Diary Exercise Activity Descriptions 1. Teaching Teaching activities are to be split between the following; 1. Undergraduate - all students on award/credit-bearing courses (includes self-funded, sponsored, overseas students on UK courses). 2. PGT – all students on award/credit-bearing courses (includes self-funded, sponsored, overseas students on UK courses). 3. Short/overseas courses - Short courses/continuing education (non credit/award bearing, overseas courses and other non publicly funded commercial teaching). The activities covered by Teaching are; holding lectures, seminars, tutorials project, workshop and laboratory supervision preparing materials for lectures, tutorials and laboratory classes preparing materials for an agreed new course editing and updating course materials organising and visiting placements, fieldwork supervision/contact time relating to projects and dissertations; and assessment other student contact time relating to educational matters, including remedial classes preparing and marking examination papers, including re-sits, oral examinations/vivas reading and assessing student dissertations, reading and marking essays and other student work invigilation of examinations including external examining (both at own and other institutions) Mentee meetings outreach where T is the underlying activity (i.e. Teaching funded through a Teaching Company Scheme or Knowledge Transfer Partnership) Support for Teaching is a separate activity which covers the following; teaching activities where there is no identifiable income stream examination boards, Boards of studies, and other such committees (FTC, UTC, Dept TC) preparation of prospectuses, interviewing prospective taught course students, admissions, registration and induction; publicity for teaching, schools liaison pastoral support to tutees, counselling timetabling, course development (not lecture preparation), module reviews, programme reviews, DPD work development of teaching skills; authoring of teaching texts, Degree handbooks, Module outlines secondment to other establishments for teaching purposes. preparation for TQA 2. Research Research activities expected to lead to an output are covered by Publicly Funded Research and Non Publicly Funded Research and are as follows; conduct and management of research: including informal discussions, project reporting, field, laboratory, studio, archive, reading and library work recruitment of staff for research; supervision and training of staff; reviewing drafts and thesis preparation; preparing academic papers, reports and books for publication, creative artwork, software authoring etc. outreach where research is the primary underlying activity e.g. through a Teaching Company Scheme or KPT clinical trials where specific to a research project (Phase I and II trials) speculative research undertaken to investigate the potential of ideas prior to making bids for funding or preparing publications (Institution own funded). Institution Own Funded covers the activities listed above, where these are not connected to any external sponsorship. It is work expected to lead to a research output. Where research and scholarly activity is not expected to lead to an output, the time should be recorded under Professional Development and Scholarship. This covers maintenance and advancement of personal skills (e.g. reading literature, attending conferences relating to professional skills/development, maintaining or acquiring professional skills). Support for Research is a separate category which covers the following; preparing bids for funding for external bodies; negotiating contracts refereeing papers and research proposals; grant committees and other peer review committees; grant administration. work on legal contracts internal research committees publicity for research facilities and opportunities general dissemination of research results public lectures RAE preparation PGR Supervision PGR students are those who are registered for a research degree, where the final assessment is examined through thesis. Time spent on recruitment, supervision, project set up and training relating to these students should be recorded here. 3. Other Activities not covered by Teaching or Research are as follows; Clinical Services Clinical services provided to the NHS under knock for knock arrangements by departments of clinical medicine and dentistry. Please note that this must be based on time spent on clinical activity and this may not necessarily be the same as the proportion recharged to the NHS. Clinical Services – primary purpose teaching If the primary purpose of the clinical work (as defined above) was teaching i.e. if students were present and the work would not have been carried out in their absence, then the time should be recorded in this separate category. Consultancy & other services rendered Activities other than Teaching, Research or Support. Includes testing and non-R clinical trials and non-T commercial activities. o o o o o o o Support for other o o o drafting project proposals for new work and bids to external bodies. negotiating contract terms and conditions with external bodies for consultancy. technology transfer work which is neither private or remunerated by the University (e.g. supporting patent applications, licence negotiations, formation of start-up companies) Management and administration o o o o o o consultancy where contracted to the University and carried out in University time (i.e. excludes private consultancy) other services rendered, including testing, routine clinical trials (e.g. Phase III and IV) commissioned professional work (e.g. editing a journal) residences, catering and conferences other commercial activities (trading companies); Technology transfer work outreach (where not teaching or research) routine sales (e.g. shops) Management and administration, e.g. Faculty Board, senate, general committee work not attributable to T or R, work of PVC, Dean, HoS etc. managerial and staff management duties quality assurance and provision of management information staff appraisal careers advice institutional publicity; representative work on behalf of the institution. External Committees Work on committees advising external bodies (government departments/committees, professional bodies or agencies)