Whooping cough is back with a vengeance with the worse outbreak in the United States in 50 years, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). As of this month, 46 states have reported increases in cases compared with 2011. The state of Washington has declared an epidemic with more than 3,000 reported cases. Since the start of July the total number of U.S. cases for 2012 has climbed from approximately 18,000 to 22,000, according to the CDC. The total reflects twice the number of cases seen this time last year. Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/health/2012/08/30/cdc-recommends-booster-shots-for-whooping-coughoutbreak/#ixzz2OnZkqcKJ UK: There were 1,614 infections last month, bringing the total to 7,728 this year. A UK-wide campaign to vaccinate pregnant women, to pass protection on to their children, is under way. There are surges in whooping cough cases every three to four years. However, the current outbreak has affected nearly 10 times as many people as the previous outbreak in 2008. There have been more than 1,600 cases reported in Scotland and around 280 cases in Northern Ireland, but no deaths. PAKISTAN: Public Health. 2012 Jun;126(6):518-22. doi: 10.1016/j.puhe.2012.02.001. Epub 2012 Mar 23. Pertussis resurgence among vaccinated children in Khairpur, Sindh, Pakistan. Mughal A, Kazi YF, Bukhari HA, Ali M. Source Diagnostic and Research Centre, Department of Microbiology, Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur, Sindh, Pakistan. Abstract OBJECTIVES: To investigate the aetiology of persistent cough among vaccinated children as suspected cases of pertussis in Khairpur District, Sindh, Pakistan. Pertussis or whooping cough, caused by Bordetella pertussis, is re-appearing in many countries despite vaccination coverage. In Khairpur, persistent cough and symptoms similar to pertussis among vaccinated children are common but the aetiology has not been investigated previously. STUDY DESIGN: B. pertussis was isolated from cough samples of suspected pertussis patients (n = 700) using the cough plate method with charcoal agar. METHODS: Isolation and confirmation of the clinical isolates of B. pertussis was performed by culture on BordetGengou medium, biochemical tests and polymerase chain reaction. RESULTS: In total, 22 strains of B. pertussis were isolated from clinical cough samples. CONCLUSION: To the authors' knowledge, this is the first report of the presence of pertussis in vaccinated children in Khairpur. There is a need for continuous monitoring of pertussis after immunization programmes in order to assess the efficacy of pertussis vaccination. Copyright © 2012 The Royal Society for Public Health. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. Whooping cough found in vaccinated children in Pakistan Faisal Raza Khan 1 May 2012 | EN [ISLAMABAD] Health researchers say they have identified whooping cough in children who had previously been vaccinated against the potentially life-threatening disease in Pakistan's Sindh province. Writing in the journal Public Health (23 March) [1], the researchers say their discovery suggests new work is needed to tailor vaccines and immunisation programmes to whooping cough strains unique to Pakistan. The researchers, from Shah Abdul Latif University in Sindh, and COMSATS Institute of Information Technology in Islamabad, studied 700 children in southeastern Sindh, who — despite having previously been vaccinated — were suspected of being infected with Bordetella pertussis, the bacteria that causes whooping cough. They took samples from 22 children aged from six months to seven years who had "cough-like" symptoms. Detailed culture and molecular tests confirmed that the 22 children were infected with the bacterium. The study noted that the infection rate could have been higher as not all 700 children were subject to the same analysis. The study was unable to identify a specific reason for the re-emergence, but said it could be the result of genetic differences between circulating strains and strains used to make the vaccines, a problem that has been observed elsewhere in the world. It also found an overwhelming majority of Pakistani health professionals were unaware that vaccinated adults can sometimes be reservoirs of lingering bacteria, which they can pass to childen by coughing. "Present immunisation practices may not be sufficient in protecting infants and children under five years of age against pertussis," the report concluded. It also suggested giving children a booster shot at the age of four – a practice common in European countries facing similar challenges with vaccine efficacy. But officials at Pakistan's National Institute of Health (NIH), which operates under the Ministry of Health, have rejected the findings. NIH executive director Berjees Mazher Kazi told SciDev.Net that other factors might be reducing the effectiveness of immunisation programmes, including a child's immune status, general hygiene conditions, and poor vaccine transport and storage facilities. Whooping cough commonly occurs in early infancy and accounts for 300,000 deaths per year, mostly among unvaccinated babies. It remains in circulation round the year. Outbreaks can be triggered by changing weather conditions, Syed Habib Bukhari, associate professor of biosciences at CIIT, and a co-author of the study, told SciDev.Net, adding that the disease is often not diagnosed, and is therefore widely unreported in Pakistan. An earlier study by Bukhari's team focused on another strain of the disease, B parapertussis, which was also found in vaccinated children. That study, published in December 2010 [2], found that the vaccine used in Pakistan protects against B pertussis, but offers less protection against B. parapertussis. The 2010 study recommended further research to confirm the findings, and notes that this may provide evidence for the introduction of vaccines to protect against all strains found in Pakistan. Link to abstract in Federation of European Microbiological Societies (FEMS) Immunology and Medical Microbiology REFERENCES [1] Public Health (26 March 2012) DOI:10.1016/j.puhe.2012.02.001 [2] FEMS Immunology & Medical Microbiology, Vol 63, Issue 3 (December 2011) DOI: 10.1111/j.1574-695X.2011.00861.x J. A. Englund, F. M. Munoz. (2013) It Takes an Epidemic to Move a Village: Severe Pertussis Disease in Infants in the 21st Century. Journal of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society FEMS Immunol Med Microbiol. 2011 Dec;63(3):373-80. Molecular typing of Bordetella parapertussis isolates circulating i n Pakistan. Bokhari H, Said F, Syed MA, Mughal A, Kazi YF, Kallonen T, He Q, King AJ, Heuvelman K, Mooi FR. Source Department of Microbiology, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan. habib@comsats.edu.pk Abstract Although a whole-cell pertussis vaccine was introduced in Pakistan in 1980, little is known about the pertussis prevalence and circulating strains in Pakistan. The aim of this study was to analyze Bordetella parapertussis isolates circulating between 2005 and 2009 in Pakistan and to compare them with those found in other countries during different periods. A total of 59 (7.35%) B. parapertussis isolates from 802 subjects (median age, 3 years) from Pakistan, with pertussis-like symptoms were investigated. We carried out genotyping and DNA microarray analyses on these isolates and compared them with some international isolates of B. parapertussis. We found that the allele for pertactin (prn) found in strains studied from Pakistan was identical to the predominant type found in Europe. We showed that B. parapertussis isolates circulating in Pakistan are part of the same pulsed-field gel electrophoresis group to those circulating in Finland during the period of 1982-2007. Finally, microarray analysis confirmed that the isolates collected in Pakistan, were quite similar to international strains. Overall, these results confirm that B. parapertussis is extremely monomorphic. The high isolation rate of B. parapertussis (7.35%) compared to Bordetella pertussis (0.5%) may suggest that the whole-cell vaccine used in Pakistan is effective against B. pertussis (0.5% infections detected), but much less so against B. parapertussis.