Aggravated phosphorus limitation on biomass production under increasing nitrogen loading: a meta-analysis Yong Li, Shuli Niu*, Guirui Yu The following Supporting Information is available for this article: Fig. S1 Response of leaf N concentration to P addition. Table S1 Papers included in this study for establishing the database. (a) (b) Mean Tropical forest Grassland Tundra Wetland 0.97(104) 0.97(71) 0.96(50) 1.04(13) 0.97(17) 1.03(18) 0.94(13) 0.90(19) 1.02(17) 0.99(20) NaH2PO4 Ca(H2PO4)2 1.03(5) 1.01(5) 0.97(72) 0.92(37) <5 g m-2 5-10 g m-2 10-15 g m-2 >15 g m-2 0.96(30) 0.97(39) 1.02(10) 0.98(25) 0.93(29) 1.03(23) 0.92(6) 1.00(13) ≤ 3 yr >3 yr 0.98(83) 1.00(55) 0.95(21) 0.87(15) Herbaceous Woody 0.96(38) 0.98(43) 0.92(34) 1.03(16) .4 .6 .8 1.0 Response ratio 1.2 1.4 .4 .6 .8 1.0 1.2 1.4 Response ratio Fig. S1 Responses of leaf N concentration to P addition. (a) only P addition, and (b) P plus N addition (N addition was considered as control and P+N addition as P treatment). 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