IFST’s REGISTER OF FOOD SAFETY PROFESSIONALS IFST’s REGISTER OF FOOD SAFETY PROFESSIONALS Contents Page Executive summary 3 Introduction 4 Joint objective 5 The framework 6 Initial assessment 9 Ongoing registration 9 Delivering the objective 10 Your support 11 Scheme benefits 12 For more information 14 Register your interest 15 Page 2 of 15 IFST’s REGISTER OF FOOD SAFETY PROFESSIONALS Executive Summary The production of food and drink that is safe to consume is the number one priority for all those legitimately involved in its production, distribution and preparation. Following considerable cross-sector consultation IFST is launching a professional register to recognise and support those working at all levels within food safety roles throughout the sector. Food safety personnel will be able to gain professional recognition through IFST following a robust and independent accreditation/assessment process – a status which they will be able to retain by proving ongoing continuing professional development (CPD) and by committing to a Code of Professional Conduct. For food businesses this register will provide professional recognition for those in food safety roles and help ensure individuals maintain and grow their knowledge, skills and experience. This shorthand to prove their independently accredited experience, will provide employers with reassurance when recruiting new food safety personnel as well as providing additional reassurance to retailers, auditors and enforcement officers that their business has suitably qualified and experienced people in these critical roles. To properly support those on the register we will provide, a range of materials and services to ensure registrants are kept up-to-date with current food safety and food fraud issues. Further support on enforcement issues will be provided through collaboration with the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health. Ultimately this register will, we believe, help to drive up food safety standards within the sector, so leading to improved food safety and, ultimately consumer confidence. Page 3 of 15 IFST’s REGISTER OF FOOD SAFETY PROFESSIONALS Introduction The production of food and drink that is safe to consume is the number one priority for all those legitimately involved in its production, distribution and preparation. Sound processes described within the IFST Guide to Good Manufacturing Practice and delivered using Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) systems have, for many years, defined how food should be produced in order to ensure safe food through to the point of sale or consumption. IFST recognises that, for these systems and processes to be delivered effectively, those responsible for the delivery of these need to be highly experienced and knowledgeable in their roles and also fully up-to-date with their knowledge and awareness of the current threats. Recently this need has been recognised as being even more acute in the associated area of food fraud prevention highlighted through the Elliott Review. The professional registration and continuing professional development (CPD) of food safety professionals at all levels lies at the heart of IFST’s Register of Food Safety Professionals. We are working to collaborate with the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health who are also developing professional recognition in this area. Through this collaboration we have agreed to work towards a common objective. Page 4 of 15 IFST’s REGISTER OF FOOD SAFETY PROFESSIONALS Joint objective Institute of Food Science and Technology (IFST) and the Institute of Food Safety, Integrity & Protection as part of the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health, are working to collaborate on the establishment of professional registration schemes which aim to mutually recognise the range of professional knowledge, skills and competencies that exist in the food industry today. Our collaborative objective is to develop, promote and support food safety and integrity in the UK and internationally through the implementation of a coordinated food sector-wide, voluntary registration initiative that: Recognises and validates the professional status of food safety professionals at all levels and in all roles Provides on-going support, guidance and reference material to support registrants’ continuing professional development (CPD) and career progression Requires adherence to a code of professional conduct for individuals to remain registered Is recognised by Governments, local government, statutory agencies and employers as the standard expected to be attained by all those who work as professionals in the sector Through the above, to protect the public improve and consumer confidence in the safety and integrity of the food and drink they buy and consume. Page 5 of 15 IFST’s REGISTER OF FOOD SAFETY PROFESSIONALS The framework IFST is providing a four level professional structure through which people can develop and progress irrespective of their starting point. Accreditation is flexible in that it recognises a blend of formal education and professional experience. Due to the numerous combinations of academic qualifications and experience, the decisions on applicants’ levels will ultimately rest on the professional judgment of the assessors. This is what where the independence and experience of IFST’s assessors becomes critical. An outline of the four tiers of registration are shown on the following pages Please note that the typical roles and education/training are provided as an indication only and will ultimately depend on the size of the organisation and scope of the individual’s responsibility. Page 6 of 15 Principal Manager Practitioner Technician IFST’s REGISTER OF FOOD SAFETY PROFESSIONALS A – Food Safety Principal Typical roles: Senior Food Safety/ Technical Manager/ Director in larger company, senior consultants on long term or high level strategic contracts, acting as, e.g., Senior Food Safety Manager, scientific advisor to government, Chief EHOs Typical education/training: QCF level 7 qualification (in food science/technology or related science/engineering discipline or equivalent), plus Advanced (level 4) HACCP certificate (or equivalent) Equivalence with other Professional Registers: Chartered Scientist (CSci) B – Food Safety Manager Typical roles: Food Safety /Technical Manager, HACCP Team Leader, Food Examiner, Head of QA Department, food premises inspectors, 3rd party/external auditors, EHPs specialising in food enforcement, food safety consultants Typical education/training: QCF level 6/7 qualification (in food science/technology or related science/engineering discipline) or equivalent qualifications/experience, plus Introductory (level 3) HACCP certificate (or equivalent) Equivalence with other Professional Registers: Chartered Scientist (CSci), RPFAM Food Auditor/Mentor Page 7 of 15 IFST’s REGISTER OF FOOD SAFETY PROFESSIONALS C – Food Safety Practitioner Typical roles: Member of QA function, HACCP Team member, internal auditor, Hygiene Team supervisor Typical education/training: QCF level 4/5 qualification, in food science/technology or related science/ engineering discipline, or equivalent qualifications/experience plus Introductory (level 2/3) HACCP certificate, or equivalent Equivalence with other Professional Registers: Registered Scientist (RSci) D – Food Safety Technician Typical roles: On line Quality Controller, CCP operator, Hygiene Team Supervisor Typical education/training: QCF level 3 qualification in relevant subject, plus introductory (level 2) HACCP/Food Safety certificate Equivalence with other Professional Registers: Registered Science Technician (RSciTech) Page 8 of 15 IFST’s REGISTER OF FOOD SAFETY PROFESSIONALS Initial assessment Applicants will be required to supply detailed supporting evidence of knowledge, skills and behavioural competencies. In line with Science Council registration evidence will be need to be provided in the following areas: Application of knowledge and understanding (including generic knowledge/skills (e.g. HACCP) and sector specific knowledge/skills) Personal responsibility Interpersonal skills Professional practice Commitment to professional standards Candidates will be assessed by a trained panel of IFST assessors, using a similar assessment process to that currently used for its other professional registers. On-going registration Registrants will be required to undertake effective CPD. This will include a minimum requirement of appropriate CPD activities per annum using a balanced portfolio of activities. IFST offers registrants free access to its online CPD management system MyCPD Through a wide range of activities and support materials we will provide opportunities for registrants to maintain and update their professional knowledge and skills. Page 9 of 15 IFST’s REGISTER OF FOOD SAFETY PROFESSIONALS Delivering the objective For this register to work effectively we need a critical mass of food businesses to adopt this register when recruiting and developing their food safety personnel. In doing so, they will create a ‘virtuous circle: Maintaining effective CPD ensures food safety professionals update their knowledge over food safety and food fraud issues Employers use registers as the basis of their recruitment and development plans for their key food safety personnel. Employees seek out registration and potentially aim to upgrade their level of registration to develop their careers personnel. Page 10 of 15 IFST’s REGISTER OF FOOD SAFETY PROFESSIONALS Your support We ask for the following cross-sector support from all stakeholders to make this voluntary registration scheme effective: Employers: Commit to identifying and registering your key food safety personnel Actively encourage your key food safety personnel to aim to become registered within their personal development plans – setting realistic timescales When recruiting or promoting into food safety roles, simply commit to advertise all your food safety roles with the stipulation that registration on the Food Safety register is ‘preferable’ or ‘required’ (at the appropriate level) Food safety professionals: Determine the appropriate level of registration and either apply to become registered or set a target to gain the necessary experience to become registered Governments/regulators/statutory agencies: Recognise this register and that provided by the Chartered Institute of Environmental Health as the standard expected to be attained by all those who work as professionals in the sector Highlight this scheme to those responsible for enforcement Page 11 of 15 IFST’s REGISTER OF FOOD SAFETY PROFESSIONALS Scheme benefits Here are just some of the many benefits of introducing this register: For consumers: Improved consumer confidence in the safety and integrity of the food and drink they buy For food businesses: Improved employee motivation through recognition of their professional status and clarity regarding their professional development/progression Simpler and more reliable recruitment of appropriately trained and experienced food safety personnel using registration as an independent ‘mark’ of professionalism and experience in food safety Assurance to regulators, third party auditors and retailers that your systems and processes in your business are designed and delivered by appropriately experienced people Provision of a benchmark in relation to food safety management competency which can be used as the basis for career and personal development plans Provision of a food safety competency benchmark which will strengthen a due diligence defence For food retailers In addition to the benefits for their own food safety professionals: Assurance that their food suppliers are employing appropriately experienced and knowledgeable food safety personnel to facilitate the production of safe food for their consumers Page 12 of 15 IFST’s REGISTER OF FOOD SAFETY PROFESSIONALS For the food sector as a whole Improved public confidence and perception of the food sector Overall uplift in skills, knowledge and experience of individuals working in food safety roles Provision of a set of professionally recognised benchmarks in food safety that education and training providers can use when designing and delivering their programmes Provision for SMEs of a transparent benchmark for assessing the professionalism of food safety service providers For food professionals: Improved personal motivation through independent recognition of their professional status and clarity of career progression requirements Clarity regarding their professional development needs and ongoing CPD requirements Clarity regarding their options for career progression For regulators Assurance that individual food businesses adopting the register are employing appropriately experienced and knowledgeable food safety personnel using this as the basis for risk based assessment Uplift in skills, knowledge and experience of those working in food safety roles leading to: Improved public confidence Page 13 of 15 IFST’s REGISTER OF FOOD SAFETY PROFESSIONALS For more information If you would like more information about IFST’s Register of Food Safety Professionals or to register your interest, please contact: Marjo Kiiveri Registration & Scientific Officer Email: m.kiiveri@ifst.org Or visit our website: http://www.ifst.org/professional-recognition-specialist-qualifications/register-food-safetyprofessionals Page 14 of 15 IFST’s REGISTER OF FOOD SAFETY PROFESSIONALS Register your interest If you or your organisation would like to register your interest in IFST’s Register of Food Safety Professionals then please complete and hand in this page at the end of this reception. We will then make sure we keep you updated as the register is rolled out. Name Position in the organisation Email address Alternatively you can email m.kiiveri@ifst.org with the above information. Page 15 of 15