Position Description
Yarra Ranges Rural Advisory
Volunteer Rural Sector
Representatives (9 Positions)
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INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 3
FUNCTIONS OF THE COMMITTEE .......................................................................... 4
POSITION OBJECTIVE(S) ........................................................................................ 4
AVAILABILITY AND COMMITMENT ........................................................................ 5
MEMBERSHIP CRITERIA ......................................................................................... 5
SELECTION PROCESS ............................................................................................ 6
FURTHER INFORMATION ........................................................................................ 6
Council advises that some of the personal information submitted by applicants for this
position will be added to our database for communication and administrative purposes only,
and will not be disclosed to any parties other than those involved in the selection process.
You may access this information by contacting Yarra Ranges Council on 1300 368 333.
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Yarra Ranges Council is seeking expressions of interest for an exciting and unique
opportunity for nine (9) volunteer rural sector representatives to take part in the Yarra
Ranges Rural Advisory Committee (YRRAC). One representative from each of the
following nine sectors is being sought:
Stone fruits
Pome fruits (such as apples, pears and quinces)
Nurseries/cut flowers
Wine grapes
Rural service provider
The rural sector representatives will join the following members, which will complete
the Committee:
One Councillor and a delegate, nominated by Council on an annual basis (one
as Chair);
Two agency representatives from DEWLPI and Melbourne Water; and
Two Council officers including Director of Social and Economic Development
(or delegate of) and appointed “Executive Officer” for the Committee.
The Yarra Ranges is renowned for its rural landscapes and productive agriculture
coexisting with significant native forest and national parks. The municipality has
some of the State’s most productive soil types, a rich tradition in horticulture,
viticulture and floriculture and important natural systems that are a critical part of
Melbourne’s water catchment.
Council has a role in maintaining these significant and valued areas for the
community and encouraging productive and sustainable use of the rural
environment. Achieving this role requires finding a balance between agriculture,
tourism and rural living and assessing the appropriate use of land set aside for
agriculture (i.e. Green Wedge land) without compromising the integrity of that land,
nor the liveability of profitability of any rural or visitor focussed enterprises occurring
in these areas.
An important task to achieve this is to assess rural industry and tourism planning
applications which require land and farm care management, especially for issues
such as water quality and co-existence of farming and residential/tourism properties.
This responsibility is carried out by Council directly managing its own land, and
influencing private land management through its planning responsibilities. It is also
undertaken by working in partnership with public land and water management
agencies such as Melbourne Water, Parks Victoria and the Agriculture group of the
Department of Economic Development, Jobs, Transport and Resources (formerly the
Department of Primary Industries). Likewise, industry agencies like Yarra Ranges
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Tourism, Agribusiness Yarra Valley and the Yarra Valley Winegrowers Association
also work with Council to highlight issue impacting our rural zones.
A healthy environment, especially quality rural landscapes, provides an enormous
range of benefits to the community. Some of these benefits are economic and are
linked to local food production, farming enterprises, recreation and a popular tourism
industry. There are also social and cultural benefits that encourage physical activity;
allow for social interaction; and create a stronger community identity. These benefits
can contribute to why people make Yarra Ranges their home.
The Committee will provide Yarra Ranges Council with informed and constructive
advice, input and support on rural issues and initiatives. This will guide management
and stewardship of the rural areas within the municipality and assist optimal usage of
rural land in ways that enhance liveability and productivity.
The scope of concern for the Committee will be matters that relate to or impact the
rural environment, especially the Green Wedge. Yarra Ranges’ Green Wedge
encompasses approximately 237,000 hectares making it the largest of Melbourne’s
12 green wedges.
The Committee will:
Represent a range of sectors and opinions relating or impacting the rural
environment, including community, agency, industry, etc.
Provide local knowledge and expertise about the Yarra Ranges rural
environment and impacts of agriculture, tourism and natural systems in these
Provide informed and constructive advice in regard to a wide range of issues
arising from activities undertaken in rural landscapes.
Identify emerging issues of concern to the profitability and liveability of
businesses and landowners in Yarra Ranges rural areas.
Provide specific and targeted feedback on a range of Council policies,
strategies, and key rural management initiatives such as the Green Wedge
Management Plan and its future iterations.
Assist in determining Council priorities in regard to rural landcare management
and agriculture – industry best practice.
Support and assist the Council’s efforts to consult with and advocate to the
broader Yarra Ranges community on the importance of rural sustainability.
Support the Council’s efforts to maintain strong and close networks between
individuals, groups, organisations, businesses and government agencies in
pursuit of rural land, enterprise and stewardship outcomes.
As a rural sector representative on the Committee your role will be to provide local
input and perspective into the rural management directions of the Yarra Ranges.
You will be involved in the decision making discussions and processes to determine
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the most effective way to manage the unique challenges faced by living and working
in rural areas across the municipality.
The role and expectations of Committee members are detailed in the YRRAC Terms
of Reference 2015.
The volunteer rural sector representative positions offer a unique opportunity to
network and work closely with other community members as well and professionals
within the agriculture, tourism and the Landcare/environment sector. You will
represent your local rural sector and provide input into shaping the future of rural
industry, agriculture and tourism occurring across our rural areas. This position will
enable you to increase your skills, knowledge and experience in verbal
communications and negotiations regarding business, community, environmental
and rural actions.
Meetings will be held on a quarterly basis, with four meetings held per year.
Additional special meetings may be scheduled by arrangement.
Meetings are usually held on a weeknight at the Council offices in Lilydale from
5:30pm to 7:30pm. The first meeting of the newly elected committee is expected to
be held in August 2015.
Members of the Committee will hold the positions for a fixed term (two years) and
are required to commit to attending meetings during this term. If members are
unable to attend four or more meetings during the two-year appointment they must
retire from the Committee.
Members to the Committee will be appointed by the Council.
The following membership criteria will be used in making volunteer rural sector
representative appointments to the Committee:
Demonstrated skills, qualifications and/or experience in one of the nominated
nine rural sector categories of the Committee.
Demonstrated understanding of diverse issues pertaining to the Yarra Ranges
rural areas.
Understanding of the role of local government in relation to agriculture, tourism,
landcare and environmental issues as they arise in our rural areas.
Preference for relevant experience in committees and / or demonstrated ability
to participate in, and constructively contribute to a group, committee or
Ability to regularly attend and participate in meetings as scheduled.
Live and / or work within the municipality, or have a demonstrated connection to
the municipality through professional, technical or industry or volunteer
alliances or land ownership
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Ability to communicate with, understand and reflect the opinions of others from
the broader community. This may be as a result of association with related or
relevant community organisations or employment.
Yarra Ranges Council is seeking representation from nine (9) nominated rural
sectors to work effectively as part of the Committee. To assist with the selection
process applications should include:
Cover letter briefly addressing relevant membership criteria; a brief outline of
your reasons for applying; and the positive contribution you can make to the
Please indicate which position you are applying for:
Stone fruits
Pome fruits (such as apples, pears and quinces)
Nurseries/cut flowers
Wine grapes
Rural service provider
Short personal resume outlining any relevant life experience or qualifications
1-2 personal or professional references or names of referees
Applications close Friday 31st July 2015 at 5.00pm
(or until positions have been successfully filled)
Please e-mail applications to:
For further information please contact:
Tania Asper
Executive Officer Economic Development
Tel: 9294 6237
Mobile: 0408 010 142
Email: t.asper@yarraranges.vic.gov.au
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