Reflection on Growth Plan Melissa Sand 2.1 Goal 1: Statement* 1.A- To align with SLO goals 90% of my Exploring Digital Art students will meet Growth Targets. Students will demonstrate technical design knowledge, self-assess, compare and contrast, anlyze works from art history, and reflect on their own work. See SLO spreadsheet submitted 4/17/14 1.B - To align with SLO goals 90% of my Exploring Digital Art students will meet Growth Targets. The core knowledge and skills that students are expected to attain during the interval of instruction will be based on the production of digital artworks with strong compositions using Adobe Photoshop software as well as reflecting thoroughly through self-assessments and peer assessments. Students will need to learn key vocabulary and understand the tools necessary to create carefully crafted digital artworks. Finally, they will need to be able to explain how these artworks could be displayed for particular reasons or explain how digital tools make achieving some images easier or more finely crafted than more traditional tools and processes. See SLO spreadsheet submitted 4/17/14 2.2 Goal 1: Evidence indicators* 1.A- Indicators of evidence include the use of authentic formative and summative assessments through the SLO interval of instruction to drive instruction and monitor student progress. See Attached Documents in eTPES- Instruction and Assessment 1.B- Evidence will be collected throughout the course using a similar rubric for all projects. Individual students are receiving written feedback on areas that need more focus or improvement. Student growth will be monitored by analyzing rubric components throughout the interval of the SLO. See Attached Documents in eTPES- Instruction and Assessment 2.3 Goal 1: Areas for Professional Growth (Supports needed, resources, professional development) Since December 2013: -new position as OAEA Public Relations Chairperson – This is both a regional and state position. I now attend state-level meetings for the Ohio Art Educators Association and have full voting rights. -continued work as SWOAEA Technology Chairperson -continued work with STEAM Team at Funke Fired Arts -Presented at Nuts ‘N’ Bolts- OAEA event -Participated on PCSD Festival of the Arts committee (as unofficial co-chair) -continued to work as Art Department representative at PHS for Building Leadership Team -volunteer with design work for Prom and After Prom Comments: Mrs. Sand will continue to develop her skills with workshops and staff development training designed for her Art classes. Mrs. Sand will continue to develop strategies and techniques in order to align her targeted goals. Mrs. Sand will continue to use formative and summative assessments and collect individual assessments and contact students that need focus and improvement. Conference regarding growth plan as of 11/8/13 2.4 Goal 2: Statement* I will implement the No Nonsense Nurturing Culture Plan with fidelity on a daily basis by focusing on all of the techniques and strategies. Specifically, I will work to grow and improve in the area of Positive Relationships #1 and #3, as evidenced by Teacher Performance outlined in the OTES rubric from walkthroughs, observations and evidence that I provide. -daily MVP reminders are posted in class instructions in Edmodo -#1: “Students” file -See Attached Documents in eTPES -#3 “Classroom Environment”- See Attached Documents in eTPES 2.5 Goal 2: Evidence indicators* Evidence of routines will be indicated through use of "Do Now" to begin class, specific and direct instructions, seamless transitions, 100% Engagement, and revisiting goals or use of formative assessment to close class each bell. -daily MVP reminders are posted in class instructions in Edmodo -daily DO NOW posted in Edmodo and verbally announced to students -class goals posted in Edmodo -Students are expected to complete daily journals with their own individual goals for the day. -daily exit ticket posted in Edmodo and verbally announced to students -Edmodo used for formative assessments: summaries, self-assessment, journal, questions 2.6 Goal 2: Areas for Professional Growth (Supports needed, resources, professional development) Comments: Mrs. Sand will continue to implement the NNN culture plan on a daily basis. Mrs. Sand will review and continue to develop routines that will enhance the state standards. Conference regarding growth plan as of 11/8/13 3.1 Record dates when discussed: 11/8/1