JOHN JAMES AUDUBON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 2014-2015 SUPPLY LIST KINDERGARTEN 2 BOXES 16 COUNT CRAYONS 1 large BOTTLE ELMER'S GLUE 1 PAIR FISKARS SAFETY SCISSORS 1 PACK CRAYOLA MARKERS 1 CRAYOLA WATER COLORS 24 #2 PENCILS 2 PRIMARY WRITING TABLETS 1 PACK CLOROX WIPES 1 PACK COPY PAPER 2 BLACK & WHITE COMPOSITION NOTEBOOKS 1 SCHOOL BAG **(NO BAGS WITH WHEELS)** 1 FOLDING RESTING MAT (thin red only plastic) 2 ROLLS PAPER TOWELS 1 BOX KLEENEX 1 BOX BABY WIPES 1 CAN LYSOL SPRAY 1 BOTTLE HAND SANITIZER 1PACK SELF ADHESIVE NAME BADGES PLEASE SEND $10.00 SUPPLY MONEY, ALSO (NO BIG Green/Blue MATS) * BOYS 1 BOX ZIPLOC BAGS – GALLON SIZE, SCOTCH TAPE, ENVELOPES 1 PACK PAPER PLATES – ANY SIZE (NO FOAM PLATES) 1 PKG CONSTRUCTION PAPER – ANY SIZE 1 BOX BANDAIDS *GIRLS 1 PK COLORED TISSUE PAPER 1 PK PAPER BAGS ANY COLOR 1 PKG SEQUINS 4 PK REGULAR SIZE PLAY DOH 3X5 INDEX CARDS 1 BOX ZIPLOCK BAGS (sandwich) PLEASE LABEL ALL SUPPLIES WITH YOUR CHILD’S NAME INCLUDING COATS/SWEATERS AND SCHOOL BAGS Fashion Arcade 3440 Division St Suite F Metairie, La 887-3308 Uniforms must be worn first day of school. Uniformity 7032 Veterans Memorial Blvd Metairie, LA 779-9724 Uniforms by Kajan 7103 Veterans Blvd Metairie, LA 888-4840 JOHN JAMES AUDUBON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 2014-2015 SUPPLY LIST FIRST GRADE SCHOOL BAG AT ALL TIMES NO BAGS WITH WHEELS 1 LARGE HEAVY DUTY PENCIL POUCH (NO plastic boxes) 4 PLASTIC POCKET FOLDERS WITH 3 PRONGS (1 red, 1 blue, 1 green, 1 yellow) 1 ROLLS PAPER TOWELS 2 LARGE BOX KLEENEX PLEASE SEND $10.00 4 BOXES CRAYONS (24 COUNT) SUPPLY MONEY, ALSO 24 PENCILS # 2 (SHARPENED) 1 SCHOOL GLUE (ELMER’S) + 5 GLUE STICKS 4 Marbled COMPOSITION BOUND NOTEBOOKS(NO SPIRALS) 2 PRIMARY JOURNALS – Stage 3 1 PACK Heavyweight CONSTRUCTION PAPER (ASST.OR SOLID COLORS) 4 LG PENCIL ERASERS(FLAT) 1 PAIR SAFETY SCISSORS (FISKAR) 1 PRIMARY WRITING TABLETS 2 PACK INDEX 3X5 CARDS 2 PKS LOOSE LEAF PAPER – WIDE RULED 1 PK EXPO DRY ERASE MARKERS – MULTI COLORED PACK 1 PACK ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION FLASH CARDS 10 Legal Sized Manila folders BOYS: 1 PACK DISINFECTANT (CLOROX) WIPES 1 BOX ZIPLOCK BAGS (gallon sized) 1 SCOTCH TAPE 1 PK LUNCH PAPER BAGS GIRLS: 1 BX ZIPLOCK BAGS (sandwich sized 1 PK safety pins 1 PK BABY WIPES 1 HAND SANITIZER **Please label coats, sweaters and school bags. ALL SUPPLIES MUST REMAIN AT SCHOOL FOR USE Fashion Arcade 3440 Division St Suite F Metairie, La 887-3308 Uniforms must be worn first day of school. Uniformity 7032 Veterans Memorial Blvd Metairie, LA 779-9724 Uniforms by Kajan 7103 Veterans Blvd Metairie, LA 888-4840 JOHN JAMES AUDUBON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 2014-2015 SUPPLY LIST SECOND GRADE 1 SCHOOL BAG – NO WHEELS! 1 LG HEAVY DUTY ZIPPERED PENCIL POUCH 1 PAIR OF FISKARS SCISSORS (ROUNDED TIP) 1 PK DRY ERASE MARKERS 2 GLUE STICKS *4 BOXES CRAYONS (24) *4 DOZ. #2 PENCILS (SHARPENED) *4 BIG PINK ERASERS ** no binders ** *2 PK WIDE RULED LOOSE LEAF PAPER (NOT COLLEGE RULED) 1 PK WHITE INDEX CARDS 5 MARBLE COMPOSITION NOTEBOOKS *2 HEAVY PLASTIC FOLDERS WITH FASTENERS & POUCHES *1 BOX ZIPLOCK BAGS GIRLS: QUART SIZE BOYS: GALLON SIZE 1 LIQUID HAND SANITIZER (NOT SOAP) *1 CONTAINER SANITIZER WIPES 1 CONTAINER BABY WIPES *4 BOX KLEENEX 1 PAPER TOWEL ROLL 2 RULERS (CENTIMENTERS AND INCHES) 1 PACK OF ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION CARDS (0-20) PLEASE SEND $10.00 SUPPLY MONEY, ALSO GIRLS: 1 PK CONTRUCTION PAPER BOYS: 1 BOX LG PAPER CLIPS 1 LYSOL SPRAY 1 PK LUNCH BAGS * TO BE PICKED UP AND GIVEN OUT AS NEEDED) PLEASE LABEL ALL CLOTHING, SCHOOL BAGS AND SUPPLIES BROUGHT TO SCHOOL VELCRO TENNIS SHOES ARE RECOMMENDED Fashion Arcade 3440 Division St Suite F Metairie, La 887-3308 Uniforms must be worn first day of school. Uniformity 7032 Veterans Memorial Blvd Metairie, LA 779-9724 Uniforms by Kajan 7103 Veterans Blvd Metairie, LA 888-4840 JOHN JAMES AUDUBON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 2014-2015 SUPPLY LIST THIRD GRADE 4 DOZEN #2PENCILS No mechanical pencils 2 RED Pens 2 BOX CRAYONS (24 COUNT) 1 PACK ASSORTED CONSTRUCTION PAPER (Heavy Weight) 2 BOXES CRAYOLA MARKERS 1 PAIR FISKARS SCISSORS 2 16 OZ. BOTTLE ELMERS GLUE 8 FOLDERS WITH POCKETS & FASTENERS 1 heavy plastic folder with pockets 4 BOXES KLEENEX TISSSUE 2 ROLLS PAPER TOWELS 12 MANILA FILE FOLDERS – DO NOT PUT CHILD’S NAME ON FOLDERS 5 PACKS OF LOOSELEAF PAPER 6 COMPOSITION OR MARBLE NOTEBOOKS 1 BOX LARGE PAPER CLIPS 2 PKG POST-IT NOTES 1 LIQUID HAND SANITIZER 2 Boxes of Baby Wipes 2 packs of highlighters 1 black permanent marker 1 pack EXPO dry erase markers 1 BX GAL ZIPLOCK BAGS 1 BX ZIPLOCK SANDWICH BAGS 1 BX BANDAIDS 1 PACK COLORED COPY PAPER 1 Extra Large School Bag NO BINDERS (Large enough to hold many books) Fashion Arcade 3440 Division St Suite F Metairie, La 887-3308 PLEASE SEND $10.00 SUPPLY MONEY, ALSO Uniforms must be worn first day of school. Uniformity 7032 Veterans Memorial Blvd Metairie, LA 779-9724 Uniforms by Kajan 7103 Veterans Blvd Metairie, LA 888-4840 JOHN JAMES AUDUBON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 2014-2015 SUPPLY LIST FOURTH GRADE 3 PKS LOOSE LEAF PAPER* 2 BOXES CRAYONS* PLEASE SEND $10.00 1 PK MARKERS SUPPLY MONEY, ALSO 4 PKS 24 NO2 PENCILS (NO MECHANICAL PENCILS)* 3 GLUE STICKS* 1 PAIR SCISSORS* 8 ONE SUBJECT SPIRAL NOTEBOOKS (2 BLUE, 1 GREEN, 2 PURPLE, 2 ORANGE 1 RED) 1 ROLL SCOTCH TAPE* 1 CAN AIR FRESHENER* 1 PK CONSTRUCTION PAPER* 2 ROLL PAPER TOWELS 1 HAND SANITIZER 8 POCKET FOLDERS WITH PRONGS IN IT (2 BLUE 1 GREEN, 2 PURPLE, 2 ORANGE 1 RED)* (1 for each subject and one for each teacher to send homework and put important papers in) 2 BOXES OF KLEENEX* BOYS: 1 GAL. ZIPLOCK & 1 PK BABY WIPES* GIRLS: 1 SMALL SIZE ZIPLOCK & 1 BOX BANDAIDS* Starred(*) items will be collected & distributed as needed. Fashion Arcade 3440 Division St Suite F Metairie, La 887-3308 Uniforms must be worn first day of school. Uniformity 7032 Veterans Memorial Blvd Metairie, LA 779-9724 Uniforms by Kajan 7103 Veterans Blvd Metairie, LA 888-4840 JOHN JAMES AUDUBON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 2014-2015 SUPPLY LIST FIFTH GRADE *5 PKGS. LOOSELEAF PAPER - Replaced as needed 1 3 inch binder 1 Package of tabbed dividers (8 in a pack) 1 Pencil box (not a pouch) 1 BOX CRAYONS *2 PKS MARKERS *3 PKS (24 COUNT) No 2 PENCILS*(no mechanical pencils) 1 Package of erasers 1 pair SCISSORS *5 GLUE STICKS *1 ROLL SCOTCH TAPE 8 Plastic POCKET FOLDERS with holes *1 PK CONSTRUCTION PAPER 1 Pack of Multicolored Pens *3 BOXES KLEENEX *3 CLOROX WIPES 1 Pack of multicolored HIGHLIGHTERs *1 Package (10 or more) MANILA FOLDERS *3 PKS INDEX CARDS *1 BOX ZIPLOC BAGS (GALLON) *3 ROLLs PAPER TOWELS *1 BOX BANDAIDS *1 HAND SANITIZER 1 set of headphones (these can be purchased at the dollar store) PLEASE SEND $10.00 SUPPLY MONEY, ALSO Items starred (*) will be collected and distributed as needed. No personal pencil sharpeners will be allowed. Please DO NOT label any school supplies beforehand. We will label on the first day of school. Fashion Arcade 3440 Division St Suite F Metairie, La 887-3308 Uniforms must be worn first day of school. Uniformity 7032 Veterans Memorial Blvd Metairie, LA 779-9724 Uniforms by Kajan 7103 Veterans Blvd Metairie, LA 888-4840 JOHN JAMES AUDUBON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 2014-2015 SUPPLY LIST Pre-K School Uniform: Pre-K students must wear a purple shirt with the Audubon School’s name or emblem on it, navy uniform pants, skirts or shorts with elastic waist, no belts or jeans. Tennis shoes must have white soles and have VELCRO closures no strings, boots, sandals or dress shoes. School Supplies 1 pack of construction paper 1 pack of white cardstock paper 1 pack of Expo dry erase markers 3 plastic folders with pockets (2 red and 1 purple) 1 black and white composition notebook 1 4 pack of PLAYDOUGH brand (no rose art or minis) 3 packs of regular 8 count crayons 1 pack Crayola markers (10 pack, classic colors) 1 set of CRAYOLA watercolors 1 fiskars child’s scissors (blunt edge) 2 bottles of white Elmer’s school glue 1 pack of 3 glue sticks 1 thin red and blue mat for napping 1 large beach towel for nap (no blankets) 1 pack safety pins 2 boxes of KLEENEX 2 bottles of SOFTSOAP brand hand soap ( sold at Dollar Tree) 2 packs of baby wipes (no refill packs) 2-3 packs of paper towels 1 pack of CLOROX wipes 1 LYSOL disinfectant spray 2 packs of regular paper plates (no Styrofoam) 1 pack of white paper bags (boys only) 1 pack of brown paper bags (girls only) 1 pack of ZIPLOC gallon bags 1 medium sized school bag (no wheels, no mini school bags) Please send a change of clothing (underwear, shirt, pants, socks (not uniform) On your test day please: At Orientation: Bring supply fee to your child’s teacher ($10.00) Bring your child’s supplies labeled with his/her name. You will need to put at least $20 on your child’s account in the cafeteria until your lunch form is processed. Fashion Arcade 3440 Division St Suite F Metairie, La 887-3308 Uniforms must be worn first day of school. Uniformity 7032 Veterans Memorial Blvd Metairie, LA 779-9724 Uniforms by Kajan 7103 Veterans Blvd Metairie, LA 888-4840