Ojeh, Wascal Centre, Federal University of
Technology, Akure, Nigeria. (218)
Bringing to life a decommissioned weather radar.
R Du Preez, North-West University, South Africa. (253)
Landscape changes in African elephant habitat
within the Kruger National Park through NASA Earth
Observing Systems.
A Presotto, The University of Georgia, Athens, USA.
Derivation of Phenometrics from High Resolution
Rapideye Imagery Of Semi-Arid Grasslands in South
A Parplies, Faculty of Forest and Environment,
Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development,
Bergisch Gladbach, Germany. (283)
Determination of solar regression coefficients in the
Limpopo province in South Africa.
S Mulaudzi, University of Venda, South Africa. (126)
17h30 – 18h00 Closing remarks
Comparative study of pansharpening methods
based on curvelet and contourlet transforms using
images of ALSAT-2A Algerian Satellite.
S Ourabia, University of Sciences and Technology
Houari Boumediene (USTHB), Algiers. (230)
Unsupervised noise-adjusted component analyses
applied to high dimensional remotely sensed
S Chouaf, University of Science and Technology Houari
Boumediene, (USTHB), Algiers. (183)
Incubation of geospatial and earth observation
F Ortmann, SCS-Gi, South Africa. (112)
Trend analysis of small scale commercial
sugarcane production in post resettlement areas of
Mkwasine Zimbabwe, using hyper-temporal satellite
imagery. K Hlahane, Africa Institute of South Africa
(AISA) in the
Human Science Research council (HSRC), South Africa.
The effect of changing impervious surfaces on
surface temperature over city of Tshwane, using
remote sensing data and in-situ measurements.
A Adeyemi, University of Pretoria, South Africa. (224)
Characterising historical land cover changes and
understand the drivers in Goukou catchment in
Western Cape, South Africa.
G Nzonda, South African National Biodiversity Institute/
University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. (210)
18:00 –
Tuesday, 28 October 2014
08:30 10:00
Tuesday, 28 October 2014
Plenary 2 Chair: Prof F Ahmed, WITS, RSA
Keynote 2: Geospatial Technology for Sustainable Development in Africa – Lessons from
Development Projects in West Africa
Dr Mahamadou S. Keita, AARSE VP (West), Deputy Executive Director, RECTAS, Nigeria
Keynote 3: The Benefit and Application of Earth Observations.
Dr Tsehai Woldai, University of the Witwatersrand (WITS), South Africa
Keynote 4: Remote Sensing in a Changing World: Can we Serve Society from Local to Global Scales?
Prof Marguerite Madden, Second Vice President, International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote
Sensing, (ISPRS)
10:00 –
10:30 12:30
D-Les 104: Environment
D-Les 101: Climate
D-Les 102: Technology
(EO Systems and
D-Les 103 Research
Education & Capacity
Chair: Dr A Ramoelo
Chair: Prof K Labbassi,
Chouaib Doukkali
Chair: Dr M Verstraete,
Chair: Dr Mohamed Abd
Elbasit, UJ
Monitoring multitemporal
vegetation change
using Landsat TM: Wadi
Dekouk natural reserve
in southern Tunisia.
B Essifi, Institut des
Regions Arides (Tunisia),
Tunisia. (50)
Analysis of different
empirical relations for
the computation of the
regression coefficients
for the climatic
conditions of Western
Cape Province of South
N Maluta, University Of
Venda, South Africa. (28)
Nanosatellite earth
observation mission
J Ndaba, SCS-Space,
South Africa. (41)
Remote sensing
education and research
situation in AfricaNigeria: an overview
towards enhancing
capacity building.
R Asiyanbola, Olabisi
Onabanjo University,
Nigeria. (36)
Assessment and
Analysis of Wildfires
with the aid of Remote
Sensing and GIS.
W Voster, SANSA, South
Africa. (77)
Investigation of urban
heat island using
Landsat data.
K Abutaleb, University
of Johannesburg, South
Africa. (119)
User needs-based Earth
observation satellite
O Hawkins, Surrey
Satellite Technology Ltd.,
United Kingdom. (214)
Structure for
an international
collaborative taught
masters in geoscience
and remote sensing.
M Inggs, University of
Cape Town, South Africa.
Mapping Malaria risk
zones in Kakamega
county in western
Kenya by geospatial
J Okuku, Moi University,
Kenya. (70)
Not Presented
Comparison of summer
and winter carbon
dioxide vertical and
spatial distribution over
South Africa.
X Ncipha, University of
KwaZulu-Natal, South
Africa. (92)
New imaging
technologies from
A Fortescue, DigitalGlobe
Inc., South Africa. (47)
Challenges in capacity
building and education
in geospatial technology
in Africa.
M KEITA, Regional Centre
for Training in Aerospace
Surveys (RECTAS),
Nigeria. (145)
Tuesday, 28 October 2014 (continued)
12:30 –
Categorization of flood
prone areas in the lower
Niger river channel using
shuttle radar terrain
mission (SRTM) and
A UZONDU, National
Centre for Remote Sensing
(NCRS) Jos, National
Space Research and
Development Agency
(NASRDA), Abuja, Nigeria,
Nigeria. (71)
An overview of regional
and local characteristics
of aerosols in South
Africa using satellite,
ground, and modelling
S Hersey, North-West
University, South Africa.
The soil moisture active
passive mission.
E Njoku, Jet Propulsion
Laboratory, California
Institute of Technology,
United States. (76)
Monitoring soil erosion
features using a time
series of airborne remote
sensing data: a case
study wild coast, South
R Singh, Council for
Geoscience, South Africa.
Validation of radar data
using a ground based
Parsivel disdrometer.
J van Loggerenberg,
North West University,
South Africa. (277)
Characterizing wetland
ecosystems, surface
inundation, and
vector-borne disease
risk with the soil moisture
active passive mission.
E Podest, Jet Propulsion
Laboratory, NASA, United
States. (201)
D-Les 101:
Environmental Hazard &
Disaster Risk Reduction
D-Les 102: Biodiversity
D-Les 103: Technology
(Image Processing)
Chair: Mr H Mudau, DST
Chair: Dr Moses Cho,
Chair: Dr T Lavhengwa,
Design and implementation
of a web-based geographic
information system for the
Obafemi Awolowo
University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria.
E Adegboye,
Institute of Ecology and
Environmental Studies,
Obafemi Awolowo University,
Ile-Ife, Nigeria. (234)
13:30 - D-Les 104: Agriculture
and Forestry
Space technology for
sustainable development
economy in Nigeria.
A Ojo, African Regional
Centre for Space Science
and Technology Education,
OAU Campus, Ile-Ife,
Nigeria. (57)
Chair: Dr El Shirben,
Identifying crops using
Landsat 8 thermal
infrared bands.
I Roselyne, University
of Johannesburg, South
Africa. (78)
Campaign measurements
in the north west
province using the CSIR
mobile LIDAR.
L Shikwambana, Council
for Scientific and Industrial
Research - National Laser
Centre, South Africa. (272)
Remote sensing of
wildlife habitat quality
and geospatial analysis
of animal movements for
M Madden, Center for
Geospatial Research
Department of Geography,
University of Georgia,
United States. (185)
An investigation into the
potential application of
hyperspectral remote
sensing for weed
detection in maize crops
in the free state province
of South Africa.
J Vermeulen, University
of Johannesburg, South
Africa. (278)
A GIS-based and a AHP
assessment of flood
hazard in the Ibadan
region, Nigeria.
O Fashae, University of
Ibadan, Ibadan, Ni,
Nigeria. (182)
Impacts of habitat
fragmentation on
species abundance and
diversity in vulnerable
species rich hotspots in
M Ojoyi, University of
Kwazulu-Natal, South
Africa. (21)
Development and
evaluation of high
resolution thermal band
using SPOT 6 and data
fusion techniques.
M Abd ElBasit, University
of Johannesburg, South
Africa. (191)
agricultural crop
boundary delineation.
L Tsoeleng, South African
National Space Agency,
South Africa. (105)
An overview of remote
sensing in disaster
management-case study
of South Africa.
P Sibandze, South African
National Space Agency,
South Africa. (171)
Mapping the impact of
anthropogenic activities
on the vegetation of the
Soutpansberg region of
South Africa.
B Petja, North west
University, South Africa.
Application of change
detection techniques
in monitoring
phenomena: A review.
T Garba, Abubakar Tafawa
Balewa University Bauchi,
Nigeria, Nigeria. (75)
Predicting eucalyptus
stand volume in
Zululand, South Africa:
an analysis using
stochastic gradient
boosting with
multisource data.
T Dube, University of
KwaZulu-Natal, South
Africa. (6)
Monitoring bilge oil
dumping in the ocean
using SAR image
processing techniques.
R van den Dool, Council
for Scientific and Industrial
Research, South Africa.
Evaluating the utility
of obia for tree species
mapping in savannah
environment using wv-2
S Madonsela, Council for
Scientific and Industrial
Research, South Africa.
Development of national
human settlement layer
using spot satellite
N Mudau, South African
National Space Agency,
South Africa. (108)
Crop and rangeland
monitoring for endusers: operational
analysis protocols using
remote sensing data.
Mr Abdoul Aziz Diouf CSE,
Senegal. (72)
An Assessment of
Veldfire Risk in Bindura
District, Zimbabwe.
R Maponga, University of
Johannesburg. (22)
Classification of
sub-tropical indigenous
forest species using
field spectroscopy and
Bayesian non-parametric
V Sithole, Nelson Mandela
Metropolitan University,
South Africa. (167)
classification of aerial
binary patterns
local contrast measures.
L W Mdakane,
Council for Scientific
and Industrial
Research / University
of KwaZulu-Natal,
South Africa. (25)
Not presented
Flood risk and
vulnerability analysis in
Kaduna metropolis,
Kaduna, Nigeria
E. N. Gajere, National Centre
for Remote Sensing, JosFobur Road, Rizek-Jos,
Plateau State, Nigeria (279)
Assessing the impact of
land-cover change on
surface water sources in
SW Nigeria: The role of
communities’ local
experts’ knowledge.
A Ayeni, University of Lagos,
Nigeria. (16)
15:30 –
16:00 –
D-Les 104: Environment
D-Les 101: Water & Wetlands
D-Les 102: Ecosystems
Chair: Dr Arafat, NARSS
Chair: Mr A Kekana, SANSA
Chair: Prof F Ahmed, WITS
Software engineering for fynbos
Potential crop evapotranspiration
fire management.
using remote sensing techniques.
R van den Dool, Council for Scientific M El-Shirben, NARSS, Egypt. (233)
and Industrial Research,
South Africa. (103)
Satellite based monitoring of bush
encroachment on sourish mixed
veld at the Toowoomba research
station in Bela Bela area of
Limpopo Province, South Africa:
B Petja, Limpopo Department of
Agriculture/ University of Limpopo,
South Africa. (20)
Duplicate removed
Dry season biomass estimation
as an indicator of rangeland
quantity using multi-scale remote
sensing data.
A Ramoelo, Council for Scientific
and Industrial Research, South
Africa. (128)
The impact of land use and land
cover change on stream discharge
dynamics in Manafwa catchment,
Mt. Elgon ecosystem in Uganda.
Y Bamutaze, Makerere University,
Uganda. (141)
Tuesday, 28 October 2014 (continued)
Assessment of LULC dynamics
using Markov environment
modellers for future change:
case of Epe LGA, Lagos, Nigeria.
A O Ayeni, University of Lagos,
Nigeria. (3)
Validating MODIS imagery for
monitoring water quality on Lake
A Gidudu, Makerere University,
Uganda. (232)
Remote sensing of seasonal
vegetation dynamics across
Southern Africa.
O Dubovyk, University of Bonn,
Germany. (88)
Evaluating flood hazards for
land use planning in cross river
basin, south eastern Nigeria
using remote sensing and GIS
R Olabanjo, Nigerpet Structures Ltd,
Nigeria. (206)
Management of underground water
quality in semi- arid environment
using space science
technology - case study Botswana.
B Mathangwane, Botswana
International University of Science
and Technology, Botswana. (26)
Contribution of Earth Observation
(EO) to emerging environmental
challenges in Africa.
T Landmann, International Centre
of Insect Physiology and Ecology
(ICIPE), Kenya. (54)
Addressing water balance and
hydrological disasters via an
integrated water information
system platform for the MAGHREB
S Habib, NASA Goddard Space
Flight Center, Uited States. (65)
Developing information system for
renewable energy production in
Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria, using
geographic information systems
E Oriola, Department of Geography
and Environmental Management,
University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria
(221) Not Presented
Comparison of remote sensing
derived LULC in tree test sites in
savannah zone
G Forkuor, University of
Wuerzburg, Germany (99)
Wednesday, 29 October 2014
Wednesday, 29 October 2014
Plenary 3 Chair: Dr Shahid Habib, NASA, USA
08:30 10:00
Keynote 5: African Space Policy and Strategy: A consolidated framework for regional space activities
Dr Val Munsami, DST, South Africa
Keynote 6: Geo-Capacity Building: A Panacea for Transformative and Resilient Societal
Development in Africa?
Dr. Yazidhi Bamutaze, AARSE VP (East Africa), Makerere University, Uganda
Keynote 7: Capacity Building in GEONETCast applications
B Maathuis, University of Twente – ITC, Netherlands
10:00 –
10:30 12:30
D-Les 104: Agriculture and
D-Les 101: Technology (Image
D-Les 102: Environment
Chair: Mr Terry Newby, NEOSS/SAGEO
Chair: Dr K Wessels, Meraka
Institute, CSIR
Chair: Mr D Matsapola, SANSA
Remote sensing estimation of
woody biomass and tree
equivalent for modelling carrying
capacity in the KwaZulu-Natal
rangelands, South Africa.
C Adjorlolo, SANSA, South Africa.
Different entropies and polSAR
landcover classification schemes
using them.
A Mishra, University of Cape Town,
South Africa. (220)
POLINSAR coherence optimisation
for deformation measurement in an
agricultural region.
J Engelbrecht, CSIR, South Africa.
Challenges and opportunities for
leaf nitrogen estimation as an
indicator for rangeland quality
using earth observation in the
savannah ecosystems.
A Ramoelo, Council for Scientific
and Industrial Research, South
Africa. (127)
Comparison of pixel-based and
object-oriented classification
approaches using Landsat-8 oli
and tirs spectral bands.
I Roselyne, University of
Johannesburg, South Africa. (179)
Validation of satellite-based
rainfall measurement over arid
and semi-arid regions of Sudan.
M Abd ElBasit, University of
Johannesburg, South Africa. (192)
Discrimination of maize cultivars
using hyperspectral remote
A Ngie, University of Johannesburg,
South Africa. (202)
Variations in urban growth in the
different political dispensations in
Osun State, Nigeria.
O Taiwo, University of Johannesburg,
South Africa. (27)
Methods of flood extent mapping
using SAR imagery in the Zambezi
(Caprivi) region, Namibia.
J Kemp, Stellenbosch University,
South Africa. (177)
Major food crops yields response
to climate change and variability in
M Innocent, University of
Johannesburg, South Africa. (223)
System implementation and
capacity building for satellite
based agricultural monitoring and
crop statistics in Kenya (Sbam)
G Laneve, Univesità di Roma ‘La
Sapienza’ DIAEE, Italy. (207)
LAI retrieved by inversion of
prosailh radiative transfer model
explains different levels of insect
defoliation in Mopane trees
S Adelabu, University of the Free
State, South Africa. (270)
Hyperspectral data reduction
based on wavelet transform.
S Chouaf, University of Science and
Technology Houari Boumediene,
Faculty of Electronics and Computer
Science, Laboratory of Image
Processing and Radiation., Algeria.
Estimating leaf area index (LAI)
by inversion of prosail radiative
transfer model on spot 6 imagery.
M A Cho, Council for Scientific and
Industrial Research, South Africa.
Mapping algal bloom using
Determining the availability of,
and access to, fresh fruit and
Landsat 8.
vegetables in arcadia and
T Oliphant, South African National
Eastwood, Pretoria.
Space Agency, South Africa. (109)
A Cooper, Built Environment, Council
for Scientific and Industrial Research,
South Africa. (132)
12:30 –
13:30 D-Les 101
Technical Workshop Session 1:
Workshop Strengthening capacities in remote sensing of
Forest, as contribution to GEOSS (with support from
AGRICAB project)
Assessment and monitoring of forest resources in
South Africa: needs and challenges
Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF)
D-Les 102
Technical Workshop Session 2:
AfriGEOSS Implementation Plan & Regional Activities
Wednesday, 29 October 2014 (continued)
Overview of EO research funded by DST in
environmental fields
Department. of Science and Technologies (DST) – TBC
GEO’s AfriGEOSS initiative
A Mlisa, Group on Earth Observations (GEO),
AGRICAB - Enhancing African EO capacities for
agriculture and forestry management as contribution
B Maathuis, University of Twente – ITC, Netherlands.
LIDAR AND ALOS PALSAR integration for national
scale woody fractional cover mapping in South
R Mathieu, Council for Industrial and Scientific Research,
South Africa. (124)
15:30 –
16:00 –
D-Les 101
Technical Workshop Session 1 continued:
Workshop Strengthening capacities in remote sensing of
Forest, as contribution to GEOSS (with support from
AGRICAB project)
Related fire datasets and management
D-Les 102
Technical Workshop Session
3: AfriGEOSS & GMES and
Woody fractional cover modelling in Southern African
savannahs using multi-frequency SAR and optical
integrated data approaches: one step closer to
regional mapping.
L Naidoo, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research,
South Africa. (120)
Woody structural assessments in a southern african
savanna, using hyper-temporal c-band asar-ws data.
R Main, Council for Industrial and Scientific Research,
South Africa. (113)
Assessment of the performance of global forest
products in South Africa: establishing the
L Naidoo, Council for Scientific and Industrial Research,
South Africa. (129 )
Research to improve fire datasets
S. Archibald, Council for Industrial and Scientific
Research, Natural Resources and the Environment
(NRE), South Africa.
Advanced Fire Information System (AFIS).
P. Frost, Council for Industrial and Scientific Research,
Meraka Institute, South Africa.
18:30 –
Thursday, 30 October 2014
Thursday, 30 October 2014
Plenary 4 Chair: Prof O. Mutanga, UKZN, RSA
08:30 10:00
Keynote 8: From Space to Society
Dr Jane Olwoch, MD, SANSA EO, South Africa
Keynote 9: Space and ICT convergence for next generation EO applications in a developing world context
Mr Lee Annamalai, Meraka Institute, CSIR, South Africa
Keynote 10: Research and development is key to accelerating societal benefits of space technologies in
Africa. Prof Amon Murwira, University of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe
10:00 –
10:30 12:30
D-Les 104: Ecosystems
D-Les 101: Biodiversity
D-Les 102: Water & Wetlands
Chair: Dr C Adjorlolo, SANSA
Chair: Dr Renaud Mathieu, CSIR
Chair: Dr Olalekan Taiwo, University
of Johannesburg
The potential of remote sensing
in mapping seriphium plumosum
(Slangbos) using remotely sensed
M Mashalane, South African National
Space Agency: EO, South Africa.
The role of remote sensing in
enhancing national forest
monitoring systems for the
promotion of sustainable natural
resource management in the
republic of Botswana.
S Hughes, Hatfield Consultants
Africa, Botswana. (260)
Water clarity mapping of LEKKI
lagoon using remote sensing and
least squares model.
D Olayinka, University of Lagos,
Nigeria. (162)
12:30 –
Estimating structural attributes of
savannah woody vegetation using
small footprint, discrete return
LIDAR data.
S Tesfamichael, University of
Johannesburg, South Africa. (117)
Evaluating the efficacy of
multispectral remote sensing for
detecting and estimating patch
sizes of in KwaZulu-Natal, South
M Kganyago, University of KwaZuluNatal, South Africa. (187)
GIS based vulnerability mapping
of land cover/land use changes in
relation to trends in land
degradation in the cross river
basin, South Eastern Nigeria
R Olabanjo, Nigerpet Structures Ltd,
Nigeria. (44)
Towards a bio-energy atlas for
Africa – energy potentials of crop
residues, a few case studies.
M Tum, German Aerospace Center
(DLR), Germany. (40)
Multi-temporal analysis of Mikea
forest landscape fragmentation
in dry forest area (southwest
H Ravonjimalala, National Centre for
Environmental Research (C.N.R.E),
Madagascar. (131)
Bioenergy assessment with the
ASECO model - case study
M Biberacher, Research Studios
Austria, Forschungsgesellschaft
mbH, Austria. (155)
Archaeology in areas at risk: the
remote documentation of the
Sahara landscape.
S Merlo, University of the
Witwatersrand, South Africa. (238)
Change detection of vegetative
areas using land use land cover of
desertification vulnerable areas in
T Garba, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa
University Bauchi, Nigeria. (63)
SANSA’S role in the TIGER and
TIGER-NET initiatives, their impact
and the potential to river basin
B Meyer, South African National
Space Agency, South Africa. (86)
Moved to Wednesday
Assessing habitat type and habitat
condition in KZN estuaries using
remote sensing imagery.
M Lück-Vogel, Council for
Scientific and Industrial Research,
South Africa. (254)
Application of geographic
information systems (GIS) and
remote sensing (RS)
in monitoring and evaluation: A
case study of National Planning
Commission (NPC), Abuja, FCT,
A Adeyemi, National Planning
Commission, Abuja, Nigeria. (222)
Thursday, 30 October 2014 (continued)
13:30 15:30
D-Les 104: Ecosystems
D-Les 101: Technology
(Spatial Data Modelling)
D-Les 102: Geology and
Mineral Exploitation
Chair: Prof K Said, Cadi Ayyad
Chair: Ms Andiswa Mlisa, GEO
Chair: Dr B. Maathuis, University of
Twente – ITC
Identifying the best season for
mapping evergreen swamp and
mangrove species with leaf-level
spectra in an estuarine system in
KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.
H van Deventer, Council for Scientific
& Industrial Research (CSIR), South
Africa. (134)
Multi-frequency SAR for land cover
classification of semi-arid and
forested regions of Africa, using
random forests.
B Spies, Airbus Defence and Space
- Geo-Intelligence, United Kingdom.
Mapping lithology using the group
end member.
K Cawse-Nicholson, Southern
Mapping Company, South Africa.
Vegetation density assessment in
the upper Molopo river catchment,
South Africa.
Agnes Turyahikayo, North West
University, Mafikeng Campus, South
Africa. (93)
Establishment and implementation
of a functional geospatial data
infrastructure for ECOWAS
M KEITA, Regional Centre for
Training in Aerospace Surveys
(RECTAS), Nigeria. (144)
Comparison of weights of
evidence and rule-based
classification for mineral
prospectivity mapping.
C Musekiwa, Council for Geoscience,
South Africa. (85)
Monitoring land use-cover
changes and fragmentation
analysis using spatial technology.
A Nyamugama, Geo-science Nelson
Mandela Metropolitan University,
South Africa. (100)
Adding temporal data
enhancements to the advanced
spatial data infrastructure
B Sibolla, Council for Scientific and
Industrial Research, South Africa.
Geologic mapping of parts of
the Benue trough, Nigeria using
remotely sensed satellite data and
GIS techniques.
O Omo-Irabor, Federal University of
Petroleum Resources, Nigeria. (173)
Synthetic aperture radar for
maritime domain awareness:
ship detection in a South African
C Schwegmann, Council for Scientific
and Industrial Research, South
Africa. (138)
15:30 –
16:00 –
AARSE GA (Auditorium)
The landscape of post mining
communities in Ijesa land, Osun
state, Nigeria
N Adeoye, Obafemi Awolowo
University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria, Nigeria.
Friday, 31 October 2014
08:30 09:00
Friday, 31 October 2014
Plenary 5 Chair: Prof S M Arafat , NARSS, Egypt
Keynote 11: Developing satellites in Africa
Dr Sias Mostert
09:00 –
GEO-Private Sector Engagement in Africa
Engagement with the African Earth observations value-adding private sector, the Group on Earth
Observations (GEO) and African Public Institutions to investigate what role GEO and GEOSS could play to
promote and facilitate the uptake, increased and sustained use of Earth observations data, information and
products from the private sector in the development of new products and services for informed decision
making in Africa.
Key messages from this event will be used by the GEO Secretariat into the on-going process of defining the
GEO Strategic Plan 2016-2015, as requested by the GEO Geneva Summit in January 2014.
Ms Andiswa Mlisa (GEO Secretariat)
Mr Giovanni Rum (GEO Secretariat)
Dr Peter Zeil, University of Salzburg
Dr Sandile Malinga (CEO, SANSA)
Mr Stuart Martin (Director Business Development, GeoTerraImage)
Mr Alex Fortescue (Sales Manager – Africa, Digital Globe)
10:00 –
10:30 12:30
Closing Plenary 5 Chair: Prof Jide Kufoniyi
Awards presentation
Conference Declaration
Closing remarks by SANSA CEO
Announcement of next AARSE conference: AARSE President
End of official proceedings
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