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Prestigious Scholarships
Outstanding Students - Prospective
Honors College Meeting
February 17, 2011
Ellie Wiesel Prize in Ethics Essay Contest
ELIGIBILITY: Registered undergraduate full-time Juniors or Seniors at accredited
four-year colleges or universities in the United States.
AWARDS: -First Prize - $ 5,000
-Second Prize - $ 2,500
-Third Prize - $ 1,500
-Two Honorable Mentions - $ 500 Each
The Harry S. Truman Scholarship
The Truman Scholarship provides up to $30,000 in funding to students pursuing graduate degrees
in public service fields. Students must be college juniors at the time of selection.
Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship
The Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship Program was created to encourage outstanding students to
pursue careers in mathematics, the natural sciences, or engineering and to foster excellence in
those fields.
National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship
NDSEG Fellowships are intended for students at or near the beginning of their doctoral studies in
science or engineering.
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National Security Education Program David L. Boren Undergraduate
Boren Scholarships provide up to $20,000 to U.S. undergraduate students to study abroad in areas of the
world that are critical to U.S. interests and underrepresented in study abroad, including Africa, Asia,
Central & Eastern Europe, Eurasia, Latin America, and the Middle East.
Udall Scholarship
Scholarships are offered in any of three categories:
 To students who have demonstrated commitment to careers related to the environment; or
 To Native American and Alaska Native students who have demonstrated commitment to careers
related to tribal public policy; or
 To Native American and Alaska Native students who have demonstrated commitment to careers
related to Native health care.
Capital Fellows Program
The Center administers four fellowship programs:
1. Jesse M. Unruh Assembly Fellowship
2. Executive Fellowship
3. Judicial Administration Fellowship
4. California Senate Fellows
Fellows in each program work for 10 - 11 months, receive health benefits and a monthly stipend of $1972 and are
employees of Sacramento State. They work as full-time members of a legislative, executive, or judicial branch
office, and are typically given assignments with a significant amount of responsibility and challenges.
Coro Foundation Fellowship
The Coro Fellows Program in Public Affairs is a full-time, nine month, graduate-level experiential leadership
training program that prepares diverse, talented and committed individuals for effective and ethical leadership in
the public affairs arena. Unconventional by traditional academic standards, the Fellows Program is rigorous and
demanding, an unparalleled opportunity for personal and professional growth. The Fellows Program is offered in
Los Angeles, New York, Pittsburgh, San Francisco and St. Louis.
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Beinecke Scholarship Program
Each scholar receives $4,000 immediately prior to entering graduate school and an additional $30,000 while
attending graduate school. There are no geographic restrictions on the use of the scholarship, and recipients are
allowed to supplement the award with other scholarships, assistantships and research grants. Scholars are
encouraged to begin graduated study as soon as possible following graduation from college, and must utilize all of
the funding within five years of completion of undergraduate studies.
Donald A. Strauss Scholarship
The Donald A. Strauss Public Service Scholarship Foundation was created as a memorial to the late Don Strauss,
who demonstrated a strong, lifelong commitment to public service and education. The Foundation annually awards
$10,000 scholarships to no fewer than 14 California college juniors who've reflected a similar commitment.
DAAD German Academic Exchange Scholarship
Highly qualified undergraduate students are invited to apply for scholarships funding study, senior thesis research
and/or internships in Germany. The goal of this program is to support study abroad in Germany and at German
universities. Preference will be given to students whose projects or programs are based at and organized by a
German university. Scholarships are available either as part of an organized study abroad program or as part of an
individual, student-designed study abroad semester or year.
James Madison Memorial Fellowship
Through a national competition, the James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation
offers James Madison Fellowships to a select group of individuals desiring to become
outstanding teachers of the American Constitution.
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Rotary Foundation Ambassadorial Scholarship
US $27,000 awarded for one academic year of study abroad
 Support approximately 500 students studying abroad annually
 Introduce scholars to the cultures of over 60 different countries
 Have created a worldwide network of over 40,000 alumni
 Have empowered students to improve international understanding for over 60 years
NASA Graduate Fellowship
The goal of NASA's GSRP is to cultivate research ties to the academic community, to increase the
number of highly trained scientists and engineers in aeronautics and space-related disciplines, and to
broaden the base of students pursuing advanced degrees in science, mathematics and engineering.
National Institutes of Health Undergraduate Scholarship
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Undergraduate Scholarship Program (UGSP) offers competitive
scholarships to students from disadvantaged backgrounds who are committed to careers in biomedical,
behavioral, and social science health-related research. The program offers:
 Scholarship support
 Paid research training at the NIH during the summer
 Paid employment and training at the NIH after graduation
Churchill Scholarship
The Foundation’s Scholarship Program offers American citizens of exceptional ability and outstanding
achievement the opportunity to pursue graduate studies in engineering, mathematics, or the sciences at
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Fulbright Fellowship
The U.S. Student Fulbright Program:
 Operates in more than 140 countries worldwide
 Awards grants in nearly all fields and disciplines, including the sciences, professional fields and
Creative and Performing Arts
Gates Cambridge
Gates Cambridge Scholarships are awarded to outstanding students from outside the UK to study at the
University of Cambridge.
The program aims to build a global network of future leaders committed to improving the lives of others.
British Marshall Scholarship
Eligibility: Open only to United States citizens who (at the time they take up their Scholarship) hold a first
degree from an accredited four-year college or university in the United States with a minimum GPA of 3.7.
To qualify for awards tenable from October 2011, candidates must have graduated from their
undergraduate college or university after April 2008. Number of Awards: Up to 40 Scholarships awarded
George Mitchell Scholarship
The George J. Mitchell Scholarship is a national competitive fellowship sponsored by the US-Ireland Alliance.
 An applicant must be a citizen of the United States of America.
 An applicant must be 18 years of age or over but NOT yet 30 on October 1 of the year he or she is applying.
 An applicant must hold a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university before beginning study
under the Mitchell Scholarship.
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Rhodes Scholarship
In the United States, applicants for Rhodes Scholarships must be United States citizens, aged eighteen or over
but not yet twenty-four on October 1 in the year of application. They must also have academic standing
sufficient to assure completion of a bachelor’s degree before entering Oxford the following October in the
event of election to a Scholarship.
Jacob K. Javits Fellowship
This program provides fellowships to students of superior academic ability—selected on the basis of
demonstrated achievement, financial need, and exceptional promise—to undertake study at the doctoral
and Master of Fine Arts level in selected fields of arts, humanities, and social sciences.
Ford Predoctoral Fellowship
Ford Foundation Fellowship awards are offered at the Predoctoral, Dissertation and Postdoctoral levels. Fellowships
are awarded in a national competition. Awards are made to individuals who, in the judgment of the review panels,
have demonstrated superior academic achievement, are committed to a career in teaching and research at the college
or university level, show promise of future achievement as scholars and teachers, and are well prepared to use
diversity as a resource for enriching the education of all students.
Hertz Fellowship
The Hertz Foundation Graduate Fellowship empowers outstanding young people pursuing a PhD degree in
the applied physical, biological, and engineering sciences with the freedom to innovate and explore their
genius in collaboration with leading professors in the field.
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Glamour Magazine’s Top Ten College Women
Any woman who is currently a full-time junior at an accredited college or university in the United
States or Canada.
A panel of judges will evaluate candidates based on leadership experience, personal involvement in community and
campus affairs, and academic excellence.
Merage Institute for the American Dream Fellowship
Each year, exceptional immigrants at the Foundation’s 22 Partner Universities apply to be Merage American Dream
Fellows. The Fellows are selected based on their academic record, their leadership, their consistent ethical behavior,
the clarity of their American Dream, and their potential to make an important contribution to America. Fellows
receive a $20,000 stipend over two years to help them pursue their American Dream. The Foundation also provides
Merage Fellows with strategic access to mentors and leaders in their chosen careers. The Foundation currently has 68
Fellows pursuing important career trajectories in medicine, law, public policy, psychology, business, drama, and other
Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans
The purpose of The Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans is to provide opportunities for continuing
generations of able and accomplished New Americans to achieve leadership in their chosen fields. The Program is
established in recognition of the contributions New Americans have made to American life and in gratitude for the
opportunities the United States has afforded the donors and their family.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Science to Achieve Results (STAR)
EPA’s STAR graduate fellowship program supports master’s and doctoral candidates in environmental studies.
Benefits of an EPA STAR Fellowship include: Up to $42,000 per year of support, including $12,000 per year for
tuition and fees, $25,000 per year in a monthly stipend, and an annual expense allowance of $5,000. Master’s level
students can receive support for a maximum of two years. Doctoral students can be supported for a maximum of
three years with funding available, under certain circumstances, over a period of four years.
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Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Junior Fellows
Each year the Endowment offers 8-10 one-year fellowships to uniquely qualified graduating seniors and
individuals who have graduated during the past academic year. They are selected from a pool of nominees
from close to 400 participating colleges. Carnegie Junior Fellows work as research assistants to the
Endowment's senior associates.
National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program
The Division of Graduate Education and the Office of International Science and Engineering announce an
international research opportunity for NSF Graduate Research Fellows. Available as a Supplemental
Award, this special opportunity will enable Fellows to gain international research experience and establish
collaborations with counterparts at Norwegian, Finnish, Danish or Swedish research institutions.
Thomas R. Pickering Foreign Affairs Fellowship
The Thomas R. Pickering Undergraduate Foreign Affairs Fellowship program provides funding to
participants as they are prepared academically and professionally to enter the United States Department
of State Foreign Service. Women, members of minority groups historically underrepresented in the
Foreign Service, and students with financial need are encouraged to apply.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Earnest F. Hollings
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Ernest F. Hollings (Hollings) scholarship
program is designed to:
1. increase undergraduate training in oceanic and atmospheric science, research, technology, and education and
foster multidisciplinary training opportunities;
2. increase public understanding and support for stewardship of the ocean and atmosphere and improve
environmental literacy;
3. recruit and prepare students for public service careers with NOAA and other natural resource and science
agencies at the federal, state and local levels of government; and
4. recruit and prepare students for careers as teachers and educators in oceanic and atmospheric science and to
improve scientific and environmental education in the United States.
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Department of Homeland Security Scholarship
DHS Scholarship and Fellowship Program provides stipend, tuition, and fees for students majoring in homeland
security related science, technology, engineering and mathematics (HS-STEM) disciplines with an interest, major,
or concentration directly related to one of the homeland security research areas.
U.S. Citizens Only. Scholarships are intended for support during your junior and senior years. Fellowships are
intended for support to begin during your first or second year of graduate study.
SMART (Science, Mathematics & Research for Transformation) Scholarship
The Science, Mathematics And Research for Transformation (SMART) Scholarship for
Service Program has been established by the Department of Defense (DoD) to support
undergraduate and graduate students pursuing degrees in Science, Technology, Engineering
and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines. The program aims to increase the number of civilian scientists and
engineers working at DoD laboratories.
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