Penn format - University of Pennsylvania

Curriculum Vitae
Date: _________________
Home Address:
3 Oak Lane
Philadelphia, PA 19108
Office Address:
1102 Maloney Building
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA 19104-4283
Certificate Date:
0-123-456-7 (provide attachment)
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Expiration date:
Month/Year – Month/Year
Month/Year – Month/Year
Month/Year – Month/Year
Postgraduate Training and Fellowship Appointments:
Month/Year – Month/Year
Month/Year – Month/Year
Month/Year – Month/Year
Yale University
Medical College of Pennsylvania
Medical College of Pennsylvania (Physiology)
Intern in Medicine, Temple Hospital, Philadelphia
Resident in Medicine, Graduate Hospital, Philadelphia
Fellowship, Pulmonary Diseases,
Philadelphia General Hospital, Philadelphia
Military Service:
Month/Year – Month/Year
US Public Health Services, Tuberculosis Control Section,
Month/Year – Month/Year
Instructor in Medicine, Department of Medicine
University of Pennsylvania, School of Medicine
Associate in Medicine, Department of Medicine
University of Pennsylvania, School of Medicine
Assistant in Medicine, Department of Medicine
University of Pennsylvania, School of Medicine
Faculty Appointments:
Month/Year – Month/Year
Month/Year – Month/Year
Hospital and Administrative Appointments:
Month/Year – Month/Year
Month/Year – Month/Year
Month/Year – Month/Year
Assistant Chief of Pulmonary Disease Section, Department of Medicine
University of Pennsylvania, School of Medicine
Chief of Pulmonary Function Laboratory, Department of Medicine
University of Pennsylvania, School of Medicine
Director of Inhalation Therapy, Department of Medicine
University of Pennsylvania, School of Medicine
Special Certifications:
American Board of Internal Medicine
New York and Pennsylvania
Awards, Honors and Membership in Honoary Societies:
Alpha Omega Alpha
Nobel Prize in Medicine
Memberships in Professional and Scientific Societies: (Including offices held)
National Societies:
American Federation for Clinical Research (President, Month/Year – Month/Year)
American Heart Association (Member, Committee on Cardiopulmonary Disease Month/Year- Month/Year)
American College of Physicians (Associate, Fellow or Master)
Local Societies:
Philadelphia County Medical Society
Editorial Positions:
Month/Year – Month/Year
Editorial Advisory Board, American Journal of Medicine
Guest Editor – Symposium, Treatment of Tuberculosis, 1970)
Associate Editor, American Review of Respiratory Diseases
Principal Investigators of Grants: (Past 5 years)
Factors in Respiratory Distress, National Institutes of Health
KI 54996, 1969-1972, $80,000
Academic Committees at the University of Pennsylvania:
Month/Year – Month/Year
Month/Year – Month/Year
Member, Admissions Committee
Member, Curriculum Committee
Major Teaching and Clinical Responsibilities for the University of Pennsylvania, or University of New Recruit (Current Only):
1. In charge of Medicine, 200 students at HUP
2. Attending rounds at HUP, 3 Months/year
3. Chest Clinic, HUP, 3 months/year
4. Elective course: Medicine, 842 throughout the year
5. Supervision of graduate students and post-doctoral students
Lectures by Invitation: (Please list only those outside Philadelphia area for the past 2-3 years)
June 15, 1971
“Bronchial Obstruction” – American Chest Conference, Arizona
October 2, 1971
“Dyspnea” – National Respiratory Association, San Diego, California
Bibliography: (List only material published or in press)
Original papers:
Smith, R.K. Does, J., Brown, L.K.: Pulmonary Functions During Grand Rounds.
Thorax 64:312-318, 1963
Doe, J., Smith, J., Brown, L.K.: Intrapulmonary Sequestration.
American Journal of Medicine 42:134-138, 1963
Abstract: (List only work not yet published)
Smith, R.K. Jones, J. Brown, L.K.: Observations on Lung Compliance During Yoga Exercises.
Amer. Rev. Resp. Dis. 90:146, 1971
Doe, J., smith, J., Brown, L.K.: CO2 Response to Therapy with Positive Pressure Ventilation.
Clinical Research 16:490, 1971
Editorials, Reviews, Chapters:
The Task of Breathing. Chest 43:2-30, 1964.
Chronic Pulmonary Insufficiency (chapter 3) in Smith, J. (Ed.)
Diseases of the Chest, W.B. Saunders, Philadelphia, 1965.
What I Know About Chest Disease, by J. Doe, University of Pennsylvania Press,
Philadelphia, 1965.