Oceanic waves transformation and beach morphology evolution associated to complex submarine topography Dissertation Prospectus – Doctoral Program in Geological Sciences Summer 2014 JUAN FELIPE PANIAGUA-ARROYAVE Geomorphology Lab Department of Geological Sciences 120 Williamson Hall University of Florida Gainesville FL 32611-2120 Oceanic waves transformation and beach morphology evolution associated to complex submarine topography Dissertation Prospectus – Doctoral Program in Geological Sciences Major: GEOLOGICAL SCIENCES Minor: COASTAL AND OCEANOGRAPHIC ENGINEERING JUAN FELIPE PANIAGUA-ARROYAVE __________________________________________________ Dr. Peter N. Adams Assistant Professor, Committee Chair Department of Geological Sciences __________________________________________________ Dr. Ray M. Russo Associate Professor, Graduate Coordinator Department of Geological Sciences University of Florida Gainesville, FL 32611 USA Summer of 2014 1. Introduction Global Change in coastal zones Natural and human systems within coastal zones form a complex social-ecological system [Hopkins et al., 2012]. Present morphological features and ecosystems define the natural framework providing a variety of services of the most importance for human well-being. Human socioeconomic systems evolve to the natural environment, human activities (e.g. tourism), and formal and informal regulations (e.g. policies, laws) [Nicholls et al., 2008]. Within this context, coastal zones are subject to intense environmental change with feedback effects between natural and human systems, encompassing nonlinear shifts in ecosystems services [Turner, 2000; Carpenter et al., 2007]. Global change affects coastal zones but the distinction between climatic- and anthropogenic-related drivers is difficult to identify [Slaymaker et al., 2009]. For instance, major processes such as global sea level rise are attributable to both to climate change and human reduction of sediment supply to deltas [Syvitski et al., 2009; Cazenave and Llovel, 2010]. Furthermore, considering that ~44% of world’s population inhabits coastal zones with 8 of 10 largest cities being coastal [United Nations, 2014], understanding global change within coastal zones is imperative for a scientific based vulnerability assessment towards the formulation of adaptation-related policies for the already threatened coastal communities around the world [Wong et al., 2014]. Waves transformation in a Global Change context Waves (i.e. wave climate) are considered to be a climate-related factor affecting coastal zones, with temporal variations and extreme events impacting human and natural settings through erosion which threatens infrastructure [Reguero et al., 2013]. Although it is well-known how oceanic waves are related to coastal processes and morphologic evolution via longshore sediment transport [Komar and Inman, 1970; Kamphuis, 1991; van Rijn, 2014], beach cusps formation [Guza and Inman, 1975; Werner and Fink, 1993], and surfzone sand bar migration [King and Williams, 1949; Hoefel and Elgar, 2003; Garnier et al., 2006], it remains an open question how climate-induced change in storm patterns and associated modification of sea-state may lead to a redistribution in the energy flux through modifications in local wave propagation [Casas-Prat and Sierra, 2012]. A particular situation of wave transformation disturbances and potential associated shoreline planform changes is related to human-induced topographic changes caused by dredging operations performed within the continental shelf topography [Bender and Dean, 2003b; 2004; 2005]. The Florida East coast inner continental shelf is a classic example of a suitable location for marine sand mining for beach nourishment projects [Finkl and Andrews, 2008; Finkl and Hobbs, 2009], with recent dredging operations conducted in the offshore sand ridges near Cape Canaveral. In this particular case, specific impacts related to a modification in local wave transformation such as exacerbation of already severe sediment relocation or loss of habitat suitability for benthic species are still not identified [Bender and Dean, 2003a; Diaz et al., 2004; Jaeger et al., 2010]. This proposal deals with the analysis of surface gravity waves transformation due to propagation over complex topography and its relationship with both topographic evolution and energy flux in the littoral fringe. Recent dredging operations conducted near Cape Canaveral will be used for case study purposes. To do so, oceanographic data will be collected within a sandy Page 3 of 14 shoal near Cape Canaveral using moored Acoustic Doppler Currents Profilers (ADCPs) in order to analyze both temporal (pre- and post- dredging) and spatial (within dredge site and to the north in a control site) evolution of wave field. Moreover, several monthly GPS surveys carried on Kennedy Space Center near Cape Canaveral will be analyzed coupling them with in situ wave measurements, buoys measurements, and numerical modeling results in order to gain an assessment of phenomena as complete as possible. 2. General research questions 1. How do the dredging-induced bathymetric changes affect the shoaling patterns of ocean waves across the Florida inner-shelf near Cape Canaveral? 2. What are the beach morphology evolution patterns associated with wave field transformations near Cape Canaveral? 3. General hypotheses Incoming deep-water oceanic wave fields are transformed across the Florida inner-shelf in complex patterns. This is particularly reflected on the variations in wave energy flux delivered to the shoreline depending on the shift in the deep-water attack angle and refraction over submarine features [Kline, 2013]. Wave fields traveling through shallower water will develop and maintain heterogeneities affecting the wave statistics reflected in the coherency of wave signals [Janssen et al., 2008]. Moreover, shoaling over the continental shelf produce variations in wave statistics related to coherent wave interference patterns [Smit and Janssen, 2013]. The utilization of a more general transport model will improve the prediction of wavestatistics of shoaling ocean waves across the inner-shelf near Cape Canaveral versus a model based on the Radiative Transfer Equation solution alone [Smit and Janssen, 2013]. 4. Goals Main goal: To conduct high-quality research activities within the UF Geological Sciences Department, in collaboration with colleagues of Coastal and Oceanographic Engineering Department. Specific goals: 1. Gain expertise in conducting individual research within a collaborative group, in order to prepare myself for an already opened Faculty position at EAFIT University, Colombia. 2. Publish at least three manuscripts in peer-reviewed journals of relevance. 5. Materials and methods Hydrostatic data were collected from September 23rd, 2014 to December 2nd, 2014, within the Florida inner-shelf near Cape Canaveral using pressure sensors mounted on three moored Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPs); one Nortek Acoustic WAves and Currents instrument (AWAC) one Nortek Aquadopp, and one RDI Workhorse Sentinel. The AWAC Page 4 of 14 pressure values were sampled at 2 Hz frequency in bursts of 2,048 samples separated 1,920 sec (32 min); the Aquadopp dataset was collected using bursts of 1,200 samples at 2 Hz separated by 3,600 sec (1 hour); and the Workhorse pressure values were collected in bursts of 2,400 samples separated by 1,200 min, i.e. one burst each 2 hours (See Table 1 for a summary and Figure 1 for location). Prior to quantification of spectra, hydrostatic pressure data measured (dbar) was considered equal to water column meters data (m), given that a dbar is roughly equal to 1 m water depth with an error ~2% [Emery and Thomson, 2001]. Additionally, wave data from moored instruments is compared with an offshore buoy in order to gain understanding of offshore wave conditions and transformation of wave field through inner continental shelf. 6. Preliminary Results Offshore wave conditions Available wave buoy data was extracted from the National Buoy Data Center (NOAA) for buoy 41009. This data is useful to compare the offshore wave conditions to wave field measured by the moored instruments (Figure 2 and Figure 3). In situ spectrograms A power spectrum was quantified for each burst within the time span of collection as a proxy of wave field energy, associating each spectrum to the time average for each burst measurement. This approach allows construction of a spectrogram for the total time span of data collection for each one of the instruments (Figure 4, Figure 5, and Figure 6). Each spectrum was calculated based on a time series length of 211 (2,048), to fulfill the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) input requirements. Thus, each Aquadopp burst data sub-set of 1,200 samples was padded with zeros at the end to complete 211 points (Emery & Thomson, 2001). In this case, the FFT is defined by: 1 FFT = N ∑N−1 t=0 f(t) e −2πint⁄ N (1) For both instruments, power spectra (PS) were computed as the square of the absolute value of the complex FFT of the water level time series, the latter quantified as the detrended, demeaned water column height data. 15 windows of 28 (256) values each were used for a total of 15 (211 over 27, or half of 28, minus 1) segments for spectral computing with 60 degrees of freedom (dof). For the segments after the first, the beginning is located in the mid part of preceding segment, v.gr. 256 over 2 plus 1, to 128 plus 256 for the beginning and end of second window respectively. Each water level segment of data was tapered using a Hanning window defined by Equation 2, which requires a scaling of the amplitudes of the Fourier transform by multiplying them by the square root of 8 over 3 [Emery and Thomson, 2001]: w = 0.5 [1 − cos(2πn) N ] (2) Here, n varies from 0 to an N value equal to the segment (or block) size, 28 in this particular case. A total of 15 spectra of 28 values each were computed. At each calculated frequency, the spectral values were averaged to produce only one spectrum for each burst. Also, Page 5 of 14 since the frequency vector was calculated from 0 to the maximum frequency from Equation 2 considering a Δf according to Equation 3 and a Δt of 0.5 sec, only 27+2 values were taken into account from mean spectra for each of the bursts. These spectral values have a statistical significance which depends on the degrees of freedom and follow a chi-squared inverse cumulative distribution, with upper (cul) and lower (cll) limits calculated by Equations 4 and 5 respectively. fend = 0.5∗28 +1 (3) 28 ∗∆t 1 ∆f = 28 ∗∆t cul = χ2 cll = χ2 (4) dof (5) 0.95,dof dof (6) 0.05,dof The bulk of the energy, located around 10 sec period waves is related to a swelldominated environment. These results are in agreement with previous work done in the zone regarding the Cape Canaveral wave climate [Jaeger et al., 2010]. In addition, some of the highfrequency energy can be associated with locally-generated wind waves which are known to have periods ~4 sec (frequencies ~0.25, or ~10–0.6 Hz) [Masselink and Hughes, 2003]. Moreover, lower- and higher- frequency wave energy are present when higher energy events are also present, it is more likely that they are associated with non-linear leakage of energy to higher and lower frequencies due to wave field transformations. The latter may be mostly nonlinearlydriven cross-spectral transfers of energy and phase modifications due to wave train shoaling across the shelf [Elgar et al., 1993]. 7. Plan for future activities Future activities would include. Continuing the development of good research questions guiding further activities. Cross-spectral analysis between three locations. Including wave directional spectra for three sites. Analysis of data collected between May and June, 2014. Analysis of overlapping time between waves data and lunar-monthly topographic surveys conducted at Cape Canaveral using an RTK GPS [Jaeger et al., 2010]. Additional data: future instruments deployment programmed for: AugustSeptember 2014, January-February 2015, May 2015, and July 2015. Submission of first draft to Journal of Geophysical Research on January of 2015. 8. Timeline for coursework and research activities Please, refer to Table 2. Page 6 of 14 9. References Bender, C. J., and R. G. Dean (2003a), Wave field modification by bathymetric anomalies and resulting shoreline changes: a review with recent results, Coastal Engineering, 49(1-2), 125-153, doi:10.1016/S03783839(03)00061-9. Bender, C. J., and R. G. Dean (2003b), Wave transformation by two-dimensional bathymetric anomalies with sloped transitions, Coastal Engineering, 50(1-2), 61-84, doi:10.1016/j.coastaleng.2003.08.002. Bender, C. J., and R. G. Dean (2004), Potential shoreline changes induced by three-dimensional bathymetric anomalies with gradual transitions in depth, Coastal Engineering, 51(11-12), 1143-1161, doi:10.1016/j.coastaleng.2004.07.023. Bender, C. J., and R. G. Dean (2005), Wave transformation by axisymmetric three-dimensional bathymetric anomalies with gradual transitions in depth, Coastal Engineering, 52(4), 331-351, doi:10.1016/j.coastaleng.2004.12.005. Carpenter, S. R., R. DeFries, T. Dietz, H. A. Mooney, S. Polasky, W. V. Reid, and R. J. Scholes (2007), Millennium Ecosystem Assessment: Research Needs, Science, 314, 257-258. Casas-Prat, M., and J. P. Sierra (2012), Trend analysis of wave direction and associated impacts on the Catalan coast, Climatic Change, 115(3-4), 667-691, doi:10.1007/s10584-012-0466-9. Cazenave, A., and W. Llovel (2010), Contemporary Sea Level Rise, Annual Review of Marine Science, 2(1), 145-173, doi:10.1146/annurev-marine-120308-081105. Diaz, R. J., G. R. Cutter Jr., and C. H. Hobbs III (2004), Potential Impacts of Sand Mining Offshore of Maryland and Delaware: Part 2: Biological Considerations, Journal of Coastal Research, 20(1), 61-69. Elgar, S., R. T. Guza, and M. H. 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World Health Organization (2005), Ecosystems and Human Well-Being (Health Synthesis) - Millennium Ecosystem Assessment. Reguero, B. G., F. J. Méndez, and I. J. Losada (2013), Variability of multivariate wave climate in Latin America and the Caribbean, Global and Planetary Change, 100, 70-84, doi:10.1016/j.gloplacha.2012.09.005. Slaymaker, O., T. Spencer, and C. Embleton-Hamann (2009), Geomorphology and Global Environmental Change, Cambridge University Press. Smit, P. B., and T. T. Janssen (2013), The Evolution of inhomogeneous Wave Statistics through a Variable Medium, Journal of Physical Oceanography, 43, 1741-1758, doi:10.1175/jpo-d-13-046.1. Syvitski, J. P. M. et al. (2009), Sinking deltas due to human activities, Nature Geoscience, 2(10), 681-686, doi:10.1038/ngeo629. Turner, R. K. (2000), Integrating natural and socio-economic science in coastal management, Journal of Marine Systems, 25, 447-460. United Nations (2014), United Nations Atlas of the Oceans, http://www.oceansatlas.org/, accessed on 2014-06-12. Werner, B. T., and T. M. Fink (1993), Beach Cusps as Self-Organized Patterns, Science, 260, 968-971. Wong, P. P. et al. (2014), Chapter 5. Coastal Systems and Low-Lying Areas, R. Nicholls and F. Santos; edited by, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Work Group II - Assessment Report 5. van Rijn, L. C. (2014), A simple general expression for longshore transport of sand, gravel and shingle, Coastal Engineering, 90, 23-39, doi:10.1016/j.coastaleng.2014.04.008. Page 8 of 14 10.Figures Figure 1. Location of instruments during the September-December 2013 experiment performed near Cape Canaveral. Page 9 of 14 Figure 2. Wave related data for the NOAA buoy 41009: (top panel) significant wave height, H S in meters; (medium panel) peak period, Tp in seconds; (low panel) mean wave direction, Dd in decimal degrees. Right panels correspond to histograms regarding the same data in the left panels. Majority of waves exhibits significant wave heights near 1.0 m (0.5 to 1.5 m), 8 seconds periods (7 to 9 sec), and directions from 70 to 90 degrees from the North. Page 10 of 14 Figure 3. Joint histograms for the wave data extracted from NOAA buoy 41009. (Upper panel) peak period versus significant wave height; (medium panel) peak period versus mean wave direction; (lower panel) significant wave height versus mean wave direction. Wave field is characterized by peak periods between 6 and 8 seconds, mainly of wave groups coming from the East, exhibiting significant wave heights between 0.5 and 1.5 m. Data spans from September 23rd to December 2nd, 2013. Page 11 of 14 Figure 4. Spectrogram of pressure data collected from September 23 rd to December 2nd, 2013 within the dredge site at Cape Canaveral using Nortek Aquadopp instrument. It can be noticed the bulk of the energy near the 0.1 Hz frequency (10 sec period waves) characteristic of the inner-shelf near Cape Canaveral and coherent with offshore buoy data. In addition, also notice the spreading in energy towards lower and higher frequencies, which is more prominent during high energy events (i.e. bulks of red in the plot). Figure 5. Spectrogram of pressure data collected from September 23rd to December 2nd, 2013 within the sand shoal near Cape Canaveral using Nortek AWAC instrument. It can be noticed the bulk of the energy near the 0.1 Hz frequency (10 sec period waves) characteristic of the inner-shelf near Cape Canaveral and coherent with offshore buoy data. In addition, also notice the spreading in energy towards lower and higher frequencies, which is more prominent during high energy events (i.e. bulks of red in the plot). Page 12 of 14 Figure 6. Spectrogram of pressure data collected from September 23rd to November 15th, 2013 within the control site North of Cape Canaveral using RDI Workhorse Sentinel. It can be noticed the bulk of the energy near the 0.1 Hz frequency (10 sec period waves) characteristic of the inner-shelf near Cape Canaveral and coherent with offshore buoy data. In addition, also notice the spreading in energy towards lower and higher frequencies, which is more prominent during high energy events (i.e. bulks of red in the plot). 11.Tables Table 1 Summary of characteristics of data collected using Nortek and RDI ADCP instruments. Aspect Instrument Aquadopp AWAC Workhorse Deployment Location 28˚ 23.998’ N 80˚ 26.347’ W 28˚ 23.651’ N 80˚ 25.411’ W 28˚ 32.882’ N 80˚ 28.952’ W 23/09/2013 10:00:00 23/09/2013 10:00:00 23/09/2013 13:00:00 DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS (GMT) 05/12/2013 15:01:01 02/12/2013 15:21:01 15/11/2013 01:17:03 Total time span (approx.) 2 months, 11 days 2 months, 9 days 1 month, 22 days Waves intervala Number of wave samplesb Waves sampling ratec 3600 sec 1200 2 Hz 1920 sec 2048 2 Hz 7200 sec 2400 2 Hz First measurement DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS (GMT) Last measurement a Time between successive waves measurements. Number of times the instrument measure waves. c Quantity of wave measurements per second. b Page 13 of 14 Table 2 Proposal milestones by term considering courses and research credits (hours per week) load and publications. Semester Term Course Load Research Load Total 1 Fall 2013 8 1 9 2 Spring 2014 7 2 9 3 Fall 2014 6 3 9 First draft to journal - JGR, 4 Spring 2015 4 5 9 First abstract for meeting AGU, December 2015 5 Fall 2015 4 5 9 Qualifying Exams 6 Spring 2016 4 5 9 Second draft to journal Geomorphology, Summer 2016 7 Fall 2016 3 6 9 Second abstract for meeting AGU, December 2016 8 Spring 2017 3 6 9 Second draft to journal Geomorphology, Summer 2017 9 Fall 2017 9 Third abstract for meeting AGU, December 2016 Dissertation to advisor 10 Spring 2018 Third draft to journal - JGR, Summer 2018 Dissertation defense TOTAL 3 6 3 6 9 45 45 90 Page 14 of 14 Considerations