2015 Students’ conference of the Tropical Biology Association African Alumni Group (TAAG) CALL FOR ABSTRACT The Organizing Committee of the 2015 TAAG Students' conference invites abstracts from students and conservation practitioners and professionals for its conference to be held at the University of Ghana from 9th to 12th June 2015. The main theme of the conference is 'Conserving biological diversity for a sustainable future: the African challenge'. Submitted abstracts should address the above conference theme, and in particular one of the sub themes outlined below. THE CALL 1. SUB-THEMES: Under which sub-theme does your research fall(enter “yes” against your ONE selection) Africa’s terrestrial and aquatic biodiversity: Status and threats Efforts at conserving Africa’s biodiversity: successes, challenges and lessons Climate change and biodiversity conservation in Africa Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning and services Biodiversity and livelihoods in Africa’s rural and urban communities 2*. Please enter “yes” under the preferred presentation option you would like to be considered for Talk (15 mins + 5 mins Poster (A0 size, Both oral and poster Either oral or poster for questions) Portrait) presentation presentation THE ABSTRACT AND SUBMISSION GUIDELINES The abstract should be submitted in Microsoft Word, Times New Roman, font 12, 1.5 line spacing. It should not be longer than 300 words. The abstract should have a title that reflects the content. Below the title, provide the name(s) of the author(s), affiliated institution(s) and email(s). In the case of abstracts with multiple authors, indicate in the space provided name and email of the corresponding author.(NOTE: The additional authors attending the conference should fill separate registration forms). Applicants must indicate the kind of presentation (oral, poster, both or either) they are asking (NOTE: Abstract not accepted for oral presentation, may be considered for poster presentation). If the abstract is based on a study undertaken, it should contain a background of the study, study objectives, methodology, main findings and conclusions. The deadline for submission of abstracts is 31 December 2014. The Organising Committee shall review the abstracts received and notify authors about acceptance by 28 February 2015. 3. Title of your abstract and author(s): (Please give name(s) (starting with your first name and surname in UPPERCASE), institution of affiliation(s) and email(s) for each author), and the name and email for the corresponding author. Title Author(s) Corresponding author Correspondence email 4*. What is your highest academic qualification? (enter “yes” under the option applicable to you) BSc Student MSc Student PhD Student BSc MSc Dr Prof/Assoc. 5. Please paste your abstract below (your abstract should not be more than 300 words) TRAVEL GRANTS The LoC is pleased to announce a limited number of travel grants. Please indicate below if applying but also send a (a) Two (2)-page cv (b) Letter of support from your academic supervisor or institution indicating why you are a deserving candidate. To conference@tropical-biology.org to reach by 31 December 2014 The awards will be given based on quality of submitted abstract (especially) and applicant's affiliation to the Tropical Biology Association and/or TBA African Alumni Group. 6. Would you like to be considered for a travel grant (enter “yes” or “no” accordingly) Are you applying for a travel grant? Are you a TBA Alumnus? 7. If you are not a TBA alumnus, what is your links with TAAG? 8. How much are you asking for in travel grant? (indicate amount in US$ equivalent) US$ 9. State below why you should be considered for a travel grant (Max 300 words) IMPORTANT DATE AND LINKS Deadline for submission is 31 December 2014. The LoC will get back to you by 28 February 2015. PLEASE NOTE You MUST register to secure your place at the conference. To register, go to: http://www.tropical-biology.org/information/TAAG.htm#TAAG2015 If you need any help, please email conference@tropical-biology.org Thank you for your submission as we look forward to meeting you at the conference. ABOUT THE ORGANISORS TAAG is an association of African biologists and conservationists who are alumni of the Tropical Biology Association. Through its students' conference on conservation science, TAAG provides you an opportunity to network, learn and share knowledge and experiences aimed at finding solutions to current issues facing biodiversity conservation in Africa. TAAG is working with the GHANA TBA ALUMNI GROUP to host this conference. Even before you arrive, the Organizing Committee and the GHANA TBA Alumni Group says AKWAABA!