Native Americans Study guide

Louisiana Native Americans Study guide
Use your fill in notes, class activities, vocabulary foldable, textbook and station work to complete
the study guide.
What do archeologist study?
What are artifacts?
What classifies a time period as prehistoric?
What are the three periods of prehistoric history?
Land Bridge. Where? What? Who?
Describe Paleo Native Americans. What major developments were made during this period?
What artifacts were found?
7. Describe Archaic Native Americans. What major developments were made during this period?
What artifacts were found?
8. Describe Neo Native Americans. What major developments were made during this period? What
artifacts were found?
9. The poverty point culture existed during which prehistoric period?
10. Describe how the poverty point cooking balls were used to cook food?
11. Where is Poverty Point located? What do archeologists believe it was? Why?
12. What are middens? Which Native American culture had them?
13. What is a bundle burial?
14. What is the differences between nomadic and hunter-gatherers?
15. What is maximum forest efficiency?
16. Describe the differences between the atlatl and the bow and arrow.
17. How did farming change Native American lifestyle?
18. Know the following cultures and what they are most known for
a. Tchefuntce, Marksville, Troyville, Caddo
b. See your fill in notes for this info
19. What is cannibalism and who practiced it?
20. Which tribe lived in the Florida Parishes area?
21. Describe the relationship the Natchez tribe had with the French.
22. Describe how Native Americans farmed. What did they farm?
23. What did Native Americans in Louisiana eat?
24. How was the waddle and daub constructed?
25. What is animism?
26. What is a shaman?
27. How did the Native American class system differ from the European system?
28. How were women treated? Give examples.
29. Who raised the children?
30. What is federal recognition?
31. What is a reservation? What type of law is it subject to?
32. Explain what is bartering and why it was difficult.