VIVA Cataloging Committee (VIVACAT) Minutes April 11, 1997 VCU Present: C. Lewis (J. Sergeant Reynolds), J. Shieh (UVa), J. Ogburn (chair, ODU), J. Lenville (UR) Absent: G. (Radford), B. Heyman (Willian & Mary) Guests: P. Benson (GMU), K. Cary (VCU), J. Duke (VCU), E. Day (JMU), C. Kiehl (ODU), L. Preston (JMU) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=Agenda: 1. Assign recorder: J. Shieh (UVa) 2. February minutes approved with a change from CAPCON workshop to DCLA (District of Columbia Library Association) workshop. 3. Updates: a) Project Muse--list of OCLC numbers (J. Lenville). Updated list of OCLC numbers for computer file format was distributed. Jean asked how the member libraries catalog Project Muse titles. The list is very useful if the decision is to catalog the Project in electronic format, less as useful if link is added to the book format. There are a number of duplicate bibliographic records on OCLC for book format. It becomes more problematic to provide a listing of available OCLC numbers for book format. J. Duke offered to put information of OCLC number for Project Muse on VIVA home page if catalogers find it helpful for cataloging purposes. The questions on maintenance of titles were raised, including the possibility of adding links to catalog records from VIVA home page. No conclusive suggestion. It was agreed that the list is mainly to "jumpstart" cataloging, and that the list will stand as it exists at this time. (Paper copies only, no further updates) b) Chadwyck-Healey records load at UVa (J. Shieh) Unfortunately UVa has not been able to read the tapes sent by C-H. C-H has sent a new set of tapes about two weeks before the meeting. J. Sleeman (UVa) was not able to read the tape on the two drives available to him. J. Sleeman mentioned that there is one more thing he would try before communicating back to C-H about the unreadable tapes. J. Ogburn asked if other institutions would be willing to contact C-H individually and get the tapes to try. Working cooperatively in communicating to C-H may be more effective in getting the tape sent in right format for loading. c) Counting project (J. Ogburn) J. Ogburn reported her conversation with C. Pfeiffer (UVa) on the issue of counting statistics for VIVA resources. The questions of how ownership is viewed, the titles counted as cataloged or as purchased? Joyce also shared her finding on OhioLink of their counting on paid-for titles and its engaging TechPro to catalog AP Ideal titles. J. Duke raised the question of counting the indexes versus individual titles. Others mentioned the fact that monographic titles such as C-H's full text databases are different to Project Muse, AP Ideal and IAC titles. Therefore, counting vendor services may not be as applicable. Recommendation: follow cataloging guidelines of what constitutes a title as other formats in the collection. This recommendation will be included in the Committee's final report for _Cataloging Electronic Resources Guidelines_. d) Project Confidence (J. Ogburn) P. Benson distributed a copy of the most recent Memo from C. Pfeiffer to the Collection Committee on Project Confidence, list of core titles in VIVA's full text general periodicals database. L. Preston (JMU) shared her findings from her NASIG presentation (in May) on comparing content of an issue for print format and its full-text online counterpart. The result has been very surprising. Science titles are even more problematic. Each vendor has different criteria of what is included in full-text databases. EBSCO, for instance, is cover to cover; while IAC is that an article is excluded when its print counterpart has less than one page of text. The question on how to catalog this type of database was raised. Catalogers, in general, do not cross-check whether indeed an online title has the full representation as its print counterpart. Especially, when the pressure from the library administration to catalog VIVA titles using available print format, the question of whether online title truly reflects its print format seems to fall on wayside. Another question raised regarding merging of titles for online indexes. Some vendors merged journals to form one online titles. Often the information did not come to cataloging community to provide adequate explanatory notes in the cataloging records alerting users of the change. Recommendation: request Collection Development Committee provide detail listings which may be beneficial to be included in the cataloging records for our research community. Communicating to the publishers that up-to-date information on individual titles on their databases be provided. L. Preston suggested using ILL statistics to set priority in cataloging these titles available via VIVA databases. The VIVACat Committee will propose strategies to member libraries for local customization. K. Cary (VCU) volunteered to head this project. 4. Relation to Web page organization (J. Duke) J. Duke reported that the VIVA home page is taking up on the nature of a catalog. When AP IDEAL was acquired, it became apparent that when the home page could not be viewed comprehensively, it became a disservice to users. Over time, as VIVA titles grow, the home page may not be as useful at its current organizational scheme. John requested input from catalogers in regards to how useful users have found of the page, the best way to categorizing resources, the consideration of an alternative way to provide information via local online catalogs. There is also the issue of maintenance on the URL addresses. John simply cannot do it on his own. Is there a possibility of a more cooperative effort from participating libraries in organizing the Web page? L. Preston added that JMU created its own Web pages with annotation to individual titles. Labor intensive but very useful to JMU's users. The Library's online catalog serves as a subset of the Web page, a pathfinder to which users locate more extensive and customized note on each resources. Committee members concurred that list of annotation by titles not by resources is useful. However, the ideal situation is that the Web page is part of the online catalog, not the other way around. At the moment, JMU found a way to serve its patrons creatively, but not an ideal solution. In addition, problems are found more in the maintenance of URL addresses. The URL robot does only a minimum job. J. Ogburn asked if an union catalog for VIVA titles is a pursuable option at this point. As VIVA grows, should there be a permanent position for VIVA WebMaster? There are more questions than recommendations: How useful VIVA home page is? An analysis is needed to determine the amount of efforts be put into this home page. Should the listing of titles be continued? A feedback on the structure set up, such as using LC's subject groupings or some others type of subject categories, etc., will definitely help in providing guidance. 5. Development of guidelines and strategies (J. Ogburn) J. Ogburn distributed copies of guidelines from OhioLink, JMU and Wright State. She called for a subcommittee to draft the guidelines before next Committee meeting to finalize recommendation to be presented to the Planning meeting scheduled on May 12 and 13. J. Shieh (UVa), K. Cary (VCU) and E. Day (JMU) will work on the draft to be presented in the next meeting. The subcommittee will meet on April 25 at UVa to discuss the content and format of the proposed guidelines. Regarding the VIVA May Planning Retreat, the guidelines and recommendations probably won't be presented at that time, but she would like to have something concrete to talk from and can report our progress. 6. Planning for VLA/TSAR June 6 workshop (K. Cary) K. Cary reported the preparation for June 6 meeting has begun. Flyers and notification to VLA members were sent out. She expressed regrets of the date conflict with the VA-OCLC annual meeting to be held in Radford. She mentioned that in a preliminary meeting she had received reports of high interests about the program. J. Ogburn reported that Kathy Perry said that VIVA would pay for one member of the committee to attend the VLA/TSAR meeting. She will ask for funding for all members. 7. VIVA Planning meeting May 12 & 13 (J. Ogburn) J. Ogburn shared her disappointment of the Committee not invited to the Planning meeting retreat on May 12 & 13. As the chair, she felt very strongly that it is crucial that the Committee be part of the whole group in reviewing initiatives and planning future directions in regards to VIVA resources dissemination. The Consortium will miss the valuable insights from VIVACat Ad Hoc Committee. She will bring this issue to the Project Manager hoping that the Committee will be invited to join the retreat for planning. 8. Other business None. 9. Next meeting date and location: May 9, Friday 10:00am Cataloging Conference Room (4th floor) Cataloging Services Dept., Alderman Library, University of Virginia Charlottesville Respectfully submitted, Jackie Shieh (UVa)