Mrs. Barron`s Class

Pencils, paper, glue and scissor 'tis the season for this teacher. Smiling faces is
what this class is made of. Who am I? I am your teacher! Welcome to Cheatham
Elementary! I am so excited to meet you!
My name is Mrs. Barron and I am your teacher. I have been an Elementary Educator
for 5 years. I graduated from Northern Arizona with a Bachelors degree in Elementary
education and certified with a Structured English Immersion Endorsement . I was
selected as a Rodel Promising Student Teacher for the Spring of ’09.
Each student is an important individual that plays a huge part in my life. I want
nothing but the best for every student. I am anticipating getting to know all of you this
year. Welcome to the Cheatham family!
T.L.C.... Tender Loving Classroom
Two things that promote an effective and successful classroom are support and
communication. Another way to support our class is by being a parent volunteer when we
have big classroom projects. To limit distractions I will schedule a time and activity you will
be assisting with.
Parent communication is an important part of a successful classroom. In your
student's homework folder there will be a communication log for parents to write notes to
the teacher when needed. I will check communication logs daily. You can also email (which
is the quickest way for me to respond) . If you call the school your call will be directed to
my voicemail so there is no in class distractions. I will then contact you at the end of the
day. I am here to help each student succeed. I am more than open to making
accommodations you may need.
The Leaders in Us
In my class I embraces the ‘Leader in Me'. You will see scholars transform into leaders over the course
of this year. There are 7 habits to being a highly effective person that your scholars and you will
become familiar with. The 7 habits are: be proactive, begin with the end in mind, put first things first,
think win-win, seek first to understand then to be understood, synergize, and sharpen the saw. Let us
get up and move mountains.
Credit Cards for Scholars!
Praise and rewards boost self-confidence and classroom success. Each scholar will receive a
classroom credit card. Positive work and behavior will be rewarded with a credit. Once a scholar has
received enough credits he/she may purchase an item with these credits. Besides credits for their card
scholars could earn a paw coupon. Paw coupons are passed out to scholars who exhibit excellent
behavior: practice respect, accept responsibility, work together, and stay safe.
Reward Prizes (prizes will change throughout the year):
5 credits= eraser top
8 credits= long eraser
10 credits= pencil
12 credits: pencil grip
15 credits= mini checkers game
18 credits= small notebook
20 credits: giant eraser
Other forms of rewards: Positive reinforcement and note home to parents
What if I do? What if I don't?
My classroom has 'What if I do?' 'What if I don't?' policies. There are 4 principles that guide my
classroom management.
'What if I do...'
1. I try my best.
2. I respect myself and others.
3. I value my class work time.
4. I am open to differences of opinion and beliefs.
'What if I don't?'
1. Verbal Warning: 'You need to.."
2. Think it out: Away from the group, but still participating
3. Loss of reward: Sitting out from a special activity (recess or classroom free time)
4.Call/Note home
I am asking that all my scholars to purchase a binder. This binder will contain:
parent/teacher communication logs, a ‘stay at home’ section, test score bar graphs, an
agenda and the homework folder. The parent/teacher communication log is a page were
parents can write a note to the teacher and I can respond back. The ‘stay at home’ section
is a place where I will put flyers and any paperwork that can stay at home. Every week when
your scholars take a test it will be graded and your scholar will complete a bar graph. This
bar graph indicates what percentage they received. Parents must put their initials in the
designated area to show you have seen your scholar’s score. Discuss your scholar’s score
with them and if there is need for improvement.
The Cheatham Cheetahs’ welcome you to our family! With all of us working together, it's
guaranteed to be a fantastic year.
Mrs. Barron
Please cut, sign, date, and return the signed page by Friday, August 8th, 2014.
Parent signature: ______________________________________________________________
Student signature:______________________________________________________________
Date: ______________________