Unit 3 Self Guided Syllabus


Biology – Unit 3: Cell Structure and Function

During this unit you will guide the pace of your own learning! This self-guided unit will give you the opportunity to spend more time and get individual help on the things that you need help on. You will have videos to watch, notes to take, activities and labs to complete, biology notebook entries, and a graphing question. There are check points along the way to let you know when you are ready to move on to the next step.

Unit Overview:

Each of the items below will count as a grade. LT’s are test items, PT’s are products that will need to be completed and turned in .

LT 3.1 – I can explain the three parts of the cell theory and compare and contrast different cell types

(prokaryotes, eukaryotes, plant, and animal cells).

LT 3.2 – I can describe the structure and function of the parts of a typical eukaryotic cell.

LT 3.3 – I can illustrate how cell organelles work together to produce, process and package proteins for use by the cell and for export

LT 3.4 – I can describe the structures involved in cell structure and movement (flagella, cilia, pseudopodia).

PT3.1 – Graphing

PT 3.3 – Laboratory investigation

PT 3.3 – Cell analogy project

PT 3.4 - 4 Notebook writing entries (cell basics, cell organelles and their functions, protein production, cell structure and movement)

PT 3.5 – Cytoskeleton and Reproduction Case Study

All students will need to complete all tests and assignments by Friday October 30!

Handouts: Along the way, I will provide copies of each assignment. Look on the front counter, or see me as you are ready for the next activity or assignment.

Videos: You may use your electronic device to watch videos. If you do not have access to an electronic device, you may watch with a friend, borrow from a friend, watch from my computer, or watch from other devices that I may have available in the room.

Quizzes: You must show me your work for the section in order to obtain the quiz for that section. If you do not do well on the quiz, remediation activities may be assigned.

Review and Test: We will have a whole class review day on Oct. 29 and the unit test on Oct 30. If you are ready for the test before this date, see me and you can test early. This will give you the opportunity to complete retest of material after remediation while we are still on this unit or work on extension activities.


Part I (target completion date 10/15)

1. Watch Video and take notes on cell theory

TED http://ed.ted.com/lessons/the-wacky-history-of-cell-theory

2. Watch Amoeba sisters – Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes, and complete video recap sheet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ruBAHiij4EA&list=PLwL0Myd7Dk1F0iQPGrjehze3eDpco1eVz&index=5

3. Work with in a small group (no more than 4) to complete the POGIL activity on Prokaryotes and eukaryotes

4. Complete Graphing question comparing sizes of different cell types – use colored pencils!

5. Notebook entry #1 – Cell Basics

Complete Cell basics sheet and insert into notebook. Complete writing prompt using information you have learned so far

6. Show me completed work to obtain Quiz – LT 3.1 You must pass with 80% to move on!

Part II (target completion date 10/22)

1. Work in a small group (no more than 4) to complete the POGIL activity on Organelles in Eukaryotic cells

2. Watch video and take notes on cell structure and function

Bozeman Science - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Z9pqST72is

3. Complete Eukaryotic cell structures table and cell coloring sheet– color code names and structures

4. Watch video and try to identify the cell structures and what is going on in the cell

The Inner Life of the Cell - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJyUtbn0O5Y

5. With a partner, conduct Cell diversity lab and complete lab data sheet and questions.

6. Look at options for Cell Project and pick one to complete individually or in a small group as specified on the sheet

7. Notebook entry #2 – Eukaryotic Cell Structure and Function

Create a diagram with notes on cell structures and functions. Complete writing prompt using information you have learned on this section

8. Show me completed work to obtain Quiz – LT 3.2 You must pass with 80% to move on!

Part III (target completion date 10/26)

1. Obtain Protein Synthesis description activity and complete by watching the video

Endomembrane system - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3w_rbCzScFU

2. Complete Sweet 16 bracket for cell structure and protein synthesis

3. Notebook entry #3 – Protein Synthesis in cells

Create table of organelles involved in protein synthesis, write function and diagram of structure.

Complete writing prompt using information you have learned in this section

4. Show me complete work to obtain Quiz – LT 3.3 – You must pass with 80% to move on!

Part IV (target completion date 10/10/29)

1. Watch video on Cytoskeleton and take notes over video on organizer sheet

Cell Structure and Movement https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YTv9ItGd050

2. Use the textbook to find and draw pictures to complete organizer sheet

3. Notebook entry #4 – Cell structure and Movement

Insert notes organizer sheet onto left side of notebook. Complete writing prompt using what you have learned in this section.

4. Show me completed work to obtain Quiz – LT 3.4 – You must pass with 80% to move on!

5. Work with a partner to complete Cell structure and motility Case study

Watch Video for Case Study - http://video.sciencemag.org/VideoLab/2127025888001/1/medicine

Obtain Case study sheet and use information learned from the videos to complete tasks on handout.

Link to case study - http://sciencecases.lib.buffalo.edu/cs/files/cytoskeleton_infertility_flip.pdf

Unit 3 Tracking Sheet Name: _____________________




Part I

Notes and video recap sheet

POGIL – Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes

Graphing Question – Cell size

Notebook entry #1 – Cell Basics

Quiz LT 3.1

(target completion date 10/15)

Remediation if needed

Part II

POGIL – Organelles in Eukaryotic Cells

(target completion date 10/22)

Eukaryotic Cell structures table and coloring diagrams



Cell diversity lab

Cell Project

Notebook entry #2 – Cell Structures and Functions

Quiz LT 3.2

Remediation if needed

Part III (target completion date 10/26)

Protein Synthesis activity sheet and sweet 16 bracket

Notebook entry #3 – Protein Synthesis in Cells

Quiz 3.3

Remediation if needed

Part IV (target completion date 10/28)

Notebook entry #4 – Cell Structure and Movement

Quiz LT 3.4

Remediation if needed

Case Study – Cytoskeleton and reproduction

