Linda Jobe Middle School 2013 Summer Reading Assignment THE HOBBIT by J.R.R. Tolkien Vocabulary Due: Friday, August 30, 2013. Test Date: Monday, September 18, 2013. The Hobbit Summer Reading Activities 1. Read the book. 2. Complete the attached vocabulary handouts. 3. A study can be found on the JCMS homepage. While it isn’t required, the questions found in the study guide align CLOSELY with the test you will take over the book. 4. Be prepared for your test on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2013. Points to Ponder Each assignment should be completed on the page provided. On the school’s webpage, there will be a link to this document. It should be available by the end of the school year. That way, if you lose yours, a copy is available to you to print out and use. If you are in Pre-AP now, assume you will be in Pre-AP when school starts. “I didn’t know I was going to be in Pre-AP” is not going to work as an acceptable excuse on the date you take the test or have to turn in your vocabulary. You are being provided with a book. If you lose it, you are responsible for securing a replacement and completing the reading. The Hobbit Vocabulary List #1 (Chapters 1 – 3) The following words can be found in chapters 1 – 3. Match the vocabulary term with its correct definition. DEFINITIONS 1. Writing done in ancient script _____________________________ 2. Crossed a river or body of water _____________________________ 3. A procession of people on horseback _____________________________ 4. Stolen _____________________________ 5. Small poisonous trees and shrubs _____________________________ 6. A person who takes part in a conspiracy _____________________________ 7. Someone who claims to be able to tell the future by communicating with the dead through black magic; a sorcerer _____________________________ 8. Confused or perplexed _____________________________ 9. Pleasing to the taste _____________________________ 10.Bold and daring _____________________________ 11. A rapid beating of the heart _____________________________ 12. A contemptible fellow _____________________________ 13. A great number of people gathered together; a crowd _____________________________ 14. Worthy of respect because of age or dignity _____________________________ 15. A reward or compensation _____________________________ WORD LIST I laburnums runes necromancer conspirator flummoxed blighter throng audacious cavalcade forded remuneration purloined palpitating venerable toothsome The Hobbit Vocabulary List #2 (Chapters 4 – 6) The following words can be found in chapters 4 – 6. Match the vocabulary term with its correct definition. DEFINITIONS: 1. Marked by cleverness or originality _____________________________ 2. Taken over by darkness _____________________________ 3. Below ground _____________________________ 4. A dreadful, miserable person or creature _____________________________ 5. Of ancient times _____________________________ 6. To climb with effort or difficulty _____________________________ 7. To choke or suffocate in any way _____________________________ 8. To feel about blindly _____________________________ 9. A fierce or disorderly event _____________________________ 10. A predicament or unfavorable situation _____________________________ 11. Pondered in a worrisome manner _____________________________ 12. The peak or highest point of a mountain _____________________________ 13. To stir one into action _____________________________ 14. Children or grandchildren _____________________________ 15. Whining or complaining _____________________________ 16. An undertaking involving danger or risk _____________________________ 17. Miscellaneous equipment _____________________________ 18. To voluntarily put oneself in the service of another because of a favor _____________________________ WORD BANK: throttled descendants pinnacle clambered antiquity paraphernalia obliged tumult brooded subterranean benighted wretch plight ingenious groped aroused venture yammering The Hobbit Vocabulary List #3 (Chapters 7 – 12) The following are the words and definitions for chapters 7 – 12. Write the appropriate definition next to each vocabulary term. DO NOT WRITE THE LETTER. WRITE THE DEFINITION. QUOITS - ___________________________________________________________________________ TOMNODDY - _______________________________________________________________________ ATTERCOP - ________________________________________________________________________ CRONIES - __________________________________________________________________________ PORTCULLIS - ______________________________________________________________________ QUAY - _____________________________________________________________________________ ENMITY - ___________________________________________________________________________ CLAMOR - __________________________________________________________________________ ABOMINABLE - _____________________________________________________________________ BULBOUS - _________________________________________________________________________ FLAGON - __________________________________________________________________________ LICHEN - ___________________________________________________________________________ OMINOUS - _________________________________________________________________________ PROMONTORY - ____________________________________________________________________ WARY - _____________________________________________________________________________ SUPPRESSED - ______________________________________________________________________ BILBO - _____________________________________________________________________________ DEFINITIONS: a. a pier or landing area for ships b. a great outcry or noise c. watchful; being on one’s guard against danger d. to put an end to forcibly e. a blockhead, dolt, or dunce f. warning of potential evil and harm g. very unpleasant; detestable h. hostility i. friends j. bulb shaped; bulging k. a strong barrier l. a large bottle of wine or liquor m. game where players throw rings at a peg in the ground n. a sword or rapier o. a high point of land or rock projecting into the sea or water p. a spider; and ill-natured person q. a fungus; leaflike, crustlike, or branching forms on rocks or trees The Hobbit Vocabulary List #3 (Chapters 13 – 19) The following are the words and definitions for chapters 13 – 19. Write the appropriate definition next to each vocabulary term. DO NOT WRITE THE LETTER. WRITE THE DEFINITION. PARCHMENT – ______________________________________________________________ PLUNDERING – ______________________________________________________________ TRIFLE – ____________________________________________________________________ CLEAVE – ___________________________________________________________________ DEPREDATIONS – ____________________________________________________________ IMMENSE – __________________________________________________________________ ESTEEMED – ________________________________________________________________ BARD – ______________________________________________________________________ SUCCORED – ________________________________________________________________ BESIEGED – _________________________________________________________________ CARRION – __________________________________________________________________ MATTOCKS – ________________________________________________________________ RENT – ______________________________________________________________________ VANGUARD – ________________________________________________________________ RENDING – __________________________________________________________________ PRECIPICE - _________________________________________________________________ SCIMITAR – _________________________________________________________________ SMITE - _____________________________________________________________________ DEFINITIONS: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. the troops who march in front of the army torn or ripped a vertical cliff; very steep place decaying flesh of a dead body helped, assisted, or aided a curved bladed sword a poet to hit with a blow a tool like a pickax with a flat blade j. surrounded in a hostile manner k. tearing, bursting, splitting l. a sheepskin used for writing m. to adhere closely; stick or cling n. huge; very great o. to rob of goods by force p. to regard with respect q. something of little value r. the act of preying upon or robbery June 3, 2013. Dear Parents, The 8th grade Pre-AP Language Arts class is designed to further develop your child’s reading, writing and thinking skills. Students enrolled in 8th grade Pre-AP Language Arts classes for the 2013-2014 school year will engage in a summer reading component which involves required reading and responding. Incoming eighth graders will be reading The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien. This novel is the required reading selection for eighth grade Pre-AP students as set forth by the Curriculum and Instruction department of Mansfield ISD. Students will be provided a copy of the novel before the end of school. However, replacement copies will not be provided. The price of a replacement book would likely range from six – eight dollars. Each child has received an independent packet that includes vocabulary which is aligned with the book. The vocabulary handouts are to be in to their Language Arts teacher on Friday, the 30st of August. Students will take a test covering the novel, vocabulary, and related literary elements on Wednesday, September 18, 2013. The vocabulary packet your child received in class will also be available on the Coble Middle School website, as well as a study guide. The study guide is NOT required; it is there to assist with comprehension of the reading. In addition to the vocabulary assignments, your child will also participate in a teacher-led discussion and additional novel activities beginning the first day of school. These will activities will take into account the assumption that your child read over the summer. No in-class reading time will be given. Sincerely, Beverly Compton Eighth Grade Pre-AP Language Arts Teachers Linda Jobe Middle School PLEASE SIGN BELOW AND RETURN TO YOUR CURRENT LANGUAGE ARTS TEACHER. -----------------------------------------------I have received and understand the summer reading requirement for 8th grade, Pre-AP Language Arts at Coble Middle School. Additionally, I am aware that my student is being provided with a copy of the novel, and it is my responsibility to replace the book if it is lost. Student Signature ________________________________________________ Parent Signature ________________________________________________ Date ___________________________________