Region Name Regional Environmental Account 2013 Information Statement Submitted for Accreditation June 2013 This document contains supporting documentation for the Region Name’s Regional Environmental Account Trial Proof of Concept Account 2013. Region Name June 2013 Queensland Murray-Darling Committee Regional Environmental Account Date: Author: Version: June 2013 Bl a ckl ey, R. M. Proof of Concept 2013 Status: Submi tted for Accredi tation Assets: Na tive Vegetation, Ri vers , Wetla nds (Pa rtia l ) Download account: Download data tables: Disclaimer: Copyright: Report Citation: Acknowledgements: http://nrmregi ons a us tra l i a ge_i d=445 http://nrmregi ons a us tra l i a ge_i d=445 Thi s document ha s been prepa red a s pa rt of the Aus tra l i a n Regi ona l Envi ronmental Accounts 'Proof of Concept' Tri a l . Thi s document a nd a ccompa nyi ng ma teri a l ha ve not yet gone through the requi red Sci entifi c Accredi tation proces s a nd therefore s houl d not be us ed to des cri be the condi tion of thes e a s s ets a t thi s time. © Queens l a nd Murra y-Da rl i ng Commi ttee Bl a ckl ey, R. M. (2013). Queens l a nd Murra y-Da rl i ng Commi ttee Regi ona l Envi ronmental Account Tri a l , Proof of Concept Account 2013. Ava i l a bl e onl i ne [www.nrmregi ons a us tra l i a ge_i d=445] Thi s document ha s been prepa red by Queenl a nd Murra y-Da rl i ng Commi ttee wi th s upport from the Wentworth Group of Concerned Sci entis ts , NRM Regi ons Aus tra l i a a nd the Ia n Potter Founda tion. © Queens l a nd Murra y-Da rl i ng Commi ttee Regional Environmental Account 2013 Information Statement Region Name Contents ENVIRONMENTAL ASSETS ...................................................................... 1 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSET 1 ..................................................................... 2 INDICATORS ....................................................................................... 2 INDICATOR 1 ...................................................................................... 2 INDICATOR 2 ...................................................................................... 4 CALCULATION OF ECONDS................................................................. 5 LAND ASSET 2 ......................................................................................... 6 INDICATORS ................................................................................... 6 INDICATOR 1 ...................................................................................... 7 INDICATOR 2 ...................................................................................... 7 CALCULATION OF ECONDS................................................................. 8 Regional Environmental Account 2013 Information Statement June 2013 Region Name June 2013 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSETS Environmental assets addressed in this Information Statement Include: LAND eg. Native Vegetation Eg. Soil Eg. Native Fauna WATER Novel: Native Flora Eg. Rivers Eg. Wetlands Eg. Groundwater MARINE Regional Environmental Account 2013 Information Statement Eg. Estuaries Eg. Nearshore habitats Novel: Southern Right Whales 77 Regional Vegetation Classes; 15 Major Vegetation Groups 9 Land Resource Units 5 Vertebrate groupings 5 Catchments, 15 Subcatchments 3 Classes 8 Groundwater Zones 10 Estuaries 3 Habitat types 1 Region Name Please provide a brief description as to how the assets were selected for the 2013 Proof of Concept Regional Environmental Account. What process was used to select the asset and can you provide documentation of endorsement by your community and/or board? June 2013 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSET 1 INDICATORS Indicators used to describe the condition of this asset are: Extent Composition Configuration INDICATOR 1 For each indicator used to measure the condition of your selected Environmental Asset provide the information indicated below. Ensure names of datasets and providers are included in this documentation. Sampling design methodology Provide a brief description of the sampling design for the data collection of this indicator AND attach additional documentation where available. Example: Data sourced from the BioHabitat Monitoring Program, developed and coordinated by the South Tasmanian Research Collective. BioHabitat involves sampling 23 vegetation communities via a random stratified sampling design, conducted every 5 years, since 1990. BioHabitat involves the collection of data for 30 composition indicators (BioHabitat Methods Manual 1990). Over the last 2 sampling periods (2010, 2005) a selection of composition indicators were rationalised from the larger set of 30. The rationalised list was selected via a series of modelling exercises undertaken by the South Regional Environmental Account 2013 Information Statement 2 Region Name Tasmanian Research Collective as part of a trial. (pers comm, John Smith, STRC). John Smith, STRC,, 03 1234 5678 The list of 30 BioHabitat indicators includes: species diversity, proportion of native species, …….. The rationalised list of indicators includes: canopy cover, structural diversity and species diversity. Data collection methodology Provide a brief description of the data collection process AND attach additional documentation where available. Who collected the data? Were the field data collected as per designed specifications? Example: Data was collected as per the design specifications above by the University of Hobart staff and students, coordinated by Randal Sampler. Data was collected March 5-15, 2010. Randal Sampler, UHobart,, 03 98765432 Previous data were collected by UHobart research staff (2005,2000,1995,1990) and coordinated by Judith Researcher, UHobart,, 03 87876767 (BioHabitat Technical Reports 1990,1995,2000, 2005). If an expert opinion panel was used to determine current measure of condition provide details as to how the experts derived their opinion (what datasets or framework were used to supplement their opinion?) and list the names and details of these individuals. June 2013 year’s account. A workshop, convened by Darcy Watts SEQ Catchments was held on 12 January 2012 at SEQ Catchments Brisbane office, and involved the following experts: Suzie Sasquatch, Chief Scientist, Queensland Herbarium,, 07 77777777 George Banksia, Research Director, Queensland Herbarium,, 07 12341234 Mary Moneypenny, Professor, School of Environment, Queensland University,, 07 78785454 The exports based their opinion on their knowledge of each of the region’s 99 ecological vegetation groups (EVGs) against the indicators of species diversity, structure, nativeness and habitat qualities. The experts then scored each EVG on a scale of 0-5 based on the following criteria: 0= xxxx 1= yyyy 2= zzzz …. And were then converted in a score of 100. Analysis of data Provide details on the dataset used for the accounts: What is the name of the dataset and where is it stored or accessed? Who is the custodian? How was the data analysed, and by whom? Are there accepted standards for analysis of this data? What were the assumptions made during the analysis? Example: Comprehensive composition data were not available for the entire region, therefore a process of expert opinion was used for this Regional Environmental Account 2013 Information Statement 3 Region Name Reference Condition Data Source Provide details on the methods and data used to determine the reference benchmark. June 2013 INDICATOR 2 Sampling Design Methodology Data Collection Methodology Calculation of Indicator Condition Scores How was the condition score calculated? Did the data require additional interpretation after analysis in order to calculate condition scores? Who undertook this interpretation? Analysis of Data Reference Condition Data Source Calculation of Indicator Condition Scores Region’s Assessment of Data Quality Region’s assessment of data quality 1. Provide a general assessment of the data used for this indicator: how accurately does it reflect the SMART principles (below)? 2. Does the condition score adequately reflect the condition of the asset with respect to this indicator? Relevant is a measure or surrogate of the condition of an environmental asset Simple is easily interpreted, monitored and appropriate for community use Sensitive is able to detect change in the condition of the asset Measurable can be statistically verified, reproduced and compared Timely shows trends over time, provides early warning of potential problems and highlights future needs or issues Aggregative is amenable to combining with others to produce more general info about environmental conditions or principles? Regional Environmental Account 2013 Information Statement 4 Region Name June 2013 CALCULATION OF ECONDS Calculation of Econds for subassets Provide details on method of combining indicators or other process used to determine the Econds for the subassets (eg. Vegetation communities) Calculation of regional Econd for the asset Provide details on method of combining indicators or other process used to determine the overall regional Econd for this asset Region’s assessment of Econds Do the Econds adequately reflect the condition of the asset? Regional Environmental Account 2013 Information Statement 5 LAND ASSET 2 INDICATORS Indicators used to describe the condition of this asset are: Extent Composition Configuration Regional Environmental Account 2013 Information Statement 6 Region Name June 2013 INDICATOR 1 INDICATOR 2 Sampling Design Methodology Sampling Design Methodology Data Collection Methodology Data Collection Methodology Analysis of Data Analysis of Data Reference Condition Data Source Reference Condition Data Source Calculation of Indicator Condition Scores Calculation of Indicator Condition Scores Region’s Assessment of Data Quality Region’s Assessment of Data Quality Regional Environmental Account 2013 Information Statement 7 Region Name June 2013 CALCULATION OF ECONDS Calculation of Econds for subassets Provide details on method of combining indicators or other process used to determine the Econds for the subassets (eg. Vegetation communities) Calculation of regional Econd for the asset Provide details on method of combining indicators or other process used to determine the overall regional Econd for this asset Region’s assessment of Econds Do the Econds adequately reflect the condition of the asset? Regional Environmental Account 2013 Information Statement 8