The Outsiders Novel Study Questions: Chapters 1-7

by S.E. Hinton
Please answer the following questions on a separate sheet of
Chapter 1
Who are the Socs?
Who are the Greasers?
Socs – rich, madras, mustangs, East side
Greasers – poor, t-shirts and jeans, West side
2. How is Pony’s relationship with Darry different from his
relationship with Soda?
Darry is more like a father-figure to Pony. He loves him, but they
argue a lot and he is hard on him.
Soda and Pony are friends. He
really understands Pony and they have a lot in common.
Why is the “gang” so important to Johnny?
He relies on them like family, because his father abuses him and his
mother ignores him.
4. Do you think Darry loves Pony?
way he does?
Why does he treat Pony the
Yes, he does love Pony, He is hard on Pony because he doesn’t want him
to get in trouble
because then the boys would be split up. He wants
Pony to have a good life.
5. Explain what Pony means when he says, “I lie to myself all
the time”. Why do you think people lie to themselves?
He tries to convince himself something is truth. For example, he tries
to convince himself that he doesn’t
care that Darry doesn’t love him,
but he does care whether or not Darry loves him.
Chapter 2
Who are Cherry and Marcia?
Two Socy girls Pony and Johnny picked up at the drive-in.
Why is it strange that Cherry and Pony get along so well?
Socs and Greasers shouldn’t get along, but Cherry and Pony have a lot
in common – sunsets, dreamers,
3. According to Two-Bit, what is a “fair fight”?
Socs fight fair?
Why don’t
A fair fight is between two people with no weapons. Socs don’t fight
fair because they gang up on people
and bring weapons (knives, rings,
What two rules do Greasers follow?
Two rules – Stick together.
Don’t get caught.
Why doesn’t Pony want to refer to Soda as a “dropout”?
Soda dropped out in order to help the family.
to think Soda is a loser.
Pony doesn’t want people
6. In a few sentences, explain what happened to Johnny.
made it so terrible?
Johnny was jumped by the Socs and beaten so badly he almost died. The
rings cut his face and left a
lifelong scar. The Socs really scared
7. Explain what Cherry means when she says, “Things are rough
all over”.
Cherry means to say that everyone has problems, they are just different
kinds of problems.
Chapter 3
1. What does Cherry explain as the difference between Greasers
and Socs?
The biggest difference between Socs and Greasers is that Greasers are
too emotional and
Socs don’t feel
What request does Cherry make to Pony?
Is he understanding?
She doesn’t want Pony to talk to her at school and he shouldn’t expect
her to speak to him. He
understands; they are from different social
3. Why do you think it is important to realize that Pony and
Cherry “see the same sunset”?
Even though they come from different backgrounds, maybe they aren’t so
different after
4. What happens when Pony comes home after his curfew?
does this make Pony so upset?
Darry yells at him and hits him.
has ever hit him before.
Pony runs away.
No one in his family
5. Why does Johnny like it better when his father is hitting
Because “at least he knows he’s there”.
when he is beaten.
Johnny isn’t being ignored
6. At the end of the chapter, how does the author foreshadow
that bad things will happen?
“Things gotta get better.
They couldn’t get worse.
I was wrong.”
by S.E. Hinton
Please answer the following questions on a separate sheet of
Chapter 4
1. Why is it important for Pony to point out that the Socs were
“reeling pickled”?
When the Socs are drunk and in a “fighting mood”, they are extra
2. In a few short sentences, explain what major event occurs in
this chapter.
Johnny killed Bob Sheldon, one of the Socs. He was Cherry’s boyfriend
and also the guy with the rings
who beat Johnny. Johnny killed him in
self defense; he was trying to
drown Pony.
3. Why do Pony and Johnny turn to Dally for help?
help them?
They go to Dally because he’s been in messes before.
gun, money, clothes and a place to hide.
How does he
He gives them a
Where do the boys end up “hiding out”?
They hide in an abandoned church on top of Jay Mountain, in
5. Do you think Pony and Johnny should have run?
other choice for them?
Was there any
I don’t think they felt they had any other choice but to run. The
police were biased against them and would
have sided with the Socs
regardless of the truth. (This is an opinion question, so this is just a
Chapter 5
How do Pony and Johnny disguise themselves?
They both cut their hair and Pony bleached his.
2. How do Pony and Johnny feel about the changes they have
They didn’t like the changes at all. They said, “It’s like being in a
Halloween costume we can’t get out of.”
It’s like they lost some of their
3. What gift does Johnny bring Pony?
this gift as much or more than Pony?
Why does Johnny enjoy
The book, Gone With the Wind. Johnny enjoys learning about the Civil
War. He especially likes the
southern gentlemen. He calls them
gallant and compares them to Dally. This shows how Johnny looks at
like a hero.
4. What does “gallant” mean?
According to Johnny, how is Dally
Gallant means brave, heroic, charming. Dally is calm in the face of
danger and willing to
stick up for his buddies at all cost…” Johnny
compares him to the part where the southern gentlemen “ride into sure
What do you think the poem “Nothing Gold Can Stay” is about?
Nothing perfect lasts forever. Everything changes. Pony and Johnny
are forced to grow up too fast. They
are losing their innocence.
6. How does Johnny compare Ponyboy and his brothers to their
Darry looks like his dad and acts like his mom. Soda looks like his
mom (golden) and acts like his dad (carefree). Pony is not like either one.
What is a heater?
A heater is a gun.
Why does Dally have one?
Dally carries one to scare the Socs.
8. Who is the spy for the greasers?
Why or why not?
It is NOT
Does this surprise you?
Cherry is the spy for the greasers. Yes, this did surprise me because
I thought she would hate the greasers
because Johnny killed her
boyfriend. I was surprised to learn she would be willing to help them out.
is an opinion question, so this is a sample answer).
by S.E. Hinton
Chapter 6
Explain why each of the following quotes from Chapter 6 is
significant to the story. Be specific and detailed in your
response. Include who said the quote and why.
1. “She said she felt the whole mess was her fault, which it
is, and that she’d keep up with what was comin’ off with the
Socs in the rumble and would testify that the Socs were drunk
and looking for a fight and that you fought back in selfdefense.”
Dally talking to Pony and Johnny saying that Cherry is willing to stick
up for Johnny and Pony. This is a big deal for a Soc to stick up for a
“We’re goin’ back and turn ourselves in.”
Johnny says this to Dally. Since Cherry is willing to testify, he
realizes he could plead self-defense. He
wants to get Pony back to his
3. “’You don’t know what a few months in jail can do to you.
Oh, blast it, Johnny’ – he pushed his white-blond hair back out
of his eyes – ‘you get hardened in jail. I don’t want that to
happen to you. Like it happened to me…”
Dally to Johnny because he doesn’t want him to end up in jail.
shows Dally truly cares for Johnny.
4. “I caught one quick look at his face; it was red-marked from
falling embers and sweat-streaked, but he grinned at me. He
wasn’t scared either. That was the only time I can think of
when I saw him without that defeated, suspicious look in his
eyes. He looked like he was having the time of his life.”
Pony is explaining what Johnny is like when they are saving the kids.
This shows that Johnny is more
good than bad.
5. “’I swear, you three are the bravest kids I’ve seen in a
long time. First you and the black-haired kid climbing in that
window, and then the tough-looking kid going back in to save
him. Mrs. O’Briant and I think you were sent straight from
heaven. Or are you just professional heroes or something?”
Jerry Wood (a teacher) is talking to Pony in the ambulance. He judges
the boys for their actions not for their classifications. He sees them as
heroes, not greasers.
6. “I let go of Soda and stood there for a minute. Darry
didn’t like me….he had driven me away that night…he had hit
me…Darry hollered at me all the time…he didn’t give a hang about
me…Suddenly I realized, horrified that Darry was crying.”
Pony says this about Darry at the hospital. Darry was sorry for what
he did. He loves Ponyboy and was
worried about him.
7. “I had taken the long way around, but I was finally home.
To stay.”
Pony says it at the hospital.
has been through, he feels like all
closer together.
After seeing Darry break down and all he
the bad stuff brought the brothers
8. Go back to Chapter 4. Pony says, “I figured I couldn’t get
into any worse trouble than murder.” How does this foreshadow
the events that take place in Chapter 6?
He thought things couldn’t get worse, but we should have realized it
would get worse, and it did. His best
friend might die…that’s worse.
by S.E. Hinton
Chapter 7
What injuries did Johnny sustain at the church?
Johnny has a broken back (he can’t feel anything below his waist).
is suffering from shock and 3rd
degree burns.
2. In your own words, summarize the newspaper article Steve and
Two-Bit share with Pony.
They praised Pony, Johnny and Dally for being heroes. Pony finds out
they might be separated and he
and Soda could go to a boys’ home. It
tells the events that led up to the murder and explains that Cherry
Randy stick up for them.
3. Why was Randy so surprised that Pony was featured in the
paper? What was Pony’s response?
Randy can’t believe that a greaser risked his life to save the kids.
Pony says it has nothing to do with him
being a greaser, it’s the
individual. He thinks Randy would have saved them too.
Randy says he won’t show to the rumble…why?
Randy won’t fight because he’s sick of the fighting. He says nobody
can win. Bob, his best friend is dead.
“Greasers will still be Greasers
and Socs will still be Socs.”
5. Pony remembers when Cherry told him “things are rough all
over”. How does this apply to the Greasers? To the Socs?
Greasers – poor, neglected, constantly jumped by Socs, people look down
on them, they feel too much
Socs – feel too little, cold, put up a front, parents don’t discipline
or say “no” to them, pressure to fit in and
get good grades
Chapter 8
1. Why do you think the doctor says, “Let them go in…it can’t
hurt now.”?
Johnny is probably going to die anyway, so having visitors can’t hurt.
How does Johnny feel about facing death?
He used to think death would be a good way out. Now he’s scared; he
hasn’t seen or experienced enough.
“Sixteen is too young to die.”
How does Johnny’s attitude about his parents change?
Before Johnny wanted his parents to acknowledge him. Now they are
acknowledging him and he wants
nothing to do with them.
4. What does Two-Bit mean when he says, “ You know, the only
thing that keeps Darry from bein’ a Soc is us.”?
If Darry had gone to college like he was supposed to, he would have a
different life. He was smart, athletic
and fit in more with the Socs.
Because he has to raise his brothers, he is stuck in the life of a greaser.
Why does Pony ask Cherry about her view of the sunset?
Pony wants to remind Cherry that maybe they aren’t so different after
Chapter 9
1. What is the mood like prior to the rumble? What are some of
the things the Greasers are doing at this time?
Confident, pumped up. Playing poker, talking, getting dressed (want to
show they are proud to be
greasers), making fun of Socs, doing
acrobatics, getting pumped up.
2. What are the different reasons that each member of the gang
gives for why they like to fight?
Soda – it’s action, a contest (for fun), Steve – to stomp the other
guy (for hatred). Darry – show off
muscles (for pride). Two-Bit –
cause everyone fights (conformity). Pony – no good reason to fight.
3. What is the difference between Pony’s gang and the other
Greaser gangs that show up to the rumble?
They had leaders and were organized, Pony’s gang is just a group of
buddies that stick together.
What are the “rules of the rumble”?
Nothing but fists, and the first to run lose.
5. Darry and a Soc, Paul, are chosen to start the rumble.
How do they know each other?
They are intimidating, both built tuff and taken seriously.
to play football together.
They used
6. Who shows up to the rumble unexpectedly? What did he do to
get there?
Dally comes to the rumble after he threatens the nurse with Two-Bit’s
7. Name five things that happen during the rumble, including
who won.
Dally shows up, Pony gets kicked in the head, Brumly Boys break rules
(uses pipe), greasers get minor
injuries, the Socs ran
8. Who was with Johnny when he died?
What do you think they mean?
What were his last words?
Pony and Dally were with Johnny, He said, “Stay gold, Ponyboy”.
wants Pony to stay like he is and not get too tough.
Chapter 10
1. What injuries does Pony describe when he comes home and sees
the other members of his gang?
Steve – side bandaged, broken ribs; Soda – wide cut on lip, bruise
across cheek; Darry – band-aid on
forehead, black eye; Two-Bit – face taped
up, stitches in cheek and hand busted open
2. Explain what happens to Dally.
makes to the Curtis’.
Begin with the phone call he
He calls the Curtis house to tell them he robbed a grocery store and
needed someone to hide him. He told
Darry to meet him in the lot. When
the boys got to the lot, they saw Dally under the streetlight. He pulled
his gun out and aimed it at the police. They shot him because they
didn’t know it wasn’t loaded. He died
before he hit the ground.
3. Why do you think Dally had such a strong reaction to
Johnny’s death?
Johnny was the only person Dally ever loved. He didn’t have a real
family of his own and Johnny was like
a little brother to him.
What happens to Pony?
Pony passes out after Dally dies. He ends up in the hospital for a few
days (exhaustion, shock, minor
concussion). He was asleep and delirious
from Saturday until Tuesday.
Chapter 11
Why does Randy visit Pony?
Summarize what they discuss.
He wants to check on him, but Randy also wants Pony to know that he has
to talk to the judge the next
day. Randy says he will tell the truth
to the judge. Pony tells him that he is worried he may get split from his
brothers. Pony starts to get confused. He says that he killed Bob and is
saying that Johnny is not
2. Why do you think Pony is claiming to be the one that killed
He wants Johnny to be remembered as a hero.
and emotionally.
He is mixed up mentally
3. Is there a shift in Pony and Darry’s relationship?
example from this chapter to support your answer.
Cite one
Yes. Even though Darry is still acting protective of Pony, Pony is
more willing to take it. Also, Darry is gentler with Pony than he was
before. He refers to Pony as “little buddy” at the end of the chapter.
Chapter 12
During the trial, how do Darry and Soda stand by Dally?
Since Dally died a “hoodlum” it could reflect badly on the brothers if
they admitted to being close friends
with him. When the judge asked
them if Dally was a “real good buddy”, they both responded, “Yes, sir”.
What was the outcome of the trial?
Pony was acquitted and the case was closed.
to stay together.
The brothers were allowed
What changes happen to Pony after the trial?
He started running into things, tripping over things, and losing
things. He stopped eating because everything tasted like baloney. He
started doing poorly in school, especially English. He tried to act
4. What does Two-Bit mean when he says, “Ponyboy, listen, don’t
get tough. You’re not like the rest of us and don’t try to
He wants Pony to stay kind hearted and a dreamer.
to get rough and stop caring about things.
He doesn’t want Pony
Why does Soda run out on his brothers?
They are fighting again and try to put him in the middle.
of being in the middle.
He is tired
When the boys head home, they race and end in a tie. Why is
this significant?
It shows their unity and that they will try to get along better from
this point on.
7. In his letter, how does Johnny’s attitude toward dying
change? What message does he want Pony to share with Dally?
He ends up being okay with dying because he was glad he was able to do
something good with his life (save the little kids). Losing his life was
worth saving theirs. He wants Pony to tell Dally to watch a sunset
to remind him there is a lot of good in the world. He wants Dally to know
that saving the kids was
worth it, to not get angry over it.
8. What does Pony decide to write for his theme for his English
The Outsiders…